コード例 #1
FloatsList GaussianProcessInterpolation::get_data_variance() const {
  FloatsList ret;
  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd S(get_S());
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < M_; i++) {
    Floats val;
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < M_; j++) val.push_back(S(i, j));
  return ret;
コード例 #2
FloatsList GaussianProcessInterpolationRestraint::get_hessian(bool) const {
  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd tmp(get_hessian());
  FloatsList ret;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < tmp.rows(); ++i) {
    Floats buf;
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < tmp.cols(); ++j) buf.push_back(tmp(i, j));
  return ret;
コード例 #3
FloatsList GaussianProcessInterpolation::get_posterior_covariance_hessian(
    Floats x, bool) const {
  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd mat(get_posterior_covariance_hessian(x));
  FloatsList ret;
  for (unsigned j = 0; j < mat.rows(); j++) {
    Floats tmp;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < mat.cols(); i++) tmp.push_back(mat(i, j));
  return ret;
コード例 #4
GaussianProcessInterpolation::get_posterior_covariance_derivative(Floats x)
    const {
  const_cast<GaussianProcessInterpolation *>(this)->update_flags_covariance();
  // get how many and which particles are optimized
  unsigned mnum = get_number_of_m_particles();
  std::vector<bool> mopt;
  unsigned mnum_opt = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < mnum; i++) {
    if (mopt.back()) mnum_opt++;
  unsigned Onum = get_number_of_Omega_particles();
  std::vector<bool> Oopt;
  unsigned Onum_opt = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Onum; i++) {
    if (Oopt.back()) Onum_opt++;
  unsigned num_opt = mnum_opt + Onum_opt;
  unsigned sigma_opt = Oopt[0] ? 1 : 0;

  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd ret(num_opt);
  ret.head(mnum_opt + sigma_opt).setZero();
  // build vector of dcov(q,q)/dparticles
  FloatsList xv;
  for (unsigned i = 0, j = 0; i < Onum - 1; i++)  // skip sigma
    if (Oopt[i + 1])
      ret(mnum_opt + sigma_opt + j++) =
          covariance_function_->get_derivative_matrix(i, xv)(0, 0);

  // add dcov/dw(q) * dw(q)/dparticles
  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd dwqdp(M_, num_opt);
  for (unsigned i = 0, j = 0; i < mnum + Onum; i++)
    if (((i < mnum) && mopt[i]) || (i >= mnum && Oopt[i - mnum]))
      dwqdp.col(j++) = get_wx_vector_derivative(x, i);
  ret += dwqdp.transpose() * get_dcov_dwq(x);

  // add dcov/dOm * dOm/dparticles
  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd dcovdOm(get_dcov_dOm(x));
  for (unsigned i = 0, j = 0; i < Onum; i++)
    if (Oopt[i])
      ret.tail(Onum_opt)(j++) +=
          (dcovdOm.transpose() * get_Omega_derivative(i)).trace();

  return ret;
コード例 #5
IMP_Eigen::VectorXd GaussianProcessInterpolation::get_wx_vector_derivative(
    Floats xval, unsigned p) const {
  const_cast<GaussianProcessInterpolation *>(this)->update_flags_covariance();
  unsigned nm = get_number_of_m_particles();
  // derivative wrt mean particles and/or sigma is zero
  if (p <= nm) return IMP_Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(M_);
  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd ret(M_);
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < M_; i++) {
    FloatsList xv;
    ret(i) =
        covariance_function_->get_derivative_matrix(p - (nm + 1), xv)(0, 1);
  return ret;
コード例 #6
GaussianProcessInterpolation::get_posterior_covariance_matrix(FloatsList x)
    const {
  unsigned N(x.size());
  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd Wpri(M_, N);
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++) Wpri.col(i) = get_wx_vector(x[i]);
  IMP_Eigen::LDLT<IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd, IMP_Eigen::Upper> ldlt(get_ldlt());
  // we can now use covariance_function_ because it is up to date
  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd Wpost((*covariance_function_)(x));
  return Wpost - Wpri.transpose() * ldlt.solve(Wpri);
コード例 #7

    FloatsList x, Floats sample_mean, Floats sample_std, unsigned n_obs,
    UnivariateFunction *mean_function, BivariateFunction *covariance_function,
    Particle *sigma, double sparse_cutoff)
    : Object("GaussianProcessInterpolation%1%"),
      cutoff_(sparse_cutoff) {
  // O(M)
  // store dimensions
  M_ = x.size();
  N_ = x[0].size();
  sigma_val_ = Scale(sigma_).get_nuisance();
  // basic checks
  IMP_USAGE_CHECK(sample_mean.size() == M_,
                  "sample_mean should have the same size as x");
  IMP_USAGE_CHECK(sample_std.size() == M_,
                  "sample_std should have the same size as x");
  IMP_USAGE_CHECK(mean_function->get_ndims_x() == N_,
                  "mean_function should have " << N_ << " input dimensions");
  IMP_USAGE_CHECK(mean_function->get_ndims_y() == 1,
                  "mean_function should have 1 output dimension");
  IMP_USAGE_CHECK(covariance_function->get_ndims_x1() == N_,
                  "covariance_function should have "
                      << N_ << " input dimensions for first vector");
  IMP_USAGE_CHECK(covariance_function->get_ndims_x2() == N_,
                  "covariance_function should have "
                      << N_ << " input dimensions for second vector");
  IMP_USAGE_CHECK(covariance_function->get_ndims_y() == 1,
                  "covariance_function should have 1 output dimension");
  // set all flags to false = need update.
  // compute needed matrices
コード例 #8
GaussianProcessInterpolation::get_posterior_covariance_hessian(Floats x) const {
  const_cast<GaussianProcessInterpolation *>(this)->update_flags_covariance();
  // get how many and which particles are optimized
  unsigned mnum = get_number_of_m_particles();
  std::vector<bool> mopt;
  unsigned mnum_opt = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < mnum; i++) {
    if (mopt.back()) mnum_opt++;
  unsigned Onum = get_number_of_Omega_particles();
  std::vector<bool> Oopt;
  unsigned Onum_opt = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Onum; i++) {
    if (Oopt.back()) Onum_opt++;
  // total number of optimized particles
  unsigned num_opt = mnum_opt + Onum_opt;
  // whether sigma is optimized
  unsigned sigma_opt = Oopt[0] ? 1 : 0;
  // cov_opt: number of optimized covariance particles without counting sigma
  unsigned cov_opt = Onum_opt - sigma_opt;

  // init matrix and fill with zeros at mean particle's indices
  // dprior_cov(q,q)/(dsigma d.) is also zero
  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd ret(IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(num_opt, num_opt));
  // build vector of dcov(q,q)/dp1dp2 with p1 and p2 covariance particles
  FloatsList xv;
  FloatsList tmplist;
  for (unsigned pa = 0; pa < Onum; ++pa) {
    if (!Oopt[pa]) continue;  // skip not optimized particles
    if (pa == 0) continue;    // skip sigma even when it is optimized
    Floats tmp;
    for (unsigned pb = pa; pb < Onum; ++pb) {
      if (!Oopt[pb]) continue;  // skip not optimized particles
      // sigma has already been skipped
          pa - 1, pb - 1, xv)(0, 0));
  for (unsigned pa_opt = 0; pa_opt < cov_opt; pa_opt++)
    for (unsigned pb_opt = pa_opt; pb_opt < cov_opt; pb_opt++)
      ret.bottomRightCorner(cov_opt, cov_opt)(pa_opt, pb_opt) =
          tmplist[pa_opt][pb_opt - pa_opt];

  // compute and store w(q) derivatives (skip mean particles)
  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd dwqdp(M_, Onum_opt);
  for (unsigned i = 0, j = 0; i < Onum; i++)
    if (Oopt[i]) dwqdp.col(j++) = get_wx_vector_derivative(x, i + mnum);
  // add d2cov/(dw(q)_k * dw(q)_l) * dw(q)^k/dp_i * dw(q)^l/dp_j
  ret.bottomRightCorner(cov_opt, cov_opt).noalias() +=
      dwqdp.rightCols(cov_opt).transpose() * get_d2cov_dwq_dwq() *

  // compute and store Omega derivatives (skip mean particles)
  std::vector<IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd> dOmdp;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Onum; i++) {
    if (Oopt[i]) dOmdp.push_back(get_Omega_derivative(i));
  // add d2cov/(dOm_kl * dOm_mn) * dOm^kl/dp_i * dOm^mn/dp_j
  std::vector<std::vector<IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd> > d2covdo;
  for (unsigned m = 0; m < M_; m++) {
    std::vector<IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd> tmp;
    for (unsigned n = 0; n < M_; n++) tmp.push_back(get_d2cov_dOm_dOm(x, m, n));

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Onum_opt; i++) {
    IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd tmp(M_, M_);
    for (unsigned m = 0; m < M_; ++m)
      for (unsigned n = 0; n < M_; ++n)
        tmp(m, n) = (d2covdo[m][n].transpose() * dOmdp[i]).trace();
    for (unsigned j = i; j < Onum_opt; j++)
      ret.bottomRightCorner(Onum_opt, Onum_opt)(i, j) +=
          (dOmdp[j].transpose() * tmp).trace();
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < d2covdo.size(); i++) d2covdo[i].clear();

  // compute cross-term
  std::vector<IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd> d2covdwdo;
  for (unsigned k = 0; k < M_; k++)
    d2covdwdo.push_back(get_d2cov_dwq_dOm(x, k));
  // compute derivative contribution into temporary
  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd tmpH(Onum_opt, Onum_opt);

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < Onum_opt; i++) {
    IMP_Eigen::VectorXd tmp(M_);
    for (unsigned k = 0; k < M_; k++)
      tmp(k) = (d2covdwdo[k].transpose() * dOmdp[i]).trace();
    for (unsigned j = 0; j < Onum_opt; j++)
      tmpH(i, j) = dwqdp.col(j).transpose() * tmp;
  ret.bottomRightCorner(Onum_opt, Onum_opt) += tmpH + tmpH.transpose();

  // deallocate unused stuff
  // tmpH.resize(0,0);
  // dwqdp.resize(0,0);

  // dcov/dw_k * d2w^k/(dp_i dp_j)
  IMP_Eigen::VectorXd dcwq(get_dcov_dwq(x));
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < cov_opt; i++)
    for (unsigned j = i; j < cov_opt; j++)
      ret.bottomRightCorner(cov_opt, cov_opt)(i, j) +=
          dcwq.transpose() *
          get_wx_vector_second_derivative(x, mnum + 1 + i, mnum + 1 + j);
  // dcwq.resize(0,0);

  // dcov/dOm_kl * d2Om^kl/(dp_i dp_j), zero when p_i or p_j is sigma or mean
  IMP_Eigen::MatrixXd dcOm(get_dcov_dOm(x));
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < cov_opt; i++)
    for (unsigned j = i; j < cov_opt; j++)
      ret.bottomRightCorner(cov_opt, cov_opt)(i, j) +=
          (dcOm.transpose() * get_Omega_second_derivative(i + 1, j + 1))
  // dcOm.resize(0,0);

  // return as symmetric matrix
  for (unsigned i = mnum_opt; i < num_opt; ++i)
    for (unsigned j = mnum_opt + 1; j < num_opt; ++j) ret(j, i) = ret(i, j);

  return ret;