コード例 #1
ファイル: RampTest.cpp プロジェクト: CamelliaDPG/Camellia
  void values(FieldContainer<double> &values, BasisCachePtr basisCache)
    int numCells = values.dimension(0);
    int numPoints = values.dimension(1);

    MeshPtr mesh = basisCache->mesh();
    vector<int> cellIDs = basisCache->cellIDs();

    double tol=1e-14;
    for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++)
      double h = 1.0;
      if (_spatialCoord==0)
        h = mesh->getCellXSize(cellIDs[cellIndex]);
      else if (_spatialCoord==1)
        h = mesh->getCellYSize(cellIDs[cellIndex]);
      for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++)
        values(cellIndex,ptIndex) = sqrt(h);
コード例 #2
void BilinearFormUtility::weightCellBasisValues(FieldContainer<double> &basisValues, const FieldContainer<double> &weights, int offset) {
  // weights are (numCells, offset+numFields)
  // basisValues are (numCells, numFields, ...)
  int numCells = basisValues.dimension(0);
  int numFields = basisValues.dimension(1);
  Teuchos::Array<int> dimensions;

  int numAffectedValues = 1;
  for (int dimIndex=2; dimIndex<dimensions.size(); dimIndex++) {
    numAffectedValues *= dimensions[dimIndex];
  Teuchos::Array<int> index(dimensions.size(),0);
  for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex < numCells; cellIndex++) {
    index[0] = cellIndex;
    for (int fieldIndex=0; fieldIndex < numFields; fieldIndex++) {
      index[1] = fieldIndex;
      int enumIndex = basisValues.getEnumeration(index);
      for (int valIndex=enumIndex; valIndex < numAffectedValues + enumIndex; valIndex++) {
        basisValues[valIndex] *= weights(cellIndex,fieldIndex+offset);
コード例 #3
ファイル: TransientTests.cpp プロジェクト: Kun-Qu/Camellia
    void values(FieldContainer<double> &values, BasisCachePtr basisCache) {
      int numCells = values.dimension(0);
      int numPoints = values.dimension(1);

      const FieldContainer<double> *points = &(basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints());
      for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++) {
        double xCenter = 0;
        double yCenter = 0;
        int nPts = 0;
        for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++) {
          double x = (*points)(cellIndex,ptIndex,0);
          double y = (*points)(cellIndex,ptIndex,1);
          xCenter += x;
          yCenter += y;
        xCenter /= nPts;
        yCenter /= nPts;
        for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++) {
          double x = (*points)(cellIndex,ptIndex,0);
          double y = (*points)(cellIndex,ptIndex,1);
          if (abs(y) <= halfWidth && abs(yCenter) < halfWidth)
            values(cellIndex, ptIndex) = 1.0;
            values(cellIndex, ptIndex) = 0.0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: MeshTools.cpp プロジェクト: CamelliaDPG/Camellia
// time slice utilities assume a tensor product cell in the time dimension
// and further assume that if there are nodeCount vertices in the spatial element, then the nodes in space-time
// will be ordered such that nodes(i) and nodes(i+nodeCount) correspond to each other
vector< vector<double> > timeSliceForCell(FieldContainer<double> &physicalCellNodes, double t)
  int nodeCount = physicalCellNodes.dimension(1) / 2;
  int spaceDim = physicalCellNodes.dimension(2) - 1; // # of true spatial dimensions
  int d_time = spaceDim; // the index for the time dimension
//  FieldContainer<double> slice(1,nodeCount,spaceDim);
  vector< vector<double> > sliceVertices;
  for (int i=0; i<nodeCount; i++)
    double t0 = physicalCellNodes(0,i,d_time);
    double t1 = physicalCellNodes(0,i+nodeCount,d_time);
    double dt = t1 - t0;
    // TODO: worry about curvilinear elements here--for now, we assume straight edges
    double w0 = 1.0 - (t - t0) / dt;
    double w1 = 1.0 - (t1 - t) / dt;
    vector<double> vertex(spaceDim);
    for (int d=0; d<spaceDim; d++)
      double x0 = physicalCellNodes(0,i,d);
      double x1 = physicalCellNodes(0,i+nodeCount,d);
      vertex[d] = x0 * w0 + x1 * w1;
  return sliceVertices;
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_02.cpp プロジェクト: KineticTheory/Trilinos
// This is the rhs for (div tau,w) = (f,w),
// which makes f the negative Laplacian of scalar solution
void rhsFunc( FieldContainer<double> &result, 
              const FieldContainer<double> &points,
              int xd,
              int yd ,
              int zd)
  for (int cell=0;cell<result.dimension(0);cell++) {
    for (int pt=0;pt<result.dimension(1);pt++) {
      result(cell,pt) = 0.0;
      if (xd >=2) {
        result(cell,pt) += xd*(xd-1)*pow(points(cell,pt,0),xd-2)*pow(points(cell,pt,1),yd)
      if (yd >=2) {
        result(cell,pt) += yd*(yd-1)*pow(points(cell,pt,0),xd)*pow(points(cell,pt,1),yd-2)
      if (zd>=2) {
        result(cell,pt) += zd*(zd-1)*pow(points(cell,pt,0),xd)*pow(points(cell,pt,1),yd)
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_02.cpp プロジェクト: crtrott/Trilinos
/// exact solution
void u_exact(FieldContainer<double> & result, const FieldContainer<double> & points, int degree) {
  for (int cell=0; cell<result.dimension(0); cell++) {
    for (int pt=0; pt<result.dimension(1); pt++) {
      result(cell,pt) = pow(points(pt,0), degree);
コード例 #7
void EricksonManufacturedSolution::rhs(int testVarID, const FieldContainer<double> &physicalPoints, FieldContainer<double> &values) {
  int numCells = physicalPoints.dimension(0);
  int numPoints = physicalPoints.dimension(1);
  int spaceDim = physicalPoints.dimension(2);
  if (testVarID == ConfusionBilinearForm::V) {
    // f = - eps * (d^2/dx^2 + d^2/dy^2) ( u ) + beta_x du/dx + beta_y du/dy
    for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++) {
      for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++) {
        double x = physicalPoints(cellIndex,ptIndex,0);
        double y = physicalPoints(cellIndex,ptIndex,1);
        F2_2 sx(2,0,x), sy(2,1,y), su; // s for Sacado 
        sx.val() = F2(2,0,x);
        sy.val() = F2(2,1,y);
        su = u(sx,sy);

	/* these are values of convection-diffusion
	   values(cellIndex,ptIndex) = - _epsilon * ( su.dx(0).dx(0) + su.dx(1).dx(1) ) 
	   + _beta_x * su.dx(0).val() + _beta_y * su.dx(1).val();

	// this RHS corresponds to only convection
	//values(cellIndex,ptIndex) = _beta_x * su.dx(0).val() + _beta_y * su.dx(1).val();
	// exact RHS
	double pi = acos(0.0)*2.0;
	double epsSquared = _epsilon*_epsilon;
	//	values(cellIndex,ptIndex) = exp((1.0-x)/_epsilon)*(pi*pi - 2*epsSquared)*sin(pi*y/epsSquared)/(epsSquared*_epsilon);
	values(cellIndex,ptIndex) = 0.0;
コード例 #8
FCPtr BasisEvaluation::getValuesTimesNormals(constFCPtr values,const FieldContainer<double> &sideNormals)
  // values should have dimensions (C,basisCardinality,P)
  int numCells = sideNormals.dimension(0);
  int numPoints = sideNormals.dimension(1);
  int spaceDim = sideNormals.dimension(2);
  int basisCardinality = values->dimension(1);

  if ( (numCells != values->dimension(0)) || (basisCardinality != values->dimension(1))
       || (numPoints != values->dimension(2)))
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "values should have dimensions (C,basisCardinality,P)");

  Teuchos::RCP< FieldContainer<double> > result = Teuchos::rcp(new FieldContainer<double>(numCells,basisCardinality,numPoints,spaceDim));
  for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++)
    for (int basisOrdinal=0; basisOrdinal<basisCardinality; basisOrdinal++)
      for (int pointIndex=0; pointIndex<numPoints; pointIndex++)
        for (int dim=0; dim<spaceDim; dim++)
          double n_dim = sideNormals(cellIndex,pointIndex,dim);
          double value = (*values)(cellIndex,basisOrdinal,pointIndex);
          (*result)(cellIndex,basisOrdinal,pointIndex,dim) = value * n_dim;
  return result;
コード例 #9
void PreviousSolutionFunction::values(FieldContainer<double> &values, BasisCachePtr basisCache) {
  int rank = Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::getRank();
  if (_overrideMeshCheck) {
    _solnExpression->evaluate(values, _soln, basisCache);
  if (!basisCache.get()) cout << "basisCache is nil!\n";
  if (!_soln.get()) cout << "_soln is nil!\n";
  // values are stored in (C,P,D) order
  if (basisCache->mesh().get() == _soln->mesh().get()) {
    _solnExpression->evaluate(values, _soln, basisCache);
  } else {
    static bool warningIssued = false;
    if (!warningIssued) {
      if (rank==0)
        cout << "NOTE: In PreviousSolutionFunction, basisCache's mesh doesn't match solution's.  If this is not what you intended, it would be a good idea to make sure that the mesh is passed in on BasisCache construction; the evaluation will be a lot slower without it...\n";
      warningIssued = true;
    // get the physicalPoints, and make a basisCache for each...
    FieldContainer<double> physicalPoints = basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints();
    FieldContainer<double> value(1,1); // assumes scalar-valued solution function.
    int numCells = physicalPoints.dimension(0);
    int numPoints = physicalPoints.dimension(1);
    int spaceDim = physicalPoints.dimension(2);
    vector< ElementPtr > elements = _soln->mesh()->elementsForPoints(physicalPoints, false); // false: don't make elements null just because they're off-rank.
    FieldContainer<double> point(1,spaceDim);
    FieldContainer<double> refPoint(1,spaceDim);
    int combinedIndex = 0;
    vector<GlobalIndexType> cellID;
    BasisCachePtr basisCacheOnePoint;
    for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++) {
      for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++, combinedIndex++) {
        if (elements[combinedIndex].get()==NULL) continue; // no element found for point; skip it…
        ElementTypePtr elemType = elements[combinedIndex]->elementType();
        for (int d=0; d<spaceDim; d++) {
          point(0,d) = physicalPoints(combinedIndex,d);
        if (elements[combinedIndex]->cellID() != cellID[0]) {
          cellID[0] = elements[combinedIndex]->cellID();
          basisCacheOnePoint = Teuchos::rcp( new BasisCache(elemType, _soln->mesh()) );
          basisCacheOnePoint->setPhysicalCellNodes(_soln->mesh()->physicalCellNodesForCell(cellID[0]),cellID,false); // false: don't createSideCacheToo
        // compute the refPoint:
        typedef CellTools<double>  CellTools;
        int whichCell = 0;
        //          cout << "refCellPoints:\n " << refPoint;
        //          cout << "physicalCubaturePoints:\n " << basisCacheOnePoint->getPhysicalCubaturePoints();
        _solnExpression->evaluate(value, _soln, basisCacheOnePoint);
        //          cout << "value at point (" << point(0,0) << ", " << point(0,1) << ") = " << value(0,0) << endl;
        values(cellIndex,ptIndex) = value(0,0);
コード例 #10
bool BilinearFormUtility::checkForZeroRowsAndColumns(string name, FieldContainer<double> &array, bool checkRows, bool checkCols) {
  // for now, only support rank 3 FCs 
  double tol = 1e-15;
  static int warningsIssued = 0; // max of 20
  if ( array.rank() != 3) {
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( array.rank() != 3, std::invalid_argument, "checkForZeroRowsAndColumns only supports rank-3 FieldContainers.");
  int numCells = array.dimension(0);
  int numRows = array.dimension(1);
  int numCols = array.dimension(2);
  bool zeroRowOrColFound = false;
  for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++) {
    if (checkRows) {
      for (int i=0; i<numRows; i++) {
        bool nonZeroFound = false;
        int j=0;
        while ((!nonZeroFound) && (j<numCols)) {
          if (abs(array(cellIndex,i,j)) > tol) nonZeroFound = true;
        if ( ! nonZeroFound ) {
          if (_warnAboutZeroRowsAndColumns) {
            cout << "warning: in matrix " << name << " for cell " << cellIndex << ", row " << i << " is all zeros." << endl;
            if ( (warningsIssued == 20) && _warnAboutZeroRowsAndColumns ) {
              cout << "20 warnings issued.  Suppressing future warnings about zero rows and columns\n";
              _warnAboutZeroRowsAndColumns = false;
          zeroRowOrColFound = true;
    if (checkCols) {
      for (int j=0; j<numCols; j++) {
        bool nonZeroFound = false;
        int i=0;
        while ((!nonZeroFound) && (i<numRows)) {
          if (abs(array(cellIndex,i,j)) > tol) nonZeroFound = true;
        if ( ! nonZeroFound ) {
          if (_warnAboutZeroRowsAndColumns) {
            cout << "warning: in matrix " << name << " for cell " << cellIndex << ", column " << j << " is all zeros." << endl;
            if ( (warningsIssued == 20) && _warnAboutZeroRowsAndColumns ) {
              cout << "20 warnings issued.  Suppressing future warnings about zero rows and columns\n";
              _warnAboutZeroRowsAndColumns = false;
          zeroRowOrColFound = true;
  return !zeroRowOrColFound; // return TRUE if no zero row or col found
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_02.cpp プロジェクト: crtrott/Trilinos
/// exact solution
void u_exact(FieldContainer<double> & result, const FieldContainer<double> & points, int xd, int yd, int zd) {
  int x = 0, y = 1, z = 2;
  for (int cell=0; cell<result.dimension(0); cell++) {
    for (int pt=0; pt<result.dimension(1); pt++) {
      result(cell,pt) = std::pow(points(pt,x), xd)*std::pow(points(pt,y), yd)*std::pow(points(pt,z), zd);
コード例 #12
ファイル: PlateVisualizer.cpp プロジェクト: Kun-Qu/Camellia
 void values(FieldContainer<double> &values, BasisCachePtr basisCache) {
   int numCells = values.dimension(0);
   int numPoints = values.dimension(1);
   for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++) {
     for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++) {
       double value = values(cellIndex,ptIndex);
       values(cellIndex,ptIndex) = log(value);
コード例 #13
ファイル: PlateVisualizer.cpp プロジェクト: Kun-Qu/Camellia
 void values(FieldContainer<double> &values, BasisCachePtr basisCache) {
   int numCells = values.dimension(0);
   int numPoints = values.dimension(1);
   for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++) {
     for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++) {
       double value = values(cellIndex,ptIndex);
       values(cellIndex,ptIndex) = pow(max(value,_minVal),_power); // WARNING: MAX OPERATOR HACK FOR NEG TEMP
コード例 #14
ファイル: RieszRep.cpp プロジェクト: Kun-Qu/Camellia
// computes riesz representation over a single element - map is from int (testID) to FieldContainer of values (sized cellIndex, numPoints)
void RieszRep::computeRepresentationValues(FieldContainer<double> &values, int testID, IntrepidExtendedTypes::EOperatorExtended op, BasisCachePtr basisCache){

  if (_repsNotComputed){
    cout << "Computing riesz rep dofs" << endl;

  int spaceDim = _mesh->getTopology()->getSpaceDim();
  int numCells = values.dimension(0);
  int numPoints = values.dimension(1);
  vector<GlobalIndexType> cellIDs = basisCache->cellIDs();

  // all elems coming in should be of same type
  ElementPtr elem = _mesh->getElement(cellIDs[0]);
  ElementTypePtr elemTypePtr = elem->elementType();   
  DofOrderingPtr testOrderingPtr = elemTypePtr->testOrderPtr;
  CellTopoPtrLegacy cellTopoPtr = elemTypePtr->cellTopoPtr;
  int numTestDofsForVarID = testOrderingPtr->getBasisCardinality(testID, 0);
  BasisPtr testBasis = testOrderingPtr->getBasis(testID);
  bool testBasisIsVolumeBasis = (spaceDim == testBasis->domainTopology()->getDimension());  
  bool useCubPointsSideRefCell = testBasisIsVolumeBasis && basisCache->isSideCache();
  Teuchos::RCP< const FieldContainer<double> > transformedBasisValues = basisCache->getTransformedValues(testBasis,op,useCubPointsSideRefCell);
  int rank = values.rank() - 2; // if values are shaped as (C,P), scalar...
  if (rank > 1) {
    cout << "ranks greater than 1 not presently supported...\n";
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(true, std::invalid_argument, "ranks greater than 1 not presently supported...");
//  Camellia::print("cellIDs",cellIDs);
  for (int cellIndex = 0;cellIndex<numCells;cellIndex++){
    int cellID = cellIDs[cellIndex];
    for (int j = 0;j<numTestDofsForVarID;j++) {
      int dofIndex = testOrderingPtr->getDofIndex(testID, j);
      for (int i = 0;i<numPoints;i++) {
        if (rank==0) {
          double basisValue = (*transformedBasisValues)(cellIndex,j,i);
          values(cellIndex,i) += basisValue*_rieszRepDofsGlobal[cellID](dofIndex);
        } else {
          for (int d = 0; d<spaceDim; d++) {
            double basisValue = (*transformedBasisValues)(cellIndex,j,i,d);
            values(cellIndex,i,d) += basisValue*_rieszRepDofsGlobal[cellID](dofIndex);
//  TestSuite::serializeOutput("rep values", values);
コード例 #15
void EricksonManufacturedSolution::getConstraints(FieldContainer<double> &physicalPoints, 
						  FieldContainer<double> &unitNormals,
						  vector<map<int,FieldContainer<double > > > &constraintCoeffs,
						  vector<FieldContainer<double > > &constraintValues){
  int numCells = physicalPoints.dimension(0);
  int numPoints = physicalPoints.dimension(1);
  int spaceDim = physicalPoints.dimension(2);       
  map<int,FieldContainer<double> > outflowConstraint;
  FieldContainer<double> uCoeffs(numCells,numPoints);
  FieldContainer<double> beta_sigmaCoeffs(numCells,numPoints);
  FieldContainer<double> outflowValues(numCells,numPoints);
  double tol = 1e-12;
  // default to no constraints, apply on outflow only

  Teuchos::Array<int> pointDimensions;
  for (int cellIndex=0;cellIndex<numCells;cellIndex++){
    for (int pointIndex=0;pointIndex<numPoints;pointIndex++){
      FieldContainer<double> physicalPoint(pointDimensions,
      FieldContainer<double> unitNormal(pointDimensions,

      double x = physicalPoints(cellIndex,pointIndex,0);
      double y = physicalPoints(cellIndex,pointIndex,1);

      double beta_n = _beta_x*unitNormals(cellIndex,pointIndex,0)+_beta_y*unitNormals(cellIndex,pointIndex,1);
      if ( abs(x-1.0) < tol ) { // if on outflow boundary
	TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(beta_n < 0,std::invalid_argument,"Inflow condition on boundary");
	// this combo isolates sigma_n
	//uCoeffs(cellIndex,pointIndex) = 1.0;
	uCoeffs(cellIndex,pointIndex) = beta_n;
	beta_sigmaCoeffs(cellIndex,pointIndex) = -1.0;	    
	double beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n = solutionValue(ConfusionBilinearForm::BETA_N_U_MINUS_SIGMA_HAT, physicalPoint, unitNormal);
	double u_hat = solutionValue(ConfusionBilinearForm::U_HAT, physicalPoint, unitNormal);
	outflowValues(cellIndex,pointIndex) = beta_n*u_hat - beta_n_u_minus_sigma_n; // sigma_n
  outflowConstraint[ConfusionBilinearForm::U_HAT] = uCoeffs;
  outflowConstraint[ConfusionBilinearForm::BETA_N_U_MINUS_SIGMA_HAT] = beta_sigmaCoeffs;	        
  if (!_useWallBC){
    constraintCoeffs.push_back(outflowConstraint); // only one constraint on outflow
    constraintValues.push_back(outflowValues); // only one constraint on outflow
コード例 #16
    void values(FieldContainer<double> &values, BasisCachePtr basisCache) {
      int numCells = values.dimension(0);
      int numPoints = values.dimension(1);

      const FieldContainer<double> *points = &(basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints());
      for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++) {
        for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++) {
          double x = (*points)(cellIndex,ptIndex,0);
          double y = (*points)(cellIndex,ptIndex,1);
          values(cellIndex, ptIndex) = 0;
コード例 #17
ファイル: MeshTools.cpp プロジェクト: Kun-Qu/Camellia
bool cellMatches(FieldContainer<double> physicalNodes, double t) {
  int nodeCount = physicalNodes.dimension(1);
  int spaceDim = physicalNodes.dimension(2) - 1; // # of true spatial dimensions
  int d_time = spaceDim; // the index for the time dimension

  double hasVerticesBelow = false, hasVerticesAbove = false;
  for (int node = 0; node < nodeCount; node++) {
    double t_node = physicalNodes(0,node,d_time);
    if (t_node <= t) hasVerticesBelow = true;
    if (t_node >= t) hasVerticesAbove = true;

  return hasVerticesAbove && hasVerticesBelow;
コード例 #18
void BilinearFormUtility<Scalar>::transposeFCMatrices(FieldContainer<Scalar> &fcTranspose,
        const FieldContainer<Scalar> &fc)
    // check dimensions
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( ( fc.dimension(0) != fcTranspose.dimension(0) ),
                                "fc.dimension(0) and fcTranspose.dimension(0) (numCells) do not match.");
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( ( fc.dimension(1) != fcTranspose.dimension(2) ),
                                "fc.dimension(1) and fcTranspose.dimension(2) (numRows) do not match.");
    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( ( fc.dimension(2) != fcTranspose.dimension(1) ),
                                "fc.dimension(2) and fcTranspose.dimension(1) (numCols) do not match.");
    // transposes (C,i,j) --> (C,j,i)
    int numCells = fc.dimension(0);
    int numRows = fc.dimension(1);
    int numCols = fc.dimension(2);
    for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex < numCells; cellIndex++)
        for (int i=0; i < numRows; i++)
            for (int j=0; j < numCols; j++)
                fcTranspose(cellIndex,j,i) = fc(cellIndex,i,j);
コード例 #19
ファイル: tSTK_IO.cpp プロジェクト: gitter-badger/quinoa
void assignBlock(FieldContainer & block,FieldContainer & vertices, double val)

   std::size_t cellCnt = block.dimension(0); 
   std::size_t nodeCnt = block.dimension(1); 

   for(std::size_t cell=0;cell<cellCnt;cell++) {
      for(std::size_t node=0;node<nodeCnt;node++) {
         block(cell,node) = val;
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_02.cpp プロジェクト: KineticTheory/Trilinos
void u_exact( FieldContainer<double> &result, 
              const FieldContainer<double> &points,
              int xd,
              int yd,
              int zd)
  for (int cell=0;cell<result.dimension(0);cell++){
    for (int pt=0;pt<result.dimension(1);pt++) {
      result(cell,pt) = std::pow(points(cell,pt,0),xd)*std::pow(points(cell,pt,1),yd)
コード例 #21
  void values(FieldContainer<double> &values, BasisCachePtr basisCache) {
    int numCells = values.dimension(0);
    int numPoints = values.dimension(1);

    FieldContainer<double> beta_pts(numCells,numPoints);
    for (int i = 0;i<numCells;i++){
      for (int j = 0;j<numPoints;j++){
	if (values(i,j)<0){
	  values(i,j) = 0.0;
コード例 #22
  virtual void values(FieldContainer<double> &values, BasisCachePtr basisCache)
    // not the most efficient implementation
    vector<GlobalIndexType> contextCellIDs = basisCache->cellIDs();
    int cellIndex=0; // keep track of index into values

    int entryCount = values.size();
    int numCells = values.dimension(0);
    int numEntriesPerCell = entryCount / numCells;

    for (vector<GlobalIndexType>::iterator cellIt = contextCellIDs.begin(); cellIt != contextCellIDs.end(); cellIt++)
      GlobalIndexType cellID = *cellIt;
      if (_cellIDs.find(cellID) == _cellIDs.end())
        // clear out the associated entries
        for (int j=0; j<numEntriesPerCell; j++)
          values[cellIndex*numEntriesPerCell + j] = 0;
set<double> diagonalContourLevels(FieldContainer<double> &pointData, int pointsPerLevel=1)
  // traverse diagonal of (i*numPoints + j) data from solutionData()
  int numPoints = sqrt(pointData.dimension(0));
  set<double> levels;
  for (int i=0; i<numPoints; i++)
    levels.insert(pointData(i*numPoints + i,2)); // format for pointData has values at (ptIndex, 2)
  // traverse the counter-diagonal
  for (int i=0; i<numPoints; i++)
    levels.insert(pointData(i*numPoints + numPoints-1-i,2)); // format for pointData has values at (ptIndex, 2)
  set<double> filteredLevels;
  int i=0;
  pointsPerLevel *= 2;
  for (set<double>::iterator levelIt = levels.begin(); levelIt != levels.end(); levelIt++)
    if (i%pointsPerLevel==0)
  return filteredLevels;
コード例 #24
ファイル: tSTK_IO.cpp プロジェクト: gitter-badger/quinoa
void assignBlock(FieldContainer & block,FieldContainer & vertices, double (* func)(double,double))

   std::size_t cellCnt = block.dimension(0); 
   std::size_t nodeCnt = block.dimension(1); 

   for(std::size_t cell=0;cell<cellCnt;cell++) {
      for(std::size_t node=0;node<nodeCnt;node++) {
         double x = vertices(cell,node,0);
         double y = vertices(cell,node,1);
         block(cell,node) = func(x,y);
コード例 #25
/// right-hand side function
void rhsFunc(FieldContainer<double> & result,
             const FieldContainer<double> & points,
             int xd,
             int yd,
             int zd) {

    int x = 0, y = 1, z = 2;

    // second x-derivatives of u
    if (xd > 1) {
        for (int cell=0; cell<result.dimension(0); cell++) {
            for (int pt=0; pt<result.dimension(1); pt++) {
                result(cell,pt) = - xd*(xd-1)*std::pow(points(cell,pt,x), xd-2) *
                                  std::pow(points(cell,pt,y), yd) * std::pow(points(cell,pt,z), zd);

    // second y-derivatives of u
    if (yd > 1) {
        for (int cell=0; cell<result.dimension(0); cell++) {
            for (int pt=0; pt<result.dimension(1); pt++) {
                result(cell,pt) -=  yd*(yd-1)*std::pow(points(cell,pt,y), yd-2) *
                                    std::pow(points(cell,pt,x), xd) * std::pow(points(cell,pt,z), zd);

    // second z-derivatives of u
    if (zd > 1) {
        for (int cell=0; cell<result.dimension(0); cell++) {
            for (int pt=0; pt<result.dimension(1); pt++) {
                result(cell,pt) -=  zd*(zd-1)*std::pow(points(cell,pt,z), zd-2) *
                                    std::pow(points(cell,pt,x), xd) * std::pow(points(cell,pt,y), yd);

    // add u
    for (int cell=0; cell<result.dimension(0); cell++) {
        for (int pt=0; pt<result.dimension(1); pt++) {
            result(cell,pt) +=  std::pow(points(cell,pt,x), xd) * std::pow(points(cell,pt,y), yd) * std::pow(points(cell,pt,z), zd);

コード例 #26
ファイル: test_06.cpp プロジェクト: KineticTheory/Trilinos
  Monomial evaluation.
    in 1D, for point p(x)    : x^xDeg
    in 2D, for point p(x,y)  : x^xDeg * y^yDeg
    in 3D, for point p(x,y,z): x^xDeg * y^yDeg * z^zDeg
double computeMonomial(FieldContainer<double> & p, int xDeg, int yDeg=0, int zDeg=0) {
  double val = 1.0;
  int polydeg[3];
  polydeg[0] = xDeg; polydeg[1] = yDeg; polydeg[2] = zDeg;
  for (int i=0; i<p.dimension(0); i++) {
    val *= std::pow(p(i),polydeg[i]);
  return val;
コード例 #27
ファイル: example_03NL.cpp プロジェクト: jdbooth/Trilinos
void func_u(FieldContainer<ScalarT> fu, FieldContainer<ScalarT> u) {
  int num_cells = u.dimension(0);
  int num_cub_p = u.dimension(1);
  for(int c=0; c<num_cells; c++){
    for(int p=0; p<num_cub_p; p++){
      fu(c,p) = std::pow(u(c,p),3) + std::exp(u(c,p));
コード例 #28
ファイル: example_03NL.cpp プロジェクト: jdbooth/Trilinos
void dfunc_u(FieldContainer<double> dfu, FieldContainer<double> u) {
  int num_cells = u.dimension(0);
  int num_cub_p = u.dimension(1);
  for(int c=0; c<num_cells; c++) {
    for(int p=0; p<num_cub_p; p++) {
      dfu(c,p) = 3*u(c,p)*u(c,p) + std::exp(u(c,p));
コード例 #29
  void values(FieldContainer<double> &values, BasisCachePtr basisCache)
    FieldContainer<double> points  = basisCache->getPhysicalCubaturePoints();
    FieldContainer<double> normals = basisCache->getSideNormals();
    int numCells = points.dimension(0);
    int numPoints = points.dimension(1);

    FieldContainer<double> Tv(numCells,numPoints);
    FieldContainer<double> u1v(numCells,numPoints);;

    bool isSubsonic = false;
    double min_y = YTOP;
    double max_y = 0.0;
    for (int cellIndex=0; cellIndex<numCells; cellIndex++)
      for (int ptIndex=0; ptIndex<numPoints; ptIndex++)
        double x = points(cellIndex,ptIndex,0);
        double y = points(cellIndex,ptIndex,1);

        double T = Tv(cellIndex,ptIndex);
        double un = u1v(cellIndex,ptIndex); // WARNING: ASSUMES NORMAL AT OUTFLOW = (1,0)
        double c = sqrt(_gamma * (_gamma-1.0) * _cv * T);

        bool outflowMatch = ((abs(x-2.0) < _tol) && (y > 0.0) && (y < YTOP));
        bool subsonicMatch = (un < c) && (un > 0.0);
        if (subsonicMatch && outflowMatch)
          values(cellIndex,ptIndex) = 1.0;
          isSubsonic = true;
          min_y = min(y,min_y);
          max_y = max(y,max_y);
          //	  cout << "y = " << y << endl;
    if (isSubsonic)
      //      cout << "subsonic in interval y =(" << min_y << "," << max_y << ")" << endl;
コード例 #30
void LinearTermTests::transposeFieldContainer(FieldContainer<double> &fc)
  // this is NOT meant for production code.  Could do the transpose in place if we were concerned with efficiency.
  FieldContainer<double> fcCopy = fc;
  int numCells = fc.dimension(0);
  int dim1 = fc.dimension(1);
  int dim2 = fc.dimension(2);
  for (int i=0; i<numCells; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<dim1; j++)
      for (int k=0; k<dim2; k++)
        fc(i,k,j) = fcCopy(i,j,k);