コード例 #1
ファイル: createskymap.cpp プロジェクト: gammalib/gammalib
 * @brief Create sky map
 * This code illustrates the creation of a sky map.
int main(void) {

    // Create a SNR shell model. The shell is centred on RA=0.3 deg and
    // Dec=0.1 deg. The shell has an inner radius of 0.5 deg and a width
    // of 0.1 deg.
    GSkyDir centre;
    centre.radec_deg(0.3, 0.1);
    GModelSpatialRadialShell model(centre, 0.5, 0.1);

    // Create an empty sky map in celestial coordinates using a cartesian
    // projection. The image is centred on RA=Dec=0, has a bin size of
    // 0.01 degrees and 300 pixels in RA and Dec
    double ra(0.0);
    double dec(0.0);
    double binsz(0.01);
    int    npix(300);
    GSkyMap image("CAR", "CEL", ra, dec, -binsz, binsz, npix, npix, 1);

    // Fill the sky map with the model image
    GEnergy energy; // Dummy (not relevant as model is not energy dependent)
    GTime   time;   // Dummy (not relevant as model is not time dependent)
    for (int index = 0; index < image.npix(); ++index) {
        GSkyDir dir   = image.inx2dir(index); // sky coordinate of pixel
        double  theta = centre.dist(dir);     // distance in radians
        image(index)  = model.eval(theta, energy, time);

    // Save the image to a FITS file
    image.save("my_sky_map.fits", true);

    // Exit
    return 0;
コード例 #2
 * @brief Checks where model contains specified sky direction
 * @param[in] dir Sky direction.
 * @param[in] margin Margin to be added to sky direction (degrees)
 * @return True if the model contains the sky direction.
 * Signals whether a sky direction is contained in the radial gauss model.
bool GModelSpatialRadialGauss::contains(const GSkyDir& dir,
                                        const double&  margin) const
    // Compute distance to centre (radians)
    double distance = dir.dist(this->dir());

    // Return flag
    return (distance <= theta_max() + margin*gammalib::deg2rad);
コード例 #3
ファイル: GModelRadial.cpp プロジェクト: adonath/gammalib
 * @brief Return model value and set analytical gradients
 * @param[in] srcDir True photon arrival direction.
 * Evaluates the radial spatial model for a given true photon arrival
 * direction.
double GModelRadial::eval_gradients(const GSkyDir& srcDir) const
    // Compute distance from source (in radians)
    double theta = srcDir.dist(dir());

    // Evaluate model and set gradients
    double value = eval_gradients(theta);

    // Return result
    return value;
コード例 #4
ファイル: GModelSky.cpp プロジェクト: rbuehler/gammalib
 * @brief Return simulated list of photons
 * @param[in] area Simulation surface area (cm2).
 * @param[in] dir Centre of simulation cone.
 * @param[in] radius Radius of simulation cone (deg).
 * @param[in] emin Minimum photon energy.
 * @param[in] emax Maximum photon energy.
 * @param[in] tmin Minimum photon arrival time.
 * @param[in] tmax Maximum photon arrival time.
 * @param[in] ran Random number generator.
 * This method returns a list of photons that has been derived by Monte Carlo
 * simulation from the model. A simulation region is define by specification
 * of a simulation cone (a circular region on the sky),
 * of an energy range [emin, emax], and
 * of a time interval [tmin, tmax].
 * The simulation cone may eventually cover the entire sky (by setting
 * the radius to 180 degrees), yet simulations will be more efficient if
 * only the sky region will be simulated that is actually observed by the
 * telescope.
 * @todo Check usage for diffuse models
 * @todo Implement photon arrival direction simulation for diffuse models
 * @todo Implement unique model ID to assign as Monte Carlo ID
GPhotons GModelSky::mc(const double& area,
                       const GSkyDir& dir,  const double&  radius,
                       const GEnergy& emin, const GEnergy& emax,
                       const GTime&   tmin, const GTime&   tmax,
                       GRan& ran) const
    // Allocate photons
    GPhotons photons;

    // Continue only if model is valid)
    if (valid_model()) {

        // Get point source pointer
        GModelSpatialPtsrc* ptsrc = dynamic_cast<GModelSpatialPtsrc*>(m_spatial);

        // Check if model will produce any photons in the specified
        // simulation region. If the model is a point source we check if the
        // source is located within the simulation code. If the model is a
        // diffuse source we check if the source overlaps with the simulation
        // code
        bool use_model = true;
        if (ptsrc != NULL) {
            if (dir.dist(ptsrc->dir()) > radius) {
                use_model = false;
        else {

        // Continue only if model overlaps with simulation region
        if (use_model) {

            // Compute flux within [emin, emax] in model from spectral
            // component (units: ph/cm2/s)
            double flux = m_spectral->flux(emin, emax);

            // Derive expecting counting rate within simulation surface
            // (units: ph/s)
            double rate = flux * area;

            // Debug option: dump rate
            std::cout << "GModelSky::mc(\"" << name() << "\": ";
            std::cout << "flux=" << flux << " ph/cm2/s, ";
            std::cout << "rate=" << rate << " ph/s)" << std::endl;

            // Get photon arrival times from temporal model
            GTimes times = m_temporal->mc(rate, tmin, tmax, ran);

            // Reserve space for photons
            if (times.size() > 0) {

            // Loop over photons
            for (int i = 0; i < times.size(); ++i) {

                // Allocate photon
                GPhoton photon;

                // Set photon arrival time

                // Set incident photon direction

                // Set photon energy
                photon.energy(m_spectral->mc(emin, emax, ran));

                // Append photon

            } // endfor: looped over photons

        } // endif: model was used
    } // endif: model was valid

    // Return photon list
    return photons;