コード例 #1
ファイル: ModelSplatter.cpp プロジェクト: KNeal/osgearth
ModelSplatter::operator()(const TileKey& key, osg::Node* node)
    TerrainTileNode* tile = osgEarth::findTopMostNodeOfType<TerrainTileNode>(node);
    if ( !tile )

    if ( key.getLOD() >= _minLOD && _model.valid() )
        // make sure the correct model is loaded

        // elevation texture and matrix are required
        osg::Texture* elevationTex = tile->getElevationTexture();
        if ( !elevationTex )
            //OE_WARN << LC << "No elevation texture for key " << key.str() << "\n";

        osg::RefMatrix* elevationTexMat = tile->getElevationTextureMatrix();
        if ( !elevationTexMat )
            //OE_WARN << LC << "No elevation texture matrix for key " << key.str() << "\n";
        tile->addChild( _model.get() );

        osg::StateSet* ss = tile->getOrCreateStateSet();

        // first, a rotation vector to make trees point up.
        GeoPoint p;
        osg::Vec3d up;
        osg::Quat q;
        q.makeRotate(osg::Vec3d(0,0,1), up);
        osg::Matrixd zup = osg::Matrixd::rotate(q);

        // matrices to resolve the weird terrain localization into a usable LTP.
        osg::Matrix tile2world = tile->getMatrix();
        osg::Matrix world2ltp;
        osg::Matrix local2ltp = tile2world * world2ltp;
        osg::Matrix ltp2local;

        // after inverting the matrix, combine the ZUP (optimization)
        local2ltp.preMult( zup );

        ss->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_trees_local2ltp", osg::Matrixf(local2ltp)) );
        ss->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_trees_ltp2local", osg::Matrixf(ltp2local)) );

        // calculate the scatter area:
        float h = key.getExtent().height() * 111320.0f;
        float w = key.getExtent().width() * 111320.0f * cos(fabs(osg::DegreesToRadians(p.y())));
        ss->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_trees_span", osg::Vec2f(w,h)) );
        ss->setTextureAttributeAndModes(2, tile->getElevationTexture(), 1);
        ss->addUniform( new osg::Uniform("oe_terrain_tex_matrix", osg::Matrixf(*elevationTexMat)) );        
コード例 #2
ElevationQuery::getElevationImpl(const GeoPoint& point,
                                 float&          out_elevation,
                                 double          desiredResolution,
                                 double*         out_actualResolution)
    // assertion.
    if ( !point.isAbsolute() )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Assertion failure; input must be absolute" << std::endl;
        return false;

    osg::Timer_t begin = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();

    // first try the terrain patches.
    if ( _terrainModelLayers.size() > 0 )
        osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor iv;

        if ( _ivrc.valid() )

        for(LayerVector::iterator i = _terrainModelLayers.begin(); i != _terrainModelLayers.end(); ++i)
            // find the scene graph for this layer:
            Layer* layer = i->get();
            osg::Node* node = layer->getNode();
            if ( node )
                // configure for intersection:
                osg::Vec3d surface;
                point.toWorld( surface );

                // trivial bounds check:
                if ( node->getBound().contains(surface) )
                    osg::Vec3d nvector;

                    osg::Vec3d start( surface + nvector*5e5 );
                    osg::Vec3d end  ( surface - nvector*5e5 );

                    // first time through, set up the intersector on demand
                    if ( !_lsi.valid() )
                        _lsi = new osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector(start, end);
                        _lsi->setIntersectionLimit( _lsi->LIMIT_NEAREST );
                        _lsi->setStart( start );
                        _lsi->setEnd  ( end );

                    // try it.
                    iv.setIntersector( _lsi.get() );
                    node->accept( iv );

                    // check for a result!!
                    if ( _lsi->containsIntersections() )
                        osg::Vec3d isect = _lsi->getIntersections().begin()->getWorldIntersectPoint();

                        // transform back to input SRS:
                        GeoPoint output;
                        output.fromWorld( point.getSRS(), isect );
                        out_elevation = (float)output.z();
                        if ( out_actualResolution )
                            *out_actualResolution = 0.0;

                        return true;
                    //OE_INFO << LC << "Trivial rejection (bounds check)" << std::endl;

    if (_elevationLayers.empty())
        // this means there are no heightfields.
        out_elevation = NO_DATA_VALUE;
        return true;

    // secure map pointer:
    osg::ref_ptr<const Map> map;
    if (!_map.lock(map))
        return false;

    // tile size (resolution of elevation tiles)
    unsigned tileSize = 257; // yes?

    // default LOD:
    unsigned lod = 23u;

    // attempt to map the requested resolution to an LOD:
    if (desiredResolution > 0.0)
        int level = map->getProfile()->getLevelOfDetailForHorizResolution(desiredResolution, tileSize);
        if ( level > 0 )
            lod = level;

    // do we need a new ElevationEnvelope?
    if (!_envelope.valid() ||
        !point.getSRS()->isHorizEquivalentTo(_envelope->getSRS()) ||
        lod != _envelope->getLOD())
        _envelope = map->getElevationPool()->createEnvelope(point.getSRS(), lod);

    // sample the elevation, and if requested, the resolution as well:
    if (out_actualResolution)
        std::pair<float, float> result = _envelope->getElevationAndResolution(point.x(), point.y());
        out_elevation = result.first;
        *out_actualResolution = result.second;
        out_elevation = _envelope->getElevation(point.x(), point.y());

    return out_elevation != NO_DATA_VALUE;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ElevationQuery.cpp プロジェクト: Vantica/osgearth
ElevationQuery::getElevationImpl(const GeoPoint& point, /* abs */
                                 double&         out_elevation,
                                 double          desiredResolution,
                                 double*         out_actualResolution)
    // assertion.
    if ( !point.isAbsolute() )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Assertion failure; input must be absolute" << std::endl;
        return false;

    osg::Timer_t begin = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();

    // first try the terrain patches.
    if ( _patchLayers.size() > 0 )
        osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor iv;

        for(std::vector<ModelLayer*>::iterator i = _patchLayers.begin(); i != _patchLayers.end(); ++i)
            // find the scene graph for this layer:
            osg::Node* node = (*i)->getSceneGraph( _mapf.getUID() );
            if ( node )
                // configure for intersection:
                osg::Vec3d surface;
                point.toWorld( surface );

                // trivial bounds check:
                if ( node->getBound().contains(surface) )
                    osg::Vec3d nvector;

                    osg::Vec3d start( surface + nvector*5e5 );
                    osg::Vec3d end  ( surface - nvector*5e5 );
                    // first time through, set up the intersector on demand
                    if ( !_patchLayersLSI.valid() )
                        _patchLayersLSI = new DPLineSegmentIntersector(start, end);
                        _patchLayersLSI->setIntersectionLimit( _patchLayersLSI->LIMIT_NEAREST );
                        _patchLayersLSI->setStart( start );
                        _patchLayersLSI->setEnd  ( end );

                    // try it.
                    iv.setIntersector( _patchLayersLSI.get() );
                    node->accept( iv );

                    // check for a result!!
                    if ( _patchLayersLSI->containsIntersections() )
                        osg::Vec3d isect = _patchLayersLSI->getIntersections().begin()->getWorldIntersectPoint();

                        // transform back to input SRS:
                        GeoPoint output;
                        output.fromWorld( point.getSRS(), isect );
                        out_elevation = output.z();
                        if ( out_actualResolution )
                            *out_actualResolution = 0.0;

                        return true;
                    //OE_INFO << LC << "Trivial rejection (bounds check)" << std::endl;

    if ( _mapf.elevationLayers().empty() )
        // this means there are no heightfields.
        out_elevation = 0.0;
        return true;        

    // tile size (resolution of elevation tiles)
    unsigned tileSize = std::max(_mapf.getMapOptions().elevationTileSize().get(), 2u);

    //This is the max resolution that we actually have data at this point
    unsigned int bestAvailLevel = getMaxLevel( point.x(), point.y(), point.getSRS(), _mapf.getProfile());

    if (desiredResolution > 0.0)
        unsigned int desiredLevel = _mapf.getProfile()->getLevelOfDetailForHorizResolution( desiredResolution, tileSize );
        if (desiredLevel < bestAvailLevel) bestAvailLevel = desiredLevel;

    OE_DEBUG << LC << "Best available data level " << point.x() << ", " << point.y() << " = "  << bestAvailLevel << std::endl;

    // transform the input coords to map coords:
    GeoPoint mapPoint = point;
    if ( point.isValid() && !point.getSRS()->isHorizEquivalentTo( _mapf.getProfile()->getSRS() ) )
        mapPoint = point.transform(_mapf.getProfile()->getSRS());
        if ( !mapPoint.isValid() )
            OE_WARN << LC << "Fail: coord transform failed" << std::endl;
            return false;

    // get the tilekey corresponding to the tile we need:
    TileKey key = _mapf.getProfile()->createTileKey( mapPoint.x(), mapPoint.y(), bestAvailLevel );
    if ( !key.valid() )
        OE_WARN << LC << "Fail: coords fall outside map" << std::endl;
        return false;
    bool result = false;      
    while (!result)
        GeoHeightField geoHF;
        TileCache::Record record;
        // Try to get the hf from the cache
        if ( _cache.get( key, record ) )
            geoHF = record.value();
            // Create it            
            osg::ref_ptr<osg::HeightField> hf = new osg::HeightField();
            hf->allocate( tileSize, tileSize );

            // Initialize the heightfield to nodata
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hf->getFloatArray()->size(); i++)
                hf->getFloatArray()->at( i ) = NO_DATA_VALUE;

            if (_mapf.populateHeightField(hf, key, false))
                geoHF = GeoHeightField( hf.get(), key.getExtent() );
                _cache.insert( key, geoHF );

        if (geoHF.valid())
            float elevation = 0.0f;                 
            result = geoHF.getElevation( mapPoint.getSRS(), mapPoint.x(), mapPoint.y(), _mapf.getMapInfo().getElevationInterpolation(), mapPoint.getSRS(), elevation);                              
            if (result && elevation != NO_DATA_VALUE)
                // see what the actual resolution of the heightfield is.
                if ( out_actualResolution )
                    *out_actualResolution = geoHF.getXInterval(); 
                out_elevation = (double)elevation;                
                result = false;

        if (!result)
            key = key.createParentKey();                        
            if (!key.valid())


    osg::Timer_t end = osg::Timer::instance()->tick();
    _totalTime += osg::Timer::instance()->delta_s( begin, end );

    return result;