コード例 #1
bool UKismetInputLibrary::Key_IsModifierKey(const FKey& Key)
	return Key.IsModifierKey();
コード例 #2
void FCEFWebBrowserWindow::PopulateCefKeyEvent(const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent, CefKeyEvent& OutKeyEvent)
	OutKeyEvent.native_key_code = InKeyEvent.GetKeyCode();

	FKey Key = InKeyEvent.GetKey();
	if (Key == EKeys::BackSpace)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = kBackspaceCharCode;
	else if (Key == EKeys::Tab)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = kTabCharCode;
	else if (Key == EKeys::Enter)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = kReturnCharCode;
	else if (Key == EKeys::Pause)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSPauseFunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::Escape)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = kEscapeCharCode;
	else if (Key == EKeys::PageUp)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSPageUpFunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::PageDown)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSPageDownFunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::End)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSEndFunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::Home)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSHomeFunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::Left)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSLeftArrowFunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::Up)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSUpArrowFunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::Right)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSRightArrowFunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::Down)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSDownArrowFunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::Insert)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSInsertFunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::Delete)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = kDeleteCharCode;
	else if (Key == EKeys::F1)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSF1FunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::F2)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSF2FunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::F3)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSF3FunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::F4)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSF4FunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::F5)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSF5FunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::F6)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSF6FunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::F7)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSF7FunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::F8)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSF8FunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::F9)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSF9FunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::F10)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSF10FunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::F11)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSF11FunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::F12)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = NSF12FunctionKey;
	else if (Key == EKeys::CapsLock)
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = 0;
		OutKeyEvent.native_key_code = kVK_CapsLock;
	else if (Key.IsModifierKey())
		// Setting both unmodified_character and character to 0 tells CEF that it needs to generate a NSFlagsChanged event instead of NSKeyDown/Up
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = 0;

		// CEF expects modifier key codes as one of the Carbon kVK_* key codes.
		if (Key == EKeys::LeftCommand)
			OutKeyEvent.native_key_code = kVK_Command;
		else if (Key == EKeys::LeftShift)
			OutKeyEvent.native_key_code = kVK_Shift;
		else if (Key == EKeys::LeftAlt)
			OutKeyEvent.native_key_code = kVK_Option;
		else if (Key == EKeys::LeftControl)
			OutKeyEvent.native_key_code = kVK_Control;
		else if (Key == EKeys::RightCommand)
			// There isn't a separate code for the right hand command key defined, but CEF seems to use the unused value before the left command keycode
			OutKeyEvent.native_key_code = kVK_Command-1;
		else if (Key == EKeys::RightShift)
			OutKeyEvent.native_key_code = kVK_RightShift;
		else if (Key == EKeys::RightAlt)
			OutKeyEvent.native_key_code = kVK_RightOption;
		else if (Key == EKeys::RightControl)
			OutKeyEvent.native_key_code = kVK_RightControl;
		OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character = InKeyEvent.GetCharacter();
	OutKeyEvent.character = OutKeyEvent.unmodified_character;

	OutKeyEvent.windows_key_code = InKeyEvent.GetKeyCode();

	OutKeyEvent.modifiers = GetCefKeyboardModifiers(InKeyEvent);