コード例 #1
void Msg39::estimateHitsAndSendReply ( ) {

	// no longer in use
	m_inUse = false;

	// now this for the query loop on the QueryLogEntries.
	m_topDocId50 = 0LL;
	m_topScore50 = 0.0;

	// a little hack for the seo pipeline in xmldoc.cpp
	m_topDocId  = 0LL;
	m_topScore  = 0.0;
	m_topDocId2 = 0LL;
	m_topScore2 = 0.0;
	int32_t ti = m_tt.getHighNode();
	if ( ti >= 0 ) {
		TopNode *t = &m_tt.m_nodes[ti];
		m_topDocId = t->m_docId;
		m_topScore = t->m_score;
	// try the 2nd one too
	int32_t ti2 = -1;
	if ( ti >= 0 ) ti2 = m_tt.getNext ( ti );
	if ( ti2 >= 0 ) {
		TopNode *t2 = &m_tt.m_nodes[ti2];
		m_topDocId2 = t2->m_docId;
		m_topScore2 = t2->m_score;

	// convenience ptrs. we will store the docids/scores into these arrays
	int64_t *topDocIds;
	double    *topScores;
	key_t     *topRecs;

	// numDocIds counts docs in all tiers when using toptree.
	int32_t numDocIds = m_tt.m_numUsedNodes;

	// the msg39 reply we send back
	int32_t  replySize;
	char *reply;

	//m_numTotalHits = m_posdbTable.m_docIdVoteBuf.length() / 6;

	// make the reply?
	Msg39Reply mr;

	// this is what you want to look at if there is no seo.cpp module...
	if ( ! m_callback ) {
		// if we got clusterdb recs in here, use 'em
		if ( m_gotClusterRecs ) numDocIds = m_numVisible;
		// don't send more than the docs that are asked for
		if ( numDocIds > m_r->m_docsToGet) numDocIds =m_r->m_docsToGet;

		// # of QueryTerms in query
		int32_t nqt = m_tmpq.m_numTerms;
		// start setting the stuff
		mr.m_numDocIds = numDocIds;
		// copy # estiamted hits into 8 bytes of reply
		//int64_t est = m_posdbTable.m_estimatedTotalHits;
		// ensure it has at least as many results as we got
		//if ( est < numDocIds ) est = numDocIds;
		// or if too big...
		//if ( numDocIds < m_r->m_docsToGet ) est = numDocIds;
		// . total estimated hits
		// . this is now an EXACT count!
		mr.m_estimatedHits = m_numTotalHits;
		// sanity check
		mr.m_nqt = nqt;
		// the m_errno if any
		mr.m_errno = m_errno;
		// int16_tcut
		PosdbTable *pt = &m_posdbTable;
		// the score info, in no particular order right now
		mr.ptr_scoreInfo  = pt->m_scoreInfoBuf.getBufStart();
		mr.size_scoreInfo = pt->m_scoreInfoBuf.length();
		// that has offset references into posdbtable::m_pairScoreBuf 
		// and m_singleScoreBuf, so we need those too now
		mr.ptr_pairScoreBuf    = pt->m_pairScoreBuf.getBufStart();
		mr.size_pairScoreBuf   = pt->m_pairScoreBuf.length();
		mr.ptr_singleScoreBuf  = pt->m_singleScoreBuf.getBufStart();
		mr.size_singleScoreBuf = pt->m_singleScoreBuf.length();
		// save some time since seo.cpp gets from posdbtable directly,
		// so we can avoid serializing/copying this stuff at least
		if ( ! m_r->m_makeReply ) {
			mr.size_scoreInfo      = 0;
			mr.size_pairScoreBuf   = 0;
			mr.size_singleScoreBuf = 0;
		//mr.m_sectionStats    = pt->m_sectionStats;
		// reserve space for these guys, we fill them in below
		mr.ptr_docIds       = NULL;
		mr.ptr_scores       = NULL;
		mr.ptr_clusterRecs  = NULL;
		// this is how much space to reserve
		mr.size_docIds      = 8 * numDocIds; // int64_t
		mr.size_scores      = sizeof(double) * numDocIds; // float
		// if not doing site clustering, we won't have these perhaps...
		if ( m_gotClusterRecs ) 
			mr.size_clusterRecs = sizeof(key_t) *numDocIds;
			mr.size_clusterRecs = 0;

		#define MAX_FACETS 20000


		// We can have multiple gbfacet: terms in a query so
		// serialize all the QueryTerm::m_facetHashTables into
		// Msg39Reply::ptr_facetHashList.
		// combine the facet hash lists of each query term into
		// a list of lists. each lsit is preceeded by the query term
		// id of the query term (like gbfacet:xpathsitehash12345)
		// followed by a 4 byte length of the following 32-bit
		// facet values
		int32_t need = 0;
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_tmpq.m_numTerms; i++ ) {
			QueryTerm *qt = &m_tmpq.m_qterms[i];
			// skip if not facet
			if ( qt->m_fieldCode != FIELD_GBFACETSTR &&
			     qt->m_fieldCode != FIELD_GBFACETINT &&
			     qt->m_fieldCode != FIELD_GBFACETFLOAT )
			HashTableX *ft = &qt->m_facetHashTable;
			if ( ft->m_numSlotsUsed == 0 ) continue;
			int32_t used = ft->m_numSlotsUsed;
			// limit for memory
			if ( used > (int32_t)MAX_FACETS ) {
				log("msg39: truncating facet list to 20000 "
				    "from %"INT32" for %s",used,qt->m_term);
				used = (int32_t)MAX_FACETS;
			// store query term id 64 bit
			need += 8;
			// then size
			need += 4;
			// then buckets. keys and counts
			need += (4+sizeof(FacetEntry)) * used;
		// allocate
		SafeBuf tmp;
		if ( ! tmp.reserve ( need ) ) {
			log("query: Could not allocate memory "
			    "to hold reply facets");
		// point to there
		char *p = tmp.getBufStart();
		for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < m_tmpq.m_numTerms ; i++ ) {
			QueryTerm *qt = &m_tmpq.m_qterms[i];
			// skip if not facet
			if ( qt->m_fieldCode != FIELD_GBFACETSTR &&
			     qt->m_fieldCode != FIELD_GBFACETINT &&
			     qt->m_fieldCode != FIELD_GBFACETFLOAT )
			// get all the facet hashes and their counts
			HashTableX *ft = &qt->m_facetHashTable;
			// skip if none
			if ( ft->m_numSlotsUsed == 0 ) continue;
			// store query term id 64 bit
			*(int64_t *)p = qt->m_termId;
			p += 8;
			int32_t used = ft->getNumSlotsUsed();
			if ( used > (int32_t)MAX_FACETS ) 
				used = (int32_t)MAX_FACETS;
			// store count
			*(int32_t *)p = used;
			p += 4;
			int32_t count = 0;
			// for sanity check
			char *pend = p + (used * (4+sizeof(FacetEntry)));
			// serialize the key/val pairs
			for ( int32_t k = 0 ; k < ft->m_numSlots ; k++ ) {
				// skip empty buckets
				if ( ! ft->m_flags[k] ) continue;
				// store key. the hash of the facet value.
				*(int32_t *)p = ft->getKey32FromSlot(k); p += 4;
				// then store count
				//*(int32_t *)p = ft->getVal32FromSlot(k); p += 4;
				// now this has a docid on it so we can
				// lookup the text of the facet in Msg40.cpp
				FacetEntry *fe;
				fe = (FacetEntry *)ft->getValFromSlot(k);
				// sanity
				// no, count can be zero if its a range facet
				// that was never added to. we add those
				// empty FaceEntries only for range facets
				// in Posdb.cpp
				//if(fe->m_count == 0 ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0;}
				gbmemcpy ( p , fe , sizeof(FacetEntry) );
				p += sizeof(FacetEntry);
				// do not breach
				if ( ++count >= (int32_t)MAX_FACETS ) break;
			// sanity check
			if ( p != pend ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
			// do the next query term
		// now point to that so it can be serialized below
		mr.ptr_facetHashList  = tmp.getBufStart();
		mr.size_facetHashList = p - tmp.getBufStart();//tmp.length();


		// . that is pretty much it,so serialize it into buffer,"reply"
		// . mr.ptr_docIds, etc., will point into the buffer so we can
		//   re-serialize into it below from the tree
		// . returns NULL and sets g_errno on error
		// . "true" means we should make mr.ptr_* reference into the 
		//   newly  serialized buffer.
		reply = serializeMsg ( sizeof(Msg39Reply), // baseSize
				       &mr.size_docIds, // firstSizeParm
				       &mr.ptr_docIds , // firstStrPtr
				       &mr , // thisPtr
				       &replySize , 
				       NULL , 
				       0 , 
				       true ) ;
		if ( ! reply ) {
			log("query: Could not allocated memory "
			    "to hold reply of docids to send back.");
		topDocIds    = (int64_t *) mr.ptr_docIds;
		topScores    = (double    *) mr.ptr_scores;
		topRecs      = (key_t     *) mr.ptr_clusterRecs;

	int32_t docCount = 0;
	// loop over all results in the TopTree
	for ( int32_t ti = m_tt.getHighNode() ; ti >= 0 ; 
	      ti = m_tt.getPrev(ti) ) {
		// get the guy
		TopNode *t = &m_tt.m_nodes[ti];
		// skip if clusterLevel is bad!
		if ( m_gotClusterRecs && t->m_clusterLevel != CR_OK ) 

		// if not sending back a reply... we were called from seo.cpp
		// State3f logic to evaluate a QueryLogEntry, etc.
		if ( m_callback ) {
			// skip results past #50
			if ( docCount > 50 ) continue;
			// set this
			m_topScore50 = t->m_score;
			m_topDocId50 = t->m_docId;
			// that's it

		// get the docid ptr
		//char      *diptr = t->m_docIdPtr;
		//int64_t  docId = getDocIdFromPtr(diptr);
		// sanity check
		if ( t->m_docId < 0 ) { char *xx=NULL; *xx=0; }
		//add it to the reply
		topDocIds         [docCount] = t->m_docId;
		topScores         [docCount] = t->m_score;
		if ( m_tt.m_useIntScores ) 
			topScores[docCount] = (double)t->m_intScore;
		// supply clusterdb rec? only for full splits
		if ( m_gotClusterRecs ) 
			topRecs [docCount] = t->m_clusterRec;
		//topExplicits      [docCount] = 
		//	getNumBitsOn(t->m_explicits)

		// 50th score? set this for seo.cpp. if less than 50 results
		// we want the score of the last doc then.
		if ( docCount <= 50 ) m_topScore50 = t->m_score;
		if ( m_debug ) {
			logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg39: [%"PTRFMT"] "
			    "%03"INT32") docId=%012"UINT64" sum=%.02f",
			    (PTRTYPE)this, docCount,
		//don't send more than the docs that are wanted
		if ( docCount >= numDocIds ) break;
 	if ( docCount > 300 && m_debug )
		log("query: Had %"INT32" nodes in top tree",docCount);

	// this is sensitive info
	if ( m_debug ) {
		    "query: msg39: [%"PTRFMT"] "
		    "Intersected lists took %"INT64" (%"INT64") "
		    "ms "
		    "docIdsToGet=%"INT32" docIdsGot=%"INT32" "
		    (PTRTYPE)this                        ,
		    m_posdbTable.m_addListsTime       ,
		    gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - m_startTime ,
		    m_r->m_docsToGet                       ,
		    numDocIds                         ,
		    m_tmpq.getQuery()                 );

	// if we blocked because we used a thread then call callback if
	// summoned from a msg3f handler and not a msg39 handler
	if ( m_callback ) {
		// if we blocked call user callback
		if ( m_blocked ) m_callback ( m_state );
		// if not sending back a udp reply, return now

	// now send back the reply
コード例 #2
// . merge all the replies together
// . put final merged docids into m_docIds[],m_bitScores[],m_scores[],...
// . this calls Msg51 to get cluster levels when done merging
// . Msg51 remembers clusterRecs from previous call to avoid repeating lookups
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno and returns true on error
bool Msg3a::mergeLists ( ) {

    // time how long the merge takes
    if ( m_debug ) {
        logf( LOG_DEBUG, "query: msg3a: --- Final DocIds --- " );
        m_startTime = gettimeofdayInMilliseconds();

    // reset our final docids count here in case we are a re-call
    m_numDocIds = 0;
    // a secondary count, how many unique docids we scanned, and not
    // necessarily added to the m_docIds[] array
    //m_totalDocCount = 0; // long docCount = 0;
    m_moreDocIdsAvail = true;

    // shortcut
    //long numSplits = m_numHosts;//indexdbSplit;

    // . point to the various docids, etc. in each split reply
    // . tcPtr = term count. how many required query terms does the doc
    //   have? formerly called topExplicits in IndexTable2.cpp
    long long     *diPtr [MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT];
    float         *rsPtr [MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT];
    key_t         *ksPtr [MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT];
    long long     *diEnd [MAX_INDEXDB_SPLIT];
    for ( long j = 0; j < m_numHosts ; j++ ) {
        Msg39Reply *mr =m_reply[j];
        // if we have gbdocid:| in query this could be NULL
        if ( ! mr ) {
            diPtr[j] = NULL;
            diEnd[j] = NULL;
            rsPtr[j] = NULL;
            ksPtr[j] = NULL;
        diPtr [j] = (long long *)mr->ptr_docIds;
        rsPtr [j] = (float     *)mr->ptr_scores;
        ksPtr [j] = (key_t     *)mr->ptr_clusterRecs;
        diEnd [j] = (long long *)(mr->ptr_docIds +
                                  mr->m_numDocIds * 8);

    // clear if we had it
    if ( m_finalBuf ) {
        mfree ( m_finalBuf, m_finalBufSize, "Msg3aF" );
        m_finalBuf     = NULL;
        m_finalBufSize = 0;

    // HACK: START section stats merge
    long sneed = 0;
    for ( long j = 0; j < m_numHosts ; j++ ) {
        Msg39Reply *mr = m_reply[j];
        if ( ! mr ) continue;
        sneed += mr->size_siteHashList/4;
    HashTableX dt;
    //char tmpBuf[5000];
    if (sneed&&!dt.set(4,0,sneed,NULL,0,false,
        return true;
    for ( long j = 0; sneed && j < m_numHosts ; j++ ) {
        Msg39Reply *mr =m_reply[j];
        if ( ! mr ) continue;
        SectionStats *src = &mr->m_sectionStats;
        SectionStats *dst = &m_sectionStats;
        dst->m_onSiteDocIds      += src->m_onSiteDocIds;
        dst->m_offSiteDocIds     += src->m_offSiteDocIds;
        // now the list should be the unique site hashes that
        // had the section hash. we need to uniquify them again
        // here.
        long *p = (long *)mr->ptr_siteHashList;
        long np = mr->size_siteHashList / 4;
        for ( long k = 0 ; k < np ; k++ )
            // hash it up, no dups!
        // update our count based on that
        dst->m_numUniqueSites = dt.getNumSlotsUsed();
    if ( m_r->m_getSectionStats ) return true;
    // HACK: END section stats merge

    if ( m_docsToGet <= 0 ) {
        char *xx=NULL;

    // . how much do we need to store final merged docids, etc.?
    // . docid=8 score=4 bitScore=1 clusterRecs=key_t clusterLevls=1
    long need = m_docsToGet * (8+4+sizeof(key_t)+sizeof(DocIdScore *)+1);
    // allocate it
    m_finalBuf     = (char *)mmalloc ( need , "finalBuf" );
    m_finalBufSize = need;
    // g_errno should be set if this fails
    if ( ! m_finalBuf ) return true;
    // hook into it
    char *p = m_finalBuf;
    m_docIds        = (long long *)p;
    p += m_docsToGet * 8;
    m_scores        = (float     *)p;
    p += m_docsToGet * sizeof(float);
    m_clusterRecs   = (key_t     *)p;
    p += m_docsToGet * sizeof(key_t);
    m_clusterLevels = (char      *)p;
    p += m_docsToGet * 1;
    m_scoreInfos    = (DocIdScore **)p;
    p+=m_docsToGet*sizeof(DocIdScore *);

    // sanity check
    char *pend = m_finalBuf + need;
    if ( p != pend ) {
        char *xx = NULL;
        *xx =0;
    // . now allocate for hash table
    // . get at least twice as many slots as docids
    HashTableT<long long,char> htable;
    // returns false and sets g_errno on error
    if ( ! htable.set ( m_docsToGet * 2 ) ) return true;
    // hash table for doing site clustering, provided we
    // are fully split and we got the site recs now
    HashTableT<long long,long> htable2;
    if ( m_r->m_doSiteClustering && ! htable2.set ( m_docsToGet * 2 ) )
        return true;

    // ***MERGE ALL SPLITS INTO m_docIds[], etc.***
    // . merge all lists in m_replyDocIds[splitNum]
    // . we may be re-called later after m_docsToGet is increased
    //   if too many docids were clustered/filtered out after the call
    //   to Msg51.

    // the winning docid will be diPtr[maxj]
    long maxj = -1;
    //Msg39Reply *mr;
    long hslot;

    // get the next highest-scoring docids from all split lists
    for ( long j = 0; j < m_numHosts; j++ ) {
        // . skip exhausted lists
        // . these both should be NULL if reply was skipped because
        //   we did a gbdocid:| query
        if ( diPtr[j] >= diEnd[j] ) continue;
        // compare the score
        if ( maxj == -1 ) {
            maxj = j;
        if ( *rsPtr[j] < *rsPtr[maxj] ) continue;
        if ( *rsPtr[j] > *rsPtr[maxj] ) {
            maxj = j;
        // prefer lower docids on top
        if ( *diPtr[j] < *diPtr[maxj] ) {
            maxj = j;

    if ( maxj == -1 ) {
        m_moreDocIdsAvail = false;
        goto doneMerge;

    // only do this logic if we have clusterdb recs included
    if ( m_r->m_doSiteClustering     &&
            // if the clusterLevel was set to CR_*errorCode* then this key
            // will be 0, so in that case, it might have been a not found
            // or whatever, so let it through regardless
            ksPtr[maxj]->n0 != 0LL &&
            ksPtr[maxj]->n1 != 0   ) {
        // get the hostname hash, a long long
        long sh = g_clusterdb.getSiteHash26 ((char *)ksPtr[maxj]);
        // do we have enough from this hostname already?
        long slot = htable2.getSlot ( sh );
        // if this hostname already visible, do not over-display it...
        if ( slot >= 0 ) {
            // get the count
            long val = htable2.getValueFromSlot ( slot );
            // . if already 2 or more, give up
            // . if the site hash is 0, that usually means a
            //   "not found" in clusterdb, and the accompanying
            //   cluster level would be set as such, but since we
            //   did not copy the cluster levels over in the merge
            //   algo above, we don't know for sure... cluster recs
            //   are set to 0 in the Msg39.cpp clustering.
            if ( sh && val >= 2 ) goto skip;
            // inc the count
            // store it
            htable2.setValue ( slot , val );
        // . add it, this should be pre-allocated!
        // . returns false and sets g_errno on error
        else if ( ! htable2.addKey(sh,1) ) return true;

    hslot = htable.getSlot ( *diPtr[maxj] );

    // . only add it to the final list if the docid is "unique"
    // . BUT since different event ids share the same docid, exception!
    if ( hslot < 0 ) {
        // always inc this
        // only do this if we need more
        if ( m_numDocIds < m_docsToGet ) {
            // get DocIdScore class for this docid
            Msg39Reply *mr = m_reply[maxj];
            // point to the array of DocIdScores
            DocIdScore *ds = (DocIdScore *)mr->ptr_scoreInfo;
            long nds = mr->size_scoreInfo/sizeof(DocIdScore);
            DocIdScore *dp = NULL;
            for ( long i = 0 ; i < nds ; i++ ) {
                if ( ds[i].m_docId != *diPtr[maxj] )  continue;
                dp = &ds[i];
            // add the max to the final merged lists
            m_docIds    [m_numDocIds] = *diPtr[maxj];

            // wtf?
            if ( ! dp ) {
                // this is empty if no scoring info
                // supplied!
                if ( m_r->m_getDocIdScoringInfo )
                    log("msg3a: CRAP! got empty score "
                        "info for "
                //char *xx=NULL; *xx=0;  261561804684
                // qry = www.yahoo
            // point to the single DocIdScore for this docid
            m_scoreInfos[m_numDocIds] = dp;

            // reset this just in case
            if ( dp ) {
                dp->m_singleScores = NULL;
                dp->m_pairScores   = NULL;

            // now fix DocIdScore::m_pairScores and m_singleScores
            // ptrs so they reference into the
            // Msg39Reply::ptr_pairScoreBuf and ptr_singleSingleBuf
            // like they should. it seems we do not free the
            // Msg39Replies so we should be ok referencing them.
            if ( dp && dp->m_singlesOffset >= 0 )
                dp->m_singleScores =
                    (SingleScore *)(mr->ptr_singleScoreBuf+
                                    dp->m_singlesOffset) ;
            if ( dp && dp->m_pairsOffset >= 0 )
                dp->m_pairScores =
                    (PairScore *)(mr->ptr_pairScoreBuf +
                                  dp->m_pairsOffset );

            // turn it into a float, that is what rscore_t is.
            // we do this to make it easier for PostQueryRerank.cpp
            m_scores    [m_numDocIds]=(float)*rsPtr[maxj];
            if ( m_r->m_doSiteClustering )
                m_clusterRecs[m_numDocIds]= *ksPtr[maxj];
            // clear this out
            // set this for use below
            hslot = m_numDocIds;
            // point to next available slot to add to
        // if it has ALL the required query terms, count it
        //if ( *bsPtr[maxj] & 0x60 ) m_numAbove++;
        // . add it, this should be pre-allocated!
        // . returns false and sets g_errno on error
        if ( ! htable.addKey(*diPtr[maxj],1) ) return true;

    // increment the split pointers from which we took the max
    // get the next highest docid and add it in
    if ( m_numDocIds < m_docsToGet ) goto mergeLoop;


    if ( m_debug ) {
        // show how long it took
        logf( LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg3a: [%lu] merged %li docs from %li "
              "splits in %llu ms. "
              (unsigned long)this,
              m_numDocIds, (long)m_numHosts,
              gettimeofdayInMilliseconds() - m_startTime
        // show the final merged docids
        for ( long i = 0 ; i < m_numDocIds ; i++ ) {
            long sh = 0;
            if ( m_r->m_doSiteClustering )
                sh=g_clusterdb.getSiteHash26((char *)
            // print out score_t
            logf(LOG_DEBUG,"query: msg3a: [%lu] "
                 "%03li) merged docId=%012llu "
                 "score=%.01f hosthash=0x%lx",
                 (unsigned long)this,
                 m_docIds    [i] ,
                 (float)m_scores    [i] ,
                 sh );

    // if we had a full split, we should have gotten the cluster recs
    // from each split already
    memset ( m_clusterLevels , CR_OK , m_numDocIds );

    return true;