int main(int argc, char **argv) { Fl_Window *w; {Fl_Window* o = new Fl_Window(365, 525); w = o; scroll = new Fl_Scroll(10,10,345,285); {Fl_Pack* o = new Fl_Pack(10, 10, 345, 285); pack = o; o->box(FL_DOWN_BOX); //o->box(FL_ENGRAVED_FRAME); (void) new Fl_Button(35, 35, 25, 25, "b1"); (void) new Fl_Button(45, 45, 25, 25, "b2"); (void) new Fl_Button(55, 55, 25, 25, "b3"); (void) new Fl_Button(65, 65, 25, 25, "b4"); (void) new Fl_Button(75, 75, 25, 25, "b5"); (void) new Fl_Button(85, 85, 25, 25, "b6"); (void) new Fl_Button(95, 95, 25, 25, "b7"); (void) new Fl_Button(105, 105, 25, 25, "b8"); (void) new Fl_Button(115, 115, 25, 25, "b9"); (void) new Fl_Button(125, 125, 25, 25, "b10"); (void) new Fl_Button(135, 135, 25, 25, "b11"); (void) new Fl_Button(145, 145, 25, 25, "b12"); (void) new Fl_Button(155, 155, 25, 25, "b13"); (void) new Fl_Button(165, 165, 25, 25, "b14"); (void) new Fl_Button(175, 175, 25, 25, "b15"); (void) new Fl_Button(185, 185, 25, 25, "b16"); (void) new Fl_Button(195, 195, 25, 25, "b17"); (void) new Fl_Button(205, 205, 25, 25, "b18"); (void) new Fl_Button(215, 215, 25, 25, "b19"); (void) new Fl_Button(225, 225, 25, 25, "b20"); (void) new Fl_Button(235, 235, 25, 25, "b21"); (void) new Fl_Button(245, 245, 25, 25, "b22"); (void) new Fl_Button(255, 255, 25, 25, "b23"); (void) new Fl_Button(265, 265, 25, 25, "b24"); o->end(); w->resizable(o); } scroll->end(); {Fl_Light_Button* o = new Fl_Light_Button(10, 325, 175, 25, "HORIZONTAL"); o->type(FL_RADIO_BUTTON); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)type_cb, (void*)(Fl_Pack::HORIZONTAL)); } {Fl_Light_Button* o = new Fl_Light_Button(10, 350, 175, 25, "VERTICAL"); o->type(FL_RADIO_BUTTON); o->value(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)type_cb, (void*)(Fl_Pack::VERTICAL)); } {Fl_Value_Slider* o = new Fl_Value_Slider(50,375, 295,25,"spacing:"); o->clear_flag(FL_ALIGN_MASK); o->set_flag(FL_ALIGN_LEFT); o->type(Fl_Slider::HORIZONTAL); o->range(0,30); o->step(1); o->callback((Fl_Callback*)spacing_cb); } w->end(); } w->show(argc, argv); return Fl::run(); }
void ModelerUserInterface::pickGroupProperty(GroupProperty* group) { // Remove the event listeners for old controls // TODO: we really need to have a PropertyEditor class that handles this // automatically... if (currentGroup) { PropertyList* props = currentGroup->getProperties(); for (PropertyList::iterator iter = props->begin(); iter != props->end(); iter++) { if (RangeProperty* prop = dynamic_cast<RangeProperty*>(*iter)) { prop->unlisten((SignalListener)updateRangeSlider); } else if (RGBProperty* prop = dynamic_cast<RGBProperty*>(*iter)) { prop->unlisten((SignalListener)updateColorChooser); } else if (BooleanProperty* prop = dynamic_cast<BooleanProperty*>(*iter)) { prop->unlisten((SignalListener)updateCheckbox); } else if (ChoiceProperty* prop = dynamic_cast<ChoiceProperty*>(*iter)) { prop->unlisten((SignalListener)updateChoice); } } // Clear out the old controls m_controlsPack->clear(); currentGroup = NULL; } // Reset the scrollbar m_controlsScroll->position(0, 0); // If there's no group, exit if (!group) { m_controlsScroll->redraw(); return; } // Constants for slider dimensions const int packWidth = m_controlsPack->w(); const int textHeight = 20; const int sliderHeight = 20; const int chooserHeight = 100; const int buttonHeight = 20; // Show them // For each control, add appropriate objects to the user interface currentGroup = group; PropertyList* props = group->getProperties(); for (PropertyList::iterator iter = props->begin(); iter != props->end(); iter++) { // Ignore it if it's a group property (those belong in the tree). if (dynamic_cast<GroupProperty*>(*iter)) continue; // And now we'll create a UI element for the property. // The big if-statement below uses dynamic_cast<PropertyType*>(ptr), // to see if a property has a given type. dynamic_cast will // return 0 if ptr is not of type PropertyType. // Add a slider if the property is a RangeProperty if (RangeProperty* prop = dynamic_cast<RangeProperty*>(*iter)) { // Add the label Fl_Box *box = new Fl_Box(0, 0, packWidth, textHeight, (*iter)->getName()); box->labelsize(14); box->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); box->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); // otherwise, Fl_Scroll messes up (ehsu) m_controlsPack->add(box); // Add the slider Fl_Value_Slider *slider = new Fl_Value_Slider(0, 0, packWidth, sliderHeight); slider->type(1); slider->range(prop->getMin(), prop->getMax()); slider->step(prop->getStep()); slider->value(prop->getValue()); m_controlsPack->add(slider); // Use the step size to determine the number of decimal places // shown in the slider's label. if (prop->getStep() > 0) { slider->precision((int)-log(prop->getStep())); } // Have the slider notify the program when it changes slider->callback((Fl_Callback*)SliderCallback, (void*) prop); // Have the property notify the slider when it changes prop->listen((SignalListener)updateRangeSlider, (void*) slider); // Add a color picker if the property is an RGB property } else if (RGBProperty* prop = dynamic_cast<RGBProperty*>(*iter)) { // Add the label Fl_Box *box = new Fl_Box(0, 0, packWidth, textHeight, (*iter)->getName()); box->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); box->labelsize(14); box->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); // otherwise, Fl_Scroll messes up (ehsu) m_controlsPack->add(box); // Add a color chooser Fl_Color_Chooser* chooser = new Fl_Color_Chooser(0, 0, packWidth, chooserHeight); chooser->rgb(prop->getRed(), prop->getGreen(), prop->getBlue()); m_controlsPack->add(chooser); // Have the chooser notify the program when it changes chooser->callback((Fl_Callback*)ColorPickerCallback, (void*) prop); // Remove any existing color chooser listeners on the property prop->unlisten((SignalListener)updateColorChooser); // Have the property notify the chooser when it changes prop->listen((SignalListener)updateColorChooser, (void*) chooser); // Add a checkbox if the property is a boolean property } else if (BooleanProperty* prop = dynamic_cast<BooleanProperty*>(*iter)) { // Add the checkbox -- no label needed! Fl_Check_Button* btn = new Fl_Check_Button(0, 0, packWidth, buttonHeight, prop->getName()); btn->labelsize(14); btn->type(FL_TOGGLE_BUTTON); btn->value(prop->getValue()); m_controlsPack->add(btn); // Have the button notify the program when it changes btn->callback((Fl_Callback*)ButtonCallback, (void*) prop); // Remove any existing color chooser listeners on the property prop->unlisten((SignalListener)updateCheckbox); // Have the property notify the chooser when it changes prop->listen((SignalListener)updateCheckbox, (void*) btn); // Add radio buttons if the property is a choice property } else if (ChoiceProperty* prop = dynamic_cast<ChoiceProperty*>(*iter)) { // Add the label Fl_Box *box = new Fl_Box(0, 0, packWidth, textHeight, (*iter)->getName()); box->align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE); box->labelsize(14); box->box(FL_FLAT_BOX); // otherwise, Fl_Scroll messes up (ehsu) m_controlsPack->add(box); // Add a group Fl_Pack* pack = new Fl_Pack(0, 0, packWidth, buttonHeight); pack->type(Fl_Pack::VERTICAL); pack->box(FL_THIN_DOWN_FRAME); pack->user_data((void*) prop); // Add the radio buttons const char* choices = prop->getLabels(); int start = 0, end = -1, index = 0; do { end++; if (choices[end] == 0 || choices[end] == '|') { string str(choices, start, end - start); Fl_Button* btn = new Fl_Round_Button(0, 0, packWidth, buttonHeight, prop->getName()); btn->type(FL_RADIO_BUTTON); btn->copy_label(str.c_str()); btn->value(prop->getValue() == index); // Have the button notify the program when it changes btn->callback((Fl_Callback*)ChoiceCallback, (void*)index); index++; start = end + 1; } } while (choices[end] != 0); pack->end(); m_controlsPack->add(pack); // Remove any existing choce listeners on the property prop->unlisten((SignalListener)updateChoice); // Have the property update the choices when it changes prop->listen((SignalListener)updateChoice, (void*) pack); } } m_controlsScroll->redraw(); }