void CGameOverState::Render( void ) { CSGD_Direct3D* pD3D = CSGD_Direct3D::GetInstance(); FontManager* pFont = CGame::GetInstance()->GetFont(); pD3D->Clear(WHITE); if(m_bWin) { if(m_nLevel_Finished == 4) { CSGD_TextureManager::GetInstance()->Draw(m_nWindBGid, 0, 0); pFont->Draw( ARNOVA , FINAL_LEVEL_WIN, 55, 250, 1.3f, 1.3f, WHITE); } else { CSGD_TextureManager::GetInstance()->Draw(m_nWindBGid, 0, 0); pFont->Draw( ARNOVA , GAME_WIN, 55, 250, 1.3f, 1.3f, WHITE); } } else { CSGD_TextureManager::GetInstance()->Draw(m_nLoseBGid, 0,0); pFont->Draw( ARNOVA , GAME_LOSE, 240, 100, 1.5f,1.5f, WHITE); } pFont->Draw( ARNOVA , STATE_EXIT, 55, 500); CSGD_TextureManager::GetInstance()->Draw(m_nCursorImg, m_nCursorX, m_nCursorY); }
void CPopUp_SPGain::Render() { CCamera* Game_Camera = CCamera::GetInstance(); FontManager* pFont = CGame::GetInstance()->GetFont(); CSGD_TextureManager* pTM = CSGD_TextureManager::GetInstance(); int x = int(GetPosX() - Game_Camera->GetPosX()); int y = int(GetPosY() - Game_Camera->GetPosY()); CPopUp::Render(); AnimationManager::GetInstance()->Render( (float)(x + 75), (float)(y + 101), CEntity::IsFlipped(), *GetAnimInfo(), m_dwRenderColor); pFont->Draw( CHINESE_TAKEAWAY, L"Attack the enemy \n to build your special meter", x+48, y+44, 0.4f, 0.4f, BLACK ); }
void GameInfo::Display( int x, int y ) { CSGD_Direct3D* pD3D = CSGD_Direct3D::GetInstance(); FontManager* pFont = CGame::GetInstance()->GetFont(); CSGD_TextureManager* pTM = CSGD_TextureManager::GetInstance(); pTM->Draw( m_nMenuArtid, x, y); TOSTRINGSTREAM wss; wss.str(L""); wss << "Stage 0" << m_nLevel; pFont->Draw( CHINESE_TAKEAWAY , wss.str().c_str(), x + 43, y+36, 0.5f,0.5f); wss.str(L""); wss << "EXP: " << m_nExpPts; pFont->Draw( CHINESE_TAKEAWAY , wss.str().c_str(), x + 201, y+36, 0.5f,0.5f); wss.str(L""); wss << m_nFireSpl; pFont->Draw( CHINESE_TAKEAWAY , wss.str().c_str(), x + 83, y + 78, 0.5f,0.5f); wss.str(L""); wss << m_nWindSpl; pFont->Draw( CHINESE_TAKEAWAY , wss.str().c_str(), x + 160, y + 78, 0.5f,0.5f); wss.str(L""); wss << m_nIceSpl; pFont->Draw( CHINESE_TAKEAWAY , wss.str().c_str(), x + 237, y + 78, 0.5f,0.5f); wss.str(L""); wss << m_nEarthSpl; pFont->Draw( CHINESE_TAKEAWAY , wss.str().c_str(), x + 304, y + 78,0.5f,0.5f); }