コード例 #1
ファイル: FeatureSourceWFS.cpp プロジェクト: dgraves/osgearth
    /** Called once at startup to create the profile for this feature set. Successful profile
        creation implies that the datasource opened succesfully. */
    const FeatureProfile* createFeatureProfile()
        FeatureProfile* result = NULL;
        if (_capabilities.valid())
            //Find the feature type by name
            osg::ref_ptr< WFSFeatureType > featureType = _capabilities->getFeatureTypeByName( _options.typeName().get() );
            if (featureType.valid())
                if (featureType->getExtent().isValid())
                    result = new FeatureProfile(featureType->getExtent());

                    if (featureType->getTiled())
                        result->setTiled( true );
                        result->setFirstLevel( featureType->getFirstLevel() );
                        result->setMaxLevel( featureType->getMaxLevel() );
                        result->setProfile( osgEarth::Profile::create(osgEarth::SpatialReference::create("epsg:4326"), featureType->getExtent().xMin(), featureType->getExtent().yMin(), featureType->getExtent().xMax(), featureType->getExtent().yMax(), 0, 1, 1) );

        if (!result)
            result = new FeatureProfile(GeoExtent(SpatialReference::create( "epsg:4326" ), -180, -90, 180, 90));
        return result;        
コード例 #2
 /** Called once at startup to create the profile for this feature set. Successful profile
     creation implies that the datasource opened succesfully. */
 const FeatureProfile* createFeatureProfile()
     FeatureProfile* result = NULL;
     if (_layerValid)
         result = new FeatureProfile(_layer._extent);
         result->setTiled( true );
         result->setFirstLevel( _layer._firstLevel);
         result->setMaxLevel( _layer._maxLevel);
         result->setProfile( osgEarth::Profile::create(osgEarth::SpatialReference::create("epsg:4326"), _layer._extent.xMin(), _layer._extent.yMin(), _layer._extent.xMax(), _layer._extent.yMax(), 1, 1) );
     return result;        
コード例 #3
 /** Called once at startup to create the profile for this feature set. Successful profile
     creation implies that the datasource opened succesfully. */
 const FeatureProfile* createFeatureProfile()
     FeatureProfile* result = NULL;
     if (_layerValid)
         result = new FeatureProfile(_layer.getExtent());
         result->setTiled( true );
         result->setFirstLevel( _layer.getFirstLevel());
         result->setMaxLevel( _layer.getMaxLevel());
         result->setProfile( osgEarth::Profile::create(_layer.getSRS(), _layer.getExtent().xMin(), _layer.getExtent().yMin(), _layer.getExtent().xMax(), _layer.getExtent().yMax(), 1, 1) );
     return result;        
コード例 #4
ファイル: FeatureSourceRaster.cpp プロジェクト: 3dcl/osgearth
 /** Called once at startup to create the profile for this feature set. Successful profile
     creation implies that the datasource opened succesfully. */
 const FeatureProfile* createFeatureProfile()
     const Profile* wgs84 = Registry::instance()->getGlobalGeodeticProfile();
     //GeoExtent extent(wgs84->getSRS(), -180, -90, 0, 90);
     GeoExtent extent(wgs84->getSRS(), -180, -90, 180, 90);
     FeatureProfile* profile = new FeatureProfile( extent );
     profile->setProfile( Profile::create("wgs84", extent.xMin(), extent.yMin(), extent.xMax(), extent.yMax(), "", 1, 1) );
     unsigned int level = *_options.level();
     return profile;
コード例 #5
ファイル: FeatureSourceWFS.cpp プロジェクト: 2php/osgearth
    /** Called once at startup to create the profile for this feature set. Successful profile
        creation implies that the datasource opened succesfully. */
    const FeatureProfile* createFeatureProfile()
        if ( !_featureProfile.valid() )
            static Threading::Mutex s_mutex;
            Threading::ScopedMutexLock lock(s_mutex);
            if ( !_featureProfile.valid() )
                FeatureProfile* result = 0L;

                if (_capabilities.valid())
                    //Find the feature type by name
                    osg::ref_ptr< WFSFeatureType > featureType = _capabilities->getFeatureTypeByName( _options.typeName().get() );
                    if (featureType.valid())
                        if (featureType->getExtent().isValid())
                            result = new FeatureProfile(featureType->getExtent());

                            bool disableTiling = _options.disableTiling().isSetTo(true);

                            if (featureType->getTiled() && !disableTiling)
                                result->setTiled( true );
                                result->setFirstLevel( featureType->getFirstLevel() );
                                result->setMaxLevel( featureType->getMaxLevel() );
                                result->setProfile( osgEarth::Profile::create(osgEarth::SpatialReference::create("epsg:4326"), featureType->getExtent().xMin(), featureType->getExtent().yMin(), featureType->getExtent().xMax(), featureType->getExtent().yMax(), 1, 1) );

                if (!result)
                    result = new FeatureProfile(GeoExtent(SpatialReference::create( "epsg:4326" ), -180, -90, 180, 90));
                _featureProfile = result;

        if ( _featureProfile.valid() && _options.geoInterp().isSet() )
            _featureProfile->geoInterp() = _options.geoInterp().get();

        return _featureProfile.get();
コード例 #6
    Status initialize(const osgDB::Options* readOptions)
        _dbOptions = Registry::cloneOrCreateOptions(readOptions);
        // Establish the feature profile.
        const Profile* wgs84 = Registry::instance()->getGlobalGeodeticProfile();
        GeoExtent extent(wgs84->getSRS(), -180, -90, 180, 90);

        FeatureProfile* profile = new FeatureProfile( extent );
        profile->setProfile( Profile::create("wgs84", extent.xMin(), extent.yMin(), extent.xMax(), extent.yMax(), "", 1, 1) );
        unsigned int level = _options.level().get();

        return Status::OK();
コード例 #7
ファイル: JSWrappers.cpp プロジェクト: nedbrek/osgearth
JSFeatureProfile::PropertyCallback(v8::Local<v8::String> name, const v8::AccessorInfo& info)
    FeatureProfile* profile = V8Util::UnwrapObject<FeatureProfile>(info.Holder());

    v8::String::Utf8Value utf8_value(name);
    std::string prop(*utf8_value);

    if (!profile || prop.empty())
        return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();

    if (prop == "extent")
        return JSGeoExtent::WrapGeoExtent(const_cast<osgEarth::GeoExtent*>(&profile->getExtent()));
    if (prop == "srs")
        return JSSpatialReference::WrapSpatialReference(const_cast<osgEarth::SpatialReference*>(profile->getSRS()));

    return v8::Handle<v8::Value>();
コード例 #8
    /** Called once at startup to create the profile for this feature set. Successful profile
        creation implies that the datasource opened succesfully. */
    const FeatureProfile* createFeatureProfile()
        const osgEarth::Profile* profile = osgEarth::Registry::instance()->getSphericalMercatorProfile();
        FeatureProfile* result = new FeatureProfile(profile->getExtent());
        std::string minLevelStr, maxLevelStr;
        if (getMetaData("minzoom", minLevelStr) && getMetaData("maxzoom", maxLevelStr))
            _minLevel = as<int>(minLevelStr, 0);
            _maxLevel = as<int>(maxLevelStr, 0);
            OE_NOTICE << LC << "Got levels from metadata " << _minLevel << ", " << _maxLevel << std::endl;
            OE_NOTICE << LC << "Got levels from database " << _minLevel << ", " << _maxLevel << std::endl;

        result->geoInterp() = osgEarth::GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE;
        return result;
コード例 #9
ファイル: FeatureSourceWFS.cpp プロジェクト: ifad-ts/osgearth
    bool getFeatures( const std::string& buffer, const std::string& mimeType, FeatureList& features )

        bool json = isJSON( mimeType );
        bool gml  = isGML( mimeType );

        // find the right driver for the given mime type
        OGRSFDriverH ogrDriver =
            json ? OGRGetDriverByName( "GeoJSON" ) :
            gml  ? OGRGetDriverByName( "GML" ) :

        // fail if we can't find an appropriate OGR driver:
        if ( !ogrDriver )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Error reading WFS response; cannot grok content-type \"" << mimeType << "\""
                << std::endl;
            return false;

        std::string tmpName;

        OGRDataSourceH ds = 0;
        //GML needs to be saved to a temp file to load from disk.  GeoJSON can be loaded directly from memory
        if (gml)
            std::string ext = getExtensionForMimeType( mimeType );
            //Save the response to a temp file            
            std::string tmpPath = getTempPath();        
            tmpName = getTempName(tmpPath, ext);
            saveResponse(buffer, tmpName );
            ds = OGROpen( tmpName.c_str(), FALSE, &ogrDriver );
        else if (json)
            //Open GeoJSON directly from memory
            ds = OGROpen( buffer.c_str(), FALSE, &ogrDriver );

        if ( !ds )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Error reading WFS response" << std::endl;
            return false;

        // read the feature data.
        OGRLayerH layer = OGR_DS_GetLayer(ds, 0);
        if ( layer )
            FeatureProfile* fp = getFeatureProfile();
            const SpatialReference* srs = fp ? fp->getSRS() : 0L;

            OGRFeatureH feat_handle;
            while ((feat_handle = OGR_L_GetNextFeature( layer )) != NULL)
                if ( feat_handle )
                    osg::ref_ptr<Feature> f = OgrUtils::createFeature( feat_handle, srs );
                    if ( f.valid() && !isBlacklisted(f->getFID()) )
                        features.push_back( f.release() );
                    OGR_F_Destroy( feat_handle );

        // Destroy the datasource
        OGR_DS_Destroy( ds );

        //Delete the temp file if one was created
        if (!tmpName.empty())
            remove( tmpName.c_str() );
        return true;
コード例 #10
ファイル: FeatureSourceWFS.cpp プロジェクト: ifad-ts/osgearth
    /** Called once at startup to create the profile for this feature set. Successful profile
        creation implies that the datasource opened succesfully. */
    const FeatureProfile* createFeatureProfile()
        if ( !_featureProfile.valid() )
            static Threading::Mutex s_mutex;
            Threading::ScopedMutexLock lock(s_mutex);
            if ( !_featureProfile.valid() )
                FeatureProfile* result = 0L;

                _typeName = _options.typeName().get();

                if (_capabilities.valid())
                    osg::ref_ptr< WFSFeatureType > featureType;
                    if (_options.title().isSet())
                        if (_options.typeName().isSet())
                            OE_NOTICE << LC << "Both typename and title specified - using title \"" << _options.title().value() << "\"" << std::endl;

                        featureType = _capabilities->getFeatureTypeByTitle(_options.title().get());
                        if (featureType)
                            _typeName = featureType->getName();
                            OE_INFO << LC << "Matched title \"" << _options.title().value() << "\" to feature type \"" << _typeName << "\"" << std::endl;
                            OE_WARN << LC << "Could not find coverage with title \"" << _options.title().value() << "\"" << std::endl;
                        featureType = _capabilities->getFeatureTypeByName(_options.typeName().get());
                    //Find the feature type by name
                    if (featureType.valid())
                        if (featureType->getExtent().isValid())
                            result = new FeatureProfile(featureType->getExtent());

                            bool disableTiling = _options.disableTiling().isSet() && *_options.disableTiling();

                            if (featureType->getTiled() && !disableTiling)
                                result->setTiled( true );
                                result->setFirstLevel( featureType->getFirstLevel() );
                                result->setMaxLevel( featureType->getMaxLevel() );
                                result->setProfile( osgEarth::Profile::create(osgEarth::SpatialReference::create("epsg:4326"), featureType->getExtent().xMin(), featureType->getExtent().yMin(), featureType->getExtent().xMax(), featureType->getExtent().yMax(), 1, 1) );

                if (!result)
                    result = new FeatureProfile(GeoExtent(SpatialReference::create( "epsg:4326" ), -180, -90, 180, 90));
                _featureProfile = result;

        return _featureProfile.get();
コード例 #11
ファイル: FeatureSourceOGR.cpp プロジェクト: 3dcl/osgearth
    /** Called once at startup to create the profile for this feature set. Successful profile
        creation implies that the datasource opened succesfully. */
    const FeatureProfile* createFeatureProfile()
        FeatureProfile* result = 0L;

        // see if we have a custom profile.
        osg::ref_ptr<const Profile> profile;
        if ( _options.profile().isSet() )
            profile = Profile::create( *_options.profile() );

        if ( _geometry.valid() )
            // if the user specified explicit geometry, use that and the calculated
            // extent of the geometry to derive a profile.
            GeoExtent ex;
            if ( profile.valid() )
                //ex = profile->getExtent();
                ex = GeoExtent(profile->getSRS(), _geometry->getBounds());

            if ( !ex.isValid() )
                // default to WGS84 Lat/Long
                ex = osgEarth::Registry::instance()->getGlobalGeodeticProfile()->getExtent();
            result = new FeatureProfile( ex );

        else if ( !_source.empty() )
            // otherwise, assume we're loading from the URL:

            // load up the driver, defaulting to shapefile if unspecified.
            std::string driverName = _options.ogrDriver().value();
            if ( driverName.empty() )
                driverName = "ESRI Shapefile";
            _ogrDriverHandle = OGRGetDriverByName( driverName.c_str() );

            // attempt to open the dataset:
            int openMode = _options.openWrite().isSet() && _options.openWrite().value() ? 1 : 0;

            _dsHandle = OGROpen( _source.c_str(), openMode, &_ogrDriverHandle );
            if ( _dsHandle )
                if (openMode == 1) _writable = true;
                _layerHandle = openLayer(_dsHandle, _options.layer().value());

                if ( _layerHandle )
                    GeoExtent extent;

                    // if the user provided a profile, user that:
                    if ( profile.valid() )
                        result = new FeatureProfile( profile->getExtent() );

                        // extract the SRS and Extent:                
                        OGRSpatialReferenceH srHandle = OGR_L_GetSpatialRef( _layerHandle );
                        if ( srHandle )
                            osg::ref_ptr<SpatialReference> srs = SpatialReference::createFromHandle( srHandle, false );
                            if ( srs.valid() )
                                // extract the full extent of the layer:
                                OGREnvelope env;
                                if ( OGR_L_GetExtent( _layerHandle, &env, 1 ) == OGRERR_NONE )
                                    GeoExtent extent( srs.get(), env.MinX, env.MinY, env.MaxX, env.MaxY );
                                    if ( extent.isValid() )
                                        // got enough info to make the profile!
                                        result = new FeatureProfile( extent );
                                        OE_WARN << LC << "Extent returned from OGR was invalid.\n";

                    // assuming we successfully opened the layer, build a spatial index if requested.
                    if ( _options.buildSpatialIndex() == true )
                        if ( (_options.forceRebuildSpatialIndex() == true) || (OGR_L_TestCapability(_layerHandle, OLCFastSpatialFilter) == 0) )
                            OE_INFO << LC << "Building spatial index for " << getName() << std::endl;
                            std::stringstream buf;
                            const char* name = OGR_FD_GetName( OGR_L_GetLayerDefn( _layerHandle ) );
                            buf << "CREATE SPATIAL INDEX ON " << name;
                            std::string bufStr;
                            bufStr = buf.str();
                            OE_DEBUG << LC << "SQL: " << bufStr << std::endl;
                            OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL( _dsHandle, bufStr.c_str(), 0L, 0L );
                            OE_INFO << LC << "Use existing spatial index for " << getName() << std::endl;

                    //Get the feature count
                    _featureCount = OGR_L_GetFeatureCount( _layerHandle, 1 );


                    OGRwkbGeometryType wkbType = OGR_FD_GetGeomType( OGR_L_GetLayerDefn( _layerHandle ) );
                    if (
                        wkbType == wkbPolygon ||
                        wkbType == wkbPolygon25D )
                        _geometryType = Geometry::TYPE_POLYGON;
                    else if (
                        wkbType == wkbLineString ||
                        wkbType == wkbLineString25D )
                        _geometryType = Geometry::TYPE_LINESTRING;
                    else if (
                        wkbType == wkbLinearRing )
                        _geometryType = Geometry::TYPE_RING;
                    else if ( 
                        wkbType == wkbPoint ||
                        wkbType == wkbPoint25D )
                        _geometryType = Geometry::TYPE_POINTSET;
                    else if (
                        wkbType == wkbGeometryCollection ||
                        wkbType == wkbGeometryCollection25D ||
                        wkbType == wkbMultiPoint ||
                        wkbType == wkbMultiPoint25D ||
                        wkbType == wkbMultiLineString ||
                        wkbType == wkbMultiLineString25D ||
                        wkbType == wkbMultiPolygon ||
                        wkbType == wkbMultiPolygon25D )
                        _geometryType = Geometry::TYPE_MULTI;
                OE_INFO << LC << "failed to open dataset at \"" << _source << "\" error " << CPLGetLastErrorMsg() << std::endl;
            OE_INFO << LC 
                << "Feature Source: no valid source data available" << std::endl;

        if ( result )
            if ( _options.geoInterp().isSet() )
                result->geoInterp() = _options.geoInterp().get();

        return result;
コード例 #12
    Status initialize(const osgDB::Options* readOptions)
        // make a local copy of the read options.
        _readOptions = Registry::cloneOrCreateOptions(readOptions);

        FeatureProfile* fp = 0L;

        // Try to read the TFS metadata:
        _layerValid = TFSReaderWriter::read(_options.url().get(), _readOptions.get(), _layer);

        if (_layerValid)
            OE_INFO << LC <<  "Read layer TFS " << _layer.getTitle() << " " << _layer.getAbstract() << " " << _layer.getFirstLevel() << " " << _layer.getMaxLevel() << " " << _layer.getExtent().toString() << std::endl;

            fp = new FeatureProfile(_layer.getExtent());
            fp->setTiled( true );
            fp->setFirstLevel( _layer.getFirstLevel());
            fp->setMaxLevel( _layer.getMaxLevel());
            fp->setProfile( osgEarth::Profile::create(_layer.getSRS(), _layer.getExtent().xMin(), _layer.getExtent().yMin(), _layer.getExtent().xMax(), _layer.getExtent().yMax(), 1, 1) );
            if ( _options.geoInterp().isSet() )
                fp->geoInterp() = _options.geoInterp().get();
            // Try to get the results from the settings instead
            if ( !_options.profile().isSet())
                return Status::Error(Status::ConfigurationError, "TFS driver requires an explicit profile");

            if (!_options.minLevel().isSet() || !_options.maxLevel().isSet())
                return Status::Error(Status::ConfigurationError, "TFS driver requires a min and max level");
            osg::ref_ptr<const Profile> profile = Profile::create( *_options.profile() );    

            fp = new FeatureProfile(profile->getExtent());
            fp->setTiled( true );
            fp->setFirstLevel( *_options.minLevel() );
            fp->setMaxLevel( *_options.maxLevel() );
            fp->setProfile( profile.get() );
            if ( _options.geoInterp().isSet() )
                fp->geoInterp() = _options.geoInterp().get();


        return Status::OK();