コード例 #1
ファイル: master.cpp プロジェクト: ehamberg/simdist
 *   Extract child program (master or slave) name and and
 *   arguments from options.  sSide should be 'master' or
 *   'slave', program and arguments are returned.
 *   Checks the "combo" options first (e.g. "master").  Then, if
 *   these are not present, look for master-program and
 *   master-arguments.
GetChild(Feedback &fb, const std::string &sSide, std::string &sProgram, std::string &sArguments)
  if (Options::Instance().IsUserSet(sSide))
    if (Options::Instance().Option(sSide, sProgram))
      return fb.Error(E_CHILD_SETUP) << ": Unable to get " + sSide + " program and arguments from '" + sSide + "' option.";
        // Now split the option into sProgram and sArguments;
    std::vector<std::string> argv;
    if (CreateArgumentVector(sProgram, argv))
      return fb.Error(E_CHILD_SETUP) << ": Failed to split '" + sSide + "' option into program name and arguments.";
    sProgram = argv[0];
    for (size_t nArg = 1; nArg < argv.size(); nArg++)
      sArguments += (sArguments.empty() ? "" : " ") + argv[nArg];
    if (!Options::Instance().IsUserSet(sSide + "-program"))
      return fb.Error(E_CHILD_SETUP) << ": Either the '" + sSide + "' option or the '" + 
        sSide + "-program' and optionally the '" + sSide + "-arguments' options must be specified.";
    if (Options::Instance().Option(sSide + "-program", sProgram)
      || Options::Instance().Option(sSide + "-arguments", sArguments))
      return fb.Error(E_CHILD_SETUP) << ": Unable to get '" + sSide + "-program' and/or '" + sSide + "-arguments' from options.";
  return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: utils.cpp プロジェクト: epichub/neatzsche
 *   Optimized reading function: Read as large chunks as possible each
 *   time.  We can read at most as much as the length of the delimiter
 *   at once.
int ReadDelimData(Feedback &fb, std::istream &s, std::string &sData, const std::string &sDelim)
  if (sDelim.empty())
    return fb.Error(E_UTILS_READJOB) << ": Empty delimiter.";
  const size_t nDelimLen = sDelim.size();
  char buf[nDelimLen + 1];
  s.read(buf, nDelimLen);
  if (s.gcount() != std::streamsize(nDelimLen) || s.eof() || !s.good())
    return 1;

  int nCtr = 0;
  char *mit;
  while((mit = MatchDelim(buf, buf + nDelimLen, sDelim.begin(), sDelim.end())) != buf)
    sData.append(buf, mit - buf);
    size_t nSubMatch = buf + nDelimLen - mit;
    if (nSubMatch > 0)
      memmove(buf, mit, nSubMatch);
    s.read(buf + nSubMatch, nDelimLen - nSubMatch);
    if (s.gcount() != std::streamsize(nDelimLen - nSubMatch) || s.eof() || !s.good())
      buf[std::max(nDelimLen, nSubMatch + static_cast<size_t>(s.gcount()))] = 0;
      return 1;
  return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: utils.cpp プロジェクト: epichub/neatzsche
ReadJobData(Feedback &fb, std::istream &s, const std::string &sChildOutputMode, std::string &sData)
  std::stringstream ssMode(sChildOutputMode);
  std::string sMode1;
  ssMode >> sMode1;

  if (sMode1 == "EOF")
    std::string sLine, sEOF;
    if (!std::getline(s, sEOF))
      return fb.Error(E_UTILS_READJOB) << ": Failed to read leading EOF mark.  No more jobs?";
    if (int nRet = ReadDelimData(fb, s, sData, "\n" + sEOF + "\n"))
      return nRet;
  else if (sMode1 == "BYTES")
    size_t nBytes;
    s.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&nBytes), sizeof(nBytes));
    if (s.gcount() != sizeof(nBytes))
      return fb.Error(E_UTILS_READJOB) << ": Failed to read byte count.";
    std::vector<char> v(nBytes);
    s.read(&(v[0]), nBytes);
    std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), sData.begin());
   if (s.gcount() != nBytes)
      return fb.Error(E_UTILS_READJOB) << ": Failed to read " << nBytes << " bytes of job data.";
  else if (sMode1 == "BIN-EOF")
    int nTagLen;
    ssMode >> nTagLen;
    std::vector<char> tag(nTagLen);
    s.read(&tag[0], nTagLen);
    if (s.gcount() != nTagLen)
      return fb.Error(E_UTILS_READJOB) << ": Failed to read " << nTagLen << " bytes of leading binary eof tag.";
    if (int nRet = ReadDelimData(fb, s, sData, std::string(&tag[0])))
      return nRet;