static HRESULT ReadAAFFile(aafWChar * pFileName) { // IAAFSession * pSession = NULL; IAAFFile * pFile = NULL; bool bFileOpen = false; IAAFHeader * pHeader = NULL; IAAFDictionary* pDictionary = NULL; IEnumAAFMobs* pMobIter = NULL; IEnumAAFMobSlots* pEnum = NULL; IAAFMob* pMob = NULL; IAAFMobSlot* pMobSlot = NULL; IAAFSegment* pSegment = NULL; IAAFSequence* pSequence = NULL; IAAFTransition* pTransition = NULL; IAAFComponent* pComponent = NULL; IAAFFiller* pFiller = NULL; IAAFOperationGroup* pOperationGroup = NULL; IEnumAAFComponents* pCompIter = NULL; aafLength_t transitionLength; aafPosition_t cutPoint; aafNumSlots_t numMobs; aafUInt32 numComponents = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { // Open the file checkResult(AAFFileOpenExistingRead(pFileName, 0, &pFile)); bFileOpen = true; // We can't really do anthing in AAF without the header. checkResult(pFile->GetHeader(&pHeader)); // Get the number of mobs in the file (should be one) checkResult(pHeader->CountMobs(kAAFAllMob, &numMobs)); checkExpression(1 == numMobs, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkResult(pHeader->GetMobs( NULL, &pMobIter)); while (AAFRESULT_SUCCESS == pMobIter->NextOne(&pMob)) { checkResult(pMob->GetSlots (&pEnum)); while (AAFRESULT_SUCCESS == pEnum->NextOne (&pMobSlot)) { checkResult(pMobSlot->GetSegment (&pSegment)); // Check to see if Segment is a Sequence checkResult(pSegment->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFSequence, (void **) &pSequence)); // It is, so get a Component Iterator checkResult(pSequence->CountComponents(&numComponents)); // Verify that all 3 components(Filler, Transition, Filler) are present checkExpression(numComponents == 3, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkResult(pSequence->GetComponents(&pCompIter)); // Now visit each and every one of the components. while(AAFRESULT_SUCCESS == pCompIter->NextOne(&pComponent)) { // Find out what kind of segment we have if ((pComponent->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFTransition, (void **)&pTransition)) == AAFRESULT_SUCCESS) { // This is the transition checkResult(pTransition->GetCutPoint (&cutPoint)); checkResult(pComponent->GetLength(&transitionLength)); checkResult(pTransition->GetOperationGroup(&pOperationGroup)); // Check results !! checkExpression(cutPoint == 0, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkExpression(transitionLength == 100, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); pTransition->Release(); pTransition = NULL; } else { // validate that the other segments are Fillers checkResult(pComponent->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFFiller, (void **)&pFiller)); pFiller->Release(); pFiller = NULL; } pComponent->Release(); pComponent = NULL; } pSegment->Release(); pSegment = NULL; pSequence->Release(); pSequence = NULL; pCompIter->Release(); pCompIter = NULL; } pMob->Release(); pMob = NULL; } } catch (HRESULT& rResult) { hr = rResult; } // Cleanup and return if (pTransition) pTransition->Release(); if (pOperationGroup) pOperationGroup->Release(); if (pComponent) pComponent->Release(); if (pSegment) pSegment->Release(); if (pMobSlot) pMobSlot->Release(); if (pSequence) pSequence->Release(); if (pCompIter) pCompIter->Release(); if (pEnum) pEnum->Release(); if (pFiller) pFiller->Release(); if (pMob) pMob->Release(); if (pMobIter) pMobIter->Release(); if (pDictionary) pDictionary->Release(); if (pHeader) pHeader->Release(); if (pFile) { if (bFileOpen) pFile->Close(); pFile->Release(); } return hr; }
static HRESULT ProcessAAFFile(const aafWChar * pFileName, testType_t testType) { IAAFFile * pFile = NULL; IAAFHeader * pHeader = NULL; IAAFDictionary* pDictionary = NULL; IEnumAAFMobs* pMobIter = NULL; aafNumSlots_t numMobs, numSlots; aafSearchCrit_t criteria; aafMobID_t mobID; aafWChar namebuf[1204]; const aafWChar* slotName = L"A slot in Composition Mob"; IAAFComponent* pComponent = NULL; IAAFComponent* aComponent = NULL; IEnumAAFMobSlots* pMobSlotIter = NULL; IAAFMobSlot* pMobSlot = NULL; IAAFTimelineMobSlot* newSlot = NULL; IAAFSegment* seg = NULL; IAAFSegment* pSegment = NULL; IAAFMob* pCompMob = NULL; IAAFMob* pMob = NULL; aafPosition_t zeroPos = 0; IAAFSequence* pAudioSequence = NULL; IAAFSourceClip* pSourceClip = NULL; aafLength_t duration; IAAFTimelineMobSlot* pTimelineMobSlot = NULL; IAAFClassDef *pCompositionMobDef = NULL; IAAFClassDef *pSequenceDef = NULL; IAAFClassDef *pSourceClipDef = NULL; IAAFDataDef *pSoundDef = NULL; IAAFDataDef *pDataDef = NULL; // Set the edit rate information aafRational_t editRate; editRate.numerator = 48000; editRate.denominator = 1; // Set search condition to true bool lookingForAudio = true; // Call the routine (from ExportAudioExample) to make the file for processing check(CreateAAFFile(pwFileName, NULL, testStandardCalls, &pFile)); /* Get the Header and iterate through the Master Mobs in the existing file */ check(pFile->GetHeader(&pHeader)); check(pHeader->GetDictionary(&pDictionary)); /* Lookup class definitions for the objects we want to create. */ check(pDictionary->LookupClassDef(AUID_AAFCompositionMob, &pCompositionMobDef)); check(pDictionary->LookupClassDef(AUID_AAFSequence, &pSequenceDef)); check(pDictionary->LookupClassDef(AUID_AAFSourceClip, &pSourceClipDef)); /* Lookup any necessary data definitions. */ check(pDictionary->LookupDataDef(kAAFDataDef_Sound, &pSoundDef)); // Get the number of master mobs in the existing file (must not be zero) check(pHeader->CountMobs(kAAFMasterMob, &numMobs)); if (numMobs != 0) { printf("Found %d Master Mobs\n", numMobs); criteria.searchTag = kAAFByMobKind; criteria.tags.mobKind = kAAFMasterMob; check(pHeader->GetMobs(&criteria, &pMobIter)); /* Create a Composition Mob */ check(pCompositionMobDef-> CreateInstance(IID_IAAFMob, (IUnknown **)&pCompMob)); /* Append the Mob to the Header */ check(pHeader->AddMob(pCompMob)); /* Create a TimelineMobSlot with an audio sequence */ check(pSequenceDef-> CreateInstance(IID_IAAFSequence, (IUnknown **)&pAudioSequence)); check(pAudioSequence->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFSegment, (void **)&seg)); check(pAudioSequence->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFComponent, (void **)&aComponent)); check(aComponent->SetDataDef(pSoundDef)); check(pCompMob->AppendNewTimelineSlot(editRate, seg, 1, slotName, zeroPos, &newSlot)); seg->Release(); seg = NULL; newSlot->Release(); newSlot = NULL; // This variable is about to be overwritten so we need to release the old interface aComponent->Release(); aComponent = NULL; while((AAFRESULT_SUCCESS == pMobIter->NextOne(&pMob))) { // Print out information about the Mob char mobIDstr[256]; char mobName[256]; check(pMob->GetMobID (&mobID)); check(pMob->GetName (namebuf, sizeof(namebuf))); convert(mobName, sizeof(mobName), namebuf); MobIDtoString(mobID, mobIDstr); printf(" MasterMob Name = '%s'\n", mobName); printf(" (mobID %s)\n", mobIDstr); // Add a Source Clip for each Master Mob to the audio sequence by iterating check(pMob->GetSlots(&pMobSlotIter)); /* Iterating through all Mob Slots */ // Get the number of slots check(pMob->CountSlots(&numSlots)); while (lookingForAudio && (AAFRESULT_SUCCESS == pMobSlotIter->NextOne(&pMobSlot))); { /* Check to see if it is an Audio Timeline Mob Slot */ HRESULT hr; hr=pMobSlot->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFTimelineMobSlot,(void **) &pTimelineMobSlot); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { printf("Found a timeline mob slot\n"); check(pMobSlot->GetDataDef(&pDataDef)); // Check that we have a sound file by examining its data definition aafBool bIsSoundKind = kAAFFalse; check(pDataDef->IsSoundKind(&bIsSoundKind)); if (kAAFTrue == bIsSoundKind) { printf("Found a sound file\n"); // We are no longer looking for audio data so set boolean lookingForAudio = false; /* Get the information for the new source clip */ check(pMob->GetMobID(&sourceRef.sourceID)); check(pMobSlot->GetSlotID(&sourceRef.sourceSlotID)); check(pTimelineMobSlot->GetOrigin(&sourceRef.startTime)); check(pMobSlot->GetSegment(&pSegment)); check(pSegment->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFComponent, (void **)&pComponent)); check(pComponent->GetLength(&duration)); pComponent->Release(); pComponent = NULL; pSegment->Release(); pSegment = NULL; // this loop is to be removed upon fixing of the bug // in essenceaccess relating to codec definitions... int j = 0; for (j=0; j<10; j++) { /* Create a new Source Clip */ check(pSourceClipDef-> CreateInstance(IID_IAAFSourceClip, (IUnknown **)&pSourceClip)); // Initialize the Source Clip check(pSourceClip->Initialize( pSoundDef, duration, sourceRef)); check(pSourceClip->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFComponent, (void **) &pComponent)); check(pAudioSequence->AppendComponent(pComponent)); pComponent->Release(); pComponent = NULL; pSourceClip->Release(); pSourceClip = NULL; } } pTimelineMobSlot->Release(); pTimelineMobSlot = NULL; pDataDef->Release(); pDataDef = NULL; } pMobSlot->Release(); pMobSlot = NULL; } pMobSlotIter->Release(); pMobSlotIter = NULL; pMob->Release(); pMob = NULL; } pAudioSequence->Release(); pAudioSequence = NULL; pCompMob->Release(); pCompMob = NULL; pMobIter->Release(); pMobIter = NULL; } else { printf("Error with file: File has no Master mobs.\n"); } cleanup: // Cleanup and return if (pSourceClip) pSourceClip->Release(); if (pComponent) pComponent->Release(); if (pSegment) pSegment->Release(); if (pTimelineMobSlot) pTimelineMobSlot->Release(); if (pMobSlotIter) pMobSlotIter->Release(); if (pMob) pMob->Release(); if (newSlot) newSlot->Release(); if (aComponent) aComponent->Release(); if (seg) seg->Release(); if (pAudioSequence) pAudioSequence->Release(); if (pCompMob) pCompMob->Release(); if (pMobIter) pMobIter->Release(); if (pDataDef) pDataDef->Release(); if (pSoundDef) pSoundDef->Release(); if (pSourceClipDef) pSourceClipDef->Release(); if (pSequenceDef) pSequenceDef->Release(); if (pCompositionMobDef) pCompositionMobDef->Release(); if (pDictionary) pDictionary->Release(); if (pHeader) pHeader->Release(); if (pFile) { /* Save the AAF file */ pFile->Save(); /* Close the AAF file */ pFile->Close(); pFile->Release(); } return moduleErrorTmp; }