bool MarbleGraphics::makeMove(const Move move){ GImage * movingMarble = marbles[move.startRow][move.startCol]; int jumpedRow = move.startRow+(move.endRow-move.startRow)/2; int jumpedCol = move.startCol+(move.endCol-move.startCol)/2; GImage * jumpedMarble = marbles[jumpedRow][jumpedCol]; if (movingMarble == NULL || jumpedMarble == NULL){ return false; } //Move empty spot from end to start of move GOval* endSpot = spaces[move.endRow][move.endCol]; double tempX = endSpot->getX(); double tempY = endSpot->getY(); endSpot->setLocation(movingMarble->getX(), movingMarble->getY()); spaces[move.startRow][move.startCol] = endSpot; spaces[move.endRow][move.endCol] = NULL; spaceCoords[endSpot] = Coord(move.startRow, move.startCol); //Move image at start location to image at end location movingMarble->setLocation(tempX, tempY); marbles[move.endRow][move.endCol] = movingMarble; marbles[move.startRow][move.startCol] = NULL; marbleCoords[movingMarble] = Coord(move.endRow, move.endCol); //Delete marble for jumped space and create empty space there instead marbles[jumpedRow][jumpedCol] = NULL; marbleCoords.remove(jumpedMarble); remove(jumpedMarble); delete jumpedMarble; GOval* jumpedSpace = new GOval(kMarbleDimension, kMarbleDimension); spaces[jumpedRow][jumpedCol] = jumpedSpace; spaceCoords[jumpedSpace] = Coord(jumpedRow, jumpedCol); add(jumpedSpace, jumpedCol*(kMarbleDimension+kMarbleSpacingWidth)+kMarbleSpacingWidth, jumpedRow*(kMarbleDimension+kMarbleSpacingWidth)+kMarbleSpacingWidth); return true; }
void test_contains_and_getBounds() { bool useCompounds = false; int x0 = 350; int y0 = 300; Map<string, GObject*> shapeMap; GOval *oval = new GOval(x0, y0, 200, 100); GRoundRect *roundRect = new GRoundRect(x0, y0, 200, 100, 300); roundRect->setLineWidth(20); G3DRect *rect3d = new G3DRect(x0, y0, 200, 100, true); //rect3d->setLineWidth(5); rect3d->setFillColor("green"); rect3d->setFilled(true); GPolygon *poly = new GPolygon; poly->addVertex(0, 0); poly->addEdge(200, 100); poly->addEdge(-200, 0); poly->setLocation(x0, y0); GPolygon *cpoly = new GPolygon; cpoly->addVertex(0, 0); cpoly->addEdge(200, 100); cpoly->addEdge(0, -100); cpoly->addEdge(-200, 100); cpoly->setLocation(x0, y0); GRect *rect = new GRect(x0, y0, 200, 100); GLine *line = new GLine(x0, y0, x0 + 200, y0 + 100); GLabel *label = new GLabel("Ostromantus", x0, y0); GArc *arc = new GArc(x0, y0, 350, 350, 0, 90); //arc->setLineWidth(5); arc->setColor("#44000000"); GArc *filledArc = new GArc(x0, y0, 350, 100, 45, 225); filledArc->setFillColor("#88e0e0e0"); filledArc->setFilled(true); GCompound *comp1 = new GCompound; comp1->setLocation(x0, y0); comp1->add(new GLabel("compound", 0, 15)); GRect *bgRect1 = new GRect(0, 0); gw->add(bgRect1); bgRect1->setFillColor("#55dddddd"); bgRect1->setFilled(true); GImage *image = new GImage("homer-transparent.png"); image->setLocation(x0, y0); GCompound *comp = new GCompound; comp->setLocation(x0, y0); GRect *compRect = new GRect(20, 20, 100, 100); GOval *compOval = new GOval(90, 90, 150, 70); comp->add(compRect); comp->add(compOval); GButton *button = new GButton("Testo"); button->setSize(200, 100); button->setLocation(x0, y0); shapeMap.put("oval", oval); shapeMap.put("rounded rectangle", roundRect); shapeMap.put("3D rectangle", rect3d); shapeMap.put("polygon", poly); shapeMap.put("crazy polygon", cpoly); shapeMap.put("rectangle", rect); shapeMap.put("line", line); shapeMap.put("arc", arc); shapeMap.put("filled arc", filledArc); shapeMap.put("label", label); shapeMap.put("image", image); shapeMap.put("compound", comp); shapeMap.put("button", button); GObject *currObj; GChooser *ch = new GChooser; ch->setActionCommand("chooser"); ch->addItem("oval"); ch->addItem("rounded rectangle"); ch->addItem(("3D rectangle")); ch->addItem("polygon"); ch->addItem("crazy polygon"); ch->addItem("rectangle"); ch->addItem("line"); ch->addItem("arc"); ch->addItem("filled arc"); ch->addItem("label"); ch->addItem("image"); ch->addItem("compound"); ch->addItem("button"); ch->setSelectedItem("rectangle"); currObj = rect; GButton *endButton = new GButton("End test"); GButton *fillButton = new GButton("Auto-fill"); GButton *rotateButton = new GButton("Rotate"); GButton *scaleButton = new GButton("Scale"); GCheckBox *compCheckbox = new GCheckBox("compounds"); compCheckbox->setActionCommand("compounds"); gw->addToRegion(compCheckbox, "north"); gw->addToRegion(ch, "north"); gw->addToRegion(rotateButton, "north"); gw->addToRegion(scaleButton, "north"); gw->addToRegion(fillButton, "north"); gw->addToRegion(endButton, "north"); while (true) { GEvent e = waitForEvent(ACTION_EVENT | MOUSE_EVENT); if (!e.isValid()) continue; if (e.getEventClass() == ACTION_EVENT) { if (((GActionEvent) e).getActionCommand() == "End test") break; if (((GActionEvent) e).getActionCommand() == "compounds") { bgRect1->setVisible(compCheckbox->isSelected()); useCompounds = compCheckbox->isSelected(); } if (((GActionEvent) e).getActionCommand() == "Testo") { GPoint pt = button->getLocation(); button->setLocation(pt.getX()-button->getWidth()-10, pt.getY()); pause(1000); button->setLocation(pt); } if (((GActionEvent) e).getActionCommand() == "Auto-fill") { GRectangle bds = currObj->getBounds(); int xmin = bds.getX(); int ymin = bds.getY(); int xmax = bds.getX() + bds.getWidth(); int ymax = bds.getY() + bds.getHeight(); int dx = useCompounds ? comp1->getX(): 0; int dy = useCompounds ? comp1->getY(): 0; for (int y = ymin; y < ymax; y+=1) for (int x = xmin; x < xmax; x+=1) { if (currObj->contains(x, y)) { gw->setColor("red"); gw->fillOval(x + dx, y + dy, 1, 1); } else { gw->setColor("green"); gw->fillOval(x + dx, y + dy, 1, 1); } } } if (((GActionEvent) e).getActionCommand() == "Rotate") { currObj->rotate(45); if (useCompounds) { bgRect1->setBounds(comp1->getBounds()); } } if (((GActionEvent) e).getActionCommand() == "Scale") { currObj->scale(1.2, 0.8); if (useCompounds) { bgRect1->setBounds(comp1->getBounds()); } } if (((GActionEvent) e).getActionCommand() == "chooser") { string shape = ch->getSelectedItem(); if (useCompounds) { comp1->remove(currObj); gw->remove(comp1); } else { gw->remove(currObj); } gw->setColor("white"); gw->fillRect(0, 0, gw->getCanvasWidth(), gw->getCanvasHeight()); //drawGrid(); gw->setColor("black"); currObj = shapeMap.get(shape); if (useCompounds) { gw->add(comp1); comp1->add(currObj, 50, 50); bgRect1->setBounds(comp1->getBounds()); } else { gw->add(currObj); } gw->drawOval(currObj->getX()-2, currObj->getY()-2, 4, 4); } } else if (e.getEventType() == MOUSE_CLICKED) { double x = ((GMouseEvent) e).getX(); double y = ((GMouseEvent) e).getY(); if (currObj->contains(x, y)) { gw->setColor("red"); gw->fillOval(x, y, 1, 1); } } } }