コード例 #1
// Method:    CreateTicket
// FullName:  BSSlotsContainer::BuildTicket
// Access:    public 
// Returns:   void
// Qualifier: based on real slot symbols to build fake tickets to all reels; Fake reels(top & bottom invisible)
// Parameter: GTArray<int> slotSymbols   :
void BSSlotsContainer::BuildTicket(GTArray<int> slotSymbols)
#ifdef GT_DEBUG
	GTLogManager::SLogFormatComment("<------------- slot symbols (visible part current 3X5 reels)----------->");	

	//based on real slot symbols to create fake tickets to all reels; 
	//make Fake reels(top & bottom invisible)

	//for exmaple:
	//	2, 3, 5, 6, 5,
	//	5, 5, 5, 8, 1,
	//	4, 3, 3, 3, 3
	//  make 5 reels
	//  reel1: 0, 2, 5, 4, 0
	//  reel2: 0, 3, 5, 3, 0
	// and so on
	GTDictionary<int, GTArray<int>* > reeltickets;

	for(int reelIndex = 0; reelIndex < m_reelColumns.Count(); reelIndex++)
		GTArray<int>* pTickets = new GTArray<int>();
		pTickets->AddToTail(0);	//make fake symbols for top invisible symbols
		reeltickets.Add(reelIndex, pTickets);

	//add reel symbols;
	for(int i = 0; i < slotSymbols.Length(); i++)
		int reelID = i % m_reelColumns.Count();
		int slotSymbolValue = slotSymbols[i];

		GTArray<int>* pTickets = NULL;
		reeltickets.GetValueByKey(reelID, pTickets);		

	//make fake symbols for top and bottom invisible symbols;
	for(int reelIndex = 0; reelIndex < m_reelColumns.Count(); reelIndex++)
		GTArray<int>* pTickets;
		reeltickets.GetValueByKey(reelIndex, pTickets);
		pTickets->AddToTail(0);		//make fake symbols for bottom invisible symbols

		m_reelColumns[reelIndex]->SetTicket(*pTickets);	//send it to every reel;

		delete pTickets;
	m_slotsSymbols = slotSymbols;
コード例 #2
 // Method:    GetReelWinSlotsForWinlines
 // FullName:  BSSlotsContainer::GetReelWinSlotsForWinlines
 // Access:    protected 
 // Returns:   GTDictionary<int, GTArray<GTVector2>* >   key = winlineID,  value = (reelID, slotID)
 // Qualifier: based on finalWinlineRes and winline define, match to every win slot position in every reel; and get (reel and win slots in this reel) for all winline
 // Parameter: GTDictionary<int, WinlineValue> finalWinlineRes   :  key = winlineID,  value = winlineValue;
void BSSlotsContainer::GetReelWinSlotsForWinlines(GTDictionary<int, WinlineValue>* pFinalWinlineRes)
	 //get winline define;
	 GTDictionary<int, GTArray<int> >* pSourceWinlines = WinlineAlgorithm::GetWinlines();
	 // based on finalWinlineRes and winline define, match to every win slot position in every slot;
	for(GTDictionary<int,WinlineValue>::ObjectTypeIterator it= pFinalWinlineRes->Begin(); it != pFinalWinlineRes->End(); it++)
		int winlineID = it->first;
		WinlineValue value = it->second;
		int winCount = value.WinCount;
		GTArray<int> winline;
		pSourceWinlines->GetValueByKey(winlineID, winline);	//get winline;

		for(int i = 0; i < winCount; i++)
			int winSlot = winline[i];
			int reelID = winSlot % m_reelColumnCount;	//get reelID;
			int realSlotPosInReel = winSlot / m_reelColumnCount;	//realSlotPostion
			int slotPosInReel = realSlotPosInReel + 1;	// because we had one fake slot (invisible)
			GTVector2 reelWinSlotValue(reelID, slotPosInReel);	//value = (reelID, slotPosInReel) in reel;

			GTArray<GTVector2>* winReelSlots = NULL;
			//add winline slot into reelWinSlotsDict;
				m_winlineReelSlotsDict.GetValueByKey(winlineID, winReelSlots);
				winReelSlots = new GTArray<GTVector2>();
			m_winlineReelSlotsDict.Add(winlineID, winReelSlots);	//save winlineid as key, value is reel slot value to dict