コード例 #1
bool FKConvexElem::HullFromPlanes(const TArray<FPlane>& InPlanes, const TArray<FVector>& SnapVerts)
	// Start by clearing this convex.

	float TotalPolyArea = 0;

	for(int32 i=0; i<InPlanes.Num(); i++)
		FPoly Polygon;
		Polygon.Normal = InPlanes[i];

		FVector AxisX, AxisY;

		const FVector Base = InPlanes[i] * InPlanes[i].W;

		new(Polygon.Vertices) FVector(Base + AxisX * HALF_WORLD_MAX + AxisY * HALF_WORLD_MAX);
		new(Polygon.Vertices) FVector(Base - AxisX * HALF_WORLD_MAX + AxisY * HALF_WORLD_MAX);
		new(Polygon.Vertices) FVector(Base - AxisX * HALF_WORLD_MAX - AxisY * HALF_WORLD_MAX);
		new(Polygon.Vertices) FVector(Base + AxisX * HALF_WORLD_MAX - AxisY * HALF_WORLD_MAX);

		for(int32 j=0; j<InPlanes.Num(); j++)
			if(i != j)
				if(!Polygon.Split(-FVector(InPlanes[j]), InPlanes[j] * InPlanes[j].W))

		// Do nothing if poly was completely clipped away.
		if(Polygon.Vertices.Num() > 0)
			TotalPolyArea += Polygon.Area();

			// Add vertices of polygon to convex primitive.
			for(int32 j=0; j<Polygon.Vertices.Num(); j++)
				// We try and snap the vert to on of the ones supplied.
				int32 NearestVert = INDEX_NONE;
				float NearestDistSqr = BIG_NUMBER;

				for(int32 k=0; k<SnapVerts.Num(); k++)
					const float DistSquared = (Polygon.Vertices[j] - SnapVerts[k]).SizeSquared();

					if( DistSquared < NearestDistSqr )
						NearestVert = k;
						NearestDistSqr = DistSquared;

				// If we have found a suitably close vertex, use that
				if( NearestVert != INDEX_NONE && NearestDistSqr < LOCAL_EPS )
					const FVector localVert = SnapVerts[NearestVert];
					AddVertexIfNotPresent(VertexData, localVert);
					const FVector localVert = Polygon.Vertices[j];
					AddVertexIfNotPresent(VertexData, localVert);

	// If the collision volume isn't closed, return an error so the model can be discarded
	if(TotalPolyArea < 0.001f)
		UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Log,  TEXT("Total Polygon Area invalid: %f"), TotalPolyArea );
		return false;

	// We need at least 4 vertices to make a convex hull with non-zero volume.
	// We shouldn't have the same vertex multiple times (using AddVertexIfNotPresent above)
	if(VertexData.Num() < 4)
		return true;

	// Check that not all vertices lie on a line (ie. find plane)
	// Again, this should be a non-zero vector because we shouldn't have duplicate verts.
	bool bFound = false;
	FVector Dir2, Dir1;

	Dir1 = VertexData[1] - VertexData[0];

	for(int32 i=2; i<VertexData.Num() && !bFound; i++)
		Dir2 = VertexData[i] - VertexData[0];

		// If line are non-parallel, this vertex forms our plane
		if((Dir1 | Dir2) < (1.f - LOCAL_EPS))
			bFound = true;

		return true;

	// Now we check that not all vertices lie on a plane, by checking at least one lies off the plane we have formed.
	FVector Normal = Dir1 ^ Dir2;

	const FPlane Plane(VertexData[0], Normal);

	bFound = false;
	for(int32 i=2; i<VertexData.Num() ; i++)
		if(Plane.PlaneDot(VertexData[i]) > LOCAL_EPS)
			bFound = true;

	// If we did not find a vert off the line - discard this hull.
		return true;

	// calc bounding box of verts

	// We can continue adding primitives (mesh is not horribly broken)
	return true;