コード例 #1
    void onHit(ObjectID id)
        FeatureIndex* index = Registry::objectIndex()->get<FeatureIndex>( id );
        Feature* feature = index ? index->getFeature( id ) : 0L;
        if ( feature && feature->getFID() != _lastFID )
            unsigned r=0;

            _grid->setControl( 0, r, new LabelControl("FID", Color::Red) );
            _grid->setControl( 1, r, new LabelControl(Stringify()<<feature->getFID(), Color::White) );

            const AttributeTable& attrs = feature->getAttrs();
            for( AttributeTable::const_iterator i = attrs.begin(); i != attrs.end(); ++i, ++r )
                _grid->setControl( 0, r, new LabelControl(i->first, 14.0f, Color::Yellow) );
                _grid->setControl( 1, r, new LabelControl(i->second.getString(), 14.0f, Color::White) );
            if ( !_grid->visible() )
                _grid->setVisible( true );

            _lastFID = feature->getFID();
コード例 #2
ファイル: osgearth_pick.cpp プロジェクト: 2php/osgearth
    void onHit(ObjectID id)
        // First see whether it's a feature:
        FeatureIndex* index = Registry::objectIndex()->get<FeatureIndex>( id );
        Feature* feature = index ? index->getFeature( id ) : 0L;

        if ( feature )
            s_fidLabel->setText( Stringify() << "Feature ID = " << feature->getFID() << " (oid = " << id << ")" );
            s_nameLabel->setText( Stringify() << "Name = " << feature->getString("name") );

            // Check whether it's an annotation:
            AnnotationNode* anno = Registry::objectIndex()->get<AnnotationNode>( id );
            if ( anno )
                s_fidLabel->setText( Stringify() << "ObjectID = " << id );
                s_nameLabel->setName( Stringify() << "Name = " << anno->getName() );

            // None of the above.. clear.
                s_fidLabel->setText( Stringify() << "oid = " << id );
                s_nameLabel->setText( "Name = " );

        s_highlightUniform->set( id );
コード例 #3
ファイル: BufferFilter.cpp プロジェクト: 2php/osgearth
BufferFilter::push( FeatureList& input, FilterContext& context )
    if ( !isSupported() )
        OE_WARN << "BufferFilter support not enabled - please compile osgEarth with GEOS" << std::endl;
        return context;

    //OE_NOTICE << "Buffer: input = " << input.size() << " features" << std::endl;
    for( FeatureList::iterator i = input.begin(); i != input.end(); )
        Feature* feature = i->get();
        if ( !feature || !feature->getGeometry() )

        osg::ref_ptr<Symbology::Geometry> output;

        Symbology::BufferParameters params;
        params._capStyle =
                _capStyle == Stroke::LINECAP_ROUND  ? Symbology::BufferParameters::CAP_ROUND :
                _capStyle == Stroke::LINECAP_SQUARE ? Symbology::BufferParameters::CAP_SQUARE :
                _capStyle == Stroke::LINECAP_FLAT   ? Symbology::BufferParameters::CAP_FLAT :

        params._cornerSegs = _numQuadSegs;

        if ( feature->getGeometry()->buffer( _distance.value(), output, params ) )
            feature->setGeometry( output.get() );
            i = input.erase( i );
            OE_DEBUG << LC << "feature " << feature->getFID() << " yielded no geometry" << std::endl;

    return context;
コード例 #4
ファイル: JSWrappers.cpp プロジェクト: nedbrek/osgearth
JSFeature::PropertyCallback(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::AccessorInfo& info)
    Feature* feature = V8Util::UnwrapObject<Feature>(info.Holder());

    v8::String::Utf8Value utf8_value(name);
    std::string prop(*utf8_value);

    if (!feature || prop.empty())
        return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();

    if (prop == "fid")
        return v8::Uint32::New(feature->getFID());
    else if (prop == "attrs" || prop == "attributes")
        return V8Util::WrapObject(feature, GetAttributesObjectTemplate());
    else if (prop == "geometry")
        return JSSymbologyGeometry::WrapGeometry(feature->getGeometry());

    //return GetFeatureAttr(prop, feature);
    return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();
コード例 #5
ファイル: osgearth_pick.cpp プロジェクト: 2php/osgearth
 bool handle(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa)
     if ( ea.getEventType() == ea.RELEASE )
         IntersectionPicker picker(dynamic_cast<osgViewer::View*>(aa.asView()));
         IntersectionPicker::Hits hits;
         if(picker.pick(ea.getX(), ea.getY(), hits)) {
             std::set<ObjectID> oids;
             if (picker.getObjectIDs(hits, oids)) {
                 ObjectIndex* index = Registry::objectIndex();
                 ObjectID oid = *oids.begin();
                 osg::ref_ptr<FeatureIndex> fi = index->get<FeatureIndex>(oid);
                 if ( fi.valid() ) {
                     OE_NOTICE << "IsectPicker: found OID " << oid << "\n";
                     Feature* f = fi->getFeature(oid);
                     if ( f ) {
                         OE_NOTICE << "...feature ID = " << f->getFID() << "\n";
                 osg::ref_ptr<Feature> f = index->get<Feature>(oid);
                 if ( f.valid() ) {
                     OE_NOTICE << "IsectPicker: found OID " << oid << "\n";
                     OE_NOTICE << "...feature ID = " << f->getFID() << "\n";
                 osg::ref_ptr<AnnotationNode> a = index->get<AnnotationNode>(oid);
                 if ( a ) {
                     OE_NOTICE << "IsectPicker: found annotation " << a->getName() << "\n";
             else {
                 OE_NOTICE << "IsectPicker: picked, but no OIDs\n";
         else {
             OE_NOTICE << "IsectPicker: no intersect\n";
     return false;
コード例 #6
ExtrudeGeometryFilter::process( FeatureList& features, FilterContext& context )
    // seed our random number generators
    Random wallSkinPRNG( _wallSkinSymbol.valid()? *_wallSkinSymbol->randomSeed() : 0, Random::METHOD_FAST );
    Random roofSkinPRNG( _roofSkinSymbol.valid()? *_roofSkinSymbol->randomSeed() : 0, Random::METHOD_FAST );

    for( FeatureList::iterator f = features.begin(); f != features.end(); ++f )
        Feature* input = f->get();

        GeometryIterator iter( input->getGeometry(), false );
        while( iter.hasMore() )
            Geometry* part = iter.next();

            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> walls = new osg::Geometry();
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> rooflines = 0L;
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> baselines = 0L;
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> outlines  = 0L;
            if ( part->getType() == Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON )
                rooflines = new osg::Geometry();

                // prep the shapes by making sure all polys are open:

            // fire up the outline geometry if we have a line symbol.
            if ( _outlineSymbol != 0L )
                outlines = new osg::Geometry();

            // make a base cap if we're doing stencil volumes.
            if ( _makeStencilVolume )
                baselines = new osg::Geometry();

            // calculate the extrusion height:
            float height;

            if ( _heightCallback.valid() )
                height = _heightCallback->operator()(input, context);
            else if ( _heightExpr.isSet() )
                height = input->eval( _heightExpr.mutable_value(), &context );
                height = *_extrusionSymbol->height();

            // calculate the height offset from the base:
            float offset = 0.0;
            if ( _heightOffsetExpr.isSet() )
                offset = input->eval( _heightOffsetExpr.mutable_value(), &context );

            osg::StateSet* wallStateSet = 0L;
            osg::StateSet* roofStateSet = 0L;

            // calculate the wall texturing:
            SkinResource* wallSkin = 0L;
            if ( _wallSkinSymbol.valid() )
                if ( _wallResLib.valid() )
                    SkinSymbol querySymbol( *_wallSkinSymbol.get() );
                    querySymbol.objectHeight() = fabs(height) - offset;
                    wallSkin = _wallResLib->getSkin( &querySymbol, wallSkinPRNG, context.getDBOptions() );

                    //TODO: simple single texture?

            // calculate the rooftop texture:
            SkinResource* roofSkin = 0L;
            if ( _roofSkinSymbol.valid() )
                if ( _roofResLib.valid() )
                    SkinSymbol querySymbol( *_roofSkinSymbol.get() );
                    roofSkin = _roofResLib->getSkin( &querySymbol, roofSkinPRNG, context.getDBOptions() );

                    //TODO: simple single texture?

            // calculate the colors:
            osg::Vec4f wallColor(1,1,1,1), roofColor(1,1,1,1), outlineColor(1,1,1,1);

            if ( _wallPolygonSymbol.valid() )
                wallColor = _wallPolygonSymbol->fill()->color();
            if ( _roofPolygonSymbol.valid() )
                roofColor = _roofPolygonSymbol->fill()->color();
            if ( _outlineSymbol.valid() )
                outlineColor = _outlineSymbol->stroke()->color();

            // Create the extruded geometry!
            if (extrudeGeometry( 
                    part, height, offset, 
                    walls.get(), rooflines.get(), baselines.get(), outlines.get(),
                    wallColor, roofColor, outlineColor,
                    wallSkin, roofSkin,
                    context ) )
                if ( wallSkin )
                    wallStateSet = context.resourceCache()->getStateSet( wallSkin );

                // generate per-vertex normals, altering the geometry as necessary to avoid
                // smoothing around sharp corners
                //Crease angle threshold wasn't added until
                    osg::DegreesToRadians(_wallAngleThresh_deg) );            

                // tessellate and add the roofs if necessary:
                if ( rooflines.valid() )
                    osgUtil::Tessellator tess;
                    tess.setTessellationType( osgUtil::Tessellator::TESS_TYPE_GEOMETRY );
                    tess.setWindingType( osgUtil::Tessellator::TESS_WINDING_ODD );
                    tess.retessellatePolygons( *(rooflines.get()) );

                    // generate default normals (no crease angle necessary; they are all pointing up)
                    // TODO do this manually; probably faster
                    if ( !_makeStencilVolume )
                        osgUtil::SmoothingVisitor::smooth( *rooflines.get() );

                    // texture the rooflines if necessary
                    //applyOverlayTexturing( rooflines.get(), input, env );

                    // mark this geometry as DYNAMIC because otherwise the OSG optimizer will destroy it.
                    // TODO: why??
                    rooflines->setDataVariance( osg::Object::DYNAMIC );

                    if ( roofSkin )
                        roofStateSet = context.resourceCache()->getStateSet( roofSkin );

                if ( baselines.valid() )
                    osgUtil::Tessellator tess;
                    tess.setTessellationType( osgUtil::Tessellator::TESS_TYPE_GEOMETRY );
                    tess.setWindingType( osgUtil::Tessellator::TESS_WINDING_ODD );
                    tess.retessellatePolygons( *(baselines.get()) );

                std::string name;
                if ( !_featureNameExpr.empty() )
                    name = input->eval( _featureNameExpr, &context );

                FeatureSourceIndex* index = context.featureIndex();
                FeatureID fid = input->getFID();

                addDrawable( walls.get(), wallStateSet, name, fid, index );

                if ( rooflines.valid() )
                    addDrawable( rooflines.get(), roofStateSet, name, fid, index );

                if ( baselines.valid() )
                    addDrawable( baselines.get(), 0L, name, fid, index );

                if ( outlines.valid() )
                    addDrawable( outlines.get(), 0L, name, fid, index );

    return true;