コード例 #1
    void GLSLLinkProgramManager::extractUniforms(GLhandleARB programObject, 
        const GpuConstantDefinitionMap* vertexConstantDefs, 
        const GpuConstantDefinitionMap* geometryConstantDefs,
        const GpuConstantDefinitionMap* fragmentConstantDefs,
        GLUniformReferenceList& list)
        // scan through the active uniforms and add them to the reference list
        GLint uniformCount = 0;

        #define BUFFERSIZE 200
        char   uniformName[BUFFERSIZE] = "";
        //GLint location;
        GLUniformReference newGLUniformReference;

        // get the number of active uniforms
        glGetObjectParameterivARB(programObject, GL_OBJECT_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS_ARB,

        // Loop over each of the active uniforms, and add them to the reference container
        // only do this for user defined uniforms, ignore built in gl state uniforms
        for (int index = 0; index < uniformCount; index++)
            GLint arraySize = 0;
            GLenum glType;
            glGetActiveUniformARB(programObject, index, BUFFERSIZE, NULL, 
                &arraySize, &glType, uniformName);
            // don't add built in uniforms
            newGLUniformReference.mLocation = glGetUniformLocationARB(programObject, uniformName);
            if (newGLUniformReference.mLocation >= 0)
                // user defined uniform found, add it to the reference list
                String paramName = String( uniformName );

                // Current ATI drivers (Catalyst 7.2 and earlier) and older NVidia drivers will include all array elements as uniforms but we only want the root array name and location
                // Also note that ATI Catalyst 6.8 to 7.2 there is a bug with glUniform that does not allow you to update a uniform array past the first uniform array element
                // ie you can't start updating an array starting at element 1, must always be element 0.

                // if the uniform name has a "[" in it then its an array element uniform.
                String::size_type arrayStart = paramName.find("[");
                if (arrayStart != String::npos)
                    // if not the first array element then skip it and continue to the next uniform
                    if (paramName.compare(arrayStart, paramName.size() - 1, "[0]") != 0) continue;
                    paramName = paramName.substr(0, arrayStart);

                // find out which params object this comes from
                bool foundSource = completeParamSource(paramName,
                        vertexConstantDefs, geometryConstantDefs, fragmentConstantDefs, newGLUniformReference);

                // only add this parameter if we found the source
                if (foundSource)
                    assert(size_t (arraySize) == newGLUniformReference.mConstantDef->arraySize
                            && "GL doesn't agree with our array size!");

                // Don't bother adding individual array params, they will be
                // picked up in the 'parent' parameter can copied all at once
                // anyway, individual indexes are only needed for lookup from
                // user params
            } // end if
        } // end for

コード例 #2
	void GLSLESProgramManagerCommon::extractUniforms(GLuint programObject, 
		const GpuConstantDefinitionMap* vertexConstantDefs, 
		const GpuConstantDefinitionMap* fragmentConstantDefs,
		GLUniformReferenceList& list)
		// Scan through the active uniforms and add them to the reference list
		GLint uniformCount = 0;
        GLint maxLength = 0;
		char* uniformName = NULL;

		glGetProgramiv(programObject, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH, &maxLength);

        // If the max length of active uniforms is 0, then there are 0 active.
        // There won't be any to extract so we can return.
        if(maxLength == 0)

		uniformName = new char[maxLength + 1];
		GLUniformReference newGLUniformReference;

		// Get the number of active uniforms
		glGetProgramiv(programObject, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &uniformCount);

		// Loop over each of the active uniforms, and add them to the reference container
		// only do this for user defined uniforms, ignore built in gl state uniforms
		for (GLuint index = 0; index < (GLuint)uniformCount; index++)
			GLint arraySize = 0;
			GLenum glType = GL_NONE;
			glGetActiveUniform(programObject, index, maxLength, NULL, 
				&arraySize, &glType, uniformName);
			// Don't add built in uniforms
			newGLUniformReference.mLocation = glGetUniformLocation(programObject, uniformName);
			if (newGLUniformReference.mLocation >= 0)
				// User defined uniform found, add it to the reference list
				String paramName = String( uniformName );

				// If the uniform name has a "[" in it then its an array element uniform.
				String::size_type arrayStart = paramName.find("[");
				if (arrayStart != String::npos)
					// If not the first array element then skip it and continue to the next uniform
					if (paramName.compare(arrayStart, paramName.size() - 1, "[0]") != 0) continue;
					paramName = paramName.substr(0, arrayStart);

				// Find out which params object this comes from
				bool foundSource = completeParamSource(paramName,
						vertexConstantDefs,	fragmentConstantDefs, newGLUniformReference);

				// Only add this parameter if we found the source
				if (foundSource)
					assert(size_t (arraySize) == newGLUniformReference.mConstantDef->arraySize
							&& "GL doesn't agree with our array size!");

				// Don't bother adding individual array params, they will be
				// picked up in the 'parent' parameter can copied all at once
				// anyway, individual indexes are only needed for lookup from
				// user params
			} // end if
		} // end for
		if( uniformName != NULL ) 
			delete uniformName;
コード例 #3
    void GLSLProgramManagerCommon::extractUniforms(GLuint programObject, 
        const GpuConstantDefinitionMap* vertexConstantDefs,
        const GpuConstantDefinitionMap* geometryConstantDefs,
        const GpuConstantDefinitionMap* fragmentConstantDefs,
        const GpuConstantDefinitionMap* hullConstantDefs,
        const GpuConstantDefinitionMap* domainConstantDefs,
        const GpuConstantDefinitionMap* computeConstantDefs,
        GLUniformReferenceList& list, GLUniformBufferList& sharedList)
        // Scan through the active uniforms and add them to the reference list
        GLint uniformCount = 0;
#define uniformLength 200
        //      GLint uniformLength = 0;
        //        glGetProgramiv(programObject, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH, &uniformLength);

        char uniformName[uniformLength];
        GLUniformReference newGLUniformReference;

        // Get the number of active uniforms
        OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetProgramiv(programObject, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &uniformCount));

        // Loop over each of the active uniforms, and add them to the reference container
        // only do this for user defined uniforms, ignore built in gl state uniforms
        for (int index = 0; index < uniformCount; index++)
            GLint arraySize;
            GLenum glType;
            OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetActiveUniform(programObject, index, uniformLength, NULL,
                                                   &arraySize, &glType, uniformName));

            // Don't add built in uniforms
            OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(newGLUniformReference.mLocation = glGetUniformLocation(programObject, uniformName));
            if (newGLUniformReference.mLocation >= 0)
                // User defined uniform found, add it to the reference list
                String paramName = String( uniformName );

                // Current ATI drivers (Catalyst 7.2 and earlier) and older NVidia drivers will include all array elements as uniforms but we only want the root array name and location
                // Also note that ATI Catalyst 6.8 to 7.2 there is a bug with glUniform that does not allow you to update a uniform array past the first uniform array element
                // ie you can't start updating an array starting at element 1, must always be element 0.

                // If the uniform name has a "[" in it then its an array element uniform.
                String::size_type arrayStart = paramName.find("[");
                if (arrayStart != String::npos)
                    // if not the first array element then skip it and continue to the next uniform
                    if (paramName.compare(arrayStart, paramName.size() - 1, "[0]") != 0) continue;
                    paramName = paramName.substr(0, arrayStart);

                // Find out which params object this comes from
                bool foundSource = completeParamSource(paramName,
                                                       vertexConstantDefs, geometryConstantDefs,
                                                       fragmentConstantDefs, hullConstantDefs,
                                                       domainConstantDefs, computeConstantDefs, newGLUniformReference);

                // Only add this parameter if we found the source
                if (foundSource)
                    assert(size_t (arraySize) == newGLUniformReference.mConstantDef->arraySize
                           && "GL doesn't agree with our array size!");

                // Don't bother adding individual array params, they will be
                // picked up in the 'parent' parameter can copied all at once
                // anyway, individual indexes are only needed for lookup from
                // user params
            } // end if
        } // end for

        // Now deal with uniform blocks

        GLint blockCount = 0;

        OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetProgramiv(programObject, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS, &blockCount));

        for (int index = 0; index < blockCount; index++)
            OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetActiveUniformBlockName(programObject, index, uniformLength, NULL, uniformName));

            GpuSharedParametersPtr blockSharedParams = GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().getSharedParameters(uniformName);

            GLint blockSize, blockBinding;
            OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(programObject, index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, &blockSize));
            OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(programObject, index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING, &blockBinding));
            HardwareUniformBufferSharedPtr newUniformBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createUniformBuffer(blockSize, HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY_DISCARDABLE, false, uniformName);

            GL3PlusHardwareUniformBuffer* hwGlBuffer = static_cast<GL3PlusHardwareUniformBuffer*>(newUniformBuffer.get());
コード例 #4
	void GLSLESProgramManagerCommon::extractUniforms(GLuint programObject, 
		const GpuConstantDefinitionMap* vertexConstantDefs, 
		const GpuConstantDefinitionMap* fragmentConstantDefs,
		GLUniformReferenceList& list, GLUniformBufferList& sharedList)
		// Scan through the active uniforms and add them to the reference list
		GLint uniformCount = 0;
        GLint maxLength = 0;
		char* uniformName = NULL;
		#define uniformLength 200

		OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetProgramiv(programObject, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH, &maxLength));

        // If the max length of active uniforms is 0, then there are 0 active.
        // There won't be any to extract so we can return.
        if(maxLength == 0)

		uniformName = new char[maxLength + 1];
		GLUniformReference newGLUniformReference;

		// Get the number of active uniforms
		OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetProgramiv(programObject, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &uniformCount));

		// Loop over each of the active uniforms, and add them to the reference container
		// only do this for user defined uniforms, ignore built in gl state uniforms
		for (GLuint index = 0; index < (GLuint)uniformCount; index++)
			GLint arraySize = 0;
			GLenum glType = GL_NONE;
			OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetActiveUniform(programObject, index, maxLength, NULL,
				&arraySize, &glType, uniformName));

			// Don't add built in uniforms
			newGLUniformReference.mLocation = glGetUniformLocation(programObject, uniformName);
			if (newGLUniformReference.mLocation >= 0)
				// User defined uniform found, add it to the reference list
				String paramName = String( uniformName );

				// If the uniform name has a "[" in it then its an array element uniform.
				String::size_type arrayStart = paramName.find("[");
				if (arrayStart != String::npos)
					// If not the first array element then skip it and continue to the next uniform
					if (paramName.compare(arrayStart, paramName.size() - 1, "[0]") != 0) continue;
					paramName = paramName.substr(0, arrayStart);

				// Find out which params object this comes from
				bool foundSource = completeParamSource(paramName,
						vertexConstantDefs,	fragmentConstantDefs, newGLUniformReference);

				// Only add this parameter if we found the source
				if (foundSource)
					assert(size_t (arraySize) == newGLUniformReference.mConstantDef->arraySize
							&& "GL doesn't agree with our array size!");

				// Don't bother adding individual array params, they will be
				// picked up in the 'parent' parameter can copied all at once
				// anyway, individual indexes are only needed for lookup from
				// user params
			} // end if
		} // end for
		if( uniformName != NULL ) 
			delete[] uniformName;

        // Now deal with uniform blocks

        GLint blockCount = 0;

        OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetProgramiv(programObject, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS, &blockCount));

        for (int index = 0; index < blockCount; index++)
            OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetActiveUniformBlockName(programObject, index, uniformLength, NULL, uniformName));

            GpuSharedParametersPtr blockSharedParams = GpuProgramManager::getSingleton().getSharedParameters(uniformName);

            GLint blockSize, blockBinding;
            OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(programObject, index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE, &blockSize));
            OGRE_CHECK_GL_ERROR(glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(programObject, index, GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_BINDING, &blockBinding));
            HardwareUniformBufferSharedPtr newUniformBuffer = HardwareBufferManager::getSingleton().createUniformBuffer(blockSize, HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY_DISCARDABLE, false, uniformName);

            GLES2HardwareUniformBuffer* hwGlBuffer = static_cast<GLES2HardwareUniformBuffer*>(newUniformBuffer.get());