コード例 #1
ファイル: activeH5.cpp プロジェクト: ActiveAnalytics/activeH5
// Function to return a selected part of a data frame as a list
List ch5ChunkSel(string chunkName, CharacterVector selCols, string filePath)
  // Open the file in Read/Write Mode, H5F_ACC_RDONLY
  H5File *file = new H5File(filePath, H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
  // Opening the data set 
  DataSet dataset = file->openDataSet((H5std_string)chunkName);
  // Opening the data space
  DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace();
  // Get the number of dimensions
  int ndim = dataspace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
  // Create a dimension object to be filled with the dimensions of the data set
  hsize_t dims[ndim];
  // Fill the dimension of the dataset
  dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims(dims, NULL);
  // Create the return data
  // Filling the matrix with data form the dataspace
  SEXP data;
  // Allocating a matrix of the right size and dimension
  data = PROTECT(Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, dims[0], dims[1]));
  // Filling the matrix with data form the dataspace
  dataset.read(REAL(data), PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataspace);
  // converting the R object to a numeric matrix
  NumericMatrix M = as<NumericMatrix>(data);
  CharacterVector colNames = ch5ReadCharVector("ColumnNames", filePath);
  CharacterVector colClasses = ch5ReadCharVector("ColumnClasses", filePath);
  // Create the output
  List DF;
  string colName;
  string colClass;
  NumericVector vec;
  CharacterVector levels;
  int n = selCols.size();
  IntegerVector sel(n);
  int selN;
  // First we need to find which of the columns has been selected
  sel = match(selCols, colNames);
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    colName = selCols[i];
    selN = sel[i] - 1;
    colClass = colClasses[selN];
    if(colClass != "factor")
      DF[colName] = M(_, selN); 
      vec = M(_, selN);
      levels = (CharacterVector)ch5ReadFactor(colName, filePath);
      DF[colName] = cCreateFactor(vec, levels);
  return DF;
コード例 #2
ファイル: BkgModelHdf5.cpp プロジェクト: Lingrui/TS
void BkgParamH5::InitBeads_BestRegion( H5File &h5_local_ref, int nBeads_live, const Region *region)
    char buff[80];
    //cout << "BkgParamH5::InitBeads_BestRegion... bestRegion=" << bestRegion.first << "," << bestRegion.second << endl << flush;
	// only once (the first flow, not all flows) 
    beads_bestRegion_timeframe.InitBasicCube (h5_local_ref,1,max_frames,1,"/bestRegion/timeframe", "Time Frame", "frameNumber");
    beads_bestRegion_location.InitBasicCube (h5_local_ref,nBeads_live,2,1,"/bestRegion/location", "y(row),x(col) for each bead", "row,col" );
    beads_bestRegion_SP.InitBasicCube(h5_local_ref,nBeads_live,1,1,"/bestRegion/SP","SP: copies*copy_multiplier","");
    beads_bestRegion_R.InitBasicCube(h5_local_ref,nBeads_live,1,1,"/bestRegion/R","R: ratio of bead buffering to empty buffering","");
	// all flows 
    beads_bestRegion_predicted.InitBasicCube(h5_local_ref,nBeads_live,max_frames,datacube_numflows,"/bestRegion/predicted","predicted trace","");
    beads_bestRegion_corrected.InitBasicCube(h5_local_ref,nBeads_live,max_frames,datacube_numflows,"/bestRegion/corrected","background-adjusted trace","");
    beads_bestRegion_residual.InitBasicCube(h5_local_ref,nBeads_live,1,datacube_numflows,"/bestRegion/residual","residual error","");
コード例 #3
ファイル: activeH5.cpp プロジェクト: ActiveAnalytics/activeH5
//'@title Function to write a matrix chunk to file
//'@description Function is intended for internal use
//'@param dset character denoting the meta data name of the data set
//'@param chunk matrix that will be written to h5file
//'@param dim numeric containing the dimension of the matrix that will be written to file
//'@param filePath character denoting the location of the h5 file
//'@return int 0
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int h5WriteDoubleMat (std::string dset, SEXP chunk, NumericVector dim, std::string filePath)
  H5File *file = new H5File(filePath, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
  // Data initialization.
  int rank = 2;
  hsize_t dims[rank];              // dataset dimensions
  for(int k = 0; k < rank; k++)
    dims[k] = dim(k);
  const void *buf = REAL(chunk);
  // Create the data space for the dataset.
  DataSpace dataspace (rank, dims, NULL);
  // Create the dataset.
  H5std_string dsetName(dset);
  DataSet dataset = file->createDataSet(dsetName, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataspace);

  // Write the data to the dataset using default memory space, file
  // space, and transfer properties.
  dataset.write(buf, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE);
  dataset.close(); //nn
  return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: activeH5.cpp プロジェクト: ActiveAnalytics/activeH5
CharacterVector ch5ReadFactor(string charName, string filePath)
  H5File *file = new H5File(filePath, H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
  // Group Meta Group
  Group* metaGroup = new Group(file->openGroup("/MetaData/Factor"));
  // Getting the data set from the file 
  DataSet dataset = metaGroup->openDataSet((H5std_string)charName);
  // Getting the data space from the dataset
  DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace();
  // We know that it is a char vector array so ndim = 1
  hsize_t dims[1];
  // Getting the length of strings
  dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims(dims, NULL);
  // for convenience
  int dim = dims[0];
  // String Type
  StrType vlst(0, H5T_VARIABLE);
  // Returning  the data
  char *strRet[dim];
  dataset.read(strRet, vlst);
  CharacterVector out(dim);
  for(int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
    out[i] = strRet[i];
  dataset.close(); //nn
  return out;
コード例 #5
int TestCompress()

	unsigned int flags = 0;
    unsigned int config = 0;
    size_t cd_nelemts = 0;

    try {
        /* Create packet table with compression. */
        FL_PacketTable wrapper(fileID, "/compressTest", H5T_NATIVE_CHAR, 100, 8);

        /* Create an HDF5 C++ file object */
        H5File file;

        /* Make sure that the deflate filter is set by opening the packet table
         * as a dataset and getting its creation property list */
        DataSet dsetID = file.openDataSet("/compressTest");

        DSetCreatPropList dcplID = dsetID.getCreatePlist();

        dcplID.getFilterById(H5Z_FILTER_DEFLATE, flags, cd_nelemts, NULL, 0, NULL, config);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return 1;
    puts("    deflate filter not enabled");
    return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: activeH5.cpp プロジェクト: ActiveAnalytics/activeH5
//'@title This function writes an integer meta data to file
//'@description This function is inteded for internal use
//'@param intName the name of the meta data item to be written
//'@param integer int that will be written to the meta data described by intName
//'@param filePath character path to the h5 file where data will be written
//'@param update int flag for whether item is new (0) or whether it will overwrite a previous item (1)
//'@return int 0
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int h5WriteInt(std::string intName, int integer, std::string filePath, int update)
  H5File *file = new H5File(filePath, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
  // Colclasses dim
  hsize_t dim[1] = {1};
  string meta = "/MetaData";
  // Group Meta Group
  Group* metaGroup = new Group(file->openGroup(meta));
  // dataspace
  DataSpace dataspace = DataSpace(1, dim);
  DataSet dataset;
  if(update == 1)
    string slash = "/";
    string groupName = meta + slash + intName;
  dataset = metaGroup->createDataSet(intName, PredType::NATIVE_INT, dataspace);
  dataset.write(&integer, PredType::NATIVE_INT);
  dataset.close(); //nn
  return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: wrapper_i_hdf.cpp プロジェクト: nanjiye123/tracking
Tuplef Wrapper_i_hdf::get_dims()const
  Tuplef tmp;

  H5File file =  H5File( file_name_, H5F_ACC_RDONLY );  
  Group  group = Group(file.openGroup("/"));

  Attr_list_hdf attr_list(&group);

    throw invalid_argument("input file does not have a version");
  int file_version = 0;
  if(attr_list.get_value("version",file_version) != 1)
    throw invalid_argument("input file is not the right version");


  return Tuplef(tmp);
コード例 #8
ファイル: activeH5.cpp プロジェクト: ActiveAnalytics/activeH5
//'@title Function creates the groups for the meta data to be written to the h5 file
//'@description Function to create the groups in the h5 file before it is populated.
//'This function is intended for internal use only
//'@param filePath character path to the location where the h5 file will be written
//'@return int 0
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int h5CreateMetaData(std::string filePath)
  H5File *file = new H5File(filePath, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
  hsize_t dims[1] = {1};  
  // The variable length string type
  StrType vlst(0, H5T_VARIABLE);
  // Creating the meta data group
  Group *metaGroup = new Group(file->createGroup("/MetaData"));
  // File path
  H5std_string fString("FilePath");
  DataSpace fileDataSpace (1, dims, NULL);
  DataSet fileDataSet;
  // Create a dataset in the group
  fileDataSet = metaGroup->createDataSet(fString, vlst, fileDataSpace);
  fileDataSet.write(filePath, vlst);
  // Create the factor group
  Group *factorGroup = new Group(metaGroup->createGroup("/MetaData/Factor"));
  fileDataSet.close(); //nn
  return 0;
コード例 #9
ファイル: activeH5.cpp プロジェクト: ActiveAnalytics/activeH5
//'@title Function for dummy read
//'@param chunkName the name of the chunk to be read back
//'@param filePath the path to the h5 file
//'@return int 0
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int h5DummyRead(std::string chunkName, std::string filePath)
  // Open the file in Read/Write Mode, H5F_ACC_RDONLY
  H5File *file = new H5File(filePath, H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
  // Opening the data set 
  DataSet dataset = file->openDataSet((H5std_string)chunkName);
  // Opening the data space
  DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace();
  // Get the number of dimensions
  int ndim = dataspace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
  // Create a dimension object to be filled with the dimensions of the data set
  hsize_t dims[ndim];
  // Fill the dimension of the dataset
  dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims(dims, NULL);
  // Create the return data
  SEXP data;
  // Allocating a matrix of the right size and dimension
  data = PROTECT(Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, dims[0], dims[1]));
  // Filling the matrix with data form the dataspace
  dataset.read(REAL(data), PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataspace);
  return 0;
コード例 #10
vector<string> get_feature_names(H5File h5f)
    vector<string> out;
    int num_features;
    for (int i = 0; i < h5f.getNumObjs(); i++)
    return out;
コード例 #11
ファイル: activeH5.cpp プロジェクト: ActiveAnalytics/activeH5
//'@title Legacy function to return a data frame chunk as a list
//'@description Experimental function not intended for use at all
//'@param chunkName the name of the chunk to be read
//'@param filePath the path to the h5 file
//'@return List of the data frame chunk
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP h5ReadDoubleMat3(std::string chunkName, std::string filePath)
  // Open the file in Read/Write Mode, H5F_ACC_RDONLY
  H5File *file = new H5File(filePath, H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
  // Opening the data set 
  DataSet dataset = file->openDataSet((H5std_string)chunkName);
  // Opening the data space
  DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace();
  // Get the number of dimensions
  int ndim = dataspace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
  // Create a dimension object to be filled with the dimensions of the data set
  hsize_t dims[ndim];
  // Fill the dimension of the dataset
  dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims(dims, NULL);
  // Create the return data
  // Filling the matrix with data form the dataspace
  //double (*buf)[dims[1]]*[dims[0]] = malloc(dims[1]]*[dims[0] * sizeof *buf);
  //buf[dims[1]][dims[0]] = 0.0;
  double **buf = (double**) calloc (dims[1]*dims[0], sizeof(double));
  buf[dims[1]][dims[0]] = 0.0;
  //double buf[dims[1]][dims[0]];
  dataset.read(buf, PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataspace);
  // Attempt tp append the contents to a list
  List out;
  NumericVector vec(dims[0]);
  NumericMatrix M(dims[0], dims[1]);
  CharacterVector colNames = ch5ReadCharVector("ColumnNames", filePath);
  CharacterVector colClasses = ch5ReadCharVector("ColumnClasses", filePath);
  string colName;
  for(int i = 0; i < dims[1]; i++)
    NumericVector vec(dims[0]);
    for(int j = 0; j < dims[0]; j++)
      M(j,i) = buf[i][j];
      vec(j) = buf[i][j];
    colName = colNames[i];
    if(colClasses[i] == "factor")
      CharacterVector levels;
      levels = h5ReadFactor(colName, filePath);
      IntegerVector fact(vec.size());
      fact = cCreateFactor(vec, levels);
      out[colName] = fact;
      out[colName] = vec;
  dataset.close(); //nn
  return wrap(out);
コード例 #12
ファイル: H5File_Test.cpp プロジェクト: alecw/TS
TEST(H5Handle_Test, WriteReadTest) {
  float data[12];
  for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(data); i++) {
    data[i] = i;
    H5File file;
    hsize_t dims[] = {3,4};
    hsize_t chunking[] = {3,4};
    H5DataSet *ds =  file.CreateDataSet("/tmp/here/testdata", 2, dims, chunking, 2, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT);

    size_t starts[] = {0,0};
    size_t ends[] = {3,4};
    //ds->WriteRangeData(starts, ends, ArraySize(data), data);
	ds->WriteRangeData(starts, ends, data);
    H5File file;
    H5DataSet *ds = file.OpenDataSet("/tmp/here/testdata");
    float query[12];
    size_t starts[] = {0,0};
    size_t ends[] = {3,4};
    ds->ReadRangeData(starts, ends, ArraySize(query), query);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < ArraySize(data); i++) {
      if (data[i] != query[i]) {
        EXPECT_EQ(query[i], data[i]);
      float update[4];
      size_t starts[] = {1,2};
      size_t ends[] = {3,4};
      size_t count = 0;
      for (size_t i = 11; i >= 8; i--) {
        update[count++] = i;
      //ds->WriteRangeData(starts, ends, ArraySize(update), update);
	  ds->WriteRangeData(starts, ends, update);
      float query[12];
      size_t rstarts[] = {0,0};
      size_t rends[] = {3,4};
      float gold[12] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,11,10,8,9,9,8};
      ds->ReadRangeData(rstarts, rends, ArraySize(query), query);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
        EXPECT_EQ(gold[i], query[i]);

    //    ds->Close();
    ds = file.OpenDataSet("shouldbenull");

コード例 #13
ファイル: activeH5.cpp プロジェクト: ActiveAnalytics/activeH5
//'@title Legacy function to return a data frame chunk as a list
//'@description Experimental function not intended for use at all
//'@param chunkName the name of the chunk to be read
//'@param filePath the path to the h5 file
//'@return List of the data frame chunk
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP h5ReadDoubleMat2(std::string chunkName, std::string filePath)
  // Open the file in Read/Write Mode, H5F_ACC_RDONLY
  H5File *file = new H5File(filePath, H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
  // Opening the data set 
  DataSet dataset = file->openDataSet((H5std_string)chunkName);
  // Opening the data space
  DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace();
  // Get the number of dimensions
  int ndim = dataspace.getSimpleExtentNdims();
  // Create a dimension object to be filled with the dimensions of the data set
  hsize_t dims[ndim];
  // Fill the dimension of the dataset
  dataspace.getSimpleExtentDims(dims, NULL);
  // Create the return data
  // Filling the matrix with data form the dataspace
  SEXP data;
  // Allocating a matrix of the right size and dimension
  data = PROTECT(Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, dims[0], dims[1]));
  // Filling the matrix with data form the dataspace
  dataset.read(REAL(data), PredType::NATIVE_DOUBLE, dataspace);
  // converting the R object to a numeric matrix
  NumericMatrix M = as<NumericMatrix>(data);
  List out;
  NumericVector vec(dims[0]);
  CharacterVector colNames = ch5ReadCharVector("ColumnNames", filePath);
  CharacterVector colClasses = ch5ReadCharVector("ColumnClasses", filePath);
  string colName;
  for(int i = 0; i < dims[1]; i++)
    NumericVector vec(dims[0]);
    for(int j = 0; j < dims[0]; j++)
      vec(j) = M(j,i);
    colName = colNames[i];
    if(colClasses[i] == "factor")
      CharacterVector levels;
      levels = ch5ReadFactor(colName, filePath);
      IntegerVector fact(vec.size());
      fact = cCreateFactor(vec, levels);
      out[colName] = fact;
      out[colName] = vec;
  dataset.close(); //nn
  // Returning the data
  return wrap(out);
コード例 #14
ファイル: BkgModelHdf5.cpp プロジェクト: biocyberman/TS
void BkgParamH5::ConstructOneFile ( H5File &h5_local_ref, string &hgLocalFile, string &local_results, const char *my_name )
  hgLocalFile = local_results;

  if ( hgLocalFile[hgLocalFile.length()-1] != '/' )
    hgLocalFile += '/';
  hgLocalFile += my_name;
  cout << "H5File for params:" << hgLocalFile << endl;

  h5_local_ref.SetFile ( hgLocalFile );
  h5_local_ref.Open ( true );
コード例 #15
ファイル: SynchDatSerialize.cpp プロジェクト: Brainiarc7/TS
void TraceChunkSerializer::ReadInfo(H5File &h5, SynchDat &sdat) {
  vector<string> keys;
  vector<string> values;
  h5.ReadStringVector(INFO_KEYS, keys);
  h5.ReadStringVector(INFO_VALUES, values);
  if (keys.size() != values.size()) { ION_ABORT("Keys and Values don't match in size."); }
  for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
    if (!sdat.mInfo.SetValue(keys[i], values[i])) { 
      ION_ABORT("Error: Could not set key: " + keys[i] + " with value: " + values[i]); 
コード例 #16
Md_store utilities::extract_prams(const std::string & fname,int comp_num,const vector<string> &pram_list)
  // hdf stuff
  H5File file = H5File( fname, H5F_ACC_RDONLY );
  Group  group = file.openGroup("/parameters/" + format_dset_name(utilities::D_XPOS,comp_num));
  Attr_list_hdf attr_list(&group);

  Md_store filter_prams;    
  for(vector<string>::const_iterator it = pram_list.begin();
      it <pram_list.end(); ++it)
    string pram = *it;
      throw runtime_error("the field " + pram + " is not in the file");
    utilities::V_TYPE vtype = attr_list.get_type(pram);
    int tmpi;
    unsigned int tmpui;
    float tmpf;
    case V_UINT:
    case V_INT:
    case V_FLOAT:
    case V_ERROR:
    case V_COMPLEX:
    case V_STRING:
    case V_BOOL:
    case V_TIME:
    case V_GUID:
      throw runtime_error("the field " + pram + " is of type " + VT2str_s(vtype) + " which is not implemented yet.");
  // return a copy of the assembled parameters 
  return Md_store(filter_prams);
コード例 #17
ファイル: myH5.hpp プロジェクト: dingxiong/research
    void writeScalar(H5File &file, string DSitem, Scalar value){
	hsize_t dim[0];
	DataSpace dsp(0, dim);
	PredType type = getPredType<Scalar>();
	DataSet item = file.createDataSet(DSitem, type, dsp);
	item.write(&value, type);
コード例 #18
ファイル: BkgModelHdf5.cpp プロジェクト: biocyberman/TS
void RotatingCube::RotateMyCube ( H5File &h5_local_ref, int total_blocks, const char *cube_name, const char *cube_description )
  char s[128];
  string str;

  for ( int i=0; i<total_blocks; i++ )
    sprintf ( s,"%s/block_%04d",cube_name, i );
    H5DataSet *ptr = h5_local_ref.CreateDataSet ( s, source, 3 );
    sprintf ( s,"%s",cube_description );
    h5_local_ref.CreateAttribute ( ptr->getDataSetId(),"description",s );
    h5_local_ref.makeParamNames ( "ndx_",source.GetNumZ(),str );
    h5_local_ref.CreateAttribute ( ptr->getDataSetId(),"paramNames",str.c_str() );
    h5_vec.push_back ( ptr );
コード例 #19
ファイル: synstat.cpp プロジェクト: subhacom/dataviz_old
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    if (argc < 3){
        cout << "Usage:" << argv[0] << " <filename> <outputfilename> - display some statistics of specified synapse."  << endl;
        return 0;

    const H5std_string FILE_NAME(argv[1]);
    ofstream outfile;
        H5File * file = new H5File(FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
        Group * netgroup = new Group(file->openGroup("network"));
        const DataSet * syndataset = new DataSet(netgroup->openDataSet("synapse"));
        synstat(*syndataset, outfile);
    catch( FileIException error )
       return -1;
    // catch failure caused by the DataSet operations
    catch( DataSetIException error )
       return -1;
    // catch failure caused by the DataSpace operations
    catch( DataSpaceIException error )
       return -1;
    // catch failure caused by the DataSpace operations
    catch( DataTypeIException error )
       return -1;
    return 0;
コード例 #20
ファイル: H5Group.cpp プロジェクト: svn2github/hdf5
// Function:	Group overload constructor - dereference
///\brief	Given a reference, ref, to an hdf5 group, creates a Group object
///\param	h5file - IN: Location referenced object is in
///\param	ref - IN: Reference pointer
///\param	ref_type - IN: Reference type - default to H5R_OBJECT
///\exception	H5::ReferenceException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - Oct, 2006
Group::Group(H5File& h5file, const void* ref, H5R_type_t ref_type) : H5Object()
    try {
	id = p_dereference(h5file.getId(), ref, ref_type);
    } catch (ReferenceException deref_error) {
	throw ReferenceException("Group constructor - located by an H5File",
コード例 #21
ファイル: H5DataSet.cpp プロジェクト: CapeDrew/DITK
// Function:	DataSet overload constructor - dereference
///\brief	Given a reference, ref, to an hdf5 dataset, creates a
///		DataSet object
///\param	h5file - IN: Location referenced object is in
///\param	ref - IN: Reference pointer
///\param	ref_type - IN: Reference type - default to H5R_OBJECT
///\exception	H5::DataSetIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - Oct, 2006
// Modification
//	Jul, 2008
//		Added for application convenience.
DataSet::DataSet(H5File& h5file, const void* ref, H5R_type_t ref_type) : H5Object(), AbstractDs()
    try {
	id = p_dereference(h5file.getId(), ref, ref_type);
    } catch (ReferenceException deref_error) {
	throw ReferenceException("DataSet constructor - located by HDF5 file",
コード例 #22
ファイル: activeH5.cpp プロジェクト: ActiveAnalytics/activeH5
//'@title Function to create file a h5 file
//'@description Function to create a h5 file. It is intended for internal use only
//'@param filePath a character denoting the path to the location where the h5 file will be written
//'@param overwrite integer 1 for overwrite and 0 for not overwrite. Will fail if overwrite is 0
//'@return int 0
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int h5CreateFile(std::string filePath, int overwrite)
  H5File* file;
      file = new H5File(filePath, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
      throw "Error: file exists and overwrite is set to 0.";
    file = new H5File(filePath, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
  return 0;
コード例 #23
void read_feature_size(H5File h5f, Size &size_out, const char *name)
    DataSet dataset = h5f.openDataSet(name);
    DataSpace dspace = dataset.getSpace();
    assert (dspace.getSimpleExtentNdims() == 2);
    hsize_t dims[2];
    size_out.height = dims[0];
    size_out.width = dims[1];
コード例 #24
ファイル: H5Object.cpp プロジェクト: VisBlank/hdf5
// Function:	H5Object::dereference
///\brief	Dereferences a reference into an HDF5 object, given an HDF5 file.
///\param	h5file - IN: HDF5 file specifying the location of the referenced object
///\param	ref - IN: Reference pointer
///\param	ref_type - IN: Reference type
///\exception	H5::ReferenceException
// Programmer   Binh-Minh Ribler - Oct, 2006
// Modification
//	May, 2008
//		Corrected missing parameters. - BMR
void H5Object::dereference(H5File& h5file, const void* ref, H5R_type_t ref_type)
   hid_t temp_id;
   try {
      temp_id = p_dereference(h5file.getId(), ref, ref_type);
   catch (ReferenceException E) {
      throw ReferenceException("H5Object::dereference - located by file", E.getDetailMsg());
コード例 #25
ファイル: myH5.hpp プロジェクト: dingxiong/research
    Scalar readScalar(H5File &file, string DSitem){
	DataSet item = file.openDataSet(DSitem);
	DataSpace dsp = item.getSpace();
	// assert(dsp.getSimpleExtentNdims() == 0);
	// hsize_t dims[1];
	// int ndims = dsp.getSimpleExtentDims(dims, NULL);
	Scalar value(0);
	PredType type = getPredType<Scalar>();
	item.read(&value, type);
	return value;
コード例 #26
ファイル: BkgModelHdf5.cpp プロジェクト: biocyberman/TS
// set up a basic data cube + matched h5 set
//@TODO: use templates to avoid "INT" duplication
void MatchedCubeInt::InitBasicCube ( H5File &h5_local_ref, int col, int row, int maxflows, const char *set_name, const char *set_description, const char *param_root )
  //printf ( "%s\n",set_name );
  string str;
  source.Init ( col, row, maxflows );
  source.SetRange ( 0,col, 0, row, 0, maxflows );
  h5_set = h5_local_ref.CreateDataSet ( set_name, source, 3 );
  h5_local_ref.CreateAttribute ( h5_set->getDataSetId(),"description",set_description );
  // either we're just using the axis for nothing special
  if ( strlen ( param_root ) <1 )
    h5_local_ref.makeParamNames ( "ndx_",maxflows, str );
    // or we have a specific set of variables for this axis
    str = param_root;
  h5_local_ref.CreateAttribute ( h5_set->getDataSetId(),"paramNames",str.c_str() );
コード例 #27
ファイル: activeH5.cpp プロジェクト: ActiveAnalytics/activeH5
//'@title Function to read an integer item from meta data
//'@param intName character for the name of the item to be read back
//'@param filePath character for the path to the h5 file
//'@return int iteger item defined by intName in the meta data
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int h5ReadInt(std::string intName, std::string filePath)
  H5File *file = new H5File(filePath, H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
  // Group Meta Group
  Group* metaGroup = new Group(file->openGroup("/MetaData"));
  // Getting the data set from the file 
  DataSet dataset = metaGroup->openDataSet((H5std_string)intName);
  // Getting the data space from the dataset
  DataSpace dataspace = dataset.getSpace();
  // Returning  the data
  int intRet;
  dataset.read(&intRet, PredType::NATIVE_INT);
  dataset.close(); //nn
  return intRet;
コード例 #28
ファイル: opencv_hdf5.cpp プロジェクト: thouis/align
void write_hdf5_image(H5File h5f, const char *name, const Mat &im)
    DSetCreatPropList cparms;
    hsize_t chunk_dims[2] = {256, 256};
    hsize_t dims[2];
    dims[0] = im.size().height;
    dims[1] = im.size().width;
    if (chunk_dims[0] > dims[0]) {
        chunk_dims[0] = dims[0];
    if (chunk_dims[1] > dims[1]) {
        chunk_dims[1] = dims[1];

    cparms.setChunk(2, chunk_dims);

    DataSet dataset = h5f.createDataSet(name, PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT,
                                        DataSpace(2, dims, dims),

    Mat image;
    if (im.type() !=  CV_32F)
        im.convertTo(image, CV_32F);
        image = im;
    DataSpace imspace;
    float *imdata;
    if (image.isContinuous()) {
        imspace = dataset.getSpace(); // same size as 
        imdata = image.ptr<float>();
    } else {
        // we are working with an ROI
        assert (image.isSubmatrix());
        Size parent_size; Point parent_ofs;
        image.locateROI(parent_size, parent_ofs);
        hsize_t parent_count[2];
        parent_count[0] = parent_size.height; parent_count[1] = parent_size.width;
        imspace.setExtentSimple(2, parent_count);
        hsize_t im_offset[2], im_size[2];
        im_offset[0] = parent_ofs.y; im_offset[1] = parent_ofs.x;
        im_size[0] = image.size().height; im_size[1] = image.size().width;
        imspace.selectHyperslab(H5S_SELECT_SET, im_size, im_offset);
        imdata = image.ptr<float>() - parent_ofs.x - parent_ofs.y * parent_size.width;
    dataset.write(imdata, PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT, imspace);
コード例 #29
ファイル: activeH5.cpp プロジェクト: ActiveAnalytics/activeH5
//'@title This function writes a character vector to the meta data
//'@description This function writes a character vector to the meta data and is intended for internal use.
//'@param charName the name that will be given to the meta data character vector
//'@param charVec the character vector to be written as meta data
//'@param filePath the path to the h5 file where the data will be written
//'@param update integer denoting whether the data item is new or whether it is an update 
//'(which will overwrite any previous item)
//'@return int 0
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int h5WriteCharVector(std::string charName, SEXP charVec, std::string filePath, int update)
  H5File *file = new H5File(filePath, H5F_ACC_RDWR);
  int len = Rf_length(charVec);
  hsize_t DIM1 = len;
  int rank = 1;
  //cout << "The length is ... " << len << endl;
  // Create a datatype to refer to
  StrType vlst(0, H5T_VARIABLE);
  // This is the char array
  char** arr = convertCharArray(charVec);
  string meta = "/MetaData";
  // Group Meta Group
  Group* metaGroup = new Group(file->openGroup(meta));
  // The dataset and dataspace
  hsize_t dims[] = {DIM1};
  //hsize_t maxdims[] = {H5S_UNLIMITED};
  DataSet dataset;
  if(update == 1)
    string slash = "/";
    string groupName = meta + slash + charName;
  DataSpace dataspace(rank, dims);
  dataset = metaGroup->createDataSet(charName, vlst, dataspace);
  dataset.write(arr, vlst);
  dataset.close(); //nn
  return 0;
コード例 #30
ファイル: SynchDatSerialize.cpp プロジェクト: Brainiarc7/TS
bool TraceChunkSerializer::Write(H5File &h5, GridMesh<TraceChunk> &dataMesh) {

  mNumChunks = dataMesh.GetNumBin();
  ClockTimer timer;
  mChunks = (struct FlowChunk *) malloc(sizeof(struct FlowChunk) * mNumChunks);
  ArrangeDataForWriting(dataMesh, mChunks);
  computeMicroSec = timer.GetMicroSec();
  hsize_t dims1[1];
  dims1[0] = mNumChunks;
  hid_t fcDataSpace = H5Screate_simple(1, dims1, NULL);
  hid_t charArrayType = H5Tvlen_create (H5T_NATIVE_CHAR);
  hid_t charArrayType2 = H5Tvlen_create (H5T_NATIVE_CHAR);
  hid_t fcType = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, sizeof(struct FlowChunk));
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "CompressionType", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, CompressionType), H5T_NATIVE_B64);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "ChipRow", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, ChipRow), H5T_NATIVE_B64);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "ChipCol", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, ChipCol), H5T_NATIVE_B64);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "ChipFrame", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, ChipFrame), H5T_NATIVE_B64);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "RowStart", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, RowStart), H5T_NATIVE_B64);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "ColStart", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, ColStart), H5T_NATIVE_B64);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "FrameStart", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, FrameStart), H5T_NATIVE_B64);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "FrameStep", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, FrameStep), H5T_NATIVE_B64);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "Height", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, Height), H5T_NATIVE_B64);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "Width", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, Width), H5T_NATIVE_B64);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "Depth", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, Depth), H5T_NATIVE_B64);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "OrigFrames", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, OrigFrames), H5T_NATIVE_B64);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "StartDetailedTime", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, StartDetailedTime), H5T_NATIVE_INT);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "StopDetailedTime", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, StopDetailedTime), H5T_NATIVE_INT);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "LeftAvg", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, LeftAvg), H5T_NATIVE_INT);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "T0", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, T0), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "Sigma", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, Sigma), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "TMidNuc", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, TMidNuc), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "BaseFrameRate", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, BaseFrameRate), H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "DeltaFrame", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, DeltaFrame), charArrayType2);
  H5Tinsert(fcType, "Data", HOFFSET(struct FlowChunk, Data), charArrayType);
  hid_t dataset = H5Dcreate2(h5.GetFileId(), "FlowChunk", fcType, fcDataSpace, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
  herr_t status = H5Dwrite(dataset, fcType, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, mChunks);
  status = H5Dvlen_reclaim(fcType, fcDataSpace, H5P_DEFAULT, mChunks);
  //  //  delete [] mChunks;
  mChunks = NULL;
  ION_ASSERT(status == 0, "Couldn't write dataset");
  ioMicroSec += timer.GetMicroSec();
  return status == 0;