コード例 #1
ファイル: HairBcsdf.cpp プロジェクト: CounterPillow/tungsten
void HairBcsdf::precomputeAzimuthalDistributions()
    const int Resolution = PrecomputedAzimuthalLobe::AzimuthalResolution;
    std::unique_ptr<Vec3f[]> valuesR  (new Vec3f[Resolution*Resolution]);
    std::unique_ptr<Vec3f[]> valuesTT (new Vec3f[Resolution*Resolution]);
    std::unique_ptr<Vec3f[]> valuesTRT(new Vec3f[Resolution*Resolution]);

    // Ideally we could simply make this a constexpr, but MSVC does not support that yet (boo!)
    #define NumPoints 140

    GaussLegendre<NumPoints> integrator;
    const auto points = integrator.points();
    const auto weights = integrator.weights();

    // Cache the gammaI across all integration points
    std::array<float, NumPoints> gammaIs;
    for (int i = 0; i < NumPoints; ++i)
        gammaIs[i] = std::asin(points[i]);

    // Precompute the Gaussian detector and sample it into three 1D tables.
    // This is the only part of the precomputation that is actually approximate.
    // 2048 samples are enough to support the lowest roughness that the BCSDF
    // can reliably simulate
    const int NumGaussianSamples = 2048;
    std::unique_ptr<float[]> Ds[3];
    for (int p = 0; p < 3; ++p) {
        Ds[p].reset(new float[NumGaussianSamples]);
        for (int i = 0; i < NumGaussianSamples; ++i)
            Ds[p][i] = D(_betaR, i/(NumGaussianSamples - 1.0f)*TWO_PI);

    // Simple wrapped linear interpolation of the precomputed table
    auto approxD = [&](int p, float phi) {
        float u = std::abs(phi*(INV_TWO_PI*(NumGaussianSamples - 1)));
        int x0 = int(u);
        int x1 = x0 + 1;
        u -= x0;
        return Ds[p][x0 % NumGaussianSamples]*(1.0f - u) + Ds[p][x1 % NumGaussianSamples]*u;

    // Here follows the actual precomputation of the azimuthal scattering functions
    // The scattering functions are parametrized with the azimuthal angle phi,
    // and the cosine of the half angle, cos(thetaD).
    // This parametrization makes the azimuthal function relatively smooth and allows using
    // really low resolutions for the table (64x64 in this case) without any visual
    // deviation from ground truth, even at the lowest supported roughness setting
    for (int y = 0; y < Resolution; ++y) {
        float cosHalfAngle = y/(Resolution - 1.0f);

        // Precompute reflection Fresnel factor and reduced absorption coefficient
        float iorPrime = std::sqrt(Eta*Eta - (1.0f - cosHalfAngle*cosHalfAngle))/cosHalfAngle;
        float cosThetaT = std::sqrt(1.0f - (1.0f - cosHalfAngle*cosHalfAngle)*sqr(1.0f/Eta));
        Vec3f sigmaAPrime = _sigmaA/cosThetaT;

        // Precompute gammaT, f_t and internal absorption across all integration points
        std::array<float, NumPoints> fresnelTerms, gammaTs;
        std::array<Vec3f, NumPoints> absorptions;
        for (int i = 0; i < NumPoints; ++i) {
            gammaTs[i] = std::asin(clamp(points[i]/iorPrime, -1.0f, 1.0f));
            fresnelTerms[i] = Fresnel::dielectricReflectance(1.0f/Eta, cosHalfAngle*std::cos(gammaIs[i]));
            absorptions[i] = std::exp(-sigmaAPrime*2.0f*std::cos(gammaTs[i]));

        for (int phiI = 0; phiI < Resolution; ++phiI) {
            float phi = TWO_PI*phiI/(Resolution - 1.0f);

            float integralR = 0.0f;
            Vec3f integralTT(0.0f);
            Vec3f integralTRT(0.0f);

            // Here follows the integration across the fiber width, h.
            // Since we were able to precompute most of the factors that
            // are constant w.r.t phi for a given h,
            // we don't have to do much work here.
            for (int i = 0; i < integrator.numSamples(); ++i) {
                float fR = fresnelTerms[i];
                Vec3f T = absorptions[i];

                float AR = fR;
                Vec3f ATT = (1.0f - fR)*(1.0f - fR)*T;
                Vec3f ATRT = ATT*fR*T;

                integralR   += weights[i]*approxD(0, phi - Phi(gammaIs[i], gammaTs[i], 0))*AR;
                integralTT  += weights[i]*approxD(1, phi - Phi(gammaIs[i], gammaTs[i], 1))*ATT;
                integralTRT += weights[i]*approxD(2, phi - Phi(gammaIs[i], gammaTs[i], 2))*ATRT;

            valuesR  [phiI + y*Resolution] = Vec3f(0.5f*integralR);
            valuesTT [phiI + y*Resolution] = 0.5f*integralTT;
            valuesTRT[phiI + y*Resolution] = 0.5f*integralTRT;

    // Hand the values off to the helper class to construct sampling CDFs and so forth
    _nR  .reset(new PrecomputedAzimuthalLobe(std::move(valuesR)));
    _nTT .reset(new PrecomputedAzimuthalLobe(std::move(valuesTT)));
    _nTRT.reset(new PrecomputedAzimuthalLobe(std::move(valuesTRT)));