コード例 #1
ファイル: dialog_drc.cpp プロジェクト: johnbeard/kicad
void DIALOG_DRC_CONTROL::doSelectionMenu( const DRC_ITEM* aItem )
    // popup menu to go to either of the items listed in the DRC_ITEM.

    BOARD_ITEM* first = aItem->GetMainItem( m_brdEditor->GetBoard() );
    BOARD_ITEM* second = nullptr;


    items.Append( first );

    if( aItem->HasSecondItem() )
        second = aItem->GetAuxiliaryItem( m_brdEditor->GetBoard() );
        items.Append( second );

    WINDOW_THAWER thawer( m_brdEditor );
    m_brdEditor->GetToolManager()->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionMenu, true, &items );

    // If we got an item, focus on it
    BOARD_ITEM* selection = m_brdEditor->GetCurItem();

    if( selection && ( selection == first || selection == second ) )
        m_brdEditor->GetToolManager()->GetView()->SetCenter( selection->GetPosition() );

コード例 #2
void ROUTER_TOOL::NeighboringSegmentFilter( const VECTOR2I& aPt, GENERAL_COLLECTOR& aCollector )
     * If the collection contains a trivial line corner (two connected segments)
     * or a non-fanout-via (a via with no more than two connected segments), then
     * trim the collection down to a single item (which one won't matter since
     * they're all connected).

    // First make sure we've got something that *might* match.
    int vias = aCollector.CountType( PCB_VIA_T );
    int traces = aCollector.CountType( PCB_TRACE_T );

    if( vias > 1 || traces > 2 || vias + traces < 1 )

    // Fetch first TRACK (via or trace) as our reference
    TRACK* reference = nullptr;

    for( int i = 0; !reference && i < aCollector.GetCount(); i++ )
        reference = dynamic_cast<TRACK*>( aCollector[i] );

    int refNet = reference->GetNetCode();

    wxPoint refPoint( aPt.x, aPt.y );
    STATUS_FLAGS flags = reference->IsPointOnEnds( refPoint, -1 );

    if( flags & STARTPOINT )
        refPoint = reference->GetStart();
    else if( flags & ENDPOINT )
        refPoint = reference->GetEnd();

    // Check all items to ensure that any TRACKs are co-terminus with the reference and on
    // the same net.
    for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); i++ )
        TRACK* neighbor = dynamic_cast<TRACK*>( aCollector[i] );

        if( neighbor && neighbor != reference )
            if( neighbor->GetNetCode() != refNet )

            if( neighbor->GetStart() != refPoint && neighbor->GetEnd() != refPoint )

    // Selection meets criteria; trim it to the reference item.
    aCollector.Append( reference );
コード例 #3
void DIALOG_CLEANUP_TRACKS_AND_VIAS::OnRightUpItem( wxMouseEvent& event )
    // popup menu to go to either of the items listed in the DRC_ITEM.

    int selection = m_ItemsListBox->GetSelection();

    if( selection != wxNOT_FOUND )
        // popup menu to go to either of the items listed in the DRC_ITEM.
        const DRC_ITEM* item = m_ItemsListBox->GetItem( selection );
        GENERAL_COLLECTOR items;

        items.Append( item->GetMainItem( m_parentFrame->GetBoard() ) );

        if( item->HasSecondItem() )
            items.Append( item->GetAuxiliaryItem( m_parentFrame->GetBoard() ) );

        WINDOW_THAWER thawer( m_parentFrame );
        m_parentFrame->GetToolManager()->RunAction( PCB_ACTIONS::selectionMenu, true, &items );
コード例 #4
// todo: explain the selection heuristics
void SELECTION_TOOL::guessSelectionCandidates( GENERAL_COLLECTOR& aCollector ) const
    std::set<BOARD_ITEM*> rejected;

    const double footprintAreaRatio = 0.2;
    const double modulePadMinCoverRatio = 0.45;
    const double padViaAreaRatio = 0.5;
    const double trackViaLengthRatio = 2.0;
    const double trackTrackLengthRatio = 0.3;
    const double textToFeatureMinRatio = 0.2;
    const double textToFootprintMinRatio = 0.4;

    LAYER_ID actLayer = m_frame->GetActiveLayer();

    LSET silkLayers( 2, B_SilkS, F_SilkS );

    if( silkLayers[actLayer] )
        std::set<BOARD_ITEM*> preferred;

        for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); ++i )
            BOARD_ITEM* item = aCollector[i];

            if ( item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T || item->Type() == PCB_TEXT_T || item->Type() == PCB_LINE_T )
                if ( silkLayers[item->GetLayer()] )
                    preferred.insert ( item );

        if( preferred.size() != 0 )

            BOOST_FOREACH( BOARD_ITEM* item, preferred )
                aCollector.Append( item );

    if( aCollector.CountType( PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T ) > 0 )
        for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); ++i )
            if( TEXTE_MODULE* txt = dyn_cast<TEXTE_MODULE*>( aCollector[i] ) )
                double textArea = calcArea( txt );

                for( int j = 0; j < aCollector.GetCount(); ++j )
                    BOARD_ITEM* item = aCollector[j];
                    double areaRatio = calcRatio( textArea, calcArea( item ) );

                    if( item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T && areaRatio < textToFootprintMinRatio )

                        rejected.insert( item );

                    switch( item->Type() )
                        case PCB_TRACE_T:
                        case PCB_PAD_T:
                        case PCB_LINE_T:
                        case PCB_VIA_T:
                        case PCB_MODULE_T:
                            if( areaRatio > textToFeatureMinRatio )
                                //printf("t after moduleRejected\n");
                                rejected.insert( txt );

    if( aCollector.CountType( PCB_MODULE_T ) > 0 )
        double minArea = calcMinArea( aCollector, PCB_MODULE_T );
        double maxArea = calcMaxArea( aCollector, PCB_MODULE_T );

        if( calcRatio( minArea, maxArea ) <= footprintAreaRatio )
            for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); ++i )
                if( MODULE* mod = dyn_cast<MODULE*>( aCollector[i] ) )
                    double normalizedArea = calcRatio( calcArea(mod), maxArea );

                    if( normalizedArea > footprintAreaRatio )

                        rejected.insert( mod );

    if( aCollector.CountType ( PCB_PAD_T ) > 0 )
        for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); ++i )
            if ( D_PAD* pad = dyn_cast<D_PAD*>( aCollector[i] ) )
                double ratio = pad->GetParent()->PadCoverageRatio();

                if( ratio < modulePadMinCoverRatio )
                    rejected.insert( pad->GetParent() );

    if( aCollector.CountType( PCB_VIA_T ) > 0 )
        for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); ++i )
            if( VIA* via = dyn_cast<VIA*>( aCollector[i] ) )
                double viaArea = calcArea( via );

                for( int j = 0; j < aCollector.GetCount(); ++j )
                    BOARD_ITEM* item = aCollector[j];
                    double areaRatio = calcRatio ( viaArea, calcArea( item ) );

                    if( item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T && areaRatio < modulePadMinCoverRatio )
                        rejected.insert( item );

                    if( item->Type() == PCB_PAD_T && areaRatio < padViaAreaRatio )
                        rejected.insert( item );

                    if( TRACK* track = dyn_cast<TRACK*>( item ) )
                        if( track->GetNetCode() != via->GetNetCode() )

                        double lenRatio = (double) ( track->GetLength() + track->GetWidth() ) / (double) via->GetWidth();

                        if( lenRatio > trackViaLengthRatio )
                            rejected.insert( track );

    int nTracks = aCollector.CountType ( PCB_TRACE_T );

    if( nTracks > 0 )
        double maxLength = 0.0;
        double minLength = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
        double maxArea = 0.0;

        for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); ++i )
            if ( TRACK *track = dyn_cast<TRACK*> ( aCollector[i] ) )
                maxLength = std::max( track->GetLength(), maxLength );
                maxLength = std::max( (double)track->GetWidth(), maxLength );

                minLength = std::min( std::max ( track->GetLength(), (double)track->GetWidth() ), minLength );

                double area =  ( track->GetLength() + track->GetWidth() * track->GetWidth() );
                maxArea = std::max(area, maxArea);

        if( maxLength > 0.0 && minLength/maxLength < trackTrackLengthRatio && nTracks > 1 )
            for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); ++i )
                if( TRACK* track = dyn_cast<TRACK*>( aCollector[i] ) )
                    double ratio = std::max( (double) track->GetWidth(), track->GetLength()) / maxLength;

                    if( ratio > trackTrackLengthRatio )
                        rejected.insert( track) ;

        for( int j = 0; j < aCollector.GetCount(); ++j )
            if( MODULE* mod = dyn_cast<MODULE*>( aCollector[j] ) )
                double ratio = maxArea / mod->GetFootprintRect().GetArea();

                if( ratio < modulePadMinCoverRatio )
                    rejected.insert( mod );

    BOOST_FOREACH( BOARD_ITEM* item, rejected )
        aCollector.Remove( item );
コード例 #5
// todo: explain the selection heuristics
void SELECTION_TOOL::guessSelectionCandidates( GENERAL_COLLECTOR& aCollector ) const
    std::set<BOARD_ITEM*> rejected;

    const double footprintAreaRatio = 0.2;
    const double modulePadMinCoverRatio = 0.45;
    const double padViaAreaRatio = 0.5;
    const double trackViaLengthRatio = 2.0;
    const double trackTrackLengthRatio = 0.3;
    const double textToFeatureMinRatio = 0.2;
    const double textToFootprintMinRatio = 0.4;
    // If the common area of two compared items is above the following threshold, they cannot
    // be rejected (it means they overlap and it might be hard to pick one by selecting
    // its unique area).
    const double commonAreaRatio = 0.6;

    LAYER_ID actLayer = m_frame->GetActiveLayer();

    LSET silkLayers( 2, B_SilkS, F_SilkS );

    if( silkLayers[actLayer] )
        std::set<BOARD_ITEM*> preferred;

        for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); ++i )
            BOARD_ITEM* item = aCollector[i];
            KICAD_T type = item->Type();

            if( ( type == PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T || type == PCB_TEXT_T || type == PCB_LINE_T )
                    && silkLayers[item->GetLayer()] )
                preferred.insert( item );

        if( preferred.size() != 0 )

            for( BOARD_ITEM* item : preferred )
                aCollector.Append( item );

    if( aCollector.CountType( PCB_MODULE_TEXT_T ) > 0 )
        for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); ++i )
            if( TEXTE_MODULE* txt = dyn_cast<TEXTE_MODULE*>( aCollector[i] ) )
                double textArea = calcArea( txt );

                for( int j = 0; j < aCollector.GetCount(); ++j )
                    if( i == j )

                    BOARD_ITEM* item = aCollector[j];
                    double itemArea = calcArea( item );
                    double areaRatio = calcRatio( textArea, itemArea );
                    double commonArea = calcCommonArea( txt, item );
                    double itemCommonRatio = calcRatio( commonArea, itemArea );
                    double txtCommonRatio = calcRatio( commonArea, textArea );

                    if( item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T && areaRatio < textToFootprintMinRatio &&
                            itemCommonRatio < commonAreaRatio )
                        rejected.insert( item );

                    switch( item->Type() )
                        case PCB_TRACE_T:
                        case PCB_PAD_T:
                        case PCB_LINE_T:
                        case PCB_VIA_T:
                        case PCB_MODULE_T:
                            if( areaRatio > textToFeatureMinRatio && txtCommonRatio < commonAreaRatio )
                                rejected.insert( txt );

    if( aCollector.CountType( PCB_MODULE_T ) > 0 )
        double minArea = calcMinArea( aCollector, PCB_MODULE_T );
        double maxArea = calcMaxArea( aCollector, PCB_MODULE_T );

        if( calcRatio( minArea, maxArea ) <= footprintAreaRatio )
            for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); ++i )
                if( MODULE* mod = dyn_cast<MODULE*>( aCollector[i] ) )
                    double normalizedArea = calcRatio( calcArea( mod ), maxArea );

                    if( normalizedArea > footprintAreaRatio )
                        rejected.insert( mod );

    if( aCollector.CountType( PCB_PAD_T ) > 0 )
        for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); ++i )
            if( D_PAD* pad = dyn_cast<D_PAD*>( aCollector[i] ) )
                double ratio = pad->GetParent()->PadCoverageRatio();

                if( ratio < modulePadMinCoverRatio )
                    rejected.insert( pad->GetParent() );

    if( aCollector.CountType( PCB_VIA_T ) > 0 )
        for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); ++i )
            if( VIA* via = dyn_cast<VIA*>( aCollector[i] ) )
                double viaArea = calcArea( via );

                for( int j = 0; j < aCollector.GetCount(); ++j )
                    if( i == j )

                    BOARD_ITEM* item = aCollector[j];
                    double areaRatio = calcRatio( viaArea, calcArea( item ) );

                    if( item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T && areaRatio < modulePadMinCoverRatio )
                        rejected.insert( item );

                    if( item->Type() == PCB_PAD_T && areaRatio < padViaAreaRatio )
                        rejected.insert( item );

                    if( TRACK* track = dyn_cast<TRACK*>( item ) )
                        if( track->GetNetCode() != via->GetNetCode() )

                        double lenRatio = (double) ( track->GetLength() + track->GetWidth() ) /
                                          (double) via->GetWidth();

                        if( lenRatio > trackViaLengthRatio )
                            rejected.insert( track );

    int nTracks = aCollector.CountType( PCB_TRACE_T );

    if( nTracks > 0 )
        double maxLength = 0.0;
        double minLength = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
        double maxArea = 0.0;
        const TRACK* maxTrack = nullptr;

        for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); ++i )
            if( TRACK* track = dyn_cast<TRACK*> ( aCollector[i] ) )
                maxLength = std::max( track->GetLength(), maxLength );
                maxLength = std::max( (double) track->GetWidth(), maxLength );

                minLength = std::min( std::max( track->GetLength(), (double) track->GetWidth() ), minLength );

                double area = track->GetLength() * track->GetWidth();

                if( area > maxArea )
                    maxArea = area;
                    maxTrack = track;

        if( maxLength > 0.0 && minLength / maxLength < trackTrackLengthRatio && nTracks > 1 )
            for( int i = 0; i < aCollector.GetCount(); ++i )
                if( TRACK* track = dyn_cast<TRACK*>( aCollector[i] ) )
                    double ratio = std::max( (double) track->GetWidth(), track->GetLength() ) / maxLength;

                    if( ratio > trackTrackLengthRatio )
                        rejected.insert( track );

        for( int j = 0; j < aCollector.GetCount(); ++j )
            if( MODULE* mod = dyn_cast<MODULE*>( aCollector[j] ) )
                double ratio = calcRatio( maxArea, mod->GetFootprintRect().GetArea() );

                if( ratio < modulePadMinCoverRatio && calcCommonArea( maxTrack, mod ) < commonAreaRatio )
                    rejected.insert( mod );

    if( (unsigned) aCollector.GetCount() > rejected.size() )  // do not remove everything
        for( BOARD_ITEM* item : rejected )
            aCollector.Remove( item );