コード例 #1
VTKXMLExportModule :: doOutput(TimeStep *tStep)
    if ( !testTimeStepOutput(tStep) ) {
#ifdef __VTK_MODULE
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid> stream = vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid>::New();
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> nodes = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New();
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList> elemNodeArray = vtkSmartPointer<vtkIdList>::New();
    FILE *stream = this->giveOutputStream(tStep);
    struct tm *current;
    time_t now;
    current = localtime(&now);
    fprintf(stream, "<!-- TimeStep %e Computed %d-%02d-%02d at %02d:%02d:%02d -->\n", tStep->giveIntrinsicTime(), current->tm_year+1900, current->tm_mon+1, current->tm_mday, current->tm_hour,  current->tm_min,  current->tm_sec);
    fprintf(stream, "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">\n");
    fprintf(stream, "<UnstructuredGrid>\n");

    Domain *d  = emodel->giveDomain(1);
    Element *elem;
    FloatArray *coords;
    int nelem = d->giveNumberOfElements();

    this->giveSmoother(); // make sure smoother is created

    // output nodes Region By Region
    int nregions = this->smoother->giveNumberOfVirtualRegions();
    int regionDofMans, totalcells;
    IntArray mapG2L, mapL2G;

    /* loop over regions */
    for ( int ireg = 1; ireg <= nregions; ireg++ ) {
        if ( ( ireg > 0 ) && ( this->regionsToSkip.contains(ireg) ) ) {

        // assemble local->global and global->local region map
        // and get number of single cells to process
        // the composite cells exported individually
        this->initRegionNodeNumbering(mapG2L, mapL2G, regionDofMans, totalcells, d, ireg);

        /* start default piece containing all single cell elements
         * the elements with composite geometry are assumed to be exported in individual pieces
         * after the default one
        if ( regionDofMans && totalcells ) {
        if ( 1 ) {

#ifdef __VTK_MODULE
            for ( int inode = 1; inode <= regionDofMans; inode++ ) {
                coords = d->giveNode(mapL2G.at(inode))->giveCoordinates();
                int dims = coords->giveSize();
                nodes->InsertNextPoint(coords->at(1), dims >= 2 ? coords->at(2) : 0.0, dims >= 3 ? coords->at(3) : 0.0);
            fprintf(stream, "<Piece NumberOfPoints=\"%d\" NumberOfCells=\"%d\">\n", regionDofMans, totalcells);
            // export nodes in region as vtk vertices
            fprintf(stream, "<Points>\n <DataArray type=\"Float64\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"ascii\"> ");
            for ( int inode = 1; inode <= regionDofMans; inode++ ) {
                coords = d->giveNode( mapL2G.at(inode) )->giveCoordinates();
                for ( int i = 1; i <= coords->giveSize(); i++ ) {
                    fprintf( stream, "%e ", coords->at(i) );

                for ( int i = coords->giveSize() + 1; i <= 3; i++ ) {
                    fprintf(stream, "%e ", 0.0);
            fprintf(stream, "</DataArray>\n</Points>\n");

            // output all cells of the piece
            int nelemNodes;
            IntArray cellNodes;
#ifdef __VTK_MODULE
            fprintf(stream, "<Cells>\n");
            // output the connectivity data
            fprintf(stream, " <DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"connectivity\" format=\"ascii\"> ");
            for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
                elem = d->giveElement(ielem);
                if ( ( ireg > 0 ) && ( this->smoother->giveElementVirtualRegionNumber(ielem) != ireg ) ) {

                if ( this->isElementComposite(elem) ) {
                    continue;                                  // composite cells exported individually

                if ( !elem-> isActivated(tStep) ) {                  //skip inactivated elements
                if ( elem->giveParallelMode() != Element_local ) {

                nelemNodes = elem->giveNumberOfNodes();
                this->giveElementCell(cellNodes, elem, 0);
#ifdef __VTK_MODULE
                for ( int i = 1; i <= nelemNodes; i++ ) {
#ifdef __VTK_MODULE
                    elemNodeArray->SetId(i-1, mapG2L.at( cellNodes.at(i) ) - 1);
                    fprintf(stream, "%d ", mapG2L.at( cellNodes.at(i) ) - 1);
#ifdef __VTK_MODULE
                stream->InsertNextCell(this->giveCellType(elem), elemNodeArray);
                fprintf(stream, " ");

#ifndef __VTK_MODULE
            int vtkCellType;
            fprintf(stream, "</DataArray>\n");
            // output the offsets (index of individual element data in connectivity array)
            fprintf(stream, " <DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"offsets\" format=\"ascii\"> ");
            int offset = 0;
            for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
                elem = d->giveElement(ielem);
                if ( ( ireg > 0 ) && ( this->smoother->giveElementVirtualRegionNumber(ielem) != ireg ) ) {

                if ( elem->giveParallelMode() != Element_local ) {

                offset += elem->giveNumberOfNodes();
                fprintf(stream, "%d ", offset);

            fprintf(stream, "</DataArray>\n");

            // output cell (element) types
            fprintf(stream, " <DataArray type=\"UInt8\" Name=\"types\" format=\"ascii\"> ");
            for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
                elem = d->giveElement(ielem);
                if ( ( ireg > 0 ) && ( this->smoother->giveElementVirtualRegionNumber(ielem) != ireg ) ) {

                if ( this->isElementComposite(elem) ) {
                    continue;                                  // composite cells exported individually

                if ( elem->giveParallelMode() != Element_local ) {

                vtkCellType = this->giveCellType(elem);
                fprintf(stream, "%d ", vtkCellType);

            fprintf(stream, "</DataArray>\n");
            fprintf(stream, "</Cells>\n");

            // export primary and internal variables
#ifndef __VTK_MODULE
            this->exportPointDataHeader(stream, tStep);
            this->exportPrimaryVars(stream, mapG2L, mapL2G, regionDofMans, ireg, tStep);
            this->exportIntVars(stream, mapG2L, mapL2G, regionDofMans, ireg, tStep);
#ifndef __VTK_MODULE
            fprintf(stream, "</PointData>\n");

            //export cell data
            this->exportCellVars(stream, ireg, tStep);

#ifndef __VTK_MODULE
            // end of piece record
            fprintf(stream, "</Piece>\n");
        } // end of default piece for simple geometry elements

#if 1
        // loop over region elements with multi-cell geometry
        for ( int ielem = 1; ielem <= nelem; ielem++ ) {
            elem = d->giveElement(ielem);

            if ( this->regionsToSkip.contains( this->smoother->giveElementVirtualRegionNumber(ielem) ) ) {

            if ( elem->giveParallelMode() != Element_local ) {


            if ( this->isElementComposite(elem) ) {
#ifndef __VTK_MODULE
                ///@todo Not sure how to deal with this.
                // multi cell (composite) elements should support vtkxmlexportmoduleinterface
                // and are exported as individual pieces (see VTKXMLExportModuleElementInterface)
                VTKXMLExportModuleElementInterface *interface =
                    ( VTKXMLExportModuleElementInterface * ) elem->giveInterface(VTKXMLExportModuleElementInterfaceType);
                if ( interface ) {
                    // passing this to access general piece related methods like exportPointDataHeader, etc.
                    interface->_export(stream, this, primaryVarsToExport, internalVarsToExport, tStep);
        } // end loop over multi-cell elements
    } // end loop over regions

    std::string fname = giveOutputFileName(tStep);

#ifdef __VTK_MODULE
#if 0
    // Doesn't as well as I would want it to, interface to VTK is to limited to control this.
    // * The PVTU-file is written by every process (seems to be impossible to avoid).
    // * Part files are renamed and time step and everything else is cut off => name collisions
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridWriter> writer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLPUnstructuredGridWriter>::New();
    writer->SetNumberOfPieces( this->emodel->giveNumberOfProcesses() );
    writer->SetStartPiece( this->emodel->giveRank() );
    writer->SetEndPiece( this->emodel->giveRank() );
    vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter> writer = vtkSmartPointer<vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter>::New();
    // Optional - set the mode. The default is binary.
    // finish unstructured grid data and vtk file
    fprintf(stream, "</UnstructuredGrid>\n</VTKFile>");

    // Writing the *.pvd-file. Only time step information for now. It's named "timestep" but is actually the total time.
    // First we check to see that there are more than 1 time steps, otherwise it is redundant;
    if ( emodel->isParallel() && emodel->giveRank() == 0 ) {
        ///@todo Should use probably use PVTU-files instead. It is starting to get messy.
        // For this to work, all processes must have an identical output file name.
        for (int i = 0; i < this->emodel->giveNumberOfProcesses(); ++i) {
            std::ostringstream pvdEntry;
            char fext[100];
            if (this->emodel->giveNumberOfProcesses() > 1) {
                sprintf( fext, "_%03d.m%d.%d", i, this->number, tStep->giveNumber() );
            } else {
                sprintf( fext, "m%d.%d", this->number, tStep->giveNumber() );
            pvdEntry << "<DataSet timestep=\"" << tStep->giveIntrinsicTime() << "\" group=\"\" part=\"" << i << "\" file=\""
                    << this->emodel->giveOutputBaseFileName() << fext << ".vtu\"/>";
    } else
    if ( !emodel->isParallel() && tStep->giveNumber() >= 1 ) { // For non-parallel enabled OOFEM, then we only check for multiple steps.
        std::ostringstream pvdEntry;
        pvdEntry << "<DataSet timestep=\"" << tStep->giveIntrinsicTime() << "\" group=\"\" part=\"\" file=\"" << fname << "\"/>";

#ifndef __VTK_MODULE
VTKXMLExportModule :: exportPointDataHeader(FILE *stream, TimeStep *tStep)
    int n;
    std :: string scalars, vectors, tensors;

    n = primaryVarsToExport.giveSize();

    UnknownType type;

    for ( int i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) {
        type = ( UnknownType ) primaryVarsToExport.at(i);
        if ( ( type == DisplacementVector ) || ( type == EigenVector ) || ( type == VelocityVector ) ) {
            vectors += __UnknownTypeToString(type);
            vectors.append(" ");
        } else if ( ( type == FluxVector ) || ( type == PressureVector ) || ( type == Temperature ) ) {
            scalars += __UnknownTypeToString(type);
            scalars.append(" ");
        } else {
            OOFEM_ERROR2( "VTKXMLExportModule::exportPrimVarAs: unsupported UnknownType %s", __UnknownTypeToString(type) );

    InternalStateType isttype;
    InternalStateValueType vtype;

    n = internalVarsToExport.giveSize();

    // prepare header
    for ( int i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) {
        isttype = ( InternalStateType ) internalVarsToExport.at(i);
        vtype = giveInternalStateValueType(isttype);

        if ( vtype == ISVT_SCALAR ) {
            scalars += __InternalStateTypeToString(isttype);
            scalars.append(" ");
        } else if ( vtype == ISVT_VECTOR ) {
            vectors += __InternalStateTypeToString(isttype);
            vectors.append(" ");
        } else if ( ( vtype == ISVT_TENSOR_S3 ) || ( vtype == ISVT_TENSOR_S3E ) ) {
            tensors += __InternalStateTypeToString(isttype);
            tensors.append(" ");
        } else if ( vtype == ISVT_TENSOR_G ) {
            vectors += __InternalStateTypeToString(isttype);
            vectors.append(" ");
        } else {
            fprintf( stderr, "VTKXMLExportModule::exportIntVars: unsupported variable type %s\n", __InternalStateTypeToString(isttype) );

    // print header
    fprintf( stream, "<PointData Scalars=\"%s\" Vectors=\"%s\" Tensors=\"%s\" >\n",
            scalars.c_str(), vectors.c_str(), tensors.c_str() );