コード例 #1
ファイル: turns_generator.cpp プロジェクト: rossanag/omim
 * \brief GetPointForTurn returns ingoingPoint or outgoingPoint for turns.
 * These points belongs to the route but they often are not neighbor of junctionPoint.
 * To calculate the resulting point the function implements the following steps:
 * - going from junctionPoint along feature ft according to the direction which is set in GetPointIndex().
 * - until one of following conditions is fulfilled:
 *   - the end of ft is reached; (returns the last feature point)
 *   - more than kMaxPointsCount points are passed; (returns the kMaxPointsCount-th point)
 *   - the length of passed parts of segment exceeds kMinDistMeters; (returns the next point after the event)
 * \param segment is a ingoing or outgoing feature segment.
 * \param ft is a ingoing or outgoing feature.
 * \param junctionPoint is a junction point.
 * \param maxPointsCount returned poit could't be more than maxPointsCount poins away from junctionPoint
 * \param minDistMeters returned point should be minDistMeters away from junctionPoint if ft is long and consists of short segments
 * \param GetPointIndex is a function for getting points by index.
 * It defines a direction of following along a feature. So it differs for ingoing and outgoing cases.
 * It has following parameters:
 * - start is an index of the start point of a feature segment. For example, FtSeg::m_pointStart.
 * - end is an index of the end point of a feature segment. For example, FtSeg::m_pointEnd.
 * - shift is a number of points which shall be added to end or start index. After that
 *   the sum reflects an index of a feature segment point which will be used for a turn calculation.
 * The sum shall belongs to a range [min(start, end), max(start, end)].
 * shift belongs to a  range [0, abs(end - start)].
 * \return an ingoing or outgoing point for a turn calculation.
m2::PointD GetPointForTurn(OsrmMappingTypes::FtSeg const & segment, FeatureType const & ft,
                           m2::PointD const & junctionPoint,
                           size_t const maxPointsCount,
                           double const minDistMeters,
                           size_t (*GetPointIndex)(const size_t start, const size_t end, const size_t shift))
  double curDistanceMeters = 0.;
  m2::PointD point = junctionPoint;
  m2::PointD nextPoint;

  size_t const numSegPoints = abs(segment.m_pointEnd - segment.m_pointStart);
  ASSERT_GREATER(numSegPoints, 0, ());
  ASSERT_LESS(numSegPoints, ft.GetPointsCount(), ());
  size_t const usedFtPntNum = min(maxPointsCount, numSegPoints);

  for (size_t i = 1; i <= usedFtPntNum; ++i)
    nextPoint = ft.GetPoint(GetPointIndex(segment.m_pointStart, segment.m_pointEnd, i));
    curDistanceMeters += MercatorBounds::DistanceOnEarth(point, nextPoint);
    if (curDistanceMeters > minDistMeters)
      return nextPoint;
    point = nextPoint;

  return nextPoint;
コード例 #2
ファイル: turns_generator.cpp プロジェクト: Komzpa/omim
 * \brief GetPointForTurn returns ingoingPoint or outgoingPoint for turns.
 * These points belongs to the route but they often are not neighbor of junctionPoint.
 * To calculate the resulting point the function implements the following steps:
 * - going from junctionPoint along feature ft according to the direction which is set in GetPointIndex().
 * - until one of following conditions is fulfilled:
 *   - the end of ft is reached; (returns the last feature point)
 *   - more than kMaxPointsCount points are passed; (returns the kMaxPointsCount-th point)
 *   - the length of passed parts of segment exceeds kMinDistMeters; (returns the next point after the event)
 * \param segment is a ingoing or outgoing feature segment.
 * \param ft is a ingoing or outgoing feature.
 * \param junctionPoint is a junction point.
 * \param GetPointIndex is a function for getting points by index.
 * It defines a direction of following along a feature. So it differs for ingoing and outgoing cases.
 * It has following parameters:
 * - start is an index of the start point of a feature segment. For example, FtSeg::m_pointStart.
 * - end is an index of the end point of a feature segment. For example, FtSeg::m_pointEnd.
 * - shift is a number of points which shall be added to end or start index. After that
 * the sum reflects an index of a point of a feature segment which will be used for turn calculation.
 * The sum shall belongs to a range [min(start, end), max(start, end)].
 * shift belongs to a  range [0, abs(end - start)].
 * \return an ingoing or outgoing point for turn calculation.
m2::PointD GetPointForTurn(OsrmMappingTypes::FtSeg const & segment, FeatureType const & ft,
                           m2::PointD const & junctionPoint,
                           size_t (*GetPointIndex)(const size_t start, const size_t end, const size_t shift))
  // An ingoing and outgoing point could be farther then kMaxPointsCount points from the junctionPoint
  size_t const kMaxPointsCount = 7;
  // If ft feature is long enough and consist of short segments
  // the point for turn generation is taken as the next point the route after kMinDistMeters.
  double const kMinDistMeters = 300.;
  double curDistanceMeters = 0.;
  m2::PointD point = junctionPoint;
  m2::PointD nextPoint;

  size_t const numSegPoints = abs(segment.m_pointEnd - segment.m_pointStart);
  ASSERT_GREATER(numSegPoints, 0, ());
  ASSERT_LESS(numSegPoints, ft.GetPointsCount(), ());
  size_t const usedFtPntNum = min(kMaxPointsCount, numSegPoints);

  for (size_t i = 1; i <= usedFtPntNum; ++i)
    nextPoint = ft.GetPoint(GetPointIndex(segment.m_pointStart, segment.m_pointEnd, i));
    curDistanceMeters += MercatorBounds::DistanceOnEarth(point, nextPoint);
    if (curDistanceMeters > kMinDistMeters)
      return nextPoint;
    point = nextPoint;
  return nextPoint;
コード例 #3
ファイル: rule_drawer.cpp プロジェクト: DINKIN/omim
void RuleDrawer::operator()(FeatureType const & f)
  if (CheckCancelled())

  Stylist s;
  m_callback(f, s);

  if (s.IsEmpty())

  int const zoomLevel = m_context->GetTileKey().m_zoomLevel;

  if (s.IsCoastLine() &&
      zoomLevel > scales::GetUpperWorldScale() &&
      f.GetID().m_mwmId.GetInfo()->GetType() == MwmInfo::COASTS)
    string name;
    if (f.GetName(StringUtf8Multilang::kDefaultCode, name))
      ASSERT(!name.empty(), ());
      strings::SimpleTokenizer iter(name, ";");
      while (iter)
        if (m_isLoadedFn(*iter))
コード例 #4
ファイル: turns_generator.cpp プロジェクト: Komzpa/omim
 void operator()(FeatureType const & ft)
   static CarModel const carModel;
   if (ft.GetFeatureType() != feature::GEOM_LINE || !carModel.IsRoad(ft))
   uint32_t const featureId = ft.GetID().m_index;
   for (auto const n : m_routingMapping.m_segMapping.GetNodeIdByFid(featureId))
コード例 #5
ファイル: map_object.cpp プロジェクト: MasoudAjorlo/omim
void MapObject::SetFromFeatureType(FeatureType const & ft)
  m_mercator = feature::GetCenter(ft);
  m_name = ft.GetNames();
  m_types = feature::TypesHolder(ft);
  m_metadata = ft.GetMetadata();
  m_featureID = ft.GetID();
  ASSERT(m_featureID.IsValid(), ());
  m_geomType = ft.GetFeatureType();
コード例 #6
ファイル: geocoder.cpp プロジェクト: MasoudAjorlo/omim
 // LocalityScorer::Delegate overrides:
 void GetNames(uint32_t featureId, vector<string> & names) const override
   FeatureType ft;
   if (!m_context.GetFeature(featureId, ft))
   for (auto const & lang : m_params.m_langs)
     string name;
     if (ft.GetName(lang, name))
コード例 #7
ファイル: feature_covering.cpp プロジェクト: milchakov/omim
void GetIntersection(FeatureType & f, FeatureIntersector<DEPTH_LEVELS> & fIsect)
  // We need to cover feature for the best geometry, because it's indexed once for the
  // first top level scale. Do reset current cached geometry first.
  int const scale = FeatureType::BEST_GEOMETRY;

  f.ForEachPoint(fIsect, scale);
  f.ForEachTriangle(fIsect, scale);

  CHECK(!(fIsect.m_trg.empty() && fIsect.m_polyline.empty()) &&
        f.GetLimitRect(scale).IsValid(), (f.DebugString(scale)));
コード例 #8
ファイル: features_vector.cpp プロジェクト: 65apps/omim
void FeaturesVector::GetByIndex(uint32_t index, FeatureType & ft) const
  uint32_t offset = 0, size = 0;
  auto const ftOffset = m_table ? m_table->GetFeatureOffset(index) : index;
  m_RecordReader.ReadRecord(ftOffset, m_buffer, offset, size);
  ft.Deserialize(m_LoadInfo.GetLoader(), &m_buffer[offset]);
コード例 #9
ファイル: osm_editor.cpp プロジェクト: tsd-kikkawa/omim
void Editor::DeleteFeature(FeatureType const & feature)
  FeatureID const & fid = feature.GetID();
  auto const mwm = m_features.find(fid.m_mwmId);
  if (mwm != m_features.end())
    auto const f = mwm->second.find(fid.m_index);
    // Created feature is deleted by removing all traces of it.
    if (f != mwm->second.end() && f->second.m_status == FeatureStatus::Created)

  FeatureTypeInfo & fti = m_features[fid.m_mwmId][fid.m_index];
  fti.m_status = FeatureStatus::Deleted;
  // TODO: What if local client time is absolutely wrong?
  fti.m_modificationTimestamp = time(nullptr);
  // TODO: We don't really need to serialize whole feature. Improve this code in the future.
  fti.m_feature = feature;

  // TODO(AlexZ): Synchronize Save call/make it on a separate thread.

コード例 #10
ファイル: osrm_helpers.cpp プロジェクト: halonsoluis/omim
void Point2Node::operator()(FeatureType const & ft)
  if (!CarModel::Instance().IsRoad(ft))
  uint32_t const featureId = ft.GetID().m_index;
  for (auto const & n : m_routingMapping.m_segMapping.GetNodeIdByFid(featureId))
コード例 #11
uint32_t FeaturesLayerMatcher::GetMatchingStreetImpl(uint32_t houseId, FeatureType & houseFeature)
  // Check if this feature is modified - the logic will be different.
  string streetName;
  bool const edited =
      osm::Editor::Instance().GetEditedFeatureStreet(houseFeature.GetID(), streetName);

  // Check the cached result value.
  auto entry = m_matchingStreetsCache.Get(houseId);
  if (!edited && !entry.second)
    return entry.first;

  // Load feature if needed.
  if (!houseFeature.GetID().IsValid())
    GetByIndex(houseId, houseFeature);

  // Get nearby streets and calculate the resulting index.
  auto const & streets = GetNearbyStreets(houseId, houseFeature);
  uint32_t & result = entry.first;
  result = kInvalidId;

  if (edited)
    auto const ret = find_if(streets.begin(), streets.end(), [&streetName](TStreet const & st)
                               return st.m_name == streetName;
    if (ret != streets.end())
      result = ret->m_id.m_index;
    uint32_t index;
    if (m_context->GetStreetIndex(houseId, index) && index < streets.size())
      result = streets[index].m_id.m_index;

  // If there is no saved street for feature, assume that it's a nearest street if it's too close.
  if (result == kInvalidId && !streets.empty() &&
      streets[0].m_distanceMeters < kMaxApproxStreetDistanceM)
    result = streets[0].m_id.m_index;

  return result;
コード例 #12
ファイル: osm_editor.cpp プロジェクト: tsd-kikkawa/omim
EditableProperties Editor::GetEditableProperties(FeatureType const & feature) const
  // Disable editor for old data.
  if (!version::IsSingleMwm(feature.GetID().m_mwmId.GetInfo()->m_version.GetVersion()))
    return {};
  // TODO(mgsergio): Check if feature is in the area where editing is disabled in the config.
  return GetEditablePropertiesForTypes(feature::TypesHolder(feature));
コード例 #13
ファイル: banners.cpp プロジェクト: Mapotempo/omim
bool BannerSet::HasBannerForFeature(FeatureType const & ft) const
  bool result = false;
  ft.ForEachType([this, &result](uint32_t type)
    if (!result && HasBannerForType(type))
      result = true;
  return result;
コード例 #14
ファイル: dumper.cpp プロジェクト: 65apps/omim
    void operator()(FeatureType & f, uint32_t)
        string s1, s2;
        f.GetPreferredNames(s1, s2);
        if (!s1.empty())

        f.ForEachType([this](uint32_t type)
        CHECK(!m_currFeatureTypes.empty(), ("Feature without any type???"));

        auto found = m_stats.insert(make_pair(m_currFeatureTypes, 1));
        if (!found.second)
コード例 #15
bool Matches(Context & context, Sample::Result const & golden, search::Result const & actual)
  static double constexpr kToleranceMeters = 50;
  if (actual.GetResultType() != Result::RESULT_FEATURE)
    return false;

  FeatureType ft;
  if (!context.GetFeature(actual.GetFeatureID(), ft))
    return false;

  string name;
  if (!ft.GetName(FeatureType::DEFAULT_LANG, name))
  auto const houseNumber = ft.GetHouseNumber();
  auto const center = feature::GetCenter(ft);

  return golden.m_name == strings::MakeUniString(name) && golden.m_houseNumber == houseNumber &&
         MercatorBounds::DistanceOnEarth(golden.m_pos, center) < kToleranceMeters;
コード例 #16
ファイル: rule_drawer.cpp プロジェクト: milchakov/omim
bool RuleDrawer::CheckCoastlines(FeatureType & f, Stylist const & s)
  int const zoomLevel = m_context->GetTileKey().m_zoomLevel;

  if (s.IsCoastLine() &&
      zoomLevel > scales::GetUpperWorldScale() &&
      f.GetID().m_mwmId.GetInfo()->GetType() == MwmInfo::COASTS)
    string name;
    if (f.GetName(StringUtf8Multilang::kDefaultCode, name))
      ASSERT(!name.empty(), ());
      strings::SimpleTokenizer iter(name, ";");
      while (iter)
        if (m_isLoadedFn(*iter))
          return false;
コード例 #17
ファイル: stylist.cpp プロジェクト: milchakov/omim
void CaptionDescription::Init(FeatureType & f, int8_t deviceLang, int const zoomLevel,
                              feature::EGeomType const type, drule::text_type_t const mainTextType,
                              bool const auxCaptionExists)
  if (auxCaptionExists || type == feature::GEOM_LINE)
    f.GetPreferredNames(true /* allowTranslit */, deviceLang, m_mainText, m_auxText);
    f.GetReadableName(true /* allowTranslit */, deviceLang, m_mainText);

  // Set max text size to avoid VB/IB overflow in rendering.
  size_t constexpr kMaxTextSize = 200;
  if (m_mainText.size() > kMaxTextSize)
    m_mainText = m_mainText.substr(0, kMaxTextSize) + "...";

  m_roadNumber = f.GetRoadNumber();
  m_houseNumber = f.GetHouseNumber();

コード例 #18
void StreetVicinityLoader::LoadStreet(uint32_t featureId, Street & street)
  FeatureType feature;
  if (!m_context->GetFeature(featureId, feature))

  if (feature.GetFeatureType() != feature::GEOM_LINE)

  vector<m2::PointD> points;
  feature.ForEachPoint(MakeBackInsertFunctor(points), FeatureType::BEST_GEOMETRY);
  ASSERT(!points.empty(), ());

  for (auto const & point : points)
    street.m_rect.Add(MercatorBounds::RectByCenterXYAndSizeInMeters(point, m_offsetMeters));

  covering::CoveringGetter coveringGetter(street.m_rect, covering::ViewportWithLowLevels);
  auto const & intervals = coveringGetter.Get(m_scale);
  m_context->ForEachIndex(intervals, m_scale, MakeBackInsertFunctor(street.m_features));

  street.m_calculator = make_unique<ProjectionOnStreetCalculator>(points);
コード例 #19
ファイル: address_finder.cpp プロジェクト: morsya/omim
    void operator() (FeatureType const & f)
      feature::TypesHolder types(f);
      if (!types.Has(m_coastType) && NeedProcess(types))
        double const d = f.GetDistance(m_pt, m_scale);
        ASSERT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL(d, 0.0, ());

        if (IsInclude(d, types))
          string name;
          string house = f.GetHouseNumber();

          // if geom type is not GEOM_POINT, result center point doesn't matter in future use
          m2::PointD const pt =
              (types.GetGeoType() == feature::GEOM_POINT) ? f.GetCenter() : m2::PointD();

          // name, house are assigned like move semantics
          m_cont.push_back(FeatureInfoT(GetResultDistance(d, types), types, name, house, pt));
コード例 #20
ファイル: osm_editor.cpp プロジェクト: rokuz/omim
EditableProperties Editor::GetEditableProperties(FeatureType const & feature) const
           ("Edit mode should be available only on new data"));

    ASSERT(GetFeatureStatus(feature.GetID()) != FeatureStatus::Obsolete,
           ("Edit mode should not be available on obsolete features"));

    // TODO(mgsergio): Check if feature is in the area where editing is disabled in the config.
    auto editableProperties = GetEditablePropertiesForTypes(feature::TypesHolder(feature));

    // Disable opening hours editing if opening hours cannot be parsed.
    if (GetFeatureStatus(feature.GetID()) != FeatureStatus::Created)
        auto const originalFeaturePtr = GetOriginalFeature(feature.GetID());
        if (!originalFeaturePtr)
            LOG(LERROR, ("A feature with id", feature.GetID(), "cannot be loaded."));
            return {};

        auto const & metadata = originalFeaturePtr->GetMetadata();
        auto const & featureOpeningHours = metadata.Get(feature::Metadata::FMD_OPEN_HOURS);
        // Note: empty string is parsed as a valid opening hours rule.
        if (!osmoh::OpeningHours(featureOpeningHours).IsValid())
            auto & meta = editableProperties.m_metadata;
            auto const toBeRemoved = remove(begin(meta), end(meta), feature::Metadata::FMD_OPEN_HOURS);
            if (toBeRemoved != end(meta))

    return editableProperties;
コード例 #21
ファイル: ftypes_matcher.cpp プロジェクト: MasoudAjorlo/omim
uint32_t GetPopulation(FeatureType const & ft)
  uint32_t population = ft.GetPopulation();

  if (population < 10)
    switch (IsLocalityChecker::Instance().GetType(ft))
    case CITY:
    case TOWN:
      population = 10000;
    case VILLAGE:
      population = 100;
      population = 0;

  return population;
コード例 #22
ファイル: osrm_helpers.cpp プロジェクト: halonsoluis/omim
void Point2PhantomNode::MakeResult(vector<FeatureGraphNode> & res, size_t maxCount)
  vector<OsrmMappingTypes::FtSeg> segments;

  sort(m_candidates.begin(), m_candidates.end(), [](Candidate const & r1, Candidate const & r2)
         return (r1.m_dist < r2.m_dist);

  size_t const n = min(m_candidates.size(), maxCount);

  for (size_t j = 0; j < n; ++j)
    OsrmMappingTypes::FtSeg & seg = segments[j];
    Candidate const & c = m_candidates[j];

    seg.m_fid = c.m_fid;
    seg.m_pointStart = c.m_segIdx;
    seg.m_pointEnd = c.m_segIdx + 1;

  OsrmFtSegMapping::OsrmNodesT nodes;
  m_routingMapping.m_segMapping.GetOsrmNodes(segments, nodes);


  for (size_t j = 0; j < maxCount; ++j)
    if (!segments[j].IsValid())

    auto it = nodes.find(segments[j].Store());
    if (it == nodes.cend())

    FeatureGraphNode & node = res[j];

    if (!m_direction.IsAlmostZero())
      // Filter income nodes by direction mode
      OsrmMappingTypes::FtSeg const & node_seg = segments[j];
      FeatureType feature;
      Index::FeaturesLoaderGuard loader(m_index, m_routingMapping.GetMwmId());
      loader.GetFeatureByIndex(node_seg.m_fid, feature);
      m2::PointD const featureDirection = feature.GetPoint(node_seg.m_pointEnd) - feature.GetPoint(node_seg.m_pointStart);
      bool const sameDirection = (m2::DotProduct(featureDirection, m_direction) > 0);
      if (sameDirection)
        node.node.forward_node_id = it->second.first;
        node.node.reverse_node_id = INVALID_NODE_ID;
        node.node.forward_node_id = INVALID_NODE_ID;
        node.node.reverse_node_id = it->second.second;
      node.node.forward_node_id = it->second.first;
      node.node.reverse_node_id = it->second.second;

    node.segment = segments[j];
    node.segmentPoint = m_candidates[j].m_point;
    node.mwmId = m_routingMapping.GetMwmId();

  res.erase(remove_if(res.begin(), res.end(),
                      [](FeatureGraphNode const & f)
                        return !f.mwmId.IsAlive();
コード例 #23
ファイル: feature.cpp プロジェクト: 65apps/omim
string DebugPrint(FeatureType const & ft)
  return ft.DebugString(FeatureType::BEST_GEOMETRY);
コード例 #24
ファイル: FileConverter.C プロジェクト: BioITer/OpenMS
  ExitCodes main_(int, const char**)
    // parameter handling

    //input file names
    String in = getStringOption_("in");

    //input file type
    FileHandler fh;
    FileTypes::Type in_type = FileTypes::nameToType(getStringOption_("in_type"));

    if (in_type == FileTypes::UNKNOWN)
      in_type = fh.getType(in);
      writeDebug_(String("Input file type: ") + FileTypes::typeToName(in_type), 2);

    if (in_type == FileTypes::UNKNOWN)
      writeLog_("Error: Could not determine input file type!");
      return PARSE_ERROR;

    //output file names and types
    String out = getStringOption_("out");
    FileTypes::Type out_type = FileTypes::nameToType(getStringOption_("out_type"));

    if (out_type == FileTypes::UNKNOWN)
      out_type = fh.getTypeByFileName(out);

    if (out_type == FileTypes::UNKNOWN)
      writeLog_("Error: Could not determine output file type!");
      return PARSE_ERROR;

    bool TIC_DTA2D = getFlag_("TIC_DTA2D");

    writeDebug_(String("Output file type: ") + FileTypes::typeToName(out_type), 1);

    // reading input
    typedef MSExperiment<Peak1D> MSExperimentType;
    MSExperimentType exp;

    typedef MSExperimentType::SpectrumType SpectrumType;

    typedef FeatureMap<> FeatureMapType;

    FeatureMapType fm;
    ConsensusMap cm;

    writeDebug_(String("Loading input file"), 1);

    if (in_type == FileTypes::CONSENSUSXML)
      ConsensusXMLFile().load(in, cm);
      if ((out_type != FileTypes::FEATUREXML) &&
          (out_type != FileTypes::CONSENSUSXML))
        // You you will lose information and waste memory. Enough reasons to issue a warning!
        writeLog_("Warning: Converting consensus features to peaks. You will lose information!");
    else if (in_type == FileTypes::EDTA)
      EDTAFile().load(in, cm);
      if ((out_type != FileTypes::FEATUREXML) &&
          (out_type != FileTypes::CONSENSUSXML))
        // You you will lose information and waste memory. Enough reasons to issue a warning!
        writeLog_("Warning: Converting consensus features to peaks. You will lose information!");
    else if (in_type == FileTypes::FEATUREXML ||
             in_type == FileTypes::TSV ||
             in_type == FileTypes::PEPLIST ||
             in_type == FileTypes::KROENIK)
      fh.loadFeatures(in, fm, in_type);
      if ((out_type != FileTypes::FEATUREXML) &&
          (out_type != FileTypes::CONSENSUSXML))
        // You will lose information and waste memory. Enough reasons to issue a warning!
        writeLog_("Warning: Converting features to peaks. You will lose information! Mass traces are added, if present as 'num_of_masstraces' and 'masstrace_intensity_<X>' (X>=0) meta values.");
      fh.loadExperiment(in, exp, in_type, log_type_);

    // writing output

    writeDebug_(String("Writing output file"), 1);

    if (out_type == FileTypes::MZML)
      //add data processing entry
      addDataProcessing_(exp, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::
      MzMLFile f;
      ChromatogramTools().convertSpectraToChromatograms(exp, true);
      f.store(out, exp);
    else if (out_type == FileTypes::MZDATA)
      //annotate output with data processing info
      addDataProcessing_(exp, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::
      MzDataFile f;
      f.store(out, exp);
    else if (out_type == FileTypes::MZXML)
      //annotate output with data processing info
      addDataProcessing_(exp, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::
      MzXMLFile f;
      f.store(out, exp);
    else if (out_type == FileTypes::DTA2D)
      //add data processing entry
      addDataProcessing_(exp, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::
      DTA2DFile f;
      if (TIC_DTA2D)
        // store the total ion chromatogram (TIC)
        f.storeTIC(out, exp);
        // store entire experiment
        f.store(out, exp);

    else if (out_type == FileTypes::MGF)
      //add data processing entry
      addDataProcessing_(exp, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::
      MascotGenericFile f;
      f.store(out, exp);
    else if (out_type == FileTypes::FEATUREXML)
      if ((in_type == FileTypes::FEATUREXML) || (in_type == FileTypes::TSV) ||
          (in_type == FileTypes::PEPLIST) || (in_type == FileTypes::KROENIK))
      else if (in_type == FileTypes::CONSENSUSXML || in_type == FileTypes::EDTA)
        ConsensusMap::convert(cm, true, fm);
      else // not loaded as feature map or consensus map
        // The feature specific information is only defaulted. Enough reasons to issue a warning!
        writeLog_("Warning: Converting peaks to features will lead to incomplete features!");
        typedef FeatureMapType::FeatureType FeatureType;
        FeatureType feature;
        feature.setQuality(0, 1); // override default
        feature.setQuality(1, 1); // override default
        feature.setOverallQuality(1); // override default
        for (MSExperimentType::ConstIterator spec_iter = exp.begin();
             spec_iter != exp.end();
          for (SpectrumType::ConstIterator peak1_iter = spec_iter->begin();
               peak1_iter != spec_iter->end();

      addDataProcessing_(fm, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::
      FeatureXMLFile().store(out, fm);
    else if (out_type == FileTypes::CONSENSUSXML)
      if ((in_type == FileTypes::FEATUREXML) || (in_type == FileTypes::TSV) ||
          (in_type == FileTypes::PEPLIST) || (in_type == FileTypes::KROENIK))
        ConsensusMap::convert(0, fm, cm);
      // nothing to do for consensus input
      else if (in_type == FileTypes::CONSENSUSXML || in_type == FileTypes::EDTA)
      else // experimental data
        ConsensusMap::convert(0, exp, cm, exp.size());

      addDataProcessing_(cm, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::
      ConsensusXMLFile().store(out, cm);
    else if (out_type == FileTypes::EDTA)
      if (fm.size() > 0 && cm.size() > 0)
        LOG_ERROR << "Internal error: cannot decide on container (Consensus or Feature)! This is a bug. Please report it!";
        return INTERNAL_ERROR;
      if (fm.size() > 0) EDTAFile().store(out, fm);
      else if (cm.size() > 0) EDTAFile().store(out, cm);
      writeLog_("Unknown output file type given. Aborting!");

    return EXECUTION_OK;
コード例 #25
ファイル: index.cpp プロジェクト: DINKIN/omim
void Index::FeaturesLoaderGuard::GetOriginalFeatureByIndex(uint32_t index, FeatureType & ft) const
  m_vector.GetByIndex(index, ft);
  ft.SetID(FeatureID(m_handle.GetId(), index));
コード例 #26
ファイル: dumper.cpp プロジェクト: 65apps/omim
 void operator()(FeatureType & f, uint32_t)
コード例 #27
ファイル: srtm_coverage_checker.cpp プロジェクト: 65apps/omim
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  google::SetUsageMessage("SRTM coverage checker.");
  google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);

  Platform & platform = GetPlatform();
  if (!FLAGS_mwm_path.empty())

  if (FLAGS_srtm_path.empty())
    LOG(LERROR, ("SRTM files directory is not specified."));
    return -1;

  LOG(LINFO, ("writable dir =", platform.WritableDir()));
  LOG(LINFO, ("srtm dir =", FLAGS_srtm_path));

  vector<platform::LocalCountryFile> localFiles;
  platform::FindAllLocalMapsAndCleanup(numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() /* latestVersion */,

  auto fetcher = integration::CreateFeaturesFetcher(localFiles);
  generator::SrtmTileManager manager(FLAGS_srtm_path);

  for (auto & file : localFiles)
    if (file.GetFiles() != MapOptions::MapWithCarRouting)
      LOG(LINFO, ("Warning! Routing file not found for:", file.GetCountryName()));

    FilesMappingContainer container(file.GetPath(MapOptions::CarRouting));
    if (!container.IsExist(ROUTING_FTSEG_FILE_TAG))
      LOG(LINFO, ("Warning! Mwm file has not routing ftseg section:", file.GetCountryName()));

    routing::TDataFacade dataFacade;

    OsrmFtSegMapping segMapping;
    segMapping.Load(container, file);

    size_t all = 0;
    size_t good = 0;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < dataFacade.GetNumberOfNodes(); ++i)
      buffer_vector<OsrmMappingTypes::FtSeg, 8> buffer;
      segMapping.ForEachFtSeg(i, MakeBackInsertFunctor(buffer));

      vector<m2::PointD> path;
      for (size_t k = 0; k < buffer.size(); ++k)
        auto const & segment = buffer[k];
        if (!segment.IsValid())
        // Load data from drive.
        FeatureType ft;
        Index::FeaturesLoaderGuard loader(
            fetcher->GetIndex(), fetcher->GetIndex().GetMwmIdByCountryFile(file.GetCountryFile()));
        loader.GetFeatureByIndex(segment.m_fid, ft);

        // Get points in proper direction.
        auto const startIdx = segment.m_pointStart;
        auto const endIdx = segment.m_pointEnd;
        for (auto idx = min(startIdx, endIdx); idx <= max(startIdx, endIdx); ++idx)

        all += path.size();
        for (auto const & point : path)
          auto const height = manager.GetHeight(MercatorBounds::ToLatLon(point));
          if (height != generator::SrtmTile::kInvalidHeight)

    auto const bad = all - good;
    auto const percent = all == 0 ? 0.0 : bad * 100.0 / all;
    if (percent > 10.0)
      LOG(LINFO, ("Huge error rate in:", file.GetCountryName(), "good:", good, "bad:", bad, "all:",
                  all, "%:", percent));

  return 0;
コード例 #28
bool ExactMatchingRule::Matches(FeatureType & feature) const
  if (m_mwmId != feature.GetID().m_mwmId)
    return false;
  return m_feature.Matches(feature);
コード例 #29
ファイル: osrm_helpers.cpp プロジェクト: halonsoluis/omim
void Point2PhantomNode::CalculateWeight(OsrmMappingTypes::FtSeg const & seg,
                                        m2::PointD const & segPt, NodeID const & nodeId,
                                        bool calcFromRight, int & weight, int & offset) const
  // nodeId can be INVALID_NODE_ID when reverse node is absent. This node has no weight.
  if (nodeId == INVALID_NODE_ID)
    offset = 0;
    weight = 0;

  Index::FeaturesLoaderGuard loader(m_index, m_routingMapping.GetMwmId());

  // Offset is measured in milliseconds. We don't know about speed restrictions on the road.
  // So we find it by a whole edge weight.
  // Distance from the node border to the projection point is in meters.
  double distanceM = 0.;
  // Whole node distance in meters.
  double fullDistanceM = 0.;
  // Minimal OSRM edge weight in milliseconds.
  EdgeWeight minWeight = 0;

  auto const range = m_routingMapping.m_segMapping.GetSegmentsRange(nodeId);
  OsrmMappingTypes::FtSeg segment;

  size_t const startIndex = calcFromRight ? range.second - 1 : range.first;
  size_t const endIndex = calcFromRight ? range.first - 1 : range.second;
  int const indexIncrement = calcFromRight ? -1 : 1;

  bool foundSeg = false;
  m2::PointD lastPoint;
  for (size_t segmentIndex = startIndex; segmentIndex != endIndex; segmentIndex += indexIncrement)
    m_routingMapping.m_segMapping.GetSegmentByIndex(segmentIndex, segment);
    if (!segment.IsValid())

    FeatureType ft;
    loader.GetFeatureByIndex(segment.m_fid, ft);

    // Find whole edge weight by node outgoing point.
    if (segmentIndex == range.second - 1)
      minWeight = GetMinNodeWeight(nodeId, ft.GetPoint(segment.m_pointEnd));

    // Calculate distances.
    double distance = CalculateDistance(ft, segment.m_pointStart, segment.m_pointEnd);
    fullDistanceM += distance;
    if (foundSeg)

    if (segment.m_fid == seg.m_fid && OsrmMappingTypes::IsInside(segment, seg))
      auto const splittedSegment = OsrmMappingTypes::SplitSegment(segment, seg, !calcFromRight);
      distanceM += CalculateDistance(ft, splittedSegment.m_pointStart, splittedSegment.m_pointEnd);
      // node.m_seg always forward ordered (m_pointStart < m_pointEnd)
      distanceM -= MercatorBounds::DistanceOnEarth(
          ft.GetPoint(calcFromRight ? seg.m_pointStart : seg.m_pointEnd), segPt);

      foundSeg = true;
      distanceM += distance;

  ASSERT_GREATER(fullDistanceM, 0, ("No valid segments on the edge."));
  double const ratio = (fullDistanceM == 0) ? 0 : distanceM / fullDistanceM;
  ASSERT_LESS_OR_EQUAL(ratio, 1., ());

  // OSRM calculates edge weight form start to user point how offset + weight.
  // But it doesn't place info about start and end edge result weight into result structure.
  // So we store whole edge weight into offset and calculates this weights at a postprocessing step.
  offset = minWeight;
  weight = max(static_cast<int>(minWeight * ratio), 0) - minWeight;
コード例 #30
// Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ProcessMetadata(FeatureType & ft, Result::Metadata & meta)
  if (meta.m_isInitialized)

  feature::Metadata const & src = ft.GetMetadata();

  auto const cuisinesMeta = src.Get(feature::Metadata::FMD_CUISINE);
  if (cuisinesMeta.empty())
    meta.m_cuisine = "";
    vector<string> cuisines;
    osm::Cuisines::Instance().ParseAndLocalize(cuisinesMeta, cuisines);
    meta.m_cuisine = strings::JoinStrings(cuisines, " • ");

  meta.m_airportIata = src.Get(feature::Metadata::FMD_AIRPORT_IATA);
  meta.m_brand = src.Get(feature::Metadata::FMD_BRAND);

  string const openHours = src.Get(feature::Metadata::FMD_OPEN_HOURS);
  if (!openHours.empty())
    osmoh::OpeningHours const oh(openHours);
    // TODO: We should check closed/open time for specific feature's timezone.
    time_t const now = time(nullptr);
    if (oh.IsValid() && !oh.IsUnknown(now))
      meta.m_isOpenNow = oh.IsOpen(now) ? osm::Yes : osm::No;
    // In else case value us osm::Unknown, it's set in preview's constructor.

  if (strings::to_int(src.Get(feature::Metadata::FMD_STARS), meta.m_stars))
    meta.m_stars = base::clamp(meta.m_stars, 0, 5);
    meta.m_stars = 0;

  bool const isSponsoredHotel = ftypes::IsBookingChecker::Instance()(ft);
  meta.m_isSponsoredHotel = isSponsoredHotel;
  meta.m_isHotel = ftypes::IsHotelChecker::Instance()(ft);

  if (isSponsoredHotel)
    auto const r = src.Get(feature::Metadata::FMD_RATING);
    if (!r.empty())
      float raw;
      if (strings::to_float(r.c_str(), raw))
        meta.m_hotelRating = raw;

    int pricing;
    if (!strings::to_int(src.Get(feature::Metadata::FMD_PRICE_RATE), pricing))
      pricing = 0;
    string pricingStr;
    CHECK_GREATER_OR_EQUAL(pricing, 0, ("Pricing must be positive!"));
    for (auto i = 0; i < pricing; i++)

    meta.m_hotelPricing = pricing;
    meta.m_hotelApproximatePricing = pricingStr;

  meta.m_isInitialized = true;