コード例 #1
ファイル: RayCastRenderer.cpp プロジェクト: vr3d/Livre
bool RayCastRenderer::readFromFrameBuffer_( const GLWidget& glWidget,
        const View& view,
        const Frustum &frustum,
        const RenderBrick& renderBrick,
        Vector2i& screenPos )
    Viewporti pixViewport;
    glWidget.setViewport( &view, pixViewport );

    Vector2i minPos;
    Vector2i maxPos;

    renderBrick.getScreenCoordinates( frustum, pixViewport, minPos, maxPos );

    const Vector2i texSize = maxPos - minPos;

    const eq::fabric::PixelViewport pixelViewPort( minPos[ 0 ], minPos[ 1 ],
            texSize[ 0 ],  texSize[ 1 ] );
    if( !pixelViewPort.hasArea( ) )
        return false;

    framebufferTempTexturePtr_->copyFromFrameBuffer( GL_RGBA, pixelViewPort );

    screenPos = minPos;

    return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: MainWindow.cpp プロジェクト: TritonSailor/livepro
	: QWidget()
	// Load the config from SETTINGS_FILE
	// Create the GLWidget to do the actual rendering
	GLWidget *glw = new GLWidget(this);
	// Setup the layout of the window
	QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout(this);
	// Allow user to change window title if desired
	QString windowTitle = settings.value("window-title","Camera Monitor").toString();
	// Grab number of inputs from config
	int numItems = settings.value("num-inputs",0).toInt();
	if(numItems <= 0)
		qDebug() << "No inputs listed in "<<SETTINGS_FILE<<", sorry!";
	// If user specifies both row and column values, then just use those to layout the inputs
	int cols = settings.value("cols",0).toInt();
	int rows = settings.value("rows",0).toInt();
	// Both row & col must be given - if not, then calculate row/cols 
	// based on the sqrt() of the # of items
	if(rows <= 0 || cols <= 0)
		qDebug() << "No rows and/or columns given in "<<SETTINGS_FILE<<", setting up grid using sqrt()";
		#define applySize(a,b) { cols=x; rows=y; }
		double sq = sqrt(numItems);
		if(((int)sq) != sq)
			// first, attempt to round up
			int x = (int)ceil(sq);
			int y = (int)floor(sq);
			if(x*y >= numItems)
				// good to go, apply size
				// add one col then try
				if(x*y >= numItems)
					// just use the sqrt ceil
			cols = (int)sq;
			rows = (int)sq;
	// This is the default canvas size from GLWidget.
	// Really, we could use any values here since the canvas size will be changed 
	// and these are just used for the frame size.
	int defWidth = 1000;
	int defHeight = 750;
	int frameWidth = 0; 
	int frameHeight = 0;
	// Calculate frame size
	if(cols >= rows)
		frameWidth = defWidth / cols;
		frameHeight = (int)((double)frameWidth * (((double)defHeight)/((double)defWidth)));
		frameHeight = defHeight / rows;
		frameWidth = (int)((double)frameHeight * (((double)defWidth)/((double)defHeight)));
	// Calculate the new canvas size
	int realWidth  = frameWidth  * cols;
	int realHeight = frameHeight * rows;
	// If user gives us a window size, use it - otherwise make it the same as the canvas size
	int winWidth  = settings.value("win-width",0).toInt();
	int winHeight = settings.value("win-height",0).toInt();
// 	if(winWidth <= 0 || winHeight <= 0)
// 		resize(realWidth, realHeight);
// 	else
// 		resize(winWidth, winHeight);

	if(winWidth > 0 && winHeight > 0)
		resize(winWidth, winHeight);
	// No default window position. 
	// Only set position if both X and Y are given 
	int winX = settings.value("win-x",-1).toInt();
	int winY = settings.value("win-y",-1).toInt();
 	if(winX >= 0 && winY >= 0)
 		move(winX, winY);
	//qDebug() << "Layout: "<<cols<<"x"<<rows<<", size:"<<frameWidth<<"x"<<frameHeight;
	GLScene *scene = new GLScene();
	GLVideoInputDrawable *drw = 0;
	// Finally, get down to actually creating the drawables 
// 	// and setting their positions
// 	for(int i=0; i<numItems; i++)
// 	{
// 		// Load the connection string
// 		QString con = settings.value(tr("input%1").arg(i)).toString();
// 		if(con.indexOf("=") < 0)
// 			con = tr("net=%1").arg(con);
// 		qDebug() << "Input "<<i<<": "<<con;
// 		// Create the drawable
// 		drw = new GLVideoInputDrawable();
// 		drw->setVideoConnection(con);
// 		// Calculate the position in the grid
// 		double frac = (double)i / (double)cols;
// 		int row = (int)frac;
// 		int col = (int)((frac - row) * cols);
// 		// Translate to "pixels"
// 		int x = col * frameWidth;
// 		int y = row * frameHeight;
// 		// Set the position
// 		drw->setRect(QRectF(x,y,frameWidth,frameHeight));
// 		// Finally, add the drawable
// 		scene->addDrawable(drw);
// 	}

	int frameWidth = 1000, frameHeight = 750, x=0, y=0;
	drw = new GLVideoInputDrawable();
	VideoDisplayOptionWidget *widget = new VideoDisplayOptionWidget(drw);
	// Finally, add the drawable
	drw = new GLVideoInputDrawable();
	drw->setRect(QRectF(x + frameWidth,y,frameWidth,frameHeight));
	// Add the drawables to the GLWidget
	glw->setViewport(QRect(0,0,2000, 750));
// 	GLSpinnerDrawable *spinner = new GLSpinnerDrawable();;
// 	spinner->setCycleDuration(1);
// 	int spinSize = 28;
// 	QRectF spinnerRect(10,10, spinSize, spinSize);
// 	spinner->setRect(spinnerRect);
// // 	spinner->setFlipVertical(true);
// // 	spinner->setFlipHorizontal(true);
// 	spinner->setZIndex(10.);
// 	spinner->start();	
// 	glw->addDrawable(spinner);