コード例 #1
ファイル: ExportDlg.cpp プロジェクト: Tom-VdE/opticks
bool ExportDlg::invokeOptionsDialog()
   // Update the file descriptor with the selected file
   QString strFilename = getExportFile();

   // Display the dialog
   ExportOptionsDlg optionsDlg(mpExporter, this);
   if (optionsDlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted)
      // Selecting file because the filename can be changed in Export Options widget (ie: ShapeFileOptionsWidget).
      if (mpExporter.get() != NULL)
         FileDescriptor* pFileDesc = mpExporter->getFileDescriptor();
         if (pFileDesc != NULL)
            std::string newFilename = pFileDesc->getFilename().getFullPathAndName();

      mValidated = true;
      return true;

   mValidated = false;
   return false;
コード例 #2
bool PicturesExporter::extractInputArgs(const PlugInArgList* pInArgList)
   string exporter = getName();
   if (exporter.empty())
      exporter = "Pictures Exporter";

   PlugInArg* pArg = NULL;

   // Progress
   if (pInArgList->getArg(Executable::ProgressArg(), pArg) && (pArg != NULL))
      mpProgress = pArg->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>();

   // File Descriptor
   FileDescriptor* pFileDescriptor = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<FileDescriptor>(Exporter::ExportDescriptorArg());
   if (pFileDescriptor != NULL)
      mOutPath = pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getFullPathAndName();
   if (mOutPath.empty())
      mMessage = "The destination path is invalid.";
      return false;

   return true;
コード例 #3
bool Nitf::NitfImporterShell::createRasterPager(RasterElement *pRaster) const
   VERIFY(pRaster != NULL);

   DataDescriptor* pDd = pRaster->getDataDescriptor();
   VERIFY(pDd != NULL);
   FileDescriptor* pFd = pDd->getFileDescriptor();
   VERIFY(pFd != NULL);

   const string& datasetLocation = pFd->getDatasetLocation();
   if (datasetLocation.empty() == true)
      return false;

   stringstream imageNameStream(datasetLocation.substr(1));
   int imageSegment;
   imageNameStream >> imageSegment;

   FactoryResource<Filename> pFn;

   ExecutableResource pPlugIn("NitfPager");
   pPlugIn->getInArgList().setPlugInArgValue("Segment Number", &imageSegment);
   pPlugIn->getInArgList().setPlugInArgValue(CachedPager::PagedElementArg(), pRaster);
   pPlugIn->getInArgList().setPlugInArgValue(CachedPager::PagedFilenameArg(), pFn.get());

   if (pPlugIn->execute() == true)
      RasterPager* pPager = dynamic_cast<RasterPager*>(pPlugIn->getPlugIn());
      if (pPager != NULL)
         return true;

   return false;
コード例 #4
bool GeoTIFFExporter::applyWorldFile(TIFF *pOut)
    FILE* pTfw = NULL;
    int size = 0;
    double pPixsize[3];
    double xoff;
    double yoff;
    double pTiepoint[6];
    double x_rot;
    double y_rot;
    double pAdfMatrix[16];

    DataDescriptor* pDescriptor = mpRaster->getDataDescriptor();
    if (pDescriptor == NULL)
        return false;

    FileDescriptor* pFileDescriptor = pDescriptor->getFileDescriptor();
    if (pFileDescriptor == NULL)
        return false;

    const Filename& filename = pFileDescriptor->getFilename();
    string path = filename.getPath();
    string title = filename.getTitle();

    std::string worldFilename = path + SLASH + title + ".tfw";

    pTfw = fopen(worldFilename.c_str(), "rt");
    if (pTfw == NULL)
        return false;

    fscanf(pTfw, "%lf", pPixsize + 0);
    fscanf(pTfw, "%lf", &y_rot);
    fscanf(pTfw, "%lf", &x_rot);
    fscanf(pTfw, "%lf", pPixsize + 1);
    fscanf(pTfw, "%lf", &xoff);
    fscanf(pTfw, "%lf", &yoff);

    // Write out pixel scale, and tiepoint information.
    if ((x_rot == 0.0) && (y_rot == 0.0))
        pPixsize[1] = abs(pPixsize[1]);
        pPixsize[2] = 0.0;
        TIFFSetField(pOut, GTIFF_PIXELSCALE, 3, pPixsize);
        pTiepoint[0] = 0.5;
        pTiepoint[1] = 0.5;
        pTiepoint[2] = 0.0;
        pTiepoint[3] = xoff;
        pTiepoint[4] = yoff;
        pTiepoint[5] = 0.0;
        TIFFSetField(pOut, GTIFF_TIEPOINTS, 6, pTiepoint);
        memset(pAdfMatrix, 0, sizeof(double) * 16);
        pAdfMatrix[0] = pPixsize[0];
        pAdfMatrix[1] = x_rot;
        pAdfMatrix[3] = xoff - (pPixsize[0] + x_rot) * 0.5;
        pAdfMatrix[4] = y_rot;
        pAdfMatrix[5] = pPixsize[1];
        pAdfMatrix[7] = yoff - (pPixsize[1] + y_rot) * 0.5;
        pAdfMatrix[15] = 1.0;

        TIFFSetField(pOut, TIFFTAG_GEOTRANSMATRIX, 16, pAdfMatrix);

    return true;
コード例 #5
bool SignatureSetImporter::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* OutArgList)
   VERIFY(pInArgList != NULL);
   Progress* pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg());
   ProgressTracker progress(pProgress, "Loading spectral signature library", "spectral", "7B21EE8A-D2E1-4325-BB9F-F4E521BFD5ED");

   SignatureSet* pSignatureSet = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<SignatureSet>(Importer::ImportElementArg());
   VERIFY(pSignatureSet != NULL);
   DataDescriptor* pDataDescriptor = pSignatureSet->getDataDescriptor();
   VERIFY(pDataDescriptor != NULL);
   FileDescriptor* pFileDescriptor = pDataDescriptor->getFileDescriptor();
   VERIFY(pFileDescriptor != NULL);
   const string& filename = pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getFullPathAndName();

   progress.getCurrentStep()->addProperty("signature set", pSignatureSet->getName());
   progress.getCurrentStep()->addProperty("dataset location", pFileDescriptor->getDatasetLocation());

   // locate the spot in the tree for this dataset
      string expr;
      vector<string> parts = StringUtilities::split(pFileDescriptor->getDatasetLocation(), '/');
      for (vector<string>::iterator part = parts.begin(); part != parts.end(); ++part)
         if (!part->empty())
            expr += "/signature_set[metadata/@name='Name' and metadata/@value='" + *part + "']";
      expr += "/signature";
      DOMXPathResult* pResult = mXml[filename]->query(expr, DOMXPathResult::SNAPSHOT_RESULT_TYPE);
      VERIFY(pResult != NULL);
      int nodeTotal = pResult->getSnapshotLength();
      for (int nodeNum = 0; nodeNum < nodeTotal; ++nodeNum)
         if (isAborted())
            progress.report("Aborted file " + pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getFullPathAndName(), 0, WARNING, true);
            progress.report("User aborted the operation.", 0, ABORT, true);
            return false;
         int percent = static_cast<int>(100.0 * nodeNum / nodeTotal);
         progress.report("Importing signature library", percent, NORMAL);
         if (!pResult->snapshotItem(nodeNum) || !pResult->isNode())
         const DOMElement* pElmnt = static_cast<const DOMElement*>(pResult->getNodeValue());
         string filename = A(pElmnt->getAttribute(X("filename")));
         if (filename.empty() == false)
            string path = pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getPath();

            QString tempFilename = QString::fromStdString(filename);
            if (tempFilename.startsWith("./") == true)
               tempFilename.replace(0, 1, QString::fromStdString(path));
               filename = tempFilename.toStdString();
               QFileInfo fileInfo(tempFilename);
               if (fileInfo.isRelative() == true)
                  filename = path + SLASH + filename;

         // don't pass progress to importer - the individual signature imports are rapid and passing progress will
         // cause isAborted() to not function properly.
         ImporterResource importer("Auto Importer", filename, NULL);
         if (importer->getPlugIn() == NULL)
            progress.report("The \"Auto Importer\" is not available and is required to import signature sets.", 0, ERRORS, true);
            return false;
         if (importer->execute())
            vector<DataElement*> elements = importer->getImportedElements();
            vector<Signature*> sigs(elements.size(), NULL);
            for (vector<DataElement*>::iterator element = elements.begin(); element != elements.end(); ++element)
               Signature* pSig = dynamic_cast<Signature*>(*element);
               if (pSig != NULL)
                  // reparent the signature
                  Service<ModelServices>()->setElementParent(pSig, pSignatureSet);
            progress.report("Unable to import signature " + filename, percent, WARNING, true);
   catch(DOMException &exc)
      progress.report(A(exc.getMessage()), 0, ERRORS, true);
      return false;
   SignatureSet* pParent = dynamic_cast<SignatureSet*>(pSignatureSet->getParent());
   if (pParent != NULL && pParent->getFilename() == pSignatureSet->getFilename())

   progress.report("Spectral signature library loaded", 100, NORMAL);
   return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: ModelExporter.cpp プロジェクト: Siddharthk/opticks
bool ModelExporter::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* pOutArgList)
   Progress* pProgress = NULL;
   FileDescriptor* pFileDescriptor = NULL;
   DataElement* pElement = NULL;

   StepResource pStep("Export model element", "app", "2BF48AAB-4832-4694-8583-882A8D584E97");

   // get input arguments and log some useful info about them
   { // scope the MessageResource
      MessageResource pMsg("Input arguments", "app", "1B02F950-2E04-4BEF-8561-BB8D993340F7");

      pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg());
      pMsg->addBooleanProperty("Progress Present", (pProgress != NULL));

      pFileDescriptor = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<FileDescriptor>(Exporter::ExportDescriptorArg());
      if (pFileDescriptor == NULL)
         if (pProgress != NULL)
            pProgress->updateProgress("No file specified", 100, ERRORS);
         pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, "No file specified");
         return false;
      pMsg->addProperty("Destination", pFileDescriptor->getFilename());

      pElement = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValueUnsafe<DataElement>(Exporter::ExportItemArg());
      if (pElement == NULL)
         if (pProgress != NULL)
            pProgress->updateProgress("No model element specified", 100, ERRORS);
         pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, "No model element specified");
         return false;
      pMsg->addProperty("Name", pElement->getName());

   if (pProgress != NULL)
      pProgress->updateProgress("Open output file", 10, NORMAL);
   FILE* pFile = fopen(pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getFullPathAndName().c_str(), "w");
   if (pFile == NULL)
      if (pProgress != NULL)
         pProgress->updateProgress("File can not be created", 100, ERRORS);
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, "File can not be created");
      return false;

   DataDescriptor* pElementDescriptor = pElement->getDataDescriptor();
   VERIFY(pElementDescriptor != NULL);

   if (pProgress != NULL)
      pProgress->updateProgress("Save element", 20, NORMAL);
   string elementName = pElementDescriptor->getType();
   XMLWriter xml(elementName.c_str(), Service<MessageLogMgr>()->getLog());
   if (!pElement->toXml(&xml))
      if (pProgress != NULL)
         pProgress->updateProgress("Error saving model element", 100, ERRORS);
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, "Error saving model element");
      return false;

   if (pProgress != NULL)
      pProgress->updateProgress("Finished saving the model element", 100, NORMAL);
   return true;
コード例 #7
bool ShapeFileExporter::extractInputs(const PlugInArgList* pInArgList, string& message)
   if (pInArgList == NULL)
      message = "Invalid argument list.";
      return false;

   FileDescriptor* pFileDescriptor = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<FileDescriptor>(Exporter::ExportDescriptorArg());
   if (pFileDescriptor == NULL)
      message = "No file specified.";
      return false;

   if (isBatch())
      mpAoi = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<AoiElement>("AoiElement");
      mpGeoref = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<RasterElement>("RasterElement");
      AoiLayer* pLayer = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<AoiLayer>(Exporter::ExportItemArg());
      if (pLayer == NULL)
         message = "Input argument list did not include anything to export.";
         return false;

      mpAoi = dynamic_cast<AoiElement*>(pLayer->getDataElement());
      SpatialDataView* pView = dynamic_cast<SpatialDataView*>(pLayer->getView());
      if (pView != NULL)
         mpLayers = pView->getLayerList();
         if (mpLayers != NULL)
            mpGeoref = mpLayers->getPrimaryRasterElement();

   if (mpAoi == NULL)
      message = "Could not identify the data element to export.";
      return false;

   // The BitMaskIterator does not support negative extents and
   // the BitMask does not correctly handle the outside flag so
   // the BitMaskIterator is used for cases when the outside flag is true and
   // the BitMask is used for cases when the outside flag is false.
   // This is the case when the outside flag is false. The case where the
   // outside flag is true for this condition is handled in
   // ShapeFile::addFeatures()
   const BitMask* pMask = mpAoi->getSelectedPoints();
   if (mpAoi->getGroup()->getObjects().empty() == true && 
      pMask->isOutsideSelected() == false)
      message = "The AOI does not contain any points to export.";
      return false;

   if (mpGeoref == NULL)
      message = "Could not identify the georeference to use for export.";
      return false;

   //add aoi to shape file
   string err;
   mShapefile.addFeatures(mpAoi, mpGeoref, err);

   return true;
コード例 #8
void ImportOptionsDlg::setCurrentDataset(ImportDescriptor* pImportDescriptor)
   if (pImportDescriptor == NULL)

   if (pImportDescriptor == mpCurrentDataset)

   // Apply changes to the current data set if necessary
   bool bSuccess = true;
   if ((mpCurrentDataset != NULL) && (mEditDataDescriptorModified == true))
      if (mPromptForChanges == true)
         int iReturn = QMessageBox::question(this, APP_NAME, "Apply changes to data?",
            QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::YesToAll | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::Cancel);
         if ((iReturn == QMessageBox::Yes) || (iReturn == QMessageBox::YesToAll))
            bSuccess = applyChanges();
            if (iReturn == QMessageBox::YesToAll)
               mPromptForChanges = false;
         else if (iReturn == QMessageBox::No)
            // Update the validation icon for the original data descriptor
         else if (iReturn == QMessageBox::Cancel)
            bSuccess = false;
         bSuccess = applyChanges();

   if (bSuccess == false)
      // Select the tree widget item for the previously selected data set

   mpCurrentDataset = pImportDescriptor;

   // Destroy the existing edit data descriptor if necessary
   Service<ModelServices> pModel;
   if (mpEditDescriptor != NULL)
      Classification* pClassification = mpEditDescriptor->getClassification();
      if (pClassification != NULL)
         VERIFYNR(pClassification->detach(SIGNAL_NAME(Subject, Modified),
            Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editClassificationModified)));

      RasterDataDescriptor* pRasterDescriptor = dynamic_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(mpEditDescriptor);
      if (pRasterDescriptor != NULL)
         VERIFYNR(pRasterDescriptor->detach(SIGNAL_NAME(RasterDataDescriptor, RowsChanged),
            Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editDataDescriptorRowsModified)));
         VERIFYNR(pRasterDescriptor->detach(SIGNAL_NAME(RasterDataDescriptor, ColumnsChanged),
            Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editDataDescriptorColumnsModified)));
         VERIFYNR(pRasterDescriptor->detach(SIGNAL_NAME(RasterDataDescriptor, BandsChanged),
            Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editDataDescriptorBandsModified)));

      RasterFileDescriptor* pRasterFileDescriptor =
      if (pRasterFileDescriptor != NULL)
         VERIFYNR(pRasterFileDescriptor->detach(SIGNAL_NAME(RasterFileDescriptor, RowsChanged),
            Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editFileDescriptorRowsModified)));
         VERIFYNR(pRasterFileDescriptor->detach(SIGNAL_NAME(RasterFileDescriptor, ColumnsChanged),
            Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editFileDescriptorColumnsModified)));
         VERIFYNR(pRasterFileDescriptor->detach(SIGNAL_NAME(RasterFileDescriptor, BandsChanged),
            Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editFileDescriptorBandsModified)));

      VERIFYNR(mpEditDescriptor->detach(SIGNAL_NAME(Subject, Modified),
         Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editDataDescriptorModified)));
      mpEditDescriptor = NULL;
      mEditDataDescriptorModified = false;

   // Create a new data descriptor to validate the user inputs
   DataDescriptor* pDescriptor = mpCurrentDataset->getDataDescriptor();
   if (pDescriptor != NULL)
      mpEditDescriptor = pDescriptor->copy();

   VERIFYNRV(mpEditDescriptor != NULL);
   VERIFYNR(mpEditDescriptor->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(Subject, Modified),
      Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editDataDescriptorModified)));

   RasterDataDescriptor* pRasterDescriptor = dynamic_cast<RasterDataDescriptor*>(mpEditDescriptor);
   FileDescriptor* pFileDescriptor = mpEditDescriptor->getFileDescriptor();
   RasterFileDescriptor* pRasterFileDescriptor = dynamic_cast<RasterFileDescriptor*>(pFileDescriptor);

   if (pRasterDescriptor != NULL)
      VERIFYNR(pRasterDescriptor->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(RasterDataDescriptor, RowsChanged),
         Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editDataDescriptorRowsModified)));
      VERIFYNR(pRasterDescriptor->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(RasterDataDescriptor, ColumnsChanged),
         Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editDataDescriptorColumnsModified)));
      VERIFYNR(pRasterDescriptor->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(RasterDataDescriptor, BandsChanged),
         Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editDataDescriptorBandsModified)));

   if (pRasterFileDescriptor != NULL)
      VERIFYNR(pRasterFileDescriptor->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(RasterFileDescriptor, RowsChanged),
         Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editFileDescriptorRowsModified)));
      VERIFYNR(pRasterFileDescriptor->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(RasterFileDescriptor, ColumnsChanged),
         Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editFileDescriptorColumnsModified)));
      VERIFYNR(pRasterFileDescriptor->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(RasterFileDescriptor, BandsChanged),
         Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editFileDescriptorBandsModified)));

   // Select the tree widget item for the current data set

   // Disconnect pages

   // Subset page
   if (pRasterFileDescriptor != NULL)
      // Show the tab if necessary
      if (mpTabWidget->indexOf(mpSubsetPage) == -1)
         mpTabWidget->insertTab(2, mpSubsetPage, "Subset");

      // Rows
      const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& rows = pRasterFileDescriptor->getRows();
      const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& loadedRows = pRasterDescriptor->getRows();
      mpSubsetPage->setRows(rows, loadedRows);

      // Columns
      const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& columns = pRasterFileDescriptor->getColumns();
      const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& loadedColumns = pRasterDescriptor->getColumns();
      mpSubsetPage->setColumns(columns, loadedColumns);

      // Bands
      const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& bands = pRasterFileDescriptor->getBands();
      const vector<DimensionDescriptor>& selectedBands = pRasterDescriptor->getBands();
      setSubsetBands(bands, selectedBands);

      // Initial bad band file directory
      if (pFileDescriptor != NULL)
         QString strDirectory;

         string filename = pFileDescriptor->getFilename();
         if (filename.empty() == false)
            QFileInfo fileInfo(QString::fromStdString(filename));
            strDirectory = fileInfo.absolutePath();

      // Remove the subset page, since the file descriptor either isn't
      // present or isn't a RasterFileDescriptor, just a FileDescriptor
      int index = mpTabWidget->indexOf(mpSubsetPage);
      if (index != -1)

   // Data descriptor page - enable editing for all fields
   mpDataPage->setDataDescriptor(mpEditDescriptor, true);

   // File descriptor page
   bool editFilePage = false;
   if (pRasterFileDescriptor != NULL)
      unsigned int numRows = pRasterFileDescriptor->getRowCount();
      unsigned int numColumns = pRasterFileDescriptor->getColumnCount();
      unsigned int bitsPerElement = pRasterFileDescriptor->getBitsPerElement();
      unsigned int numBands = pRasterFileDescriptor->getBandCount();
      if ((numRows == 0) || (numColumns == 0) || (numBands == 0) || (bitsPerElement == 0))
         editFilePage = true;

   mpFilePage->setFileDescriptor(pFileDescriptor, editFilePage);

   int iIndex = mpTabWidget->indexOf(mpFilePage);
   if (iIndex != -1)
      if (pFileDescriptor == NULL)
      if (pFileDescriptor != NULL)
         mpTabWidget->insertTab(1, mpFilePage, "File");

   // Classification page

   Classification* pClassification = mpEditDescriptor->getClassification();
   if (pClassification != NULL)
      VERIFYNR(pClassification->attach(SIGNAL_NAME(Subject, Modified),
         Slot(this, &ImportOptionsDlg::editClassificationModified)));

   // Metadata page

   // Wavelengths page
   bool bWavelengthsPageActive = false;
   if (mpTabWidget->currentWidget() == mpWavelengthsPage)
      bWavelengthsPageActive = true;

   int index = mpTabWidget->indexOf(mpWavelengthsPage);
   if (index != -1)

   if (pRasterFileDescriptor != NULL)
      // Populate the wavelengths with the file descriptor bands since the metadata wavelengths
      // apply to all bands in the file
      mpWavelengthsPage->setWavelengths(pRasterFileDescriptor->getBands(), mpEditDescriptor->getMetadata());

      if (pRasterDescriptor != NULL)

      mpTabWidget->addTab(mpWavelengthsPage, "Wavelengths");

      if (bWavelengthsPageActive == true)

   // Importer page
   bool bImporterPageActive = false;
   if (mpImporterPage != NULL)
      if (mpTabWidget->currentWidget() == mpImporterPage)
         bImporterPageActive = true;


   if (mpImporter != NULL)
      mpImporterPage = mpImporter->getImportOptionsWidget(mpEditDescriptor);
      if (mpImporterPage != NULL)
         QLayout* pLayout = mpImporterPage->layout();
         if (pLayout != NULL)
            if (pLayout->margin() <= 0)

         QString strCaption = mpImporterPage->windowTitle();
         if (strCaption.isEmpty() == true)
            strCaption = "Importer";

         mpTabWidget->addTab(mpImporterPage, strCaption);

         if (bImporterPageActive == true)

      // Set the valid processing locations on the data page.  This must be done after getting the import options
      // widget from the importer so that the auto importer will correctly query the importer that is used.
      // This can be changed if the importer design (and auto importer) is modified to support valid processing
      // locations for a specific data set.
      vector<ProcessingLocation> locations;
      if (mpImporter->isProcessingLocationSupported(IN_MEMORY) == true)

      if (mpImporter->isProcessingLocationSupported(ON_DISK) == true)

      if (mpImporter->isProcessingLocationSupported(ON_DISK_READ_ONLY) == true)


   // Validate the current data descriptor

   // Reconnect the pages

   // Notify connected objects
   emit currentDatasetChanged(mpCurrentDataset);
コード例 #9
bool MetadataExporter::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* pOutArgList)
   Progress* pProgress = NULL;
   FileDescriptor* pFileDescriptor = NULL;
   DataElement* pElement = NULL;

   StepResource pStep("Export metadata", "app", "{08701b89-565c-4e0a-92ef-9bf22395f902}");

   // get input arguments and log some useful info about them
   { // scope the MessageResource
      MessageResource pMsg("Input arguments", "app", "{5e921da0-6470-44f1-a910-ed12af1e5ebc}");

      pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg());
      pMsg->addBooleanProperty("Progress Present", (pProgress != NULL));

      pFileDescriptor = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<FileDescriptor>(Exporter::ExportDescriptorArg());
      if (pFileDescriptor == NULL)
         if (pProgress != NULL)
            pProgress->updateProgress("No file specified", 100, ERRORS);
         pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, "No file specified");
         return false;
      pMsg->addProperty("Destination", pFileDescriptor->getFilename());

      pElement = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<DataElement>(Exporter::ExportItemArg());
      if (pElement == NULL)
         if (pProgress != NULL)
            pProgress->updateProgress("No data element specified", 100, ERRORS);
         pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, "No data element specified");
         return false;
      pMsg->addProperty("Name", pElement->getName());

   if (pProgress != NULL)
      pProgress->updateProgress("Open output file", 10, NORMAL);
   FILE* pFile = fopen(pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getFullPathAndName().c_str(), "w");
   if (pFile == NULL)
      if (pProgress != NULL)
         pProgress->updateProgress("File can not be created", 100, ERRORS);
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, "File can not be created");
      return false;

   const DynamicObject* pMetadata = pElement->getMetadata();
   if (pProgress != NULL)
      pProgress->updateProgress("Save metadata", 20, NORMAL);
   if (pMetadata->getNumAttributes() == 0)
      if (pProgress != NULL)
         pProgress->updateProgress("Metadata is empty. A file will be created anyway.", 20, WARNING);
      pStep->addMessage("Metadata is empty. A file will be created anyway.", "app", "{29274eb3-c899-4778-ae1e-d267ea0dd346}", true);
   XMLWriter xml("Metadata", Service<MessageLogMgr>()->getLog());
   if (!pMetadata->toXml(&xml))
      if (pProgress != NULL)
         pProgress->updateProgress("Error saving metadata", 100, ERRORS);
      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, "Error saving metadata");
      return false;

   if (pProgress != NULL)
      pProgress->updateProgress("Finished saving the metadata", 100, NORMAL);
   return true;
コード例 #10
bool SignatureImporter::execute(PlugInArgList* pInArgList, PlugInArgList* OutArgList)
   VERIFY(pInArgList != NULL);
   ProgressTracker progress(pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg()),
      "Loading spectral signature", "spectral", "5A9F8379-7D7D-4575-B78B-305AE0DFC66D");

   Signature* pSignature = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Signature>(Importer::ImportElementArg());
   VERIFY(pSignature != NULL);
   DataDescriptor* pDataDescriptor = pSignature->getDataDescriptor();
   VERIFY(pDataDescriptor != NULL);
   FileDescriptor* pFileDescriptor = pDataDescriptor->getFileDescriptor();
   VERIFY(pFileDescriptor != NULL);

   progress.getCurrentStep()->addProperty("filename", pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getFullPathAndName());
   DynamicObject* pMetadata = pSignature->getMetadata();
   VERIFY(pMetadata != NULL);
   string warningMsg;

   LargeFileResource pSigFile;
   VERIFY(pSigFile.open(pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getFullPathAndName(), O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, S_IREAD));

   const Units* pUnits = pSignature->getUnits("Reflectance");
   VERIFY(pUnits != NULL);

   // Read the signature data
   vector<double> wavelengthData, reflectanceData;

   int64_t fileSize = pSigFile.fileLength();
   bool readError = false;
   size_t largeValueCount(0);
   for (string line = pSigFile.readLine(&readError); readError == false; line = pSigFile.readLine(&readError))
      if (isAborted())
         progress.report("Importer aborted", 0, ABORT, true);
         return false;

      int64_t fileLocation = pSigFile.tell();
      progress.report("Loading signature data", static_cast<int>(fileLocation * 100.0 / fileSize), NORMAL);

      if (line.empty())
      if (line.find('=') == string::npos)
         double wavelength = 0.0, reflectance = 0.0;
         vector<string> dataEntry;
         split(dataEntry, line, is_space());
         bool error = true;
         if (dataEntry.size() >= 1)
            wavelength = StringUtilities::fromXmlString<double>(dataEntry[0], &error);
            if (wavelength > 50.0)
               // Assume wavelength values are in nanometers and convert to microns
               wavelength = Wavelengths::convertValue(wavelength, NANOMETERS, MICRONS);
         if (!error && dataEntry.size() == 2)
            reflectance = StringUtilities::fromXmlString<double>(dataEntry[1], &error);

            // Since the signature file may not have contained info on units and unitScale (defaults to values of
            // "REFLECTANCE" and "1.0"), we need to check that the reflectance value is properly scaled.
            // In theory, a valid reflectance value should be between 0 and 1, but real data may extend beyond these
            // limits due to errors that occurred in collection, calibration, conversion, etc. We're assuming that a
            // value greater than 2.0 indicates that the value was scaled by a factor other than 1.0 - a common data
            // collection practice is to store a data value as an integer value equal to the actual value multiplied
            // by a scaling factor. This saves storage space while preserving precision. 10000 is a very common
            // scaling factor and the one we will assume was used. Right now we'll just count the number of large values.
            // If more than half the values are large, we will assume they were scaled and divide all the values by 10000.
            if (pUnits->getUnitType() == REFLECTANCE && pUnits->getScaleFromStandard() == 1.0
               && fabs(reflectance) > 2.0)
         if (error)
            progress.report("Error parsing signature data", 0, ERRORS, true);


   if ((readError == true) && (pSigFile.eof() != 1))
      progress.report("Unable to read signature file", 0, ERRORS, true);
      return false;

   // check for need to scale the values, i.e., at least half the values are large
   if (reflectanceData.empty() == false && largeValueCount > 0 && largeValueCount >= (reflectanceData.size() / 2))
      warningMsg += (warningMsg.empty() ? "" : "\n");
      warningMsg += "Values appear to have been scaled - values have been divided by 10000";
      for (vector<double>::iterator it = reflectanceData.begin(); it != reflectanceData.end(); ++it)
         *it *= 0.0001;  // divide by 10000
   pSignature->setData("Wavelength", wavelengthData);
   pSignature->setData("Reflectance", reflectanceData);
   if (warningMsg.empty())
      progress.report("Spectral signature loaded", 100, NORMAL);
      progress.report(warningMsg, 100, WARNING);
      progress.getCurrentStep()->addMessage(warningMsg, "spectral", "770EB61A-71CD-4f83-8C7B-E0FEF3D7EB8D");
   return true;
コード例 #11
bool PostScriptExporter::execute(PlugInArgList *pInArgList, PlugInArgList *pOutArgList)
   StepResource pStep("Execute PostScript Exporter", "app", "5BE7D170-BFB5-43C9-A980-06C8C376D558");

   Progress* pProgress = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<Progress>(Executable::ProgressArg());
   View* pView = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<View>(Exporter::ExportItemArg());
   if (pView == NULL)
      string msg = "No view specified.";
      if (pProgress != NULL)
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);

      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      return false;
   string outPath;
   string viewName = pView->getName();
   pStep->addProperty("View Name", viewName);

   FileDescriptor* pFileDescriptor = pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue<FileDescriptor>(Exporter::ExportDescriptorArg());
   if (pFileDescriptor != NULL)
      outPath = pFileDescriptor->getFilename().getFullPathAndName();
   if (outPath.empty())
      string msg = "The destination path is invalid.";
      if (pProgress)
         pProgress->updateProgress(msg, 0, ERRORS);

      pStep->finalize(Message::Failure, msg);
      return false;
   pStep->addProperty("Filename", outPath);

   QSize outputSize;
   unsigned int outputWidth = 0;
   unsigned int outputHeight = 0;
   if (pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue("Output Width", outputWidth) &&
      pInArgList->getPlugInArgValue("Output Height", outputHeight))
      pStep->addProperty("Output Width", outputWidth);
      pStep->addProperty("Output Height", outputHeight);
      outputSize = QSize(outputWidth, outputHeight);

   // Get the current image from the viewer
   FileResource outFile(outPath.c_str(), "wb");
   VERIFY(outFile.get() != NULL);
   mpOutFile = outFile.get();
   if (outputSize == QSize())
      QImage image;
      writePostScriptHeader(outPath, QPoint(0, 0), image.size());
      writeImageSegment(image, QPoint(0, 0));
      writePostScriptHeader(outPath, QPoint(0, 0), outputSize);
      QSize subImageSize(512, 512);
      QPoint origin(0, 0);
      View::SubImageIterator* pSubImage = pView->getSubImageIterator(outputSize, subImageSize);
      int totalX;
      int totalTiles;
      pSubImage->count(totalX, totalTiles);
      totalTiles *= totalX;
      while (pSubImage->hasNext())
         QImage subImage;
         if (!pSubImage->next(subImage))
            if (pProgress != NULL)
               pProgress->updateProgress("An error occurred when generating the image", 0, ERRORS);

            delete pSubImage;
            return false;

         writeImageSegment(subImage, origin);

         int newX = origin.x() + subImage.width();
         int newY = origin.y();
         if (newX >= outputSize.width())
            newY += subImage.height();
            newX = 0;
         origin = QPoint(newX, newY);
         if (pProgress != NULL)
            int x;
            int y;
            pSubImage->location(x, y);
            int tileNumber = y * totalX + x;
            QString msg = QString("Processing sub-image %1 of %2...").arg(y * totalX + x + 1).arg(totalTiles);
            pProgress->updateProgress(msg.toStdString(), 100 * tileNumber / totalTiles - 1, NORMAL);
      delete pSubImage;
   if (pProgress != NULL)
      pProgress->updateProgress("PostScript Exporter completed", 100, NORMAL);
   mpOutFile = NULL;

   return true;