コード例 #1
ファイル: functional.cpp プロジェクト: Surtr04/PI-CPD
void makeResidual(FVMesh2D &m, FVVect<double> &phi, FVVect< FVPoint2D<double> > &u,
                  FVVect<double> &rhs,FVVect<double> &Vd,FVVect<double> &Vn,
                  FVVect<double> &G,Parameter &para) {
    FVVect<double> F(m.getNbEdge());

    const size_t edges = m.getNbEdge();
    const size_t cells = m.getNbCell();
    FVCell2D *ptr_c;     
    FVEdge2D *ptr_e;
    #pragma omp parallel for private(ptr_c,ptr_e)
    for(size_t i = 0; i < edges; i++) {

        ptr_e = m.getEdge(i);
        ptr_c = ptr_e->leftCell;   
        #pragma omp atomic 
        G[ptr_c->label - 1] += F[ptr_e->label - 1];
        if((ptr_c = ptr_e->rightCell)) {
            #pragma omp atomic               
            G[ptr_c->label - 1] -= F[ptr_e->label - 1];    

    #pragma omp parallel for
    for(size_t j=0; j < cells; j++) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: functional.cpp プロジェクト: Surtr04/PI-CPD
void makeFlux(FVMesh2D &m, FVVect<double> &phi, FVVect< FVPoint2D<double> > &u,
              FVVect<double> &Vd,FVVect<double> &Vn,
              FVVect<double> &F,Parameter &para) {

    //FVEdge2D *ptr_e;
    double leftPhi,rightPhi,normal_velocity;
    FVPoint2D<double> BB;
    size_t edges = m.getNbEdge();

    //avoid getting static values in loops
    const unsigned int dirCode = para.getUnsigned("DirichletCode");
    const unsigned int neuCode = para.getUnsigned("NeumannCode");
    const double difusion = getDiffusion(NULL,para);        
    #pragma omp parallel for private(normal_velocity,leftPhi,rightPhi)
    for(size_t i = 0; i < edges; i++) {

        FVEdge2D *ptr_e;
        //ptr_e = m.nextEdge();
        ptr_e = m.getEdge(i);
        normal_velocity = Dot(u[ptr_e->label-1],ptr_e->normal);  
        leftPhi = phi[ptr_e->leftCell->label-1];
        if(ptr_e->rightCell) {
            // edge has the code = 0    
            rightPhi = phi[ptr_e->rightCell->label-1];
            // compute the convection contribution
            if(normal_velocity<0) {
                F[ptr_e->label-1] = normal_velocity*rightPhi;
            else {
                F[ptr_e->label-1] = normal_velocity*leftPhi;   
            // compute the diffusive contribution
            BB=ptr_e->rightCell->centroid - ptr_e->leftCell->centroid;                        
            F[ptr_e->label-1] -= difusion*(rightPhi-leftPhi)/Norm(BB); 

          else {
            //  we are on the boundary
            if(ptr_e->code == dirCode) {                
                // we have a Dirichlet condition                
                rightPhi = Dirichlet(ptr_e->centroid,para);
                // compute the convection contribution
                if(normal_velocity<0) {
                    F[ptr_e->label-1] = normal_velocity*rightPhi;
                else {
                    F[ptr_e->label-1] = normal_velocity*leftPhi;   
                // compute the diffusive contribution                
                BB = ptr_e->centroid - ptr_e->leftCell->centroid;
                F[ptr_e->label-1] -= difusion*(rightPhi-leftPhi)/Norm(BB); 
            if(ptr_e->code == neuCode) {
                // we have a Neumann condition      
                F[ptr_e->label-1] = Neumann(ptr_e->centroid,para);

        // here, we have all the data to compute the flux    
        F[ptr_e->label-1] *= ptr_e->length;