コード例 #1
ファイル: skeletontool.cpp プロジェクト: titer1/opentoonz
void getHooks(std::vector<HookData> &hooks, TXsheet *xsh, int row, int col, TPointD dpiScale)
	// nota. hook position is in the coordinate system of the parent object.
	// a inch is Stage::inch

	TXshCell cell = xsh->getCell(row, col);
	if (!cell.m_level)

	TStageObjectId columnId = TStageObjectId::ColumnId(col);
	// handle is the current handle (pivot) of the column. It can be H1,H2,... or A,B,C,...
	std::string handle = xsh->getStageObject(TStageObjectId::ColumnId(col))->getHandle();
	bool handleIsHook = handle.find("H") == 0;
	TAffine aff = xsh->getPlacement(columnId, row);

	// imageDpiAff represent the scale factor between the image and the camera
	// derived by dpi match (i.e. ignoring geometric transformation)
	// cameraPos = imageDpiAff * imagePos
	TAffine imageDpiAff;
	if (cell.m_level->getSimpleLevel())
		imageDpiAff = getDpiAffine(cell.m_level->getSimpleLevel(), cell.m_frameId, true);

	// center (inches)
	TPointD center = xsh->getCenter(columnId, row); // getHooks
	if (handleIsHook)
		center = TPointD(0, 0);

	// add the hook #0 (i.e. the regular center)
	hooks.push_back(HookData(xsh, col, 0, aff * TScale(Stage::inch) * center));

	// add the regular hooks
	HookSet *hookSet = cell.m_level->getHookSet();
	if (hookSet && hookSet->getHookCount() > 0) {
		for (int j = 0; j < hookSet->getHookCount(); j++) {
			Hook *hook = hookSet->getHook(j);
			if (hook && !hook->isEmpty()) {
				TPointD pos = hook->getAPos(cell.m_frameId);
				pos = aff * imageDpiAff * pos;
				hooks.push_back(HookData(xsh, col, j + 1, pos));
コード例 #2
TPointD XshHandleManager::getHandlePos(const TStageObjectId &id,
                                       const std::string &handle,
                                       int row) const {
  static const double unit = 8.0;


  if (handle == "")
    return TPointD();

  else if (handle[0] == 'H' && handle.length() > 1) {
    // Hook port case

    if (!id.isColumn()) return TPointD();

    int hookIndex = 0;
      int h, hLength = handle.length();
      for (h = 1; h != hLength; ++h)
        hookIndex = hookIndex * 10 + (handle[h] - '0');

    TStageObject *obj = m_xsh->getStageObject(id);
    if (const PlasticSkeletonDeformationP &def =
            obj->getPlasticSkeletonDeformation()) {
      int skelId = def->skeletonId(row);

      PlasticSkeleton skel;
      def->storeDeformedSkeleton(skelId, row, skel);

      int v = def->vertexIndex(hookIndex, skelId);
      return (v >= 0) ? TScale(1.0 / Stage::inch) * skel.vertex(v).P()
                      : TPointD();


    int col = id.getIndex();
    TXshCell cell(m_xsh->getCell(row, col));

    TXshLevel *xl = cell.m_level.getPointer();
    if (!xl) return TPointD();

    TXshSimpleLevel *sl = xl->getSimpleLevel();
    if (!sl) return TPointD();

    Hook *hook = sl->getHookSet()->getHook(hookIndex);
    if (!hook) return TPointD();

    TFrameId fid(cell.m_frameId);

    TPointD pos = hook->getAPos(fid) * (1.0 / Stage::inch);
    TPointD delta;

    for (int r = row - 1; r >= 0; --r) {
      cell = m_xsh->getCell(r, col);
      if (cell.m_level.getPointer() != xl) break;

      const TFrameId &precFid = cell.m_frameId;
      delta += computePassHook(fid, precFid, sl, hook);
      fid = precFid;

    pos += delta * (1.0 / Stage::inch);
    pos = getDpiAffine(sl, cell.m_frameId, true) * pos;

    return pos;
  } else if ('A' <= handle[0] && handle[0] <= 'Z')
    return TPointD(unit * (handle[0] - 'B'), 0);
  else if ('a' <= handle[0] && handle[0] <= 'z')
    return TPointD(0.5 * unit * (handle[0] - 'b'), 0);
    return TPointD();