int GWindow::OnDrop(char *Format, GVariant *Data, GdcPt2 Pt, int KeyState) { int Status = DROPEFFECT_NONE; if (Format && Data) { if (stricmp(Format, LGI_FileDropFormat) == 0) { GArray<char*> Files; if (Data->IsBinary()) { GToken Uri( (char*)Data->Value.Binary.Data, "\r\n,", true, Data->Value.Binary.Length); for (int n=0; n<Uri.Length(); n++) { char *File = Uri[n]; if (strnicmp(File, "file:", 5) == 0) File += 5; char *i = File, *o = File; while (*i) { if (i[0] == '%' && i[1] && i[2]) { char h[3] = { i[1], i[2], 0 }; *o++ = htoi(h); i += 3; } else { *o++ = *i++; } } *o++ = 0; if (FileExists(File)) { Files.Add(NewStr(File)); } } } if (Files.Length()) { Status = DROPEFFECT_COPY; OnReceiveFiles(Files); Files.DeleteArrays(); } } } return Status; }
GMessage::Result GWindow::OnEvent(GMessage *Msg) { switch (MsgCode(Msg)) { case B_SIMPLE_DATA: { GArray<char*> Files; int32 Count = 0; type_code Type = 0; if (Msg->GetInfo("refs", &Type, &Count) == B_OK) { for (int i=0; i<Count; i++) { entry_ref Ref; if (Msg->FindRef("refs", i, &Ref) == B_OK) { BPath Path(""); BEntry Entry(&Ref, true); Entry.GetPath(&Path); char *p = (char*) Path.Path(); if (p) { Files.Add(NewStr(p)); } } } } if (Files.Length() > 0) { OnReceiveFiles(Files); } Files.DeleteArrays(); break; } case M_COMMAND: { int32 Cmd = 0; int32 Event = 0; Msg->FindInt32("Cmd", &Cmd); Msg->FindInt32("Event", &Event); OnCommand(Cmd, Event, 0); break; } } return GView::OnEvent(Msg); }
GMessage::Result GWindow::OnEvent(GMessage *Msg) { int Status = 0; switch (MsgCode(Msg)) { case M_SET_WINDOW_PLACEMENT: { /* Apparently if you use SetWindowPlacement inside the WM_CREATE handler, then the restored rect doesn't "stick", it gets stomped on by windows. So this code... RESETS it to be what we set earlier. Windows sucks. */ if (d->Wp) { if (_View) { GRect r = d->Wp->rcNormalPosition; if (!GView::Visible()) { d->Wp->showCmd = SW_HIDE; } #if DEBUG_WINDOW_PLACEMENT LgiTrace("%s:%i - SetWindowPlacement, pos=%s, show=%i\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, r.GetStr(), d->Wp->showCmd); #endif SetWindowPlacement(_View, d->Wp); } DeleteObj(d->Wp); } break; } case WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE: { LgiInitColours(); break; } case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING: { bool Icon = IsIconic(Handle()); bool Zoom = IsZoomed(Handle()); if (!Icon && (_Dialog || !Zoom)) { WINDOWPOS *Info = (LPWINDOWPOS) Msg->b; if (!Info) break; if (Info->flags == (SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE) && _Dialog) { // Info->flags |= SWP_NOZORDER; Info->hwndInsertAfter = _Dialog->Handle(); } if (GetMinimumSize().x && GetMinimumSize().x > Info->cx) { Info->cx = GetMinimumSize().x; } if (GetMinimumSize().y && GetMinimumSize().y > Info->cy) { Info->cy = GetMinimumSize().y; } RECT Rc; if (d->SnapToEdge && SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &Rc, SPIF_SENDCHANGE)) { GRect r = Rc; GRect p(Info->x, Info->y, Info->x + Info->cx - 1, Info->y + Info->cy - 1); if (r.Valid() && p.Valid()) { int Snap = 12; if (abs(p.x1 - r.x1) <= Snap) { // Snap left edge Info->x = r.x1; } else if (abs(p.x2 - r.x2) <= Snap) { // Snap right edge Info->x = r.x2 - Info->cx + 1; } if (abs(p.y1 - r.y1) <= Snap) { // Snap top edge Info->y = r.y1; } else if (abs(p.y2 - r.y2) <= Snap) { // Snap bottom edge Info->y = r.y2 - Info->cy + 1; } } } } break; } case WM_SIZE: { if (Visible()) { GWindowZoom z = d->Show; switch (Msg->a) { case SIZE_MINIMIZED: { z = GZoomMin; break; } case SIZE_MAXIMIZED: { z = GZoomMax; break; } case SIZE_RESTORED: { z = GZoomNormal; break; } } if (z != d->Show) { OnZoom(d->Show = z); } } Status = GView::OnEvent(Msg); break; } case WM_ACTIVATE: { // This is a hack to make Windows set the focus of a child // control when you Alt-Tab in and out of a top level window if (LOWORD(Msg->a) != WA_INACTIVE) { /* // gaining focus if (LastFocus) { if (In_SetWindowPos) { assert(0); LgiTrace("%s:%i - %s->SetFocus()\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetClass()); } SetFocus(LastFocus); LastFocus = 0; } if (d->Focus && d->Focus->Handle()) { if (In_SetWindowPos) { assert(0); LgiTrace("%s:%i - %s->SetFocus()\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, GetClass()); } else { ::SetFocus(d->Focus->Handle()); } } */ } /* else { // losing focus LastFocus = 0; HWND f = GetFocus(); for (HWND p = ::GetParent(f); p; p = ::GetParent(p)) { if (p == Handle()) { LastFocus = f; } } } */ break; } case WM_CREATE: { Pour(); OnCreate(); if (!_Default) { _Default = FindControl(IDOK); if (_Default) { _Default->Invalidate(); } } d->InCreate = false; if (d->Wp) { PostEvent(M_SET_WINDOW_PLACEMENT); } break; } case WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: { DeleteObj(d->Wp); Status = GView::OnEvent(Msg); break; } case WM_QUERYENDSESSION: case WM_CLOSE: { bool QuitApp; if (QuitApp = OnRequestClose(MsgCode(Msg) == WM_QUERYENDSESSION)) { Quit(); } if (MsgCode(Msg) == WM_CLOSE) { return 0; } else { return QuitApp; } break; } case WM_SYSCOMMAND: { if (Msg->a == SC_CLOSE) { if (OnRequestClose(false)) { Quit(); } return 0; } else { Status = GView::OnEvent(Msg); } break; } case WM_DROPFILES: { HDROP hDrop = (HDROP) Msg->a; if (hDrop) { GArray<char*> FileNames; int Count = 0; Count = DragQueryFileW(hDrop, -1, NULL, 0); for (int i=0; i<Count; i++) { char16 FileName[256]; if (DragQueryFileW(hDrop, i, FileName, sizeof(FileName)-1) > 0) { FileNames.Add(LgiNewUtf16To8(FileName)); } } OnReceiveFiles(FileNames); FileNames.DeleteArrays(); } break; } case M_HANDLEMOUSEMOVE: { // This receives events fired from the GMouseHookPrivate class so that // non-LGI windows create mouse hook events as well. GTempView v((OsView)MsgB(Msg)); GMouse m; m.x = LOWORD(MsgA(Msg)); m.y = HIWORD(MsgA(Msg)); HandleViewMouse(&v, m); break; } case M_COMMAND: { HWND OurWnd = Handle(); // copy onto the stack, because // we might lose the 'this' object in the // OnCommand handler which would delete // the memory containing the handle. Status = OnCommand(Msg->a, 0, (HWND) Msg->b); if (!IsWindow(OurWnd)) { // The window was deleted so break out now break; } // otherwise fall thru to the GView handler } default: { Status = GView::OnEvent(Msg); break; } } return Status; }