bool SimpleCache::GetFileForIndex(int index, ByteBuffer & data) { String filePath; BuildPathForFileInCache(index, filePath); if (!File::IsFileExist(filePath)) { return false; } AppLog("Reading data from cached file at %S", filePath.GetPointer()); File cachedFile; cachedFile.Construct(filePath, L"r+"); if (IsFailed(GetLastResult())) { AppLog("Error opening destination file in cache"); return false; } FileAttributes fAttributes; File::GetAttributes(filePath, fAttributes); data.Construct(fAttributes.GetFileSize()); cachedFile.Read(data); AppLog("Read cache: %d bytes", data.GetCapacity()); if (IsFailed(GetLastResult())) { AppLog("Error reading from cached file"); return false; } return true; }
KDint xmBadaTruncate ( const KDchar* path, off_t length ) { File file; result r; r = file.Construct ( path, "wb" ); if ( IsFailed ( r ) ) { goto failed; } r = file.Truncate ( (KDint) length ); if ( IsFailed ( r ) ) { goto failed; } return 0; failed : xmBadaSetError ( r ); return -1; }
void ShareMenu::OnAppControlCompleted(const Osp::Base::String& appControlId, const Osp::Base::String& operationId, const Osp::Base::Collection::IList* pResultList) { Osp::Base::String* pBTResult = null; if(appControlId.Equals(APPCONTROL_PROVIDER_BLUETOOTH) && operationId.Equals(APPCONTROL_OPERATION_PICK)) { pBTResult = (Osp::Base::String*)pResultList->GetAt(0); if(pBTResult->Equals(String(APPCONTROL_RESULT_SUCCEEDED))) { BluetoothDevice* pBTDevice = BluetoothDevice::GetInstanceFromAppControlResultN(*pResultList); if(pBTDevice) { if(!__pBTOppClient) __pBTOppClient = new BluetoothOppClient(); result res = E_SUCCESS; String filePath(__shareContent); if(__isLink == true) { filePath = L"/Home/"; filePath.Append(Application::GetInstance()->GetAppName()); filePath.Append(".txt"); File tempFile; tempFile.Construct(filePath, L"w+", true); tempFile.Write(__shareContent); } __pBTOppClient->Construct(*this); res = __pBTOppClient->PushFile(*pBTDevice, filePath); if(res != E_SUCCESS) { AppLog("PushFile FAILED"); } } else { AppLog("No Device from BT AppControl"); } } else if(pBTResult->Equals(String(APPCONTROL_RESULT_FAILED))) { AppLog("Bluetooth list failed."); } } }
void ActionsManager::build(void) { Osp::Base::String filePath(L"/Home/dataPremiersSecours.txt"); File file; file.Construct(filePath, L"r"); Osp::Base::String readLine; while(file.Read(readLine) == E_SUCCESS) { addAction(readLine); } }
ArrayListT<Trip *> * IRailAPI::testRoutePlanner(){ result r = E_SUCCESS; String fileName(L"/Home/2.xml"); File *file = new File(); FileAttributes sourcefilemeta; File::GetAttributes(fileName, sourcefilemeta); int filesize = sourcefilemeta.GetFileSize(); ByteBuffer buffer; buffer.Construct(filesize); //AppLog("Read buffer size %d", buffer.GetLimit()); r = file->Construct(fileName, L"r"); //for write: w or w+ r = file->Read(buffer); //to write: file->Write *beware of the permission w instead of r delete file; //closes the file, there is no default close method for files, its gets closed when its scope is closed buffer.SetPosition(0); ArrayListT<Trip *> * test = createTripList(&buffer); //AppLog("completed trips"); return test; }
BadaFileStream *BadaFileStream::makeFromPath(const String &path, bool writeMode) { File *ioFile = new File(); String filePath = path; if (writeMode && (path[0] != '.' && path[0] != '/')) { filePath.Insert(PATH_HOME_X, 0); } AppLog("Open file %S", filePath.GetPointer()); result r = ioFile->Construct(filePath, writeMode ? L"w" : L"r", writeMode); if (r == E_SUCCESS) { return new BadaFileStream(ioFile, writeMode); } AppLog("Failed to open file"); delete ioFile; return 0; }
result MyCardManager::ReadNameCardFromFile(Tizen::Base::String& name, Tizen::Base::String& number, Tizen::Base::String& address) { File file; String buffer; int length; result r = E_SUCCESS; r = file.Construct(App::GetInstance()->GetAppRootPath() + NFC_BUMP_MY_CARD_INFO_PATH, "r", false); TryReturn(r == E_SUCCESS, r, "Failed to open the file."); r = file.Seek(FILESEEKPOSITION_BEGIN, 0); TryReturn(r == E_SUCCESS, r, "Failed to repositions the file pointer."); //read user's name from data file r = file.Read(buffer); TryReturn(r == E_SUCCESS, r, "Failed to read my name from file."); length = buffer.GetLength(); buffer.SubString(0, length - 1, name); buffer.Clear(); //read user's phone number from data file r = file.Read(buffer); TryReturn(r == E_SUCCESS, r, "Failed to read my phone number from file."); length = buffer.GetLength(); buffer.SubString(0, length - 1, number); buffer.Clear(); //read user's e-mail address from data file r = file.Read(buffer); TryReturn(r == E_SUCCESS, r, "Failed to read my e-mail address from file."); length = buffer.GetLength(); buffer.SubString(0, length - 1, address); return r; }
bool SimpleCache::StoreFile(ByteBuffer & data, int position) { String filePath; BuildPathForFileInCache(position, filePath); AppLog("Storing data object in file at %S", filePath.GetPointer()); File cachedFile; cachedFile.Construct(filePath, L"w+"); if (IsFailed(GetLastResult())) { AppLog("Error opening destination file in cache"); return false; } cachedFile.Write(data); if (IsFailed(GetLastResult())) { AppLog("Error writing data to destination file in cache"); return false; } return true; }
result MyCardManager::WriteNameCardToFile(const Tizen::Base::String& name, const Tizen::Base::String& number, const Tizen::Base::String& address) { File file; result r = E_SUCCESS; r = file.Construct(App::GetInstance()->GetAppRootPath() + NFC_BUMP_MY_CARD_INFO_PATH, "w", false); TryReturn(r == E_SUCCESS, r, "Failed to open the file."); r = file.Seek(FILESEEKPOSITION_BEGIN, 0); TryReturn(r == E_SUCCESS, r, "Failed to repositions the file pointer."); r = file.Write(name + "\n"); TryReturn(r == E_SUCCESS, r, "Failed to write my name to file."); r = file.Write(number + "\n"); TryReturn(r == E_SUCCESS, r, "Failed to write my phone number to file."); r = file.Write(address + "\n"); TryReturn(r == E_SUCCESS, r, "Failed to write my e-mail address to file."); return r; }
result CategoryItemForm::ReadCustomListItems() { result r = E_SUCCESS; String dirName(L"/Home/catalog/"+dir); Directory* pDir; DirEnumerator* pDirEnum; pDir = new Directory; // allocate Directory instance // Open directory r = pDir->Construct(dirName); // Read all directory entries pDirEnum = pDir->ReadN(); String contentType; int i = 0; while(pDirEnum->MoveNext() == E_SUCCESS) { DirEntry dirEntry = pDirEnum->GetCurrentDirEntry(); if(dirEntry.IsNomalFile()) { //AppLog("%S", dirEntry.GetName().GetPointer()); if(!dirEntry.GetName().Equals("", false)) { String fileName(dirName+"/"+dirEntry.GetName()); String title, desc; String iTempStr, iTempStr2; File file; result r = file.Construct(fileName, L"r"); if( IsFailed(r) ) { AppLog("File::Consturct() is failed by %s", GetErrorMessage(r)); } FileAttributes fileAttrs; file.GetAttributes(fileName, fileAttrs); long long size = fileAttrs.GetFileSize(); ByteBuffer readBuffer; readBuffer.Construct((int)size + 1); r = file.Read(readBuffer); if( IsFailed(r) ) { AppLog("File::Read() is failed by %s", GetErrorMessage(r)); } char* data = new char[readBuffer.GetLimit()+1]; readBuffer.SetPosition(0); readBuffer.GetArray((byte*)data, 0, readBuffer.GetLimit()); data[readBuffer.GetLimit()] ='\0'; //String str = String(data); String str; r = StringUtil::Utf8ToString(data, str); delete data; if(IsFailed(r)) { AppLog("File read error. File : %S", fileName.GetPointer()); continue; } file.Seek(FILESEEKPOSITION_BEGIN, 0); file.Read(title); r = TextPic::GetTranslated(title); if (IsFailed(r)) { continue; } int linecount = 0; while(file.Read(iTempStr) != E_END_OF_FILE) { linecount++; iTempStr2.Append(iTempStr); } anciilist.Add(*(new String(iTempStr2))); titlelist.Add(*(new String(title))); filelist.Add(*(new String(fileName))); ItemListForm::AddListItem(*CategoryList, title, iTempStr2, i++, linecount); file.Flush(); } } } delete pDirEnum; delete pDir; return r; }