// virtual void GDynamicPageServer::doGet(const char* szUrl, const char* szParams, size_t nParamsLen, const char* szCookie, ostream& response) { // Set up the session GDynamicPageSession* pSession = establishSession(szCookie); pSession->setCurrentUrl(szUrl, szParams, nParamsLen); // Handle the request setContentType("text/html"); handleRequest(szUrl, szParams, (int)nParamsLen, pSession, response); }
// virtual void GDynamicPageConnection::doGet(ostream& response) { // Set up the session GDynamicPageSession* pSession = establishSession(); pSession->setCurrentUrl(m_szUrl, m_pContent, m_nContentLength); // Handle the request setContentType("text/html"); handleRequest(pSession, response); }