コード例 #1
void HTMLImageElement::parseAttribute(const QualifiedName& name, const AtomicString& value)
    if (name == altAttr) {
        if (renderer() && renderer()->isRenderImage())
    } else if (name == srcAttr || name == srcsetAttr) {
        ImageWithScale candidate = bestFitSourceForImageAttributes(document().deviceScaleFactor(), fastGetAttribute(srcAttr), fastGetAttribute(srcsetAttr));
        m_bestFitImageURL = candidate.imageURL(fastGetAttribute(srcAttr), fastGetAttribute(srcsetAttr));
        float candidateScaleFactor = candidate.scaleFactor();
        if (candidateScaleFactor > 0)
            m_imageDevicePixelRatio = 1 / candidateScaleFactor;
        if (renderer() && renderer()->isImage())
    } else if (name == usemapAttr) {
        setIsLink(!value.isNull() && !shouldProhibitLinks(this));

        if (inDocument() && !m_lowercasedUsemap.isNull())
            document().removeImageElementByLowercasedUsemap(*m_lowercasedUsemap.impl(), *this);

        // The HTMLImageElement's useMap() value includes the '#' symbol at the beginning, which has to be stripped off.
        // FIXME: We should check that the first character is '#'.
        // FIXME: HTML5 specification says we should strip any leading string before '#'.
        // FIXME: HTML5 specification says we should ignore usemap attributes without #.
        if (value.length() > 1)
            m_lowercasedUsemap = value.string().substring(1).lower();
            m_lowercasedUsemap = nullAtom;

        if (inDocument() && !m_lowercasedUsemap.isNull())
            document().addImageElementByLowercasedUsemap(*m_lowercasedUsemap.impl(), *this);
    } else if (name == onbeforeloadAttr)
        setAttributeEventListener(eventNames().beforeloadEvent, name, value);
    else if (name == compositeAttr) {
        // FIXME: images don't support blend modes in their compositing attribute.
        BlendMode blendOp = BlendModeNormal;
        if (!parseCompositeAndBlendOperator(value, m_compositeOperator, blendOp))
            m_compositeOperator = CompositeSourceOver;
    } else {
        if (name == nameAttr) {
            bool willHaveName = !value.isNull();
            if (hasName() != willHaveName && inDocument() && document().isHTMLDocument()) {
                HTMLDocument* document = toHTMLDocument(&this->document());
                const AtomicString& id = getIdAttribute();
                if (!id.isEmpty() && id != getNameAttribute()) {
                    if (willHaveName)
                        document->addDocumentNamedItem(*id.impl(), *this);
                        document->removeDocumentNamedItem(*id.impl(), *this);
        HTMLElement::parseAttribute(name, value);