コード例 #1
// static
bool InspectorHighlight::getBoxModel(Node* node, RefPtr<TypeBuilder::DOM::BoxModel>& model)
    LayoutObject* layoutObject = node->layoutObject();
    FrameView* view = node->document().view();
    if (!layoutObject || !view)
        return false;

    FloatQuad content, padding, border, margin;
    if (!buildNodeQuads(node, &content, &padding, &border, &margin))
        return false;

    IntRect boundingBox = view->contentsToRootFrame(layoutObject->absoluteBoundingBoxRect());
    LayoutBoxModelObject* modelObject = layoutObject->isBoxModelObject() ? toLayoutBoxModelObject(layoutObject) : nullptr;

    model = TypeBuilder::DOM::BoxModel::create()
        .setWidth(modelObject ? adjustForAbsoluteZoom(modelObject->pixelSnappedOffsetWidth(), modelObject) : boundingBox.width())
        .setHeight(modelObject ? adjustForAbsoluteZoom(modelObject->pixelSnappedOffsetHeight(), modelObject) : boundingBox.height());

    Shape::DisplayPaths paths;
    FloatQuad boundsQuad;
    if (const ShapeOutsideInfo* shapeOutsideInfo = shapeOutsideInfoForNode(node, &paths, &boundsQuad)) {
        RefPtr<TypeBuilder::DOM::ShapeOutsideInfo> shapeTypeBuilder = TypeBuilder::DOM::ShapeOutsideInfo::create()
            .setShape(ShapePathBuilder::buildPath(*view, *layoutObject, *shapeOutsideInfo, paths.shape))
            .setMarginShape(ShapePathBuilder::buildPath(*view, *layoutObject, *shapeOutsideInfo, paths.marginShape));

    return true;
コード例 #2
// Generate a synthetic WebMouseEvent given a TouchEvent (eg. for emulating a mouse
// with touch input for plugins that don't support touch input).
WebMouseEventBuilder::WebMouseEventBuilder(const Widget* widget, const LayoutObject* layoutObject, const TouchEvent& event)
    if (!event.touches())
    if (event.touches()->length() != 1) {
        if (event.touches()->length() || event.type() != EventTypeNames::touchend || !event.changedTouches() || event.changedTouches()->length() != 1)

    const Touch* touch = event.touches()->length() == 1 ? event.touches()->item(0) : event.changedTouches()->item(0);
    if (touch->identifier())

    if (event.type() == EventTypeNames::touchstart)
        type = MouseDown;
    else if (event.type() == EventTypeNames::touchmove)
        type = MouseMove;
    else if (event.type() == EventTypeNames::touchend)
        type = MouseUp;

    // TODO(majidvp): Instead of using |Event::createTime| which is epoch time
    // we should instead use |Event::platformTimeStamp| which is the actual
    // platform monotonic time. See: crbug.com/538199
    timeStampSeconds = convertDOMTimeStampToSeconds(event.createTime());
    modifiers = event.modifiers();

    // The mouse event co-ordinates should be generated from the co-ordinates of the touch point.
    FrameView* view =  toFrameView(widget->parent());
    // FIXME: if view == nullptr, pointInRootFrame will really be pointInRootContent.
    IntPoint pointInRootFrame = roundedIntPoint(touch->absoluteLocation());
    if (view)
        pointInRootFrame = view->contentsToRootFrame(pointInRootFrame);
    IntPoint screenPoint = roundedIntPoint(touch->screenLocation());
    globalX = screenPoint.x();
    globalY = screenPoint.y();
    windowX = pointInRootFrame.x();
    windowY = pointInRootFrame.y();

    button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonLeft;
    modifiers |= WebInputEvent::LeftButtonDown;
    clickCount = (type == MouseDown || type == MouseUp);

    IntPoint localPoint = convertAbsoluteLocationForLayoutObject(touch->absoluteLocation(), *layoutObject);
    x = localPoint.x();
    y = localPoint.y();
コード例 #3
// Generate a synthetic WebMouseEvent given a TouchEvent (eg. for emulating a mouse
// with touch input for plugins that don't support touch input).
WebMouseEventBuilder::WebMouseEventBuilder(const Widget* widget, const LayoutObject* layoutObject, const TouchEvent& event)
    if (!event.touches())
    if (event.touches()->length() != 1) {
        if (event.touches()->length() || event.type() != EventTypeNames::touchend || !event.changedTouches() || event.changedTouches()->length() != 1)

    const Touch* touch = event.touches()->length() == 1 ? event.touches()->item(0) : event.changedTouches()->item(0);
    if (touch->identifier())

    if (event.type() == EventTypeNames::touchstart)
        type = MouseDown;
    else if (event.type() == EventTypeNames::touchmove)
        type = MouseMove;
    else if (event.type() == EventTypeNames::touchend)
        type = MouseUp;

    timeStampSeconds = event.platformTimeStamp();
    modifiers = event.modifiers();

    // The mouse event co-ordinates should be generated from the co-ordinates of the touch point.
    FrameView* view =  toFrameView(widget->parent());
    // FIXME: if view == nullptr, pointInRootFrame will really be pointInRootContent.
    IntPoint pointInRootFrame = roundedIntPoint(touch->absoluteLocation());
    if (view)
        pointInRootFrame = view->contentsToRootFrame(pointInRootFrame);
    IntPoint screenPoint = roundedIntPoint(touch->screenLocation());
    globalX = screenPoint.x();
    globalY = screenPoint.y();
    windowX = pointInRootFrame.x();
    windowY = pointInRootFrame.y();

    button = WebMouseEvent::ButtonLeft;
    modifiers |= WebInputEvent::LeftButtonDown;
    clickCount = (type == MouseDown || type == MouseUp);

    IntPoint localPoint = convertAbsoluteLocationForLayoutObject(touch->absoluteLocation(), *layoutObject);
    x = localPoint.x();
    y = localPoint.y();

    pointerType = WebPointerProperties::PointerType::Touch;
コード例 #4
// FIXME: Change |widget| to const Widget& after RemoteFrames get
// RemoteFrameViews.
static void updateWebMouseEventFromCoreMouseEvent(const MouseRelatedEvent& event, const Widget* widget, const LayoutObject& layoutObject, WebMouseEvent& webEvent)
    webEvent.timeStampSeconds = event.platformTimeStamp();
    webEvent.modifiers = event.modifiers();

    FrameView* view = widget ? toFrameView(widget->parent()) : 0;
    // TODO(bokan): If view == nullptr, pointInRootFrame will really be pointInRootContent.
    IntPoint pointInRootFrame = IntPoint(event.absoluteLocation().x(), event.absoluteLocation().y());
    if (view)
        pointInRootFrame = view->contentsToRootFrame(pointInRootFrame);
    webEvent.globalX = event.screenX();
    webEvent.globalY = event.screenY();
    webEvent.windowX = pointInRootFrame.x();
    webEvent.windowY = pointInRootFrame.y();
    IntPoint localPoint = convertAbsoluteLocationForLayoutObject(event.absoluteLocation(), layoutObject);
    webEvent.x = localPoint.x();
    webEvent.y = localPoint.y();