int HttpGetCommand::execute(int argc, char* argv[]) { int commandStatus = CommandProcessor::COMMAND_FAILED; if(argc == 2) { commandStatus = CommandProcessor::COMMAND_SUCCESS; const char* url = argv[1]; const char* serverBegin = strstr(url, "http://"); if(serverBegin != url) { printf("unsupported protocol in Url: %s\n", url); commandStatus = CommandProcessor::COMMAND_BAD_SYNTAX; } else { serverBegin += 7; UtlString uri(serverBegin); int serverEndIndex = uri.index("/"); if(serverEndIndex < 0) serverEndIndex = uri.length(); if(serverEndIndex > 0) { UtlString server = uri; server.remove(serverEndIndex); int portIndex = server.index(":"); int port = PORT_NONE; if(portIndex > 0) { UtlString portString = server; server.remove(portIndex); portString.remove(0, portIndex + 1); printf("port string: %s\n",; port = atoi(; } uri.remove(0, serverEndIndex); if(uri.isNull()) uri = "/"; printf("HTTP get of %s from server %s port: %d\n",,, port); if (!portIsValid(port)) { port = 80; printf("defaulting to http port 80\n"); } OsConnectionSocket getSocket(port,; HttpMessage getRequest; getRequest.setFirstHeaderLine("GET",, HTTP_PROTOCOL_VERSION); int wroteBytes = getRequest.write(&getSocket); printf("wrote %d\n", wroteBytes); HttpMessage getResponse;; UtlString responseBytes; int responseLength; getResponse.getBytes(&responseBytes, &responseLength); printf("Got %d bytes\n", responseLength); printf("Response: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n%s\n",; } else { printf("invalid server in Url: %s\n", url); commandStatus = CommandProcessor::COMMAND_BAD_SYNTAX; } } } else { UtlString usage; getUsage(argv[0], &usage); printf("%s",; commandStatus = CommandProcessor::COMMAND_BAD_SYNTAX; //commandStatus = CommandProcessor::COMMAND_FAILED; } return(commandStatus); }
/** * Test header, message, body, message contructor */ void testMessage() { // TODO break this up into several tests. Too intertwined const char* name = "Content-Type"; const char* value = "text/plain"; const char* httpTopLine = "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0"; const char* valueRef = NULL; const char* n2 = "yyy"; const char* v2 = "yyy-value"; const char* v2a = "yyy-value2"; UtlString messageBytes; UtlString messageBytes2; ssize_t messageLen = 0; ssize_t messageLen2 = 0; const char* body = "<HTML>\n<H3>Hello\n<BR>\n</HTML>\n"; const HttpBody *bodyRef; ssize_t bodyLength = 0; UtlString headerLinePart; HttpMessage *msg; HttpMessage *msg2; msg = new HttpMessage(); // H E A D E R int fieldCount = msg->getCountHeaderFields(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("field count should be zero", 0, fieldCount); msg->addHeaderField(name, value); fieldCount = msg->getCountHeaderFields(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("field count should be zero", 1, fieldCount); valueRef = msg->getHeaderValue(0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("NULL field value", valueRef != NULL); ASSERT_STR_EQUAL_MESSAGE("incorrect field value", value, valueRef); msg->setFirstHeaderLine(httpTopLine); valueRef = msg->getFirstHeaderLine(); ASSERT_STR_EQUAL_MESSAGE("incorrect top header line value", valueRef, httpTopLine); valueRef = msg->getHeaderValue(0, name); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("NULL field value", valueRef != NULL); ASSERT_STR_EQUAL_MESSAGE("incorrect field value", value, valueRef); msg->addHeaderField(n2, v2); fieldCount = msg->getCountHeaderFields(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("field count should be 2", 2, fieldCount); valueRef = msg->getHeaderValue(0, n2); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("NULL field value", valueRef != NULL); ASSERT_STR_EQUAL_MESSAGE("incorrect field value", v2, valueRef); msg->addHeaderField(n2, v2a); fieldCount = msg->getCountHeaderFields(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("field count should be 3", 3, fieldCount); valueRef = msg->getHeaderValue(1, n2); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("NULL field value", valueRef != NULL); ASSERT_STR_EQUAL_MESSAGE("incorrect field value", v2a, valueRef); // B O D Y HttpBody *httpBody = new HttpBody(body, strlen(body)); msg->setBody(httpBody); bodyRef = msg->getBody(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("bad body pointer", httpBody == bodyRef); bodyRef->getBytes(&valueRef, &bodyLength); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("bad body pointer", valueRef != NULL); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("incorrect body len", (ssize_t)strlen(body), bodyLength); ASSERT_STR_EQUAL_MESSAGE("incorrect body value", body, valueRef); const char* expectedLinePart[] = { "GET", "/index.html", "HTTP/1.0" }; size_t n = sizeof(expectedLinePart) / sizeof(expectedLinePart[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { msg->getFirstHeaderLinePart(i, &headerLinePart); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("NULL header line part pointer", !headerLinePart.isNull()); ASSERT_STR_EQUAL_MESSAGE("incorrect hdr line", expectedLinePart[i],; headerLinePart.remove(0); } msg->getBytes(&messageBytes, &messageLen); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("NULL body pointer", !messageBytes.isNull()); // message constructor msg2 = new HttpMessage(, messageLen); msg2->getBytes(&messageBytes2, &messageLen2); valueRef = msg2->getHeaderValue(0, name); ASSERT_STR_EQUAL_MESSAGE("incorrect message bytes", value, valueRef); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("incorrect message byte length", messageLen, messageLen2); delete msg2; delete msg; // AS DESIGNED: body delete is handled by delete msg // delete httpBody; }