void CMyPhoneEndPoint::OnLogicalChannel(const H323Channel & channel, unsigned txStrID, unsigned rxStrID) { const H323Capability & capability = channel.GetCapability(); PString name = capability.GetFormatName(); PString frames; if (capability.GetMainType() == H323Capability::e_Video) { unsigned numFrames = channel.GetDirection() == H323Channel::IsTransmitter ? capability.GetTxFramesInPacket() : capability.GetRxFramesInPacket(); frames.sprintf(" (%u frames)", numFrames); } // else if (capability.GetMainType() == H323Capability::e_Video) // { // frames.sprintf(" (%ux%u pixels)", videoWidth, videoHeight); // } switch (channel.GetDirection()) { case H323Channel::IsTransmitter : m_dialog->OutputStatus(txStrID, (const char *)name, (const char *)frames); break; case H323Channel::IsReceiver : m_dialog->OutputStatus(rxStrID, (const char *)name, (const char *)frames); break; default : break; } }
/** This callback function is invoked once upon creation of each * channel for an H323 session */ BOOL MyH323Connection::OnStartLogicalChannel(H323Channel & channel) { /* Increase the count of channels we have open */ channelsOpen++; if (h323debug) { cout << "\t-- Started logical channel: "; cout << ((channel.GetDirection()==H323Channel::IsTransmitter)?"sending ":((channel.GetDirection()==H323Channel::IsReceiver)?"receiving ":" ")); cout << (const char *)(channel.GetCapability()).GetFormatName() << endl; cout << "\t\t-- channelsOpen = " << channelsOpen << endl; } return connectionState != ShuttingDownConnection; }
BOOL CMyPhoneEndPoint::OnStartLogicalChannel(H323Connection &, H323Channel & channel) { if( isIncomingCall && m_fAutoMute && (channel.GetCapability().GetMainType()==H323Capability::e_Audio) && (channel.GetDirection()==H323Channel::IsTransmitter) ) { channel.SetPause(TRUE); m_dialog->m_micMute.SetCheck(BST_CHECKED); m_dialog->m_micMute.SetIcon(::LoadIcon(AfxGetInstanceHandle(),MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_MICMUTEICON))); } OnLogicalChannel(channel, IDS_STARTCHANNELTX, IDS_STARTCHANNELRX); return TRUE; }
/** This callback function is invoked once upon creation of each * channel for an H323 session */ BOOL MyH323Connection::OnStartLogicalChannel(H323Channel & channel) { PIPSocket::Address remoteIpAddress; WORD remotePort; if (h323debug) { cout << " -- Started logical channel: "; cout << ((channel.GetDirection()==H323Channel::IsTransmitter)?"sending ":((channel.GetDirection()==H323Channel::IsReceiver)?"receiving ":" ")); cout << (const char *)(channel.GetCapability()).GetFormatName() << endl; } /* adjust the count of channels we have open */ channelsOpen++; if (h323debug) { cout << " -- channelsOpen = " << channelsOpen << endl; } if (!Lock()) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR,"chan_h323: OnStartLogicalChannel: Could not obtain connection lock"); return FALSE; } /* Connect RTP for incoming calls */ if (!AST_Outgoing) { H323_ExternalRTPChannel & external = (H323_ExternalRTPChannel &)channel; external.GetRemoteAddress(remoteIpAddress, remotePort); if (h323debug) { cout << "\t\tRTP channel id " << sessionId << " parameters:" << endl; cout << "\t\t-- remoteIpAddress: " << remoteIpAddress << endl; cout << "\t\t-- remotePort: " << remotePort << endl; cout << "\t\t-- ExternalIpAddress: " << externalIpAddress << endl; cout << "\t\t-- ExternalPort: " << externalPort << endl; } /* Notify Asterisk of remote RTP information */ on_start_logical_channel(GetCallReference(), (const char *)remoteIpAddress.AsString(), remotePort, (const char *)GetCallToken()); AST_RTP_Connected = TRUE; } Unlock(); return TRUE; }
BOOL CMyPhoneEndPoint::OpenVideoChannel(H323Connection & connection, BOOL isEncoding, H323VideoCodec & codec) { PVideoChannel * channel = new PVideoChannel; PVideoDevice * displayDevice = NULL; if (isEncoding) { // Transmitter part if(!autoStartTransmitVideo) return FALSE; codec.SetTxQualityLevel(config.GetInteger(VideoQualityConfigKey,15)); codec.SetBackgroundFill(2); int videoOutMaxBitRate = config.GetInteger(VideoOutMaxbandWidthKey, 320); videoOutMaxBitRate = 1024 * PMAX(16, PMIN(10240, videoOutMaxBitRate)); H323Channel * lchannel = codec.GetLogicalChannel(); const H323Capability & capability = lchannel->GetCapability(); PString cname = capability.GetFormatName(); PINDEX suffixPos = cname.Find("H.263"); if(suffixPos == P_MAX_INDEX) suffixPos = cname.Find("H.261"); int videoSize = config.GetInteger(VideoOutSizeConfigKey, 2); int width=352, height=288; suffixPos = P_MAX_INDEX; switch(videoSize) { case 0: //QCIF width = 176; height = 144; break; case 1: //QVGA if(suffixPos == P_MAX_INDEX) { width = 320; height = 240; break; } case 2: //CIF width = 352; height = 288; break; case 3: //VGA if(suffixPos == P_MAX_INDEX) { width = 640; height = 480; break; } case 5: //SVGA if(suffixPos == P_MAX_INDEX) { width = 800; height = 600; break; } case 6: //XVGA if(suffixPos == P_MAX_INDEX) { width = 1024; height = 768; break; } case 4: //4CIF width = 704; height = 576; break; case 7: //HD 720 if(suffixPos == P_MAX_INDEX) { width = 1280; height = 720; break; } case 8: //SXGA if(suffixPos == P_MAX_INDEX) { width = 1280; height = 1024; break; } case 9: //16CIF width = 1408; height = 1152; break; case 10: //UXGA if(suffixPos == P_MAX_INDEX) { width = 1600; height = 1200; break; } case 11: //HD 1080 if(suffixPos == P_MAX_INDEX) { width = 1920; height = 1080; break; } default: break; } PTRACE(1, "Video device videoSize=" << videoSize << " width=" << width << " height=" << height); codec.SetVideoSize(width, height); width = codec.GetWidth(); height = codec.GetHeight(); PTRACE(1, "Accepted video device width=" << width << " height=" << height); int curMBR = codec.GetMaxBitRate(); if(curMBR > videoOutMaxBitRate) codec.SetMaxBitRate(videoOutMaxBitRate); int videoFramesPS = config.GetInteger(VideoFPSKey, 10); codec.SetGeneralCodecOption("Frame Rate",videoFramesPS); //Create grabber. bool NoDevice = false; PString deviceName = config.GetString(VideoDeviceConfigKey, deviceName); if (deviceName.IsEmpty()) { PStringArray devices = PVideoInputDevice::GetDriversDeviceNames(VideoInputDriver); if (!devices.IsEmpty()) deviceName = devices[0]; else NoDevice = true; } PVideoInputDevice * grabber = NULL; if (deviceName.Find("fake") == 0) NoDevice = true; // else if (deviceName.Find("screen") == 0) grabber = PVideoInputDevice::CreateDevice("ScreenVideo"); else grabber = PVideoInputDevice::CreateDeviceByName(deviceName,VideoInputDriver); if (NoDevice || !grabber->Open(deviceName, FALSE) || !grabber->SetFrameSize(width, height) || !grabber->SetColourFormatConverter("YUV420P") || !grabber->SetVFlipState(localFlip)) { if(!NoDevice) { char sSrc[64]; m_dialog->OutputStatusStr((LPCTSTR)LoadStringLang(IDS_ERRVDEVSTR), S_SYSTEM, (const char *) deviceName, itoa(config.GetInteger(VideoSourceConfigKey,0), sSrc, 10)); PTRACE(1, "Failed to open or configure the video device \"" << deviceName << '"'); } if(grabber) delete grabber; grabber = PVideoInputDevice::CreateDevice("FakeVideo"); grabber->SetColourFormat("YUV420P"); grabber->SetVideoFormat(PVideoDevice::PAL); grabber->SetFrameSize(width, height); grabber->SetVFlipState(localFlip); grabber->SetChannel(4); } if(videoFramesPS >0 && videoFramesPS<30) grabber->SetFrameRate(videoFramesPS); grabber->Start(); channel->AttachVideoReader(grabber); /* if (localVideo) { BOOL curVFlip = config.GetBoolean(VideoOutVFlipConfigKey, FALSE); BOOL curHFlip = config.GetBoolean(VideoOutHFlipConfigKey, FALSE); displayDevice = new CVideoOutputDevice(m_dialog, connection.GetLocalPartyName(), curVFlip, curHFlip, TRUE, FALSE); } else */ displayDevice = PVideoOutputDevice::CreateDevice("NULLOutput"); } else { // Receiver part if(!autoStartReceiveVideo) return FALSE; BOOL curVFlip = config.GetBoolean(VideoInVFlipConfigKey, FALSE); BOOL curHFlip = config.GetBoolean(VideoInHFlipConfigKey, FALSE); displayDevice = new CVideoOutputDevice( m_vdlg, (LPCTSTR)m_dialog->FindContactName(connection), curVFlip, curHFlip, FALSE, localVideo); } if(displayDevice) { int width = codec.GetWidth(); int height = codec.GetHeight(); // if( m_dialog->autohideVideoPan && !m_dialog->showVideoPan) // m_dialog->ShowVideoPanels(TRUE); // show Video panel if it's hiden displayDevice->SetColourFormat("RGB32"); displayDevice->SetColourFormatConverter("YUV420P"); displayDevice->SetFrameSize(width, height); //Give the video window refreshing class to the channel. channel->AttachVideoPlayer((PVideoOutputDevice *)displayDevice); } return codec.AttachChannel(channel,TRUE); }