コード例 #1
ファイル: nfsubs.cpp プロジェクト: andrewleech/firebird
 * Parses a string using the rule set or DecimalFormat belonging
 * to this substitution.  If there's a match, a mathematical
 * operation (the inverse of the one used in formatting) is
 * performed on the result of the parse and the value passed in
 * and returned as the result.  The parse position is updated to
 * point to the first unmatched character in the string.
 * @param text The string to parse
 * @param parsePosition On entry, ignored, but assumed to be 0.
 * On exit, this is updated to point to the first unmatched
 * character (or 0 if the substitution didn't match)
 * @param baseValue A partial parse result that should be
 * combined with the result of this parse
 * @param upperBound When searching the rule set for a rule
 * matching the string passed in, only rules with base values
 * lower than this are considered
 * @param lenientParse If true and matching against rules fails,
 * the substitution will also try matching the text against
 * numerals using a default-costructed NumberFormat.  If false,
 * no extra work is done.  (This value is false whenever the
 * formatter isn't in lenient-parse mode, but is also false
 * under some conditions even when the formatter _is_ in
 * lenient-parse mode.)
 * @return If there's a match, this is the result of composing
 * baseValue with whatever was returned from matching the
 * characters.  This will be either a Long or a Double.  If there's
 * no match this is new Long(0) (not null), and parsePosition
 * is left unchanged.
NFSubstitution::doParse(const UnicodeString& text,
                        ParsePosition& parsePosition,
                        double baseValue,
                        double upperBound,
                        UBool lenientParse,
                        Formattable& result) const
    fprintf(stderr, "<nfsubs> %x bv: %g ub: %g\n", this, baseValue, upperBound);
    // figure out the highest base value a rule can have and match
    // the text being parsed (this varies according to the type of
    // substitutions: multiplier, modulus, and numerator substitutions
    // restrict the search to rules with base values lower than their
    // own; same-value substitutions leave the upper bound wherever
    // it was, and the others allow any rule to match
    upperBound = calcUpperBound(upperBound);

    // use our rule set to parse the text.  If that fails and
    // lenient parsing is enabled (this is always false if the
    // formatter's lenient-parsing mode is off, but it may also
    // be false even when the formatter's lenient-parse mode is
    // on), then also try parsing the text using a default-
    // constructed NumberFormat
    if (ruleSet != NULL) {
        ruleSet->parse(text, parsePosition, upperBound, result);
        if (lenientParse && !ruleSet->isFractionRuleSet() && parsePosition.getIndex() == 0) {
            UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            NumberFormat* fmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(status);
            if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                fmt->parse(text, result, parsePosition);
            delete fmt;

        // ...or use our DecimalFormat to parse the text
    } else {
        numberFormat->parse(text, result, parsePosition);

    // if the parse was successful, we've already advanced the caller's
    // parse position (this is the one function that doesn't have one
    // of its own).  Derive a parse result and return it as a Long,
    // if possible, or a Double
    if (parsePosition.getIndex() != 0) {
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        double tempResult = result.getDouble(status);

        // composeRuleValue() produces a full parse result from
        // the partial parse result passed to this function from
        // the caller (this is either the owning rule's base value
        // or the partial result obtained from composing the
        // owning rule's base value with its other substitution's
        // parse result) and the partial parse result obtained by
        // matching the substitution (which will be the same value
        // the caller would get by parsing just this part of the
        // text with RuleBasedNumberFormat.parse() ).  How the two
        // values are used to derive the full parse result depends
        // on the types of substitutions: For a regular rule, the
        // ultimate result is its multiplier substitution's result
        // times the rule's divisor (or the rule's base value) plus
        // the modulus substitution's result (which will actually
        // supersede part of the rule's base value).  For a negative-
        // number rule, the result is the negative of its substitution's
        // result.  For a fraction rule, it's the sum of its two
        // substitution results.  For a rule in a fraction rule set,
        // it's the numerator substitution's result divided by
        // the rule's base value.  Results from same-value substitutions
        // propagate back upard, and null substitutions don't affect
        // the result.
        tempResult = composeRuleValue(tempResult, baseValue);
        return TRUE;
        // if the parse was UNsuccessful, return 0
    } else {
        return FALSE;
コード例 #2
/* @bug 4031438
 * More robust message formats.
void MessageFormatRegressionTest::Test4031438() 
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UnicodeString pattern1("Impossible {1} has occurred -- status code is {0} and message is {2}.");
    UnicodeString pattern2("Double '' Quotes {0} test and quoted '{1}' test plus 'other {2} stuff'.");

    MessageFormat *messageFormatter = new MessageFormat("", status);
    failure(status, "new MessageFormat");
    const UBool possibleDataError = TRUE;

    //try {
        logln("Apply with pattern : " + pattern1);
        messageFormatter->applyPattern(pattern1, status);
        failure(status, "messageFormat->applyPattern");
        //Object[] params = {new Integer(7)};
        Formattable params []= {
        UnicodeString tempBuffer;
        FieldPosition pos(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE);
        tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(params, 1, tempBuffer, pos, status);
        if(tempBuffer != "Impossible {1} has occurred -- status code is 7 and message is {2}." || failure(status, "MessageFormat::format"))
            dataerrln("Tests arguments < substitution failed");
        logln("Formatted with 7 : " + tempBuffer);
        ParsePosition pp(0);
        int32_t count = 0;
        Formattable *objs = messageFormatter->parse(tempBuffer, pp, count);
        //if(objs[7/*params.length*/] != NULL)
        //    errln("Parse failed with more than expected arguments");

        NumberFormat *fmt = 0;
        UnicodeString temp, temp1;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // convert to string if not already
            Formattable obj = objs[i];
            if(obj.getType() == Formattable::kString)
                temp = obj.getString(temp);
            else {
                fmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(status);
                switch (obj.getType()) {
                case Formattable::kLong: fmt->format(obj.getLong(), temp); break;
                case Formattable::kInt64: fmt->format(obj.getInt64(), temp); break;
                case Formattable::kDouble: fmt->format(obj.getDouble(), temp); break;
                default: break;

            // convert to string if not already
            Formattable obj1 = params[i];
            if(obj1.getType() == Formattable::kString)
                temp1 = obj1.getString(temp1);
            else {
                fmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(status);
                switch (obj1.getType()) {
                case Formattable::kLong: fmt->format(obj1.getLong(), temp1); break;
                case Formattable::kInt64: fmt->format(obj1.getInt64(), temp1); break;
                case Formattable::kDouble: fmt->format(obj1.getDouble(), temp1); break;
                default: break;

            //if (objs[i] != NULL && objs[i].getString(temp1) != params[i].getString(temp2)) {
            if (temp != temp1) {
                errln("Parse failed on object " + objs[i].getString(temp1) + " at index : " + i);

        delete fmt;
        delete [] objs;

        // {sfb} does this apply?  no way to really pass a null Formattable, 
        // only a null array

        /*tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(null, tempBuffer, FieldPosition(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE), status);
        if (tempBuffer != "Impossible {1} has occurred -- status code is {0} and message is {2}." || failure(status, "messageFormat->format"))
            errln("Tests with no arguments failed");
        logln("Formatted with null : " + tempBuffer);*/
        logln("Apply with pattern : " + pattern2);
        messageFormatter->applyPattern(pattern2, status);
        failure(status, "messageFormatter->applyPattern", possibleDataError);
        tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(params, 1, tempBuffer, pos, status);
        if (tempBuffer != "Double ' Quotes 7 test and quoted {1} test plus 'other {2} stuff'.")
            dataerrln("quote format test (w/ params) failed. - %s", u_errorName(status));
        logln("Formatted with params : " + tempBuffer);
        /*tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(null);
        if (!tempBuffer.equals("Double ' Quotes {0} test and quoted {1} test plus other {2} stuff."))
            errln("quote format test (w/ null) failed.");
        logln("Formatted with null : " + tempBuffer);
        logln("toPattern : " + messageFormatter.toPattern());*/
    /*} catch (Exception foo) {
        errln("Exception when formatting in bug 4031438. "+foo.getMessage());
        delete messageFormatter;
コード例 #3
ファイル: nmfmtrt.cpp プロジェクト: mason105/red5cpp
NumberFormatRoundTripTest::test(NumberFormat *fmt, const Formattable& value)
    if(fmt->getDynamicClassID() == DecimalFormat::getStaticClassID()) {
        ((DecimalFormat *)fmt)->setRoundingIncrement(0.0);
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UnicodeString s, s2, temp;
        s = fmt->format(value.getDouble(), s);
        s = fmt->format(value.getLong(), s);

    Formattable n;
    UBool show = verbose;
        logln(/*value.getString(temp) +*/ " F> " + escape(s));

    fmt->parse(s, n, status);
    failure(status, "fmt->parse");
        logln(escape(s) + " P> " /*+ n.getString(temp)*/);

        s2 = fmt->format(n.getDouble(), s2);
        s2 = fmt->format(n.getLong(), s2);
        logln(/*n.getString(temp) +*/ " F> " + escape(s2));

        if (s != s2) {
            errln("*** STRING ERROR \"" + escape(s) + "\" != \"" + escape(s2) + "\"");
            show = TRUE;

        if(value != n) {
            errln("*** NUMERIC ERROR");
            show = TRUE;
    else {
        // Compute proportional error
        double error = proportionalError(value, n);

        if(error > MAX_ERROR) {
            errln(UnicodeString("*** NUMERIC ERROR ") + error);
            show = TRUE;

        if (error > max_numeric_error) 
            max_numeric_error = error;
        if (error < min_numeric_error) 
            min_numeric_error = error;

    if (show) {
        errln(/*value.getString(temp) +*/ typeOf(value, temp) + " F> " +
            escape(s) + " P> " +
            /*n.getString(temp) +*/ typeOf(n, temp) + " F> " +
コード例 #4
ファイル: globalization_ndk.cpp プロジェクト: egolf/qClientes
std::string GlobalizationNDK::stringToNumber(const std::string& args)
    if (args.empty()) {
        slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::stringToNumber: no arguments provided!");
        return errorInJson(PARSING_ERROR, "No arguments provided!");

    Json::Reader reader;
    Json::Value root;
    bool parse = reader.parse(args, root);

    if (!parse) {
        slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::stringToNumber: invalid json data: %s",
        return errorInJson(PARSING_ERROR, "Invalid json data!");

    Json::Value sv = root["numberString"];
    if (sv.isNull()) {
        slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::stringToNumber: no numberString provided!");
        return errorInJson(FORMATTING_ERROR, "No numberString provided!");

    if (!sv.isString()) {
        slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::stringToNumber: invalid numberString type: %d!",
        return errorInJson(FORMATTING_ERROR, "Invalid numberString type!");

    std::string str = sv.asString();
    if (str.empty()) {
        slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::stringToNumber: empty numberString!");
        return errorInJson(FORMATTING_ERROR, "Empty numberString!");

    // This is the default value when no options provided.
    ENumberType type = kNumberDecimal;

    Json::Value options = root["options"];
    std::string error;
    if (!handleNumberOptions(options, type, error))
        return errorInJson(PARSING_ERROR, error);

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    NumberFormat* nf;
    switch (type) {
    case kNumberDecimal:
        nf = NumberFormat::createInstance(status);
    case kNumberCurrency:
        nf = NumberFormat::createCurrencyInstance(status);
    case kNumberPercent:
        nf = NumberFormat::createPercentInstance(status);

    if (!nf) {
        slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::stringToNumber: failed to create NumberFormat instance for type %d: %d",
                status, type);
        return errorInJson(UNKNOWN_ERROR, "Failed to create NumberFormat instance!");
    std::auto_ptr<NumberFormat> deleter(nf);

    UnicodeString uStr = UnicodeString::fromUTF8(str);
    Formattable value;

    if (type == kNumberCurrency) {
         ParsePosition pos;
         CurrencyAmount* ca = nf->parseCurrency(uStr, pos);
         if (ca)
             value = ca->getNumber();
             nf->parse(uStr, value, status);
    } else
        nf->parse(uStr, value, status);

    if (status != U_ZERO_ERROR && status != U_ERROR_WARNING_START) {
        slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::stringToNumber: failed (%d) to parse string: %s",
                status, str.c_str());
        return errorInJson(PARSING_ERROR, "Failed to parse string!");

    if (!value.isNumeric()) {
        slog2f(0, ID_G11N, SLOG2_ERROR, "GlobalizationNDK::stringToNumber: string is not numeric: %s",
        return errorInJson(FORMATTING_ERROR, "String is not numeric!");

    return resultInJson(value.getDouble());