コード例 #1
ファイル: ODDecodeBlockFile.cpp プロジェクト: MindFy/audacity
/// A thread-safe version of CalcSummary.  BlockFile::CalcSummary
/// uses a static summary array across the class, which we can't use.
/// Get a buffer containing a summary block describing this sample
/// data.  This must be called by derived classes when they
/// are constructed, to allow them to construct their summary data,
/// after which they should write that data to their disk file.
/// This method also has the side effect of setting the mMin, mMax,
/// and mRMS members of this class.
/// Unlike BlockFile's implementation You SHOULD DELETE the returned buffer.
/// this is protected so it shouldn't be hard to deal with - just override
/// all BlockFile methods that use this method.
/// @param buffer A buffer containing the sample data to be analyzed
/// @param len    The length of the sample data
/// @param format The format of the sample data.
void *ODDecodeBlockFile::CalcSummary(samplePtr buffer, size_t len,
                             sampleFormat format, ArrayOf<char> &cleanup)
   char* localFullSummary = cleanup.get();

   memcpy(localFullSummary, bheaderTag, bheaderTagLen);

   float *summary64K = (float *)(localFullSummary + mSummaryInfo.offset64K);
   float *summary256 = (float *)(localFullSummary + mSummaryInfo.offset256);

   Floats floats;
   float *fbuffer;

   //mchinen: think we can hack this - don't allocate and copy if we don't need to.,
      fbuffer = (float*)buffer;
      fbuffer = floats.get();
      CopySamples(buffer, format,
               (samplePtr)fbuffer, floatSample, len);

   BlockFile::CalcSummaryFromBuffer(fbuffer, len, summary256, summary64K);

   return localFullSummary;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Paulstretch.cpp プロジェクト: finefin/audacity
void PaulStretch::process(float *smps, size_t nsmps)
   //add NEW samples to the pool
   if ((smps != NULL) && (nsmps != 0)) {
      if (nsmps > poolsize) {
         nsmps = poolsize;
      int nleft = poolsize - nsmps;

      //move left the samples from the pool to make room for NEW samples
      for (int i = 0; i < nleft; i++)
         in_pool[i] = in_pool[i + nsmps];

      //add NEW samples to the pool
      for (size_t i = 0; i < nsmps; i++)
         in_pool[i + nleft] = smps[i];

   //get the samples from the pool
   for (size_t i = 0; i < poolsize; i++)
      fft_smps[i] = in_pool[i];
   WindowFunc(eWinFuncHanning, poolsize, fft_smps.get());

   RealFFT(poolsize, fft_smps.get(), fft_c.get(), fft_s.get());

   for (size_t i = 0; i < poolsize / 2; i++)
      fft_freq[i] = sqrt(fft_c[i] * fft_c[i] + fft_s[i] * fft_s[i]);

   //put randomize phases to frequencies and do a IFFT
   float inv_2p15_2pi = 1.0 / 16384.0 * (float)M_PI;
   for (size_t i = 1; i < poolsize / 2; i++) {
      unsigned int random = (rand()) & 0x7fff;
      float phase = random * inv_2p15_2pi;
      float s = fft_freq[i] * sin(phase);
      float c = fft_freq[i] * cos(phase);

      fft_c[i] = fft_c[poolsize - i] = c;

      fft_s[i] = s; fft_s[poolsize - i] = -s;
   fft_c[0] = fft_s[0] = 0.0;
   fft_c[poolsize / 2] = fft_s[poolsize / 2] = 0.0;

   FFT(poolsize, true, fft_c.get(), fft_s.get(), fft_smps.get(), fft_tmp.get());

   float max = 0.0, max2 = 0.0;
   for (size_t i = 0; i < poolsize; i++) {
      max = std::max(max, fabsf(fft_tmp[i]));
      max2 = std::max(max2, fabsf(fft_smps[i]));

   //make the output buffer
   float tmp = 1.0 / (float) out_bufsize * M_PI;
   float hinv_sqrt2 = 0.853553390593f;//(1.0+1.0/sqrt(2))*0.5;

   float ampfactor = 1.0;
   if (rap < 1.0)
      ampfactor = rap * 0.707;
      ampfactor = (out_bufsize / (float)poolsize) * 4.0;

   for (size_t i = 0; i < out_bufsize; i++) {
      float a = (0.5 + 0.5 * cos(i * tmp));
      float out = fft_smps[i + out_bufsize] * (1.0 - a) + old_out_smp_buf[i] * a;
      out_buf[i] =
         out * (hinv_sqrt2 - (1.0 - hinv_sqrt2) * cos(i * 2.0 * tmp)) *

   //copy the current output buffer to old buffer
   for (size_t i = 0; i < out_bufsize * 2; i++)
      old_out_smp_buf[i] = fft_smps[i];