コード例 #1
ファイル: OLDFLOW.CPP プロジェクト: jimmccurdy/ArchiveGit
ERRORCODE TextFlow::rebuild_words(DB_RECORD_NUMBER p_record,
					DB_RECORD_NUMBER f_record,
					CHARACTER_RANGE crange,
					WORD_DELTA_PTR wdelta, WORD_RANGE_PTR wrange)
	ParagraphPtr paragraph;
	FramePtr frame;
	W_INDEX w_index, w_start, w_end;
	C_INDEX c_index;

// Initialize the word delta structure first.

	wrange->w_start =
		wrange->w_end =
		wdelta->w_start = -1;
	wdelta->count = 0;

/* Get the paragraph so we can operate on it. */

	if ((paragraph = (ParagraphPtr)database->get_record(p_record, &error, RECORD_TYPE_Paragraph)) == NULL)
	/* Error! */
		return error;

/* See if there is any text. */

	SHORT text_count = paragraph->number_of_characters();

	if (text_count == 0)
	/* No text! No words to form. */
		return ERRORCODE_None;

/* Figure out where to begin forming words. */

	if (crange.c_start < 0)
		crange.c_start = 0;
	if (crange.c_start >= text_count)
		crange.c_start = text_count-1;
	if (crange.c_end < 0 || crange.c_end >= text_count)
		crange.c_end = text_count-1;

	if (crange.c_start > crange.c_end)
 	// Huh? Bad parameters!
	// We could adjust the parameters to full extent and continue, but then
	// we might not catch a bad programming case.
	// Let's just return an error for now.
		od("rebuild_words: bad parameters\r\n");


		return ERRORCODE_BadParameter;

// The first thing we need to do is go through and figure out which words
// are going to be rebuilt. The first word to be rebuilt is the word containing
// the start change (or the previous one if it's the first character of that
// word). The c_index where word forming starts is the first character of
// this word. The last word to be rebuilt is the word containing the end
// change. The c_index where word forming stops is the last character of this
// word. These words will be deleted and rebuilt from the c_index range
// generated.

// A paragraph should always have at least one word (the eop word).
// OK. Here's the first problem: what happens if c_start > word(eop).c_start?
// This means that the character indicies are inconsistent. This shouldn't
// happen, so let's see if we can detect it and flag an error.

// Look for the word containing the start offset.

	SHORT word_count = paragraph->number_of_words();

	w_start = w_end = word_count;

	for (w_index = 0, wp = (TEXT_WORD_PTR)paragraph->word.get_element(0);
						w_index < word_count;
						wp++, w_index++)
		if (wp->c_start >= crange.c_start)
			w_start = w_index-1;

	if (w_start == word_count)
	/* Couldn't find the c_index in our word array. Inconsistent. */
		od("rebuild_words: start index inconsistent\r\n");
		return ERRORCODE_BadParameter;
	else if (w_start < 0)
	/* Means c_start is in first word. */
		w_start = 0;

#ifdef DEBUG_RW
	printf("Found start offset %d in word %d (", crange.c_start, w_start);
	dump_word(paragraph, (TEXT_WORD_PTR)paragraph->word.data + w_start);

/* Get the first index in this word. */

	wrange->w_start =
		wrange->w_end =
		wdelta->w_start = w_start;

	if ((c_index = paragraph->get_word(w_start)->c_start) < crange.c_start)
	/* Move back to start of word. */
		crange.c_start = c_index;
		wdelta->w_start++;			/* First word stays put. */

#ifdef DEBUG_RW
	printf("Start offset moves to %d\n", crange.c_start);

// Look for the word containing the end offset.

	for (; w_index < word_count; wp++, w_index++)
		if (wp->c_start >= crange.c_end)
			w_end = w_index;

	if (w_end == word_count)
	/* Couldn't find the c_index in our word array. Inconsistent. */

		od("rebuild_words: end index inconsistent\r\n");

		return ERRORCODE_IntError;
	else if (w_end == word_count-1)
	/* We ended up on the eop word. Move off of it. */

#ifdef DEBUG_RW
	printf("Found end offset %d in word %d (", crange.c_end, w_end);
	dump_word(paragraph, (TEXT_WORD_PTR)paragraph->word.data + w_end);

/* Get the first index of the next word. */

	if ((c_index = paragraph->get_word(w_end+1)->c_start-1) > crange.c_end)
	/* Move forward to end of word. */
		crange.c_end = c_index;

#ifdef DEBUG_RW
	printf("End offset moves to %d\n", crange.c_end);

// Delete the existing range if we have one.
// Perhaps this should be optimized someday to do all at once!
	if (w_end >= w_start)
		/* Redisplay variables */
		BOOL new_line = TRUE;
		L_INDEX l_index;
		LINE_PTR lp;
		PCOORD erase_xmin, erase_xmax;

		if ((frame = (FramePtr)database->get_record(f_record, &error, RECORD_TYPE_Frame)) == NULL)
			return error;

		/* Get line pointer for redisplay purposes */

		l_index = frame->line_of_word(w_end, NULL);

		lp = frame->get_line(l_index);

		erase_xmin = 0x7fffffff;
		erase_xmax = -erase_xmin;

		wdelta->count = -(w_end - w_start + 1);
		while (w_end >= w_start)
#ifdef DEBUG_RW
			printf("Delete word %d\n", w_end);
			wp0 = paragraph->get_word(w_end);
			if (!new_line && w_end < lp->w_start)
				new_line = TRUE;
				add_width_refresh_extent(frame, lp,
					erase_xmin, erase_xmax, REFRESH_ERASE);
			if (new_line)
				new_line = FALSE;

				erase_xmin = wp0->x_offset + wp0->draw_left;
				erase_xmax = wp0->x_offset + wp0->draw_width;
				erase_xmin = __min(erase_xmin, wp0->x_offset + wp0->draw_left);
				erase_xmax = __max(erase_xmax, wp0->x_offset + wp0->draw_width);

		add_width_refresh_extent(frame, lp,
				erase_xmin, erase_xmax, REFRESH_ERASE);

// Start forming new words.

	for (w_index = w_start, c_index = crange.c_start,
 					cp = paragraph->get_character(c_index);
							c_index <= crange.c_end; )
		TEXT_WORD word;

	/* Start this word. */

#ifdef DEBUG_RW
		printf(*cp < ' ' ? "[%d]" : "[%c]", *cp);

		word.type = character_type(*cp++);
		word.flags = WORD_FLAG_needs_sizing;
		word.c_start = c_index++;
		word.x_offset = -1;
		word.width = 0;

	/* Accumulate the rest of the word. */

		if (word.type == WORD_TYPE_solid)
		/* Search for the next word start. */

			while (c_index <= crange.c_end && character_type(*cp) == word.type)
#ifdef DEBUG_RW
				printf(*cp < ' ' ? "(%d)" : "(%c)", *cp);


	/* This is a whole new word. */

#ifdef DEBUG_RW
		printf(" ADD word %d, type %d, c (%d to %d) \n", w_index, word.type, word.c_start, c_index-1);
		paragraph->insert_word(w_index++, &word);

	/* Another delta in the word array. */


/* Release the paragraph. */


	return ERRORCODE_None;
コード例 #2
ファイル: OLDFLOW.CPP プロジェクト: jimmccurdy/ArchiveGit
ERRORCODE TextFlow::adjust_lines(DB_RECORD_NUMBER f_record, WORD_DELTA wdelta)
	FramePtr frame;
	L_INDEX l_index;
	PCOORD new_top;

/* Make sure we avoid busy work. */

	if (wdelta.count == 0)
		return ERRORCODE_None;

/* Lock the frame so we can access it. */

	if ((frame = (FramePtr)database->get_record(f_record, &error, RECORD_TYPE_Frame)) == NULL)
		return error;

// Run through the line array and update all lines which need it.
// We must be careful using a pointer into the line array data since any
// deletions can cause the array data to change locations.

	new_top = -1;

	for (lp = (LINE_PTR)frame->line.get_element(0), l_index = 0;
							l_index < frame->line.count();
 							l_index++, lp++)
		W_INDEX	this_start = lp->w_start,
					this_end = lp->w_end;

		if (this_start >= wdelta.w_start)
			if ((this_start += wdelta.count) < wdelta.w_start)
				this_start = wdelta.w_start;

			/* See if the previous line disappeared. */

				if (l_index > 0)
					LINE_PTR lprev = lp-1;

					if (lprev->w_start == wdelta.w_start)
					/* This line no longer exists. Delete it. */

						new_top = lprev->baseline - lprev->ascend;

						add_line_refresh_extent(frame, lprev);

					/* Recompute 'lp' in case 'line.data' changed. */

						lp = (LINE_PTR)frame->line.get_element(l_index);
					else if (lprev->w_end == wdelta.w_start)

		if (this_end >= wdelta.w_start)
			if ((this_end += wdelta.count) < wdelta.w_start)
				this_end = wdelta.w_start;

#ifdef DEBUG_AL
		printf("Bumped LINE %d to index %d, %d\n", l_index, this_start, this_end);

	/* Set the new start and end. */

		lp->w_start = this_start;
		lp->w_end = this_end;

	/* Lines are moving! */

		if (new_top != -1)
			add_line_refresh_extent(frame, lp);
			lp->baseline = new_top + lp->line_spacing - lp->descend;
			new_top = lp->baseline + lp->descend;
			add_line_refresh_extent(frame, lp);
	return ERRORCODE_None;
コード例 #3
ファイル: OLDFLOW.CPP プロジェクト: jimmccurdy/ArchiveGit
ERRORCODE TextFlow::refresh_frame(DB_RECORD_NUMBER f_record, CHARACTER_RANGE crange)
	WORD_RANGE wrange;
	FramePtr frame;
	ParagraphPtr paragraph;
	LINE line;
	PBOX pbox;

/* Get the frame. */

	if ((frame = (FramePtr)database->get_record(f_record, &error, RECORD_TYPE_Frame)) == NULL)
		return error;

	p_record = frame->get_paragraph();

/* Get the paragraph of the frame. */

	if ((paragraph = (ParagraphPtr)database->get_record(p_record, &error, RECORD_TYPE_Paragraph)) == NULL)
		return error;

/* Fix the character range if special values were used. */

	if (crange.c_start < 0)
		crange.c_start = 0;
	if (crange.c_end < 0)
		crange.c_end = paragraph->number_of_characters();

/* Get the word range. */

	paragraph->crange_to_wrange(crange, &wrange);

/* Get the top (and possibly bottom) line.*/

	frame->line_of_word(wrange.w_start, &line);

	pbox.y0 = line.baseline - line.ascend;

/* Now see if the words differ. If not, we must be on the same line. */

	if (wrange.w_end != wrange.w_start)
	/* Get the bottom line. */
		frame->line_of_word(wrange.w_end, &line);

	pbox.y1 = line.baseline + line.descend;

/* Get the frame so we can get the bound. */

	PBOX bound = frame->get_bound();
	FLAGS object_flags = frame_object->get_flags();

	pbox.x0 = bound.x0;
	pbox.x1 = bound.x1;

	if (object_flags & OBJECT_FLAG_yflipped)
		PCOORD y0 = pbox.y0;
		pbox.y0 = bound.y1 - pbox.y1;
		pbox.y1 = bound.y1 - y0;
		pbox.y0 += bound.y0;
		pbox.y1 += bound.y0;


/* Do the actual refresh add. */

	database->do_refresh_notify(&pbox, REFRESH_ALL, NULL);

	return ERRORCODE_None;
コード例 #4
ファイル: OLDFLOW.CPP プロジェクト: jimmccurdy/ArchiveGit
ERRORCODE TextFlow::adjust_words(DB_RECORD_NUMBER p_record,
					DB_RECORD_NUMBER f_record,
	ParagraphPtr paragraph;
	W_INDEX w_index;

	/* Redisplay vars */
	FramePtr frame;
	PCOORD erase_xmin, erase_xmax;
	W_INDEX old_windex;
	L_INDEX l_index;
	BOOL deleted_something;

// Initialize the word delta structure first.

	wdelta->w_start = -1;
	wdelta->count = 0;

/* Make sure we avoid busy work. */

	if (cdelta.count == 0)
		return ERRORCODE_None;

/* Lock the paragraph so we can access it. */

	if ((paragraph = (ParagraphPtr)database->get_record(p_record, &error, RECORD_TYPE_Paragraph)) == NULL)
		return error;

/* Get the frame object. */

	if ((frame = (FramePtr)database->get_record(f_record, &error, RECORD_TYPE_Frame)) == NULL)
		return error;

// Run through the word array and update all words which need it.
// We must be careful using a pointer into the word array data since any
// deletions can cause the array data to change locations.

	/* Initialize redisplay variables */
	deleted_something = FALSE;
	lp = NULL;
	old_windex = 0;
	l_index = frame->line_of_word(0, NULL);
	lp = (LINE_PTR)frame->line.get_element(l_index);

	for (wp = (TEXT_WORD_PTR)paragraph->word.get_element(0), w_index = 0;
							w_index < paragraph->word.count();
 							w_index++, wp++)
		C_INDEX this_start;

		if ((this_start = wp->c_start) >= cdelta.c_start)
		/* This has moved. Move it now. */
		/* If deleting, see if the array is still valid. */

			if ((this_start += cdelta.count) <= cdelta.c_start)
				this_start = cdelta.c_start;
				if (!deleted_something)
					deleted_something = TRUE;

					erase_xmin = wp->x_offset + wp->draw_left;
					erase_xmax = wp->x_offset + wp->draw_width;

			// Update the word delta.
			// This makes the (valid) assumption that words which get
			// deleted are all contiguous.

				if (wdelta->w_start == -1)
					wdelta->w_start = w_index;

					/* Start updating w1 (last word to erase) */
					l_index = frame->line_of_word(w_index, NULL);
					lp = (LINE_PTR)frame->line.get_element(l_index);

					erase_xmax = __max(erase_xmax, wp->x_offset + wp->draw_width);
					erase_xmin = __min(erase_xmin, wp->x_offset + wp->draw_left);
				/* The previous word has vanished. Delete it now. */
					if (old_windex > lp->w_end)
						/* That's all the words for this line.  Erase the words */
						add_width_refresh_extent(frame, lp,
									erase_xmin, erase_xmax, REFRESH_ERASE);

						/* Start a new line */
						erase_xmin = wp->x_offset + wp->draw_left;
						erase_xmax = wp->x_offset + wp->draw_width;
						erase_xmax = __max(erase_xmax, wp->x_offset + wp->draw_width);


				/* Do the actual delete. */

#ifdef DEBUG_AW
					printf("Delete previous word (%d)\n", w_index);
				/* Recompute 'wp' in case 'word.data' changed. */

					wp = (TEXT_WORD_PTR)paragraph->word.get_element(w_index);

#ifdef DEBUG_AW
			printf("Bumped WORD %d from index %d to %d (", w_index, wp->c_start, this_start);

		/* Set the new start. */

			wp->c_start = this_start;

#ifdef DEBUG_AW
			dump_word(paragraph, wp);
			/* Advance the erase anchor point */
			erase_xmin = __min(erase_xmin, wp->x_offset + wp->draw_left);

	if (deleted_something)
		/* Found at least one line to delete.  Delete the last line we found */
		add_width_refresh_extent(frame, lp,
			erase_xmin, erase_xmax, REFRESH_ERASE);

/* Release the objects we got. */


	return ERRORCODE_None;
コード例 #5
ファイル: OLDFLOW.CPP プロジェクト: jimmccurdy/ArchiveGit
ERRORCODE TextFlow::rebuild_lines(FrameObjectPtr object, WORD_RANGE wrange)

	DB_RECORD_NUMBER f_record = object->get_frame_record();
	FramePtr frame;
	ParagraphPtr paragraph;

	W_INDEX w_index;
	PCOORD line_top;
	L_INDEX l_index;
	PCOORD frame_extent, frame_left, tab_size;
	PCOORD baseline;
	BOOL use_white_space;
	FLAGS frame_flags;

	frame_object = object;

// Text is flowed by placing text words into lines within a frame.
// Words are flowed until the end is reached and then until words stop moving.

	if ((frame = (FramePtr)database->get_record(f_record, &error, RECORD_TYPE_Frame)) == NULL)
		return error;

	frame_flags = frame->get_flags();

// See if we need to do any stretching.
	if (frame_flags & (FRAME_FLAG_stretch_frame | FRAME_FLAG_stretch_text))
		if (frame_flags & FRAME_FLAG_stretch_frame)
			SHORT error;

		/* Stretch the frame before flowing. */

			if ((error = object->stretch_frame()) != 0)
				if (error > 0)
					error = ERRORCODE_None;
				return (ERRORCODE)error;

		/* Frame did not change size. Flow normally. */
#if 0
	/* Always check (or check, too). */
		if (frame_flags & FRAME_FLAG_stretch_text)
		/* Stretch the text before flowing. */

			if ((error = frame->stretch_text()) != ERRORCODE_None)
				return error;

		/* Flow all the text. */

			wrange.w_start = wrange.w_end = -1;

	p_record = frame->get_paragraph();

	if ((paragraph = (ParagraphPtr)database->get_record(p_record, &error, RECORD_TYPE_Paragraph)) == NULL)
		return error;

// Ascertain the true start and end of the text flow request.

	SHORT word_count = paragraph->number_of_words();

	if (wrange.w_start < 0)
		wrange.w_start = 0;
	if (wrange.w_end < 0)
		wrange.w_end = word_count-1;

	if (wrange.w_start > wrange.w_end || wrange.w_end >= word_count)
	/* Error of a parameter nature. */


		return ERRORCODE_BadParameter;

// Find the line where the desired word starts.
// If the word hasn't been flowed yet, it may be "between" existing lines.
// If a word is not in a line, we'll shove it into the line just following it.
// This should always be possible, because the EOP word should always be
// flowed and in a line (and no word should come after it).
// We can do this really easily by just checking the last word in the line.
// If we are before that line, we have our line.

	SHORT line_count = frame->number_of_lines();

	for (lp = frame->get_line(0), l_index = 0;
									l_index < line_count;
									l_index++, lp++)
		/* MH 4/25/93 this was "if (lp->w_end >= wrange.w_start)" */
		if (lp->w_end + 1 >= wrange.w_start)

// Adjust w_start to the start of the line or our word, whichever is first.

	if (wrange.w_start > lp->w_start)
		wrange.w_start = lp->w_start;

#ifdef DEBUG_RL
	printf("Flow words from %d to %d @ line %d\n", wrange.w_start, wrange.w_end, l_index);

// Now, we have the line (l_index) and the first word to flow (w_start) into
// it. Let's do some flowin'!

/* Compute the flowable extent and the size of a tab. */

	TextStyleRef style = paragraph->get_style();
	PBOX bound = frame->get_bound();

	frame_left = style.get_left_margin();
	frame_extent = bound.x1 - bound.x0
				- (style.get_left_margin() + style.get_right_margin());
	use_white_space = frame_flags & FRAME_FLAG_use_white_space;

	if ((tab_size = frame_extent / 16) == 0)
		tab_size = 1;

/* Compute the current top of line. */

	baseline = lp->baseline;
	line_top = baseline - lp->ascend;
#ifdef DEBUG_RL
	printf("current baseline: %ld, ascend: %ld, line_top:%ld\n",
						baseline, lp->ascend, line_top);

	for (w_index = wrange.w_start, wp = paragraph->get_word(w_index);; )
		PCOORD extent;					/* Horizontal extent. */
		PCOORD x_offset;				/* Horizontal position. */
		PCOORD solid_x_offset;
		LINE old_line;
		BOOL line_changed;

#ifdef DEBUG_RL
		printf("(flow next line)\n");

	/* Remember the old line so we can tell if it moved. */

		old_line = *lp;

	/* Start a new line. */

		lp->w_start = w_index;

	/* Initialize the horizontal extent. */

		extent = frame_extent;

	/* Plug in parameters for this line and update line_top. */

		lp->ascend = lp->descend = lp->line_spacing = 0;

		baseline = line_top;

	/* Start us at the left margin. */

		x_offset = 0;
		solid_x_offset = 0;

	/* Flow words into this line until done (possibly passing w_end). */

		while (w_index < word_count)
			FLAGS flags = wp->flags;

		/* Calculate tab width if necessary. */

			if (wp->type == WORD_TYPE_tab)
				wp->width = ((x_offset + tab_size)/tab_size)*tab_size - x_offset;

		/* See if this word will fit in the row. */

#ifdef DEBUG_RL
			printf("flow word ");
			dump_word(paragraph, wp);

			if (flags & WORD_FLAG_override)
			/* Something is overridden. */

				wp->flags &= ~WORD_FLAG_override;

				if (flags & WORD_FLAG_override_flow)
 				// A flow word!
				// Note that the flags have been cleared, so we won't keep
				// hitting this.
			else if (x_offset + wp->width > extent		/* doesn't fit */
						&& w_index != lp->w_start				/* not first word */
						&& !(wp->type == WORD_TYPE_space
									&& ((wp-1)->type == WORD_TYPE_solid
										 || (wp-1)->type == WORD_TYPE_macro))
						&& wp->width != 0)						/* real word */
#ifdef DEBUG_RL
				printf(" Move word to next line\n");

		/* Update the horizontal offsets. */

			x_offset += wp->width;
			if (use_white_space
				 || wp->type == WORD_TYPE_solid
				 || wp->type == WORD_TYPE_macro)
				solid_x_offset = x_offset;

			if (wp->ascend > lp->ascend)
#ifdef DEBUG_RL
				printf("Expand ascend from %ld to %ld\n", lp->ascend, wp->ascend);
				baseline -= lp->ascend;
				baseline += (lp->ascend = wp->ascend);
#ifdef DEBUG_RL
				printf("Baseline moves to %ld\n", baseline);

			if (wp->descend > lp->descend)
#ifdef DEBUG_RL
				printf("Expand descend from %ld to %ld\n", lp->descend, wp->descend);
				lp->descend = wp->descend;

			if (wp->line_spacing > lp->line_spacing)
				lp->line_spacing = wp->line_spacing;

		/* Add this word to the line. */

			lp->w_end = w_index++;

#ifdef DEBUG_RL
			printf(" Add word to line (x:%ld, w:%ld).\n", x_offset-wp->width, wp->width);

		/* If we just placed a break word, this line is done. */

			if (wp++->type == WORD_TYPE_break)
			// If the previous word:
			// (a) was a "macro" word,
			// (b) started at the beginning of the line, and
			// (c) had zero width,
			// don't flow the break to the next line.
				BOOL fBreak = TRUE;
				if (w_index >= 2 && x_offset == 0)
					TEXT_WORD_PTR wprev = wp-2;

					/* I make an assumption - x_offset == 0 --> width == 0. */
//					if (wprev->width == 0)
						if (*(paragraph->get_character(wprev->c_start)) >= MACRO_CHARACTER)
							fBreak = FALSE;

				if (fBreak)
#ifdef DEBUG_RL
					printf("(Breaking on BREAK word)\n");
				/* We need to break for this line. */

#ifdef DEBUG_RL
		printf("[ line %d base:%ld, asc:%ld, dsc:%ld, w: %d to %d ]\n",
 							baseline, lp->ascend, lp->descend,
							lp->w_start, lp->w_end);
 	// We now know all the words in this line. Handle the placement.

	/* First calculate the alignment offset. */

		if ((x_offset = extent - solid_x_offset) > 0)
		/* Some space to distribute. */
			switch (style.get_line_alignment())
				case ALIGN_center:
					x_offset /= 2;
				case ALIGN_left:
					x_offset = 0;
			x_offset = 0;

	/* Now set the positions of the words in this line. */

		line_changed = FALSE;				/* Cross your fingers. */
		x_offset += style.get_left_margin();

			W_INDEX w_index = lp->w_start, w_end = lp->w_end;
			TEXT_WORD_PTR wp = paragraph->get_word(w_index);

			/* Redisplay variables */
			TEXT_WORD_PTR first_word_change = NULL;
			TEXT_WORD_PTR last_word_change = NULL;
			PCOORD erase_xmin, erase_xmax;
			BOOL found_erase = FALSE;

			lp->refresh_xmin = 0x7fffffff;
			lp->refresh_xmax = -lp->refresh_xmin;

			while (w_index <= w_end)
				if (x_offset != wp->x_offset || (wp->flags & WORD_FLAG_changed_size))
				/* A word moved. */
#ifdef DEBUG_RL
					printf("word %d changed from %ld to %ld\n",
									w_index, wp->x_offset, x_offset);
					if (first_word_change == NULL)
  						first_word_change = wp;
					if (!found_erase && wp->x_offset != -1 &&
						w_index >= old_line.w_start && w_index <= old_line.w_end)
						erase_xmin = wp->x_offset + wp->draw_left;
						erase_xmax = wp->x_offset + wp->draw_width;
  						found_erase = TRUE;
					last_word_change = wp;
					if (wp->x_offset != -1 &&
						 w_index >= old_line.w_start && w_index <= old_line.w_end)
						erase_xmin = __min(erase_xmin, wp->x_offset + wp->draw_left);
						erase_xmax = __max(erase_xmax, wp->x_offset + wp->draw_width);

					wp->x_offset = x_offset;
//remove this to do word-wise refresh; restore it to do full line refresh
//					line_changed = TRUE;
				wp->flags &= ~WORD_FLAG_changed_size;

				lp->refresh_xmin = __min(lp->refresh_xmin, wp->x_offset + wp->draw_left);
				lp->refresh_xmax = __max(lp->refresh_xmax, wp->x_offset + wp->draw_width);

				x_offset += wp++->width;

			if (first_word_change != NULL && old_line.baseline != -1)
				/* Add a DRAW for every word that moved; erase moved words from
					their old positions. */

  				add_words_refresh_extent(frame, &old_line,
								first_word_change, last_word_change, REFRESH_DRAW);
				if (found_erase)
	  				add_width_refresh_extent(frame, &old_line,
									erase_xmin, erase_xmax, REFRESH_ERASE);

	/* See if the line changed. */

		if (!line_changed)
		/* Words stayed the same. See if the line is different somehow. */
		/* Compare using the OLD_LINE structure. This allows us to ignore
			the changes in refresh_xmin, refresh_xmax. */

			line_changed = (memcmp(&old_line, lp, sizeof(OLD_LINE)) != 0);
			if (line_changed)
				lp->baseline = -1;

		if (line_changed)
#ifdef DEBUG_RL
			printf("Line %d changed\n", l_index);
			printf("old [%d to %d] vs. new [%d to %d]\n",
								old_line.w_start, old_line.w_end,
								lp->w_start, lp->w_end);
			if (old_line.baseline != -1)
				add_line_refresh_extent(frame, &old_line);
#ifdef DEBUG_RL
			printf("Line %d stayed the same\n", l_index);
		/* We can end now! */
			if (w_index > wrange.w_end)

	/* See if we're done. */

		if (w_index >= word_count)
		/* Run out of words. Finished. */

 	// Move to a new line.
	// Add one if there are no more left.

		line_top = baseline + lp->descend;

		if (++l_index == frame->number_of_lines())
		/* Create a new dummy line. */
			LINE line;
#ifdef DEBUG_RL
			printf("(Create a new line)\n");

			line.w_start = line.w_end = 0;			/* In case. */
			line.baseline = -1;
			frame->insert_line(l_index, &line);
			lp = frame->get_line(l_index);
		/* Add a refresh extent for the old line in case it's changing. */
#ifdef DEBUG_RL
			printf("(Move onto existing line)\n");

#ifdef DEBUG_RL
	printf("Done (final l_index:%d, w_index:%d)...\n", l_index, w_index);

/* If we flowed all words, delete any trailing lines. */

	if (w_index == word_count)
		if (++l_index < frame->number_of_lines())
			while (l_index < frame->number_of_lines())
#ifdef DEBUG_RL
				printf("{Delete line}");
				add_line_refresh_extent(frame, frame->get_line(l_index));
#ifdef DEBUG_RL

	if (frame_flags & FRAME_FLAG_ystretch_frame)
		position_lines(frame, style.get_vertical_alignment());

	position_lines(frame, style.get_vertical_alignment());

// Release our objects.


	return ERRORCODE_None;