コード例 #1
ファイル: Bomb.cpp プロジェクト: orfeasel/UE4-Game-Systems
void ABomb::PerformDelayedExplosion(float ExplosionDelay)
	FTimerHandle TimerHandle;

	FTimerDelegate TimerDel;
	TimerDel.BindUFunction(this, FName("Explode"));

	GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(TimerHandle, TimerDel, ExplosionDelay, false);
コード例 #2
void AGungrenagesGameMode::gameOver()
	FTimerHandle h;
	FTimerDelegate del;
		UGameplayStatics::OpenLevel(GetWorld(), FName("/Game/Gungrenages/UI/GameOverLevel"));

	GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(h, del, 3.0f, false);
コード例 #3
void AAICharacter::AnswerToCharacter(FName PlayerLine, TArray<FSubtitle>& SubtitlesToDisplay, float delay)
	if (!AILines) return;

	//Retrieve the corresponding line
	FString ContextString;
	FDialog* Dialog = AILines->FindRow<FDialog>(PlayerLine, ContextString);

	ADialogSystemCharacter* MainChar = Cast<ADialogSystemCharacter>(UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerCharacter(GetWorld(), 0));

	if (Dialog && MainChar)
		FTimerHandle TimerHandle;
		FTimerDelegate TimerDel;

		TimerDel.BindUFunction(this, FName("Talk"), Dialog->SFX, Dialog->Subtitles);

		//Talk to the player after the delay time has passed
		GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(TimerHandle, TimerDel, delay, false);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Bomb.cpp プロジェクト: orfeasel/UE4-Game-Systems
void ABomb::Explode()

	//We won't use any specific damage types in our case
	TSubclassOf<UDamageType> DmgType;
	//Do not ignore any actors
	TArray<AActor*> IgnoreActors;

	//This will eventually call the TakeDamage function that we have overriden in the Character class
	UGameplayStatics::ApplyRadialDamage(GetWorld(), ExplosionDamage, GetActorLocation(), ExplosionRadius, DmgType, IgnoreActors, this, GetInstigatorController());

	FTimerHandle TimerHandle;
	FTimerDelegate TimerDel;


	//Destroy the actor after 0.3 seconds. 
	GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(TimerHandle, TimerDel, 0.3f, false);
コード例 #5
//Creates a closed area using the character's position as its center and enables
//the bouncing effect on all the projectiles for the lifespan of the area.
void ARnCCharacter::CreateProjectileBounceArea()
		//The spawn params that are used in all spawns
		FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParams;

		DECLARE_DELEGATE_TwoParams(BounceAreaSpawner, FVector, FRotator);

		BounceAreaSpawner Delegate;

		//Spawns a wall based on the relative location and rotation given
		Delegate.BindLambda([&](FVector WallRelativeLocation, FRotator WallRelativeRotation)
			//Take into consideration the location of the player in order to spawn the walls around him
			WallRelativeLocation += GetActorLocation();
			WallRelativeRotation += GetActorRotation();

			//Create the desired transform
			FTransform WallTransform;

			//Spawn the wall and apply the desired scale
			AProjectileBounceArea* BounceArea = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<AProjectileBounceArea>(BounceAreaBP, WallTransform, SpawnParams);

			if (BounceArea)



			//Enable the battle cry animation
			if (MainCharAnimInstance)
				bIsInBattleCry = true;

			//Enabling projectile bouncing effect
			bShouldProjectilesBounce = true;

			//Disable the projectiles bouncing after a certain amount of time
			FTimerHandle TimerHandle;
			FTimerDelegate TimerDelegate;
				bShouldProjectilesBounce = false;
			GetWorld()->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(TimerHandle, TimerDelegate, LifeTimeOfBounceArea, false);

			//We're going to use the following vectors in order to spawn the walls in the desired rotation and location
			FVector ForwardActorVector = GetActorForwardVector();
			FVector RightActorVector = GetActorRightVector();

			//Spawning the wall that the player will face
			Delegate.Execute(ForwardActorVector * ForwardVectorMultiplier, FRotator::ZeroRotator);
			//Spawning the wall right behind the player
			Delegate.Execute((ForwardActorVector * -1) * ForwardVectorMultiplier, FRotator::ZeroRotator);

			//Spawning the wall on the right side of the player
			Delegate.Execute(RightActorVector * RightVectorMultiplier, FRotator(0, 90.f, 0));

			//Spawning the wall on the left side of the player
			Delegate.Execute((RightActorVector * -1) * RightVectorMultiplier, FRotator(0, 90.f, 0));

			//Spawning the "ceiling" wall
			Delegate.Execute(GetActorUpVector() * UpVectorMultiplier, FRotator(90.f,0,0));
