コード例 #1
ファイル: graddpelement.C プロジェクト: framby/OOFEM_Johannes
GradDpElement :: computeStiffnessMatrix_kk(FloatMatrix &answer, MatResponseMode rMode, TimeStep *tStep)
    StructuralElement *elem = this->giveStructuralElement();
    double dV;
    FloatMatrix lStiff;
    FloatArray Nk;
    FloatMatrix Bk, LBk;
    StructuralCrossSection *cs = elem->giveStructuralCrossSection();


    for ( auto &gp: *elem->giveIntegrationRule(0) ) {

        GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface *dpmat = dynamic_cast< GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface * >(
            cs->giveMaterialInterface(GradDpMaterialExtensionInterfaceType, gp) );
        if ( !dpmat ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("Material doesn't implement the required DpGrad interface!");

        this->computeNkappaMatrixAt(gp, Nk);
        this->computeBkappaMatrixAt(gp, Bk);
        dV = elem->computeVolumeAround(gp);

        dpmat->givePDGradMatrix_kk(lStiff, rMode, gp, tStep);
        answer.plusProductUnsym(Nk, Nk, dV);
        if ( dpmat->giveAveragingType() == 0 || dpmat->giveAveragingType() == 1 ) {
            double l = lStiff.at(1, 1);
            answer.plusProductUnsym(Bk, Bk, l * l * dV);
        } else if ( dpmat->giveAveragingType() == 2 ) {
            LBk.beProductOf(lStiff, Bk);
            answer.plusProductUnsym(Bk, LBk, dV);
コード例 #2
ファイル: lsmastermatgrad.C プロジェクト: erisve/oofem
LargeStrainMasterMaterialGrad :: giveInternalLength(FloatMatrix &answer, MatResponseMode mode, GaussPoint *gp, TimeStep *tStep)
    GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface *graddpmat = dynamic_cast< GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface * >( domain->giveMaterial(slaveMat)->giveInterface(GradDpMaterialExtensionInterfaceType) );
    if ( graddpmat == NULL ) {
        OOFEM_WARNING("material %d has no Structural support", slaveMat);

    graddpmat->givePDGradMatrix_kk(answer, mode, gp, tStep);
コード例 #3
ファイル: graddpelement.C プロジェクト: framby/OOFEM_Johannes
GradDpElement :: computeStiffnessMatrix(FloatMatrix &answer, MatResponseMode rMode, TimeStep *tStep)
    //set displacement and nonlocal location array

    NLStructuralElement *elem = this->giveNLStructuralElement();
    StructuralCrossSection *cs = elem->giveStructuralCrossSection();
    FloatMatrix B, D, DB;
    FloatMatrix DkuB, Dku;
    FloatArray Nk;
    FloatMatrix SNk, gPSigma;
    FloatMatrix lStiff;
    FloatMatrix Bk, LBk;
    FloatMatrix answer_uu, answer_ku, answer_uk, answer_kk;

    int nlGeo = elem->giveGeometryMode();
    bool matStiffSymmFlag = elem->giveCrossSection()->isCharacteristicMtrxSymmetric(rMode);

    for ( auto &gp : *elem->giveIntegrationRule(0) ) {
        GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface *dpmat = dynamic_cast< GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface * >(
            cs->giveMaterialInterface(GradDpMaterialExtensionInterfaceType, gp) );
        if ( !dpmat ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("Material doesn't implement the required DpGrad interface!");

        double dV = elem->computeVolumeAround(gp);

        if ( nlGeo == 0 ) {
            elem->computeBmatrixAt(gp, B);
        } else if ( nlGeo == 1 ) {
            if ( elem->domain->giveEngngModel()->giveFormulation() == AL ) {
                elem->computeBmatrixAt(gp, B);
            } else {
                elem->computeBHmatrixAt(gp, B);
        this->computeNkappaMatrixAt(gp, Nk);
        this->computeBkappaMatrixAt(gp, Bk);

        dpmat->givePDGradMatrix_uu(D, rMode, gp, tStep);
        dpmat->givePDGradMatrix_ku(Dku, rMode, gp, tStep);
        dpmat->givePDGradMatrix_uk(gPSigma, rMode, gp, tStep);
        dpmat->givePDGradMatrix_kk(lStiff, rMode, gp, tStep);

        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// uu:
        DB.beProductOf(D, B);
        if ( matStiffSymmFlag ) {
            answer_uu.plusProductSymmUpper(B, DB, dV);
        } else {
            answer_uu.plusProductUnsym(B, DB, dV);

        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ku:
        DkuB.beProductOf(Dku, B);
        answer_ku.plusProductUnsym(Nk, DkuB, -dV);

        if ( dpmat->giveAveragingType() == 2 ) {
            double dl1, dl2, dl3;
            FloatMatrix LDB;
            FloatMatrix GkLDB, MGkLDB;
            FloatMatrix M22, M12;
            FloatMatrix dL1(1, 3), dL2(1, 3), dLdS;
            FloatArray Gk, n1, n2;

            dpmat->givePDGradMatrix_LD(dLdS, rMode, gp, tStep);
            this->computeNonlocalGradient(Gk, gp, tStep);

            dl1 = dLdS.at(3, 3);
            dl2 = dLdS.at(4, 4);
            dl3 = dLdS.at(5, 5);
            n1 = {dLdS.at(1, 1), dLdS.at(2, 1)};
            n2 = {dLdS.at(1, 2), dLdS.at(2, 2)};

            // first term Bk^T M22 G L1 D B
            // M22 = n2 \otimes n2
            M22.plusDyadUnsym(n2, n2, 1.);
            // dL1
            dL1.at(1, 1) = dl1 * n1.at(1) * n1.at(1) + dl2 * n2.at(1) * n2.at(1);
            dL1.at(1, 2) = dl1 * n1.at(2) * n1.at(2) + dl2 * n2.at(2) * n2.at(2);
            dL1.at(1, 3) = dl1 * n1.at(1) * n1.at(2) + dl2 * n2.at(1) * n2.at(2);

            LDB.beProductOf(dL1, DB);
            GkLDB.beProductOf(Gk, LDB);
            MGkLDB.beProductOf(M22, GkLDB);
            answer.plusProductUnsym(Bk, MGkLDB, dV);

            // M12 + M21  = n1 \otimes n2 + n2 \otimes n1
            M12.plusDyadUnsym(n1, n2, 1.);
            M12.plusDyadUnsym(n2, n1, 1.);
            dL2.at(1, 1) = dl3 * ( n1.at(1) * n2.at(1) + n1.at(1) * n2.at(1) );
            dL2.at(1, 2) = dl3 * ( n1.at(2) * n2.at(2) + n1.at(2) * n2.at(2) );
            dL2.at(1, 3) = dl3 * ( n1.at(2) * n2.at(1) + n1.at(1) * n2.at(2) );

            // Bk * ((M12 * L2 + M22 * L1) * DB)
            LDB.beProductOf(dL2, DB);
            GkLDB.beProductOf(Gk, LDB);
            MGkLDB.beProductOf(M12, GkLDB);
            answer.plusProductUnsym(Bk, MGkLDB, dV);

        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// uk:
        SNk.beProductOf(gPSigma, Nk);
        answer_uk.plusProductUnsym(B, SNk, -dV); // uk

        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// kk:
        answer_kk.plusProductUnsym(Nk, Nk, dV);
        if ( dpmat->giveAveragingType() == 0 || dpmat->giveAveragingType() == 1 ) {
            double l = lStiff.at(1, 1);
            answer_kk.plusProductUnsym(Bk, Bk, l * l * dV);
        } else if ( dpmat->giveAveragingType() == 2 ) {
            LBk.beProductOf(lStiff, Bk);
            answer_kk.plusProductUnsym(Bk, LBk, dV);

    if ( elem->domain->giveEngngModel()->giveFormulation() == AL ) {
        FloatMatrix initialStressMatrix;
        elem->computeInitialStressMatrix(initialStressMatrix, tStep);

    if ( matStiffSymmFlag ) {

    answer.resize(totalSize, totalSize);
    answer.assemble(answer_uu, locU);
    answer.assemble(answer_uk, locU, locK);
    answer.assemble(answer_ku, locK, locU);
コード例 #4
ファイル: graddpelement.C プロジェクト: framby/OOFEM_Johannes
GradDpElement :: giveInternalForcesVector(FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, int useUpdatedGpRecord)
    NLStructuralElement *elem = this->giveNLStructuralElement();
    StructuralCrossSection *cs = elem->giveStructuralCrossSection();
    FloatArray answerU, answerK;

    double localCumulatedStrain = 0.;
    FloatMatrix stiffKappa, B;
    FloatArray Nk, aux, dKappa, stress;
    FloatMatrix lStiff;
    FloatMatrix Bk;
    FloatArray gKappa, L_gKappa;

    //set displacement and nonlocal location array

    this->computeNonlocalDegreesOfFreedom(dKappa, tStep);

    int nlGeo = elem->giveGeometryMode();
    for ( auto &gp: *elem->giveIntegrationRule(0) ) {
        GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface *dpmat = dynamic_cast< GradDpMaterialExtensionInterface * >(
            cs->giveMaterialInterface(GradDpMaterialExtensionInterfaceType, gp) );
        if ( !dpmat ) {
            OOFEM_ERROR("Material doesn't implement the required DpGrad interface!");

        double dV = elem->computeVolumeAround(gp);

        if ( nlGeo == 0 || elem->domain->giveEngngModel()->giveFormulation() == AL ) {
            elem->computeBmatrixAt(gp, B);
        } else if ( nlGeo == 1 ) {
            elem->computeBHmatrixAt(gp, B);
        this->computeStressVectorAndLocalCumulatedStrain(stress, localCumulatedStrain, gp, tStep);

        answerU.plusProduct(B, stress, dV);

        // Gradient part:
        this->computeNkappaMatrixAt(gp, Nk);
        this->computeBkappaMatrixAt(gp, Bk);

        dpmat->givePDGradMatrix_kk(lStiff, TangentStiffness, gp, tStep);
        double kappa = Nk.dotProduct(dKappa);
        gKappa.beProductOf(Bk, dKappa);

        answerK.add(-dV * localCumulatedStrain, Nk);
        answerK.add(kappa * dV, Nk);

        if ( dpmat->giveAveragingType() == 0 || dpmat->giveAveragingType() == 1 ) {
            double l = lStiff.at(1, 1);
            answerK.plusProduct(Bk, gKappa, l * l * dV);
        } else if ( dpmat->giveAveragingType() == 2 ) {
            L_gKappa.beProductOf(lStiff, gKappa);
            answerK.plusProduct(Bk, L_gKappa, dV);

    //this->computeStiffnessMatrix_kk(stiffKappa, TangentStiffness, tStep);
    //answerK.beProductOf(stiffKappa, dKappa);

    answer.assemble(answerU, locU);
    answer.assemble(answerK, locK);