コード例 #1
OP_ERROR SOP_UniPdist::cookMySop(OP_Context &context)
    // Before we do anything, we must lock our inputs.  Before returning,
    // we have to make sure that the inputs get unlocked.
    if (lockInputs(context) >= UT_ERROR_ABORT)
	return error();

    // Duplicate input geometry
    duplicateSource(0, context);

	float time = context.getTime();
	float dist = evalFloat(distanceName.getToken(), 0, time);
	GA_PointGroup *removeGroup = gdp->newPointGroup(REMOVE_GROUP_NAME);
	GA_PointGroup *keepGroup   = gdp->newPointGroup(KEEP_GROUP_NAME);

    // Flag the SOP as being time dependent (i.e. cook on time changes)
    flags().timeDep = 1;

	//Create a removeAttrib
	GA_RWHandleI removeAttrib(gdp->addIntTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, "__remove__", 1));
	//Creating PointTree
	GEO_PointTreeGAOffset pttree;
	//Build PointTree with all the points
	//Create the Array wich holds the distance for the current point in the for loop
	UT_FloatArray ptdist;
	// Index offset
	const GA_IndexMap points = gdp->getPointMap();
	GA_Size ptoffsetindex;
	ptoffsetindex = points.offsetSize()-points.indexSize();

	//set all
	for (GA_Iterator ptoff(gdp->getPointRange()); !ptoff.atEnd(); ++ptoff) 

	// loop over all points, find second closest point
	for (GA_Iterator ptoff(gdp->getPointRange()); !ptoff.atEnd(); ++ptoff)

		int removeMe;
		removeMe = int(removeAttrib.get(*ptoff));
		// Create the Array which holds a list sorted on distance to current point in the for loop
		GEO_PointTree::IdxArrayType plist; //plist
		UT_Vector3 pos = gdp->getPos3(*ptoff); // create pos
		pttree.findAllCloseIdx(pos,dist,plist); // find all points within the search radius
		unsigned int tempListP = plist.entries(); //create a int for entries in the array

		for(int i=0;i < tempListP; ++i)
			removeAttrib.set(plist[i],1); //set the tempList points to be removed
	pttree.clear(); //clear the pointtree
    return error();
コード例 #2
static void exportParticlesDetail( const GU_Detail* gdp,
                                  const std::string& filePath,
                                  const std::map<std::string,
                                  channel_type>& desiredChannels )
	prt_ofstream ostream;

	static std::map<std::string, std::string> s_reservedChannels;
	if( s_reservedChannels.empty() ) {
		s_reservedChannels[ gdp->getStdAttributeName( GEO_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ) ] = "Normal";
		s_reservedChannels[ gdp->getStdAttributeName( GEO_ATTRIBUTE_TEXTURE ) ] = "TextureCoord";
		s_reservedChannels[ gdp->getStdAttributeName( GEO_ATTRIBUTE_VELOCITY ) ] = "Velocity";
		s_reservedChannels[ gdp->getStdAttributeName( GEO_ATTRIBUTE_DIFFUSE ) ] = "Color";
		//s_reservedChannels[ gdp->getStdAttributeName( GEO_ATTRIBUTE_ALPHA ) ] = "Density";
		//s_reservedChannels[ gdp->getStdAttributeName( GEO_ATTRIBUTE_MASS ) ] = "Density";
		s_reservedChannels[ gdp->getStdAttributeName( GEO_ATTRIBUTE_LIFE ) ] = "";
		s_reservedChannels[ gdp->getStdAttributeName( GEO_ATTRIBUTE_ID ) ] = "ID";
		s_reservedChannels[ gdp->getStdAttributeName( GEO_ATTRIBUTE_PSCALE ) ] = "Scale";
		s_reservedChannels[ "accel" ] = "Acceleration";

	float posVal[3];
	float lifeVal[2];
	ostream.bind( "Position", posVal, 3 );

	//We handle the life channel in a special manner
	GA_ROAttributeRef lifeAttrib = gdp->findPointAttribute( gdp->getStdAttributeName( GEO_ATTRIBUTE_LIFE ) );
	if( lifeAttrib.isValid() ){
		std::map<std::string,channel_type>::const_iterator it;
		it = desiredChannels.find( "Age" );
		if( it != desiredChannels.end() && it->second.second == 1 )
			ostream.bind( "Age", &lifeVal[0], 1, it->second.first );
		else if( desiredChannels.empty() )
			ostream.bind( "Age", &lifeVal[0], 1, prtio::data_types::type_float16 );

		it = desiredChannels.find( "LifeSpan" );
		if( it != desiredChannels.end() && it->second.second == 1 )
			ostream.bind( "LifeSpan", &lifeVal[1], 1, it->second.first );
		else if( desiredChannels.empty() )
			ostream.bind( "LifeSpan", &lifeVal[1], 1, prtio::data_types::type_float16 );
	//Using a deque to prevent the memory from moving around after adding the bound_attribute to the container.
	std::deque< bound_attribute<int> > m_intAttrs;
	std::deque< bound_attribute<float> > m_floatAttrs;
	std::deque< bound_attribute<float> > m_vectorAttrs;
	for ( GA_AttributeDict::iterator it = gdp->getAttributes().getDict(GA_ATTRIB_POINT).begin(GA_SCOPE_PUBLIC); !it.atEnd(); ++it) {
		GA_Attribute *node = it.attrib();

		std::string channelName = node->getName();

		//Translate special names
		std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator itResChannel = s_reservedChannels.find( channelName );
		if( itResChannel != s_reservedChannels.end() ){
			//If its empty, that means we reserve some sort of special handling.
			if( itResChannel->second.empty() )
			channelName = itResChannel->second;
		//Skip channels that aren't on the list.
		std::map<std::string,channel_type>::const_iterator itChannel = desiredChannels.find( channelName );
		bool channelIsDesired = ( itChannel != desiredChannels.end() );
		if( !desiredChannels.empty() && !channelIsDesired )
		prtio::data_types::enum_t type;
		//Only add valid channel names
		if( detail::is_valid_channel_name( channelName.c_str() ) ) {
			//I add the new item to the deque, THEN initialize it since a deque will not move the object around and this allows
			//me to allocate the float array and not have to worry about the object getting deleted too early.
			switch( node->getStorageClass() ){
				if( node->getTupleSize()==3 ){
					m_vectorAttrs.push_back( bound_attribute<float>() );
					m_vectorAttrs.back().attr =	gdp->findPointAttribute(node->getName());
					m_vectorAttrs.back().count = node->getTupleSize();
					m_vectorAttrs.back().data = new float[m_vectorAttrs.back().count];

					type = prtio::data_types::type_float16;
					if( channelIsDesired ){
						type = itChannel->second.first;
						if( itChannel->second.second != m_vectorAttrs.back().count )

					ostream.bind( channelName, m_vectorAttrs.back().data, m_vectorAttrs.back().count, type );

				} else {
					m_floatAttrs.push_back( bound_attribute<float>() );
					m_floatAttrs.back().attr =	gdp->findPointAttribute( node->getName() );
					m_floatAttrs.back().count = node->getTupleSize();
					m_floatAttrs.back().data = new float[m_floatAttrs.back().count];

					type = prtio::data_types::type_float16;
					if( channelIsDesired ){
						type = itChannel->second.first;
						if( itChannel->second.second != m_floatAttrs.back().count )

					ostream.bind( channelName, m_floatAttrs.back().data, m_floatAttrs.back().count, type );
				m_intAttrs.push_back( bound_attribute<int>() );
				m_intAttrs.back().attr = gdp->findPointAttribute( node->getName() );
				m_intAttrs.back().count = node->getTupleSize();
				m_intAttrs.back().data = new int[m_intAttrs.back().count];

				type = prtio::data_types::type_int32;
				if( channelIsDesired ){
					type = itChannel->second.first;
					if( itChannel->second.second != m_intAttrs.back().count )
				ostream.bind( channelName, m_intAttrs.back().data, m_intAttrs.back().count, type );

		ostream.open( filePath );
	} catch( const std::ios::failure& e ) {
		std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
		throw HOM_OperationFailed( "Failed to open the file" );
	GA_IndexMap map = gdp->getPointMap();
	UT_Vector3 p;
	GEO_Point* pt;
	GA_Index indexSize = map.indexSize();
	GA_Offset offset;

	for( int i = 0 ; i < indexSize; i++ ) {
		offset = map.offsetFromIndex( i );
		p = gdp->getPos3( offset );
		posVal[0] = p.x();
		posVal[1] = p.y();
		posVal[2] = -1 * p.z();
		//TODO: Remove the GEO_Point object that is now deprecated. 
		pt = ( GEO_Point* )gdp->getGBPoint( offset );
		//TODO: Convert this into appropriate time values. Is it seconds or frames or what?!
		if( lifeAttrib.isValid() ) 
			pt->get( lifeAttrib, lifeVal, 2 );

		for( std::deque< bound_attribute<float> >::iterator it = m_floatAttrs.begin(), itEnd = m_floatAttrs.end(); it != itEnd; ++it )
			pt->get( it->attr, it->data, it->count );

		for( std::deque< bound_attribute<float> >::iterator it = m_vectorAttrs.begin(), itEnd = m_vectorAttrs.end(); it != itEnd; ++it ) {
			pt->get( it->attr, it->data, it->count );
			//TODO: Optionally transform into some consistent world space for PRT files.

		for( std::deque< bound_attribute<int> >::iterator it = m_intAttrs.begin(), itEnd = m_intAttrs.end(); it != itEnd; ++it )
			pt->get( it->attr, it->data, it->count );
