void SlackRTM::start() { std::string url = "https://slack.com/api/rtm.start?"; url += "token=" + Util::urlencode(m_token); HTTPRequest *req = new HTTPRequest(THREAD_POOL(m_component), HTTPRequest::Get, url, boost::bind(&SlackRTM::handleRTMStart, this, _1, _2, _3, _4)); req->execute(); }
void GETThreadPool() { HTTPRequest *req = new HTTPRequest(tp, HTTPRequest::Get, "http://spectrum.im/params.json", boost::bind(&HTTPRequestTest::handleResult, this, _1, _2, _3, _4)); req->execute(); int i = 0; while (result == false && i < 5) { sleep(1); loop->processEvents(); i++; } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result); }
void UpdateCheckInterface::remoteCheck() { try { string params = string("?major=") + VERSION_MAJOR + string("&minor=") + VERSION_MINOR + string("&build=") + VERSION_BUILD; HTTPRequest req = HTTPRequest( UPDATE_HOST_DEFAULT, UPDATE_PATH_DEFAULT + params ); vector<string> lines = req.execute(); if( lines.size() < 7 ) throw UpdateCheckException("Response too short"); if( lines[0] != UPDATE_MAGIC ) throw UpdateCheckException("Response header magic invalid"); //If we reach this point, the update check was successful! Log.Message((string("[UPDATE_CHECK] Requesting version information from ") + UPDATE_HOST_DEFAULT).c_str()); if( lines[1] == UP_TO_DATE ) { Log.Message(string("[UPDATE_CHECK] You are running the latest version of NGM.").c_str()); } else if( lines[1] == OUT_OF_DATE ) { Log.Message(string("[UPDATE_CHECK] >>>>>>> Your version of NGM is out of date! <<<<<<<").c_str()); Log.Message(string("[UPDATE_CHECK] You are running : " + string(VERSION_MAJOR) + "-" + string(VERSION_MINOR) + "-" + string(VERSION_BUILD)).c_str()); Log.Message(string("[UPDATE_CHECK] Available version: >>> " + string(lines[2]) + "-" + string(lines[3]) + "-" + string(lines[4]) + " <<<").c_str()); Log.Message(string("[UPDATE_CHECK] Download URL: " + lines[5]).c_str()); Log.Message(string(lines[6]).c_str()); } else { throw UpdateCheckException("Status value invalid"); } } catch( UpdateCheckException ex ) { Log.Message(("[UPDATE_CHECK] Failure: " + ex.what()).c_str()); } }
void GET() { rapidjson::Document resp; HTTPRequest *req = new HTTPRequest(tp, HTTPRequest::Get, "http://spectrum.im/params.json", boost::bind(&HTTPRequestTest::handleResult, this, _1, _2, _3, _4)); req->execute(resp); delete req; }