コード例 #1
void FTestFriendsInterface::OnQueryRecentPlayersComplete(const FUniqueNetId& UserId, const FString& Namespace, bool bWasSuccessful, const FString& ErrorStr)
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log,
		TEXT("QueryRecentPlayers() for player (%s) was success=%d error=%s"), *UserId.ToDebugString(), bWasSuccessful, *ErrorStr);

	if (bWasSuccessful)
		TArray< TSharedRef<FOnlineRecentPlayer> > Players;
		// Grab the friends data so we can print it out
		if (OnlineSub->GetFriendsInterface()->GetRecentPlayers(UserId, Namespace, Players))
			UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log,
				TEXT("GetRecentPlayers returned %d players"), Players.Num());

			// Log each friend's data out
			for (auto RecentPlayer : Players)
				UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log,
					TEXT("\t%s has unique id (%s)"), *RecentPlayer->GetDisplayName(), *RecentPlayer->GetUserId()->ToDebugString());
				UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log,
					TEXT("\t LastSeen (%s)"), *RecentPlayer->GetLastSeen().ToString());

	// done with this part of the test
	bQueryRecentPlayers = false;
	// kick off next test
コード例 #2
bool FOnlineVoiceImpl::UnmuteRemoteTalker(uint8 LocalUserNum, const FUniqueNetId& PlayerId, bool bIsSystemWide)
	uint32 Return = E_FAIL;
	if (LocalUserNum >= 0 && LocalUserNum < MAX_LOCAL_PLAYERS)
		// Skip this if the session isn't active
		if (SessionInt && SessionInt->GetNumSessions() > 0 &&
			// Or if voice is disabled
			VoiceEngine != NULL)
			// Find the specified talker
			FRemoteTalker* Talker = FindRemoteTalker(PlayerId);
			if (Talker != NULL)
				// Remove them from the mute list
				MuteList.RemoveSingleSwap((const FUniqueNetIdString&)PlayerId);
				UE_LOG(LogVoice, Log, TEXT("Unmuting remote talker (%s)"), *PlayerId.ToDebugString());
				UE_LOG(LogVoice, Warning, TEXT("Unknown remote talker (%s) specified to UnmuteRemoteTalker()"), *PlayerId.ToDebugString());
		UE_LOG(LogVoice, Warning, TEXT("Invalid user specified in UnmuteRemoteTalker(%d)"), LocalUserNum);

	return Return == S_OK;
コード例 #3
bool FOnlineVoiceImpl::RegisterRemoteTalker(const FUniqueNetId& UniqueId) 
	uint32 Return = E_FAIL;
	if (OnlineSubsystem)
		// Skip this if the session isn't active
		if (SessionInt && SessionInt->GetNumSessions() > 0 &&
			// Or when voice is disabled
			VoiceEngine != NULL)
			// See if this talker has already been registered or not
			FRemoteTalker* Talker = FindRemoteTalker(UniqueId);
			if (Talker == NULL)
				// Add a new talker to our list
				int32 AddIndex = RemoteTalkers.AddZeroed();
				Talker = &RemoteTalkers[AddIndex];
				// Copy the UniqueId
				const FUniqueNetIdString& UniqueIdStr = (const FUniqueNetIdString&)UniqueId;
				Talker->TalkerId = MakeShareable(new FUniqueNetIdString(UniqueIdStr));
				// Register the remote talker locally
				Return = VoiceEngine->RegisterRemoteTalker(UniqueId);
				UE_LOG(LogVoice, Log, TEXT("RegisterRemoteTalker(%s) returned 0x%08X"),
					*UniqueId.ToDebugString(), Return);
				UE_LOG(LogVoice, Warning, TEXT("Remote talker %s is being re-registered"), *UniqueId.ToDebugString());
				Return = S_OK;
			// @todo ONLINE Mute List update

			// Now start processing the remote voices
			Return = VoiceEngine->StartRemoteVoiceProcessing(UniqueId);
			UE_LOG(LogVoice, Log, TEXT("StartRemoteVoiceProcessing(%s) returned 0x%08X"), *UniqueId.ToDebugString(), Return);
	return Return == S_OK;
コード例 #4
bool FOnlineVoiceSteam::RegisterRemoteTalker(const FUniqueNetId& UniqueId) 
	uint32 Return = E_FAIL;
	if (SteamSubsystem)
		// Skip this if the session isn't active
		if (SessionInt && SessionInt->GetNumSessions() > 0 &&
			// Or when voice is disabled
			// See if this talker has already been registered or not
			FRemoteTalker* Talker = FindRemoteTalker(UniqueId);
			if (Talker == NULL)
				// Add a new talker to our list
				int32 AddIndex = RemoteTalkers.AddZeroed();
				Talker = &RemoteTalkers[AddIndex];
				// Copy the UniqueId
				const FUniqueNetIdSteam& UniqueIdSteam = (const FUniqueNetIdSteam&)UniqueId;
				Talker->TalkerId = MakeShareable(new FUniqueNetIdSteam(UniqueIdSteam));
				// Register the remote talker locally
				Return = VoiceEngine->RegisterRemoteTalker(UniqueId);
				UE_LOG(LogVoice, Log, TEXT("RegisterRemoteTalker(%s) returned 0x%08X"),
					*UniqueId.ToDebugString(), Return);
				UE_LOG(LogVoice, Verbose, TEXT("Remote talker %s is being re-registered"), *UniqueId.ToDebugString());
				Return = S_OK;
			// Update muting all of the local talkers with this remote talker
			// Now start processing the remote voices
			Return = VoiceEngine->StartRemoteVoiceProcessing(UniqueId);
			UE_LOG(LogVoice, Log, TEXT("StartRemoteVoiceProcessing(%s) returned 0x%08X"), *UniqueId.ToDebugString(), Return);
	return Return == S_OK;
コード例 #5
void FTestFriendsInterface::OnDeleteFriendComplete(int32 LocalPlayer, bool bWasSuccessful, const FUniqueNetId& FriendId, const FString& ListName, const FString& ErrorStr)
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("DeleteFriend() for player (%d) to friend (%s) was success=%d. %s"), 
		LocalPlayer, *FriendId.ToDebugString(), bWasSuccessful, *ErrorStr);

	// done with this part of the test if no more friends to delete
	if (bWasSuccessful && FriendsToDelete.Num() == 0)
		bDeleteFriends = false;
		bReadFriendsList = true;
	// kick off next test
コード例 #6
bool FOnlineVoiceSteam::UnregisterRemoteTalker(const FUniqueNetId& UniqueId) 
	uint32 Return = E_FAIL;
	if (SteamSubsystem)
		// Skip this if the session isn't active
		if (SessionInt && SessionInt->GetNumSessions() > 0 &&
			// Or when voice is disabled
			// Make sure the talker is valid
			if (FindRemoteTalker(UniqueId) != NULL)
				// Find them in the talkers array and remove them
				for (int32 Index = 0; Index < RemoteTalkers.Num(); Index++)
					const FRemoteTalker& Talker = RemoteTalkers[Index];
					// Is this the remote talker?
					if (*Talker.TalkerId == UniqueId)
						// Going to remove the talker, so if they were talking recently make sure to indicate they've stopped
						if (OnPlayerTalkingStateChangedDelegates.IsBound() && (Talker.bIsTalking || Talker.bWasTalking))
							OnPlayerTalkingStateChangedDelegates.Broadcast(Talker.TalkerId.ToSharedRef(), false);

				// Remove them from voice engine
				Return = VoiceEngine->UnregisterRemoteTalker(UniqueId);
				UE_LOG(LogVoice, Log, TEXT("UnregisterRemoteTalker(%s) returned 0x%08X"), *UniqueId.ToDebugString(), Return);
				UE_LOG(LogVoice, Verbose, TEXT("Unknown remote talker (%s) specified to UnregisterRemoteTalker()"), *UniqueId.ToDebugString());
	return Return == S_OK;
コード例 #7
void FTestIdentityInterface::OnLoginComplete(int32 LocalUserNum, bool bWasSuccessful, const FUniqueNetId& UserId, const FString& Error)
	if (bWasSuccessful)
		UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("Successful authenticated user. UserId=[%s] "), 

		// update user info for newly registered user
		UserInfo = OnlineIdentity->GetUserAccount(UserId);
		UE_LOG(LogOnline, Warning, TEXT("Failed to authenticate new user. Error=[%s]"), 
	// Mark test as done
	bRunLoginTest = false;
	// kick off next test
void FTestEntitlementsInterface::OnQueryEntitlementsComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, const FUniqueNetId& InUserId, const FString& Namespace, const FString& Error)
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("enumerated entitlements. UserId=%s Result=%s Error=[%s]"), 
		*InUserId.ToDebugString(), bWasSuccessful ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false"), *Error);

	// Now check em out
	TArray<TSharedRef<FOnlineEntitlement>> Entitlements;
	EntitlementsOSS->GetAllEntitlements(InUserId, FString(), Entitlements);

	for (auto It = Entitlements.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)
		const TSharedRef<FOnlineEntitlement> Entry = *It;
		UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("	entitlement id=%s name=%s"),
			*Entry->Id, *Entry->Name);

	// kick off next test
	bQueryEntitlements = false;
コード例 #9
bool FOnlineVoiceSteam::MuteRemoteTalker(uint8 LocalUserNum, const FUniqueNetId& PlayerId, bool bIsSystemWide)
	uint32 Return = E_FAIL;
	if (LocalUserNum >= 0 && LocalUserNum < MAX_LOCAL_PLAYERS)
		if (bIsSystemWide)
			SystemMuteList.AddUnique((const FUniqueNetIdSteam&)PlayerId);
			// Skip this if the session isn't active
			if (SessionInt && SessionInt->GetNumSessions() > 0 &&
				// Or if voice is disabled
				// Find the specified talker
				FRemoteTalker* Talker = FindRemoteTalker(PlayerId);
				if (Talker != NULL)
					MuteList.AddUnique((const FUniqueNetIdSteam&)PlayerId);
					Return = S_OK;
					UE_LOG(LogVoice, Log, TEXT("Muting remote talker (%s)"), *PlayerId.ToDebugString());
					UE_LOG(LogVoice, Verbose, TEXT("Unknown remote talker (%s) specified to MuteRemoteTalker()"), *PlayerId.ToDebugString());
		UE_LOG(LogVoice, Warning, TEXT("Invalid user specified in MuteRemoteTalker(%d)"), LocalUserNum);

	return Return == S_OK;
コード例 #10
void FTestCloudInterface::OnEnumerateUserFilesComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, const FUniqueNetId& InUserId)
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("------------------------------------------------"));
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("OnEnumerateUserFilesComplete Success:%d UserId:%s"), bWasSuccessful, *InUserId.ToDebugString());
	bOverallSuccess = bOverallSuccess && bWasSuccessful;

	TArray<FCloudFileHeader> UserFiles;
	UserCloud->GetUserFileList(InUserId, UserFiles);

	for (int32 Idx=0; Idx<UserFiles.Num(); Idx++)
		UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("\t%d FileName:%s DLName:%s Hash:%s Size:%d"),
			Idx, *UserFiles[Idx].FileName, *UserFiles[Idx].DLName, *UserFiles[Idx].Hash, UserFiles[Idx].FileSize);

	// Enumeration always advances the test phase
コード例 #11
uint32 FVoiceEngineSteam::SubmitRemoteVoiceData(const FUniqueNetId& RemoteTalkerId, uint8* Data, uint32* Size) 
	UE_LOG(LogVoiceDecode, VeryVerbose, TEXT("SubmitRemoteVoiceData(%s) Size: %d received!"), *RemoteTalkerId.ToDebugString(), *Size);

	const FUniqueNetIdSteam& SteamId = (const FUniqueNetIdSteam&)RemoteTalkerId;
	FRemoteTalkerDataSteam* QueuedData = RemoteTalkerBuffers.Find(SteamId);

	if (QueuedData == NULL)
		RemoteTalkerBuffers.Add(SteamId, FRemoteTalkerDataSteam());
		QueuedData = RemoteTalkerBuffers.Find(SteamId);


	// new voice packet.
	QueuedData->LastSeen = FPlatformTime::Seconds();

	uint32 BytesWritten = 0;

	const EVoiceResult VoiceResult = SteamUserPtr->DecompressVoice(Data, *Size, DecompressedVoiceBuffer.GetData(),
		DecompressedVoiceBuffer.Num(), &BytesWritten, SteamUserPtr->GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate());

	if (VoiceResult != k_EVoiceResultOK)
		UE_LOG(LogVoiceDecode, Warning, TEXT("SubmitRemoteVoiceData: DecompressVoice failure: VoiceResult: %s"), *SteamVoiceResult(VoiceResult));
		*Size = 0;
		return E_FAIL;

	// If there is no data, return
	if (BytesWritten <= 0)
		*Size = 0;
		return S_OK;

	// Generate a streaming wave audio component for voice playback
	if (QueuedData->AudioComponent == NULL || QueuedData->AudioComponent->IsPendingKill())
		if (SerializeHelper == NULL)
			SerializeHelper = new FVoiceSerializeHelper(this);

		QueuedData->AudioComponent = CreateVoiceAudioComponent(SteamUserPtr->GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate());
		if (QueuedData->AudioComponent)
			QueuedData->AudioComponent->OnAudioFinishedNative.AddRaw(this, &FVoiceEngineSteam::OnAudioFinished);

	if (QueuedData->AudioComponent != NULL)
		USoundWaveProcedural* SoundStreaming = CastChecked<USoundWaveProcedural>(QueuedData->AudioComponent->Sound);
		if (SoundStreaming->GetAvailableAudioByteCount() == 0)
			UE_LOG(LogVoiceDecode, Log, TEXT("VOIP audio component was starved!"));
		SoundStreaming->QueueAudio(DecompressedVoiceBuffer.GetData(), BytesWritten);

	return S_OK;
コード例 #12
void FTestCloudInterface::OnReadEnumeratedUserFilesComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, const FUniqueNetId& InUserId, const FString& FileName)
	int32 FileSize = 0;
	if (bWasSuccessful)
		TArray<uint8> FileContents;
		bWasSuccessful = UserCloud->GetFileContents(InUserId, FileName, FileContents);
		FileSize = FileContents.Num();

	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("Read user file complete Success:%d UserId:%s FileName:%s Size:%d"), bWasSuccessful, *InUserId.ToDebugString(), *FileName, FileSize);
	bOverallSuccess = bOverallSuccess && bWasSuccessful;

	static int32 NumReadCount = 0;
	if (NumReadCount == ReadUserFileCount)
		UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("Read %d User Files Complete!"), NumReadCount);
		UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("------------------------------------------------"));
		NumReadCount = 0;
コード例 #13
void FTestCloudInterface::OnDeleteEnumeratedUserFilesComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, const FUniqueNetId& InUserId, const FString& FileName)
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("Delete user file complete Success:%d UserId:%s FileName:%s"), bWasSuccessful, *InUserId.ToDebugString(), *FileName);
	bOverallSuccess = bOverallSuccess && bWasSuccessful;

	static int32 NumDeletedCount = 0;
	if (NumDeletedCount == DeleteUserFileCount)
		UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("Delete %d User Files Complete!"), NumDeletedCount);
		UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("------------------------------------------------"));
		NumDeletedCount = 0;
コード例 #14
void FTestCloudInterface::OnWriteSharedCloudFileComplete(bool bWasSuccessful, const FUniqueNetId& InUserId, const FString& FileName, const TSharedRef<FSharedContentHandle>& SharedHandle)
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("Write shared file complete Success:%d UserId:%s FileName:%s SharedHandle:%s"), bWasSuccessful, *InUserId.ToDebugString(), *FileName, *SharedHandle->ToDebugString());
	bOverallSuccess = bOverallSuccess && bWasSuccessful;


	static int32 NumWrittenCount = 0;
	if (NumWrittenCount == WriteSharedCloudFileCount)
		UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("Write %d Shared Files Complete!"), NumWrittenCount);
		UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("------------------------------------------------"));
		NumWrittenCount = 0;
		// Enumeration will put the newly shared files into this user's list
コード例 #15
/** Remove the player notification handler for a type */
void FOnlineNotificationHandler::RemovePlayerNotificationBinding(const FUniqueNetId& PlayerId, FString NotificationType, FDelegateHandle RemoveHandle)
	int32 BindingsRemoved = 0;

	NotificationTypeBindingsMap* FoundPlayerBindings = PlayerBindingMap.Find(PlayerId.ToString());

	if (FoundPlayerBindings)
		TArray<FOnlineNotificationBinding>* FoundPlayerTypeBindings = FoundPlayerBindings->Find(NotificationType);

		if (FoundPlayerTypeBindings)
			BindingsRemoved = FoundPlayerTypeBindings->RemoveAll([=](const FOnlineNotificationBinding& Binding) { return Binding.NotificationDelegate.GetHandle() == RemoveHandle; });

	if (BindingsRemoved == 0)
		UE_LOG_ONLINE(Error, TEXT("Attempted to remove binding that could not be found for player %s type %s"), *PlayerId.ToDebugString(), *NotificationType);
コード例 #16
ファイル: VoiceEngineImpl.cpp プロジェクト: johndpope/UE4
uint32 FVoiceEngineImpl::SubmitRemoteVoiceData(const FUniqueNetId& RemoteTalkerId, uint8* Data, uint32* Size)
	UE_LOG(LogVoiceDecode, VeryVerbose, TEXT("SubmitRemoteVoiceData(%s) Size: %d received!"), *RemoteTalkerId.ToDebugString(), *Size);

	const FUniqueNetIdString& TalkerId = (const FUniqueNetIdString&)RemoteTalkerId;
	FRemoteTalkerDataImpl& QueuedData = RemoteTalkerBuffers.FindOrAdd(TalkerId);

	// new voice packet.
	QueuedData.LastSeen = FPlatformTime::Seconds();


	QueuedData.VoiceDecoder->Decode(Data, *Size, DecompressedVoiceBuffer.GetData(), BytesWritten);

	// If there is no data, return
	if (BytesWritten <= 0)
		*Size = 0;
		return S_OK;

	bool bAudioComponentCreated = false;
	// Generate a streaming wave audio component for voice playback
	if (QueuedData.AudioComponent == nullptr || QueuedData.AudioComponent->IsPendingKill())
		if (SerializeHelper == nullptr)
			SerializeHelper = new FVoiceSerializeHelper(this);

		QueuedData.AudioComponent = CreateVoiceAudioComponent(VOICE_SAMPLE_RATE);
		if (QueuedData.AudioComponent)
			QueuedData.AudioComponent->OnAudioFinishedNative.AddRaw(this, &FVoiceEngineImpl::OnAudioFinished);
	if (QueuedData.AudioComponent != nullptr)
		if (!QueuedData.AudioComponent->IsActive())

		USoundWaveStreaming* SoundStreaming = CastChecked<USoundWaveStreaming>(QueuedData.AudioComponent->Sound);

		if (0)
			if (!bAudioComponentCreated && SoundStreaming->GetAvailableAudioByteCount() == 0)
				UE_LOG(LogVoiceDecode, Log, TEXT("VOIP audio component was starved!"));

		SoundStreaming->QueueAudio(DecompressedVoiceBuffer.GetData(), BytesWritten);

	return S_OK;
コード例 #17
void FTestCloudInterface::WriteNSharedCloudFiles(const FUniqueNetId& InUserId, const FString& FileNameBase, int32 FileCount, FOnWriteSharedFileCompleteDelegate& Delegate)
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("------------------------------------------------"));
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Log, TEXT("Writing %d files to the cloud and sharing for user %s"), FileCount, *InUserId.ToDebugString());

	FString FileName(FileNameBase);

	WriteSharedCloudFileCount = FileCount;

	TArray<uint8> DummyData;
	for (int32 FileIdx=0; FileIdx<FileCount; FileIdx++)
		WriteRandomFile(DummyData, FMath::Trunc(FMath::FRandRange(1024, 100*1024)));
		SharedCloud->WriteSharedFile(InUserId, FString::Printf(TEXT("%s%d.%s"), *FPaths::GetBaseFilename(FileName), FileIdx, *FPaths::GetExtension(FileName)), DummyData);