コード例 #1
void GraphicalUintTest::test_value()
  GraphicalInt * value = new GraphicalInt(true);
  QDoubleSpinBox * spinBox = findSpinBox(value);
  QVariant theValue;

  theValue = value->value();
  QVERIFY( theValue.type() == QVariant::UInt );
  QCOMPARE( theValue.toInt(), 0 );

  theValue = value->value();
  QVERIFY( theValue.type() == QVariant::UInt );
  QCOMPARE( theValue.toInt(), 412654 );

  delete value;
コード例 #2
void GraphicalIntTest::test_value()
  GraphicalInt * value = new GraphicalInt(false);
  QDoubleSpinBox * spinBox = findSpinBox(value);
  QVariant theValue;

  // get value when the line edit is empty
  theValue = value->value();
  QVERIFY( theValue.type() == QVariant::Int );
  QCOMPARE( theValue.toInt(), 0 );

  // get value when the line edit has a string
  theValue = value->value();
  QVERIFY( theValue.type() == QVariant::Int );
  QCOMPARE( theValue.toInt(), 488654 );

  delete value;