コード例 #1
bitset_t ProofUtil::InitialProofForOpponent(const HexBoard& brd, 
                                            HexColor toPlay)
    // Add opponent played stones and deduction set.
    const InferiorCells& inf = brd.GetInferiorCells();
    bitset_t proof = brd.GetPosition().GetPlayed(!toPlay);
    proof |= inf.DeductionSet(!toPlay);

    // Add all semi-connections from the mustplay.
    const VCList& lst = brd.Cons(!toPlay).GetList(VC::SEMI, 
    const bool useGreedy = brd.Builder().Parameters().use_greedy_union;
    proof |= useGreedy ? lst.getGreedyUnion() : lst.getUnion();

    // Add reversable reversers. 
    // The carriers do NOT need to be included in the proof, since
    // they are captured by the (losing) player, not his opponent (for
    // whom we are building the proof set).
    // TODO: Currently, we just add the first reverser: we should see
    // if any reverser is already in the proof, since then we wouldn't
    // need to add one.
    for (BitsetIterator p(inf.Reversible()); p; ++p) 
        const std::set<HexPoint>& reversers = inf.Reversers(*p);
    // Add vulnerable killers and their carriers.
    // TODO: Currently, we just add the first killer: we should see if
    // any killer is already in the proof, since then we wouldn't need
    // to add one.
    for (BitsetIterator p(inf.Vulnerable()); p; ++p) 
        const std::set<VulnerableKiller>& killers = inf.Killers(*p);
        proof |= ((*killers.begin()).carrier());
    return proof;
コード例 #2
bitset_t ProofUtil::MaximumProofSet(const HexBoard& brd, HexColor toPlay)
    return brd.GetPosition().GetEmpty()
        | brd.GetPosition().GetPlayed(toPlay)
        | brd.GetInferiorCells().DeductionSet(toPlay);