コード例 #1
String8 ProgramCache::generateFragmentShader(const Key& needs) {
    Formatter fs;
    if (needs.getTextureTarget() == Key::TEXTURE_EXT) {
        fs << "#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require";

    // default precision is required-ish in fragment shaders
    fs << "precision mediump float;";

    if (needs.getTextureTarget() == Key::TEXTURE_EXT) {
        fs << "uniform samplerExternalOES sampler;"
           << "varying vec2 outTexCoords;";
    } else if (needs.getTextureTarget() == Key::TEXTURE_2D) {
        fs << "uniform sampler2D sampler;"
           << "varying vec2 outTexCoords;";
    } else if (needs.getTextureTarget() == Key::TEXTURE_OFF) {
        fs << "uniform vec4 color;";
    if (needs.hasPlaneAlpha()) {
        fs << "uniform float alphaPlane;";
    if (needs.hasColorMatrix()) {
        fs << "uniform mat4 colorMatrix;";
    fs << "void main(void) {" << indent;
    if (needs.isTexturing()) {
        fs << "gl_FragColor = texture2D(sampler, outTexCoords);";
    } else {
        fs << "gl_FragColor = color;";
    if (needs.isOpaque()) {
        fs << "gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;";
    if (needs.hasPlaneAlpha()) {
        // modulate the alpha value with planeAlpha
        if (needs.isPremultiplied()) {
            // ... and the color too if we're premultiplied
            fs << "gl_FragColor *= alphaPlane;";
        } else {
            fs << "gl_FragColor.a *= alphaPlane;";

    if (needs.hasColorMatrix()) {
        if (!needs.isOpaque() && needs.isPremultiplied()) {
            // un-premultiply if needed before linearization
            fs << "gl_FragColor.rgb = gl_FragColor.rgb/gl_FragColor.a;";
        fs << "gl_FragColor.rgb = pow(gl_FragColor.rgb, vec3(2.2));";
        fs << "gl_FragColor     = colorMatrix*gl_FragColor;";
        fs << "gl_FragColor.rgb = pow(gl_FragColor.rgb, vec3(1.0 / 2.2));";
        if (!needs.isOpaque() && needs.isPremultiplied()) {
            // and re-premultiply if needed after gamma correction
            fs << "gl_FragColor.rgb = gl_FragColor.rgb*gl_FragColor.a;";

    fs << dedent << "}";
    return fs.getString();
コード例 #2
String8 ProgramCache::generateVertexShader(const Key& needs) {
    Formatter vs;
    if (needs.isTexturing()) {
        vs  << "attribute vec4 texCoords;"
            << "varying vec2 outTexCoords;";
    vs << "attribute vec4 position;"
       << "uniform mat4 projection;"
       << "uniform mat4 texture;"
       << "void main(void) {" << indent
       << "gl_Position = projection * position;";
    if (needs.isTexturing()) {
        vs << "outTexCoords = (texture * texCoords).st;";
    vs << dedent << "}";
    return vs.getString();