コード例 #1
bool GERBVIEW_FRAME::Read_EXCELLON_File( const wxString& aFullFileName )
    wxString msg;
    int layerId = getActiveLayer();      // current layer used in GerbView
    GERBER_FILE_IMAGE_LIST* images = GetGerberLayout()->GetImagesList();
    EXCELLON_IMAGE* drill_Layer = (EXCELLON_IMAGE*) images->GetGbrImage( layerId );

    if( drill_Layer == NULL )
        drill_Layer = new EXCELLON_IMAGE( layerId );
        layerId = images->AddGbrImage( drill_Layer, layerId );

    if( layerId < 0 )
        DisplayError( this, _( "No room to load file" ) );
        return false;

    // Read the Excellon drill file:
    bool success = drill_Layer->LoadFile( aFullFileName );

    if( !success )
        msg.Printf( _( "File %s not found" ), GetChars( aFullFileName ) );
        DisplayError( this, msg );
        return false;

    // Display errors list
    if( drill_Layer->GetMessages().size() > 0 )
        HTML_MESSAGE_BOX dlg( this, _( "Error reading EXCELLON drill file" ) );
        dlg.ListSet( drill_Layer->GetMessages() );
    return success;
コード例 #2
    wxString msg;

    if( s_pageSetupData == NULL )
        s_pageSetupData = new wxPageSetupDialogData;
        // Set initial page margins.
        // Margins are already set in Gerbview, so we can use 0
        s_pageSetupData->SetMarginTopLeft( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
        s_pageSetupData->SetMarginBottomRight( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );

    s_Parameters.m_PageSetupData = s_pageSetupData;
    GERBER_FILE_IMAGE_LIST* images = m_Parent->GetGerberLayout()->GetImagesList();

    // Create layer list
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < images->ImagesMaxCount(); ++ii )
        msg = _( "Layer" );
        msg << wxT( " " ) << ii + 1;

        wxStaticBoxSizer* boxSizer = ( ii < 16 ) ? m_leftLayersBoxSizer
                                                 : m_rightLayersBoxSizer;

        m_BoxSelectLayer[ii] = new wxCheckBox( boxSizer->GetStaticBox(),
                                               wxID_ANY, msg );
        boxSizer->Add( m_BoxSelectLayer[ii], wxGROW | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxTOP );

        if( images->GetGbrImage( ii ) == NULL )     // Nothing loaded on this draw layer
            m_BoxSelectLayer[ii]->Enable( false );

    // Read the scale adjust option
    int scale_idx = 4; // default selected scale = ScaleList[4] = 1.000

    if( m_Config )
        m_Config->Read( OPTKEY_PRINT_X_FINESCALE_ADJ, &s_Parameters.m_XScaleAdjust );
        m_Config->Read( OPTKEY_PRINT_Y_FINESCALE_ADJ, &s_Parameters.m_YScaleAdjust );
        m_Config->Read( OPTKEY_PRINT_SCALE, &scale_idx );
        m_Config->Read( OPTKEY_PRINT_PAGE_FRAME, &s_Parameters.m_Print_Sheet_Ref, 1 );
        m_Config->Read( OPTKEY_PRINT_MONOCHROME_MODE, &s_Parameters.m_Print_Black_and_White, 1 );

        // Test for a reasonnable scale value. Set to 1 if problem
        if( s_Parameters.m_XScaleAdjust < MIN_SCALE ||
            s_Parameters.m_YScaleAdjust < MIN_SCALE ||
            s_Parameters.m_XScaleAdjust > MAX_SCALE ||
            s_Parameters.m_YScaleAdjust > MAX_SCALE )
            s_Parameters.m_XScaleAdjust = s_Parameters.m_YScaleAdjust = 1.0;

        for( int layer = 0; layer < GERBER_DRAWLAYERS_COUNT; ++layer )
            wxString layerKey;
            bool     option;

            layerKey.Printf( OPTKEY_LAYERBASE, layer );
            m_Config->Read( layerKey, &option, false );
            m_BoxSelectLayer[layer]->SetValue( option );

    m_ScaleOption->SetSelection( scale_idx );
    scale_idx = m_ScaleOption->GetSelection();
    s_Parameters.m_PrintScale = s_ScaleList[scale_idx];
    m_Print_Mirror->SetValue( s_Parameters.m_PrintMirror );

    if( s_Parameters.m_Print_Black_and_White )
        m_ModeColorOption->SetSelection( 1 );
        m_ModeColorOption->SetSelection( 0 );

    s_Parameters.m_PenDefaultSize = 0;

    // Create scale adjust option
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%f" ), s_Parameters.m_XScaleAdjust );
    m_FineAdjustXscaleOpt->SetValue( msg );
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%f" ), s_Parameters.m_YScaleAdjust );
    m_FineAdjustYscaleOpt->SetValue( msg );

    bool enable = (s_Parameters.m_PrintScale == 1.0);

コード例 #3
bool GERBVIEW_FRAME::Read_EXCELLON_File( const wxString& aFullFileName )
    wxString msg;
    int layerId = GetActiveLayer();      // current layer used in GerbView
    GERBER_FILE_IMAGE_LIST* images = GetGerberLayout()->GetImagesList();
    auto gerber_layer = images->GetGbrImage( layerId );
    auto drill_layer = dynamic_cast<EXCELLON_IMAGE*>( gerber_layer );

    if( gerber_layer && !drill_layer )
        // The active layer contains old gerber data we have to clear
        Erase_Current_DrawLayer( false );

    if( drill_layer == nullptr )
        drill_layer = new EXCELLON_IMAGE( layerId );
        layerId = images->AddGbrImage( drill_layer, layerId );

    if( layerId < 0 )
        DisplayError( this, _( "No room to load file" ) );
        return false;

    // Read the Excellon drill file:
    bool success = drill_layer->LoadFile( aFullFileName );

    if( !success )
        msg.Printf( _( "File %s not found" ), GetChars( aFullFileName ) );
        DisplayError( this, msg );
        return false;

    // Display errors list
    if( drill_layer->GetMessages().size() > 0 )
        HTML_MESSAGE_BOX dlg( this, _( "Error reading EXCELLON drill file" ) );
        dlg.ListSet( drill_layer->GetMessages() );

    if( success )
        EDA_DRAW_PANEL_GAL* canvas = GetGalCanvas();

        if( canvas )
            KIGFX::VIEW* view = canvas->GetView();

            for( GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* item = drill_layer->GetItemsList(); item; item = item->Next() )
                view->Add( (KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM*) item );

    return success;
コード例 #4
void LAYERS_MAP_DIALOG::initDialog()
    wxStaticText* label;
    wxStaticText* text;
    int           item_ID;
    wxString      msg;
    wxSize        goodSize;

    for( int ii = 0; ii < GERBER_DRAWLAYERS_COUNT; ++ii )
        // Specify the default value for each member of these arrays.
        m_buttonTable[ii] = -1;
        m_layersLookUpTable[ii] = UNSELECTED_LAYER;

    // Ensure we have:
    //    at least 2 copper layers and less than max pacb copper layers count
    //    and even layers count because a board *must* have even layers count

    int idx = ( m_exportBoardCopperLayersCount / 2 ) - 1;
    m_comboCopperLayersCount->SetSelection( idx );

    LAYER_NUM pcb_layer_num = 0;
    m_gerberActiveLayersCount = 0;
    GERBER_FILE_IMAGE_LIST* images = m_Parent->GetGerberLayout()->GetImagesList();

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < GERBER_DRAWLAYERS_COUNT; ++ii )
        if( images->GetGbrImage( ii ) == NULL )

        if( (pcb_layer_num == m_exportBoardCopperLayersCount - 1)
           && (m_exportBoardCopperLayersCount > 1) )
            pcb_layer_num = F_Cu;

        m_buttonTable[m_gerberActiveLayersCount] = ii;
        m_layersLookUpTable[ii]  = pcb_layer_num;

    if( m_gerberActiveLayersCount <= GERBER_DRAWLAYERS_COUNT/2 )    // Only one list is enough

    wxFlexGridSizer* flexColumnBoxSizer = m_flexLeftColumnBoxSizer;

    for( int ii = 0; ii < m_gerberActiveLayersCount; ii++ )
        // Each Gerber layer has an associated static text string (to
        // identify that layer), a button (for invoking a child dialog
        // box to change which Pcbnew layer that the Gerber layer is
        // mapped to), and a second static text string (to depict which
        // Pcbnew layer that the Gerber layer has been mapped to). Each
        // of those items are placed into the left hand column, middle
        // column, and right hand column (respectively) of the Flexgrid
        // sizer, and the color of the second text string is set to
        // fuchsia or blue (to respectively indicate whether the Gerber
        // layer has been mapped to a Pcbnew layer or is not being
        // exported at all).  (Experimentation has shown that if a text
        // control is used to depict which Pcbnew layer that each Gerber
        // layer is mapped to (instead of a static text string), then
        // those controls do not behave in a fully satisfactory manner
        // in the Linux version. Even when the read-only attribute is
        // specified for all of those controls, they can still be selected
        // when the arrow keys or Tab key is used to step through all of
        // the controls within the dialog box, and directives to set the
        // foreground color of the text of each such control to blue (to
        // indicate that the text is of a read-only nature) are disregarded.
        // Specify a FlexGrid sizer with an appropriate number of rows
        // and three columns.  If nb_items < 16, then the number of rows
        // is nb_items; otherwise, the number of rows is 16 (with two
        // separate columns of controls being used if nb_items > 16).

        if( ii == GERBER_DRAWLAYERS_COUNT/2 )
            flexColumnBoxSizer = m_flexRightColumnBoxSizer;

        // Provide a text string to identify the Gerber layer
        msg.Printf( _( "Layer %d" ), m_buttonTable[ii] + 1 );

        label = new wxStaticText( this,
                                  wxID_STATIC, msg, wxDefaultPosition,
                                  wxDefaultSize, 0 );
        flexColumnBoxSizer->Add( label, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 );

        /* Add file name and extension without path. */
        wxFileName fn( images->GetGbrImage( ii )->m_FileName );
        label = new wxStaticText( this,
                                  wxID_STATIC, fn.GetFullName(),
                                  wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize );
        flexColumnBoxSizer->Add( label, 0,
                                 wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 );

        // Provide a button for this layer (which will invoke a child dialog box)
        item_ID = ID_BUTTON_0 + ii;
        wxButton * Button = new wxButton( this,
                                          item_ID, wxT( "..." ),
                                          wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBU_EXACTFIT );

        flexColumnBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL );

        // Provide another text string to specify which Pcbnew layer that this
        // Gerber layer is initially mapped to, and set the initial text to
        // specify the appropriate Pcbnew layer, and set the foreground color
        // of the text to fuchsia (to indicate that the layer is being exported).
        item_ID = ID_TEXT_0 + ii;

        // When the first of these text strings is being added, determine what
        // size is necessary to to be able to display any possible string
        // without it being truncated. Then specify that size as the minimum
        // size for all of these text strings. (If this minimum size is not
        // determined in this fashion, then it is possible for the display of
        // one or more of these strings to be truncated after different Pcbnew
        // layers are selected.)
        if( ii == 0 )
            msg  = _( "Do not export" );
            text = new wxStaticText( this,
                                     item_ID, msg, wxDefaultPosition,
                                     wxDefaultSize, 0 );
            goodSize = text->GetSize();

            for( LAYER_NUM jj = 0; jj < GERBER_DRAWLAYERS_COUNT; ++jj )
                text->SetLabel( GetPCBDefaultLayerName( jj ) );
                if( goodSize.x < text->GetSize().x )
                    goodSize.x = text->GetSize().x;

            msg = GetPCBDefaultLayerName( m_layersLookUpTable[m_buttonTable[ii]] );
            text->SetLabel( msg );
            msg  = GetPCBDefaultLayerName( m_layersLookUpTable[m_buttonTable[ii]] );
            text = new wxStaticText( this,
                                     item_ID, msg, wxDefaultPosition,
                                     wxDefaultSize, 0 );
        text->SetMinSize( goodSize );
        flexColumnBoxSizer->Add( text, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL,
                                 5 );

        m_layersList[ii] = text;