static void Render() { static float color[8][3] = { {1.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 1.0}, {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, {1.0, 0.0, 1.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0} }; static float cube[8][3] = { {0.5, 0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, -0.5, -0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5}, {-0.5, 0.5, -0.5}, {-0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.5, 0.5, 0.5}, {0.5, -0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, -0.5, 0.5} }; /* Do our drawing, too. */ ctx.glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); ctx.glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); ctx.glBegin(GL_QUADS); #ifdef SHADED_CUBE ctx.glColor3fv(color[0]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[0]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[1]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[1]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[2]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[2]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[3]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[3]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[3]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[3]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[4]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[4]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[7]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[7]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[2]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[2]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[0]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[0]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[5]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[5]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[6]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[6]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[1]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[1]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[5]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[5]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[4]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[4]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[7]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[7]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[6]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[6]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[5]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[5]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[0]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[0]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[3]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[3]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[4]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[4]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[6]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[6]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[1]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[1]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[2]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[2]); ctx.glColor3fv(color[7]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[7]); #else /* flat cube */ ctx.glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[0]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[1]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[2]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[3]); ctx.glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[3]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[4]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[7]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[2]); ctx.glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[0]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[5]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[6]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[1]); ctx.glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 1.0); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[5]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[4]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[7]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[6]); ctx.glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 0.0); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[5]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[0]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[3]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[4]); ctx.glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 1.0); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[6]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[1]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[2]); ctx.glVertex3fv(cube[7]); #endif /* SHADED_CUBE */ ctx.glEnd(); ctx.glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); ctx.glRotatef(5.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fsaa, accel; int value; int i, done; SDL_DisplayMode mode; SDL_Event event; Uint32 then, now, frames; int status; int dw, dh; /* Enable standard application logging */ SDL_LogSetPriority(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, SDL_LOG_PRIORITY_INFO); /* Initialize parameters */ fsaa = 0; accel = -1; /* Initialize test framework */ state = SDLTest_CommonCreateState(argv, SDL_INIT_VIDEO); if (!state) { return 1; } for (i = 1; i < argc;) { int consumed; consumed = SDLTest_CommonArg(state, i); if (consumed == 0) { if (SDL_strcasecmp(argv[i], "--fsaa") == 0 && i+1 < argc) { fsaa = atoi(argv[i+1]); consumed = 2; } else if (SDL_strcasecmp(argv[i], "--accel") == 0 && i+1 < argc) { accel = atoi(argv[i+1]); consumed = 2; } else { consumed = -1; } } if (consumed < 0) { SDL_Log("Usage: %s %s [--fsaa n] [--accel n]\n", argv[0], SDLTest_CommonUsage(state)); quit(1); } i += consumed; } /* Set OpenGL parameters */ state->window_flags |= SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL; state->gl_red_size = 5; state->gl_green_size = 5; state->gl_blue_size = 5; state->gl_depth_size = 16; state->gl_double_buffer = 1; if (fsaa) { state->gl_multisamplebuffers = 1; state->gl_multisamplesamples = fsaa; } if (accel >= 0) { state->gl_accelerated = accel; } if (!SDLTest_CommonInit(state)) { quit(2); } /* Create OpenGL context */ context = SDL_GL_CreateContext(state->windows[0]); if (!context) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "SDL_GL_CreateContext(): %s\n", SDL_GetError()); quit(2); } /* Important: call this *after* creating the context */ if (LoadContext(&ctx) < 0) { SDL_Log("Could not load GL functions\n"); quit(2); return 0; } if (state->render_flags & SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC) { /* try late-swap-tearing first. If not supported, try normal vsync. */ if (SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(-1) == -1) { SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(1); } } else { SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(0); /* disable vsync. */ } SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, &mode); SDL_Log("Screen BPP : %d\n", SDL_BITSPERPIXEL(mode.format)); SDL_Log("Swap Interval : %d\n", SDL_GL_GetSwapInterval()); SDL_GetWindowSize(state->windows[0], &dw, &dh); SDL_Log("Window Size : %d,%d\n", dw, dh); SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(state->windows[0], &dw, &dh); SDL_Log("Draw Size : %d,%d\n", dw, dh); SDL_Log("\n"); SDL_Log("Vendor : %s\n", ctx.glGetString(GL_VENDOR)); SDL_Log("Renderer : %s\n", ctx.glGetString(GL_RENDERER)); SDL_Log("Version : %s\n", ctx.glGetString(GL_VERSION)); SDL_Log("Extensions : %s\n", ctx.glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)); SDL_Log("\n"); status = SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, &value); if (!status) { SDL_Log("SDL_GL_RED_SIZE: requested %d, got %d\n", 5, value); } else { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to get SDL_GL_RED_SIZE: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } status = SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, &value); if (!status) { SDL_Log("SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE: requested %d, got %d\n", 5, value); } else { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to get SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } status = SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, &value); if (!status) { SDL_Log("SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE: requested %d, got %d\n", 5, value); } else { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to get SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } status = SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, &value); if (!status) { SDL_Log("SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE: requested %d, got %d\n", 16, value); } else { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to get SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } if (fsaa) { status = SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS, &value); if (!status) { SDL_Log("SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS: requested 1, got %d\n", value); } else { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to get SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLEBUFFERS: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } status = SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES, &value); if (!status) { SDL_Log("SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES: requested %d, got %d\n", fsaa, value); } else { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to get SDL_GL_MULTISAMPLESAMPLES: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } } if (accel >= 0) { status = SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL, &value); if (!status) { SDL_Log("SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL: requested %d, got %d\n", accel, value); } else { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "Failed to get SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } } /* Set rendering settings */ ctx.glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); ctx.glLoadIdentity(); ctx.glOrtho(-2.0, 2.0, -2.0, 2.0, -20.0, 20.0); ctx.glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); ctx.glLoadIdentity(); ctx.glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); ctx.glDepthFunc(GL_LESS); ctx.glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); /* Main render loop */ frames = 0; then = SDL_GetTicks(); done = 0; while (!done) { /* Check for events */ ++frames; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { SDLTest_CommonEvent(state, &event, &done); } for (i = 0; i < state->num_windows; ++i) { int w, h; if (state->windows[i] == NULL) continue; SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(state->windows[i], context); SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize(state->windows[i], &w, &h); ctx.glViewport(0, 0, w, h); Render(); SDL_GL_SwapWindow(state->windows[i]); } } /* Print out some timing information */ now = SDL_GetTicks(); if (now > then) { SDL_Log("%2.2f frames per second\n", ((double) frames * 1000) / (now - then)); } quit(0); return 0; }