extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) HRESULT __stdcall CallApplicationMain(PCALL_APPLICATION_MAIN_DATA data) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; errno_t errno = 0; FnGetCLRRuntimeHost pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost = nullptr; ICLRRuntimeHost2* pCLRRuntimeHost = nullptr; TCHAR szCurrentDirectory[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szCoreClrDirectory[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR lpCoreClrModulePath[MAX_PATH]; size_t cchTrustedPlatformAssemblies = 0; LPWSTR pwszTrustedPlatformAssemblies = nullptr; Win32KDisable(); if (data->runtimeDirectory) { errno = wcscpy_s(szCurrentDirectory, data->runtimeDirectory); CHECK_RETURN_VALUE_FAIL_EXIT_VIA_FINISHED(errno); } else { GetModuleDirectory(NULL, szCurrentDirectory); } HMODULE hCoreCLRModule = LoadCoreClr(); if (!hCoreCLRModule) { printf_s("Failed to locate coreclr.dll.\n"); return E_FAIL; } // Get the path to the module DWORD dwCoreClrModulePathSize = GetModuleFileName(hCoreCLRModule, lpCoreClrModulePath, MAX_PATH); lpCoreClrModulePath[dwCoreClrModulePathSize] = '\0'; GetModuleDirectory(hCoreCLRModule, szCoreClrDirectory); HMODULE ignoreModule; // Pin the module - CoreCLR.dll does not support being unloaded. if (!::GetModuleHandleExW(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_PIN, lpCoreClrModulePath, &ignoreModule)) { printf_s("Failed to pin coreclr.dll.\n"); return E_FAIL; } pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost = (FnGetCLRRuntimeHost)::GetProcAddress(hCoreCLRModule, "GetCLRRuntimeHost"); if (!pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost) { printf_s("Failed to find export GetCLRRuntimeHost.\n"); return E_FAIL; } hr = pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost(IID_ICLRRuntimeHost2, (IUnknown**)&pCLRRuntimeHost); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf_s("Failed to get IID_ICLRRuntimeHost2.\n"); return hr; } STARTUP_FLAGS dwStartupFlags = (STARTUP_FLAGS)( STARTUP_FLAGS::STARTUP_LOADER_OPTIMIZATION_SINGLE_DOMAIN | STARTUP_FLAGS::STARTUP_SINGLE_APPDOMAIN | STARTUP_FLAGS::STARTUP_SERVER_GC ); pCLRRuntimeHost->SetStartupFlags(dwStartupFlags); // Authenticate with either CORECLR_HOST_AUTHENTICATION_KEY or CORECLR_HOST_AUTHENTICATION_KEY_NONGEN hr = pCLRRuntimeHost->Authenticate(CORECLR_HOST_AUTHENTICATION_KEY); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf_s("Failed to Authenticate().\n"); return hr; } hr = pCLRRuntimeHost->Start(); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf_s("Failed to Start().\n"); return hr; } const wchar_t* property_keys[] = { // Allowed property names: // APPBASE // - The base path of the application from which the exe and other assemblies will be loaded L"APPBASE", // // TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES // - The list of complete paths to each of the fully trusted assemblies L"TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES", // // APP_PATHS // - The list of paths which will be probed by the assembly loader L"APP_PATHS", // // APP_NI_PATHS // - The list of additional paths that the assembly loader will probe for ngen images // // NATIVE_DLL_SEARCH_DIRECTORIES // - The list of paths that will be probed for native DLLs called by PInvoke // }; cchTrustedPlatformAssemblies = TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE_CCH; pwszTrustedPlatformAssemblies = (LPWSTR)calloc(cchTrustedPlatformAssemblies+1, sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pwszTrustedPlatformAssemblies == NULL) { goto Finished; } pwszTrustedPlatformAssemblies[0] = L'\0'; // Try native images first if (!GetTrustedPlatformAssembliesList(szCoreClrDirectory, true, pwszTrustedPlatformAssemblies, cchTrustedPlatformAssemblies)) { if (!GetTrustedPlatformAssembliesList(szCoreClrDirectory, false, pwszTrustedPlatformAssemblies, cchTrustedPlatformAssemblies)) { printf_s("Failed to find files in the coreclr directory\n"); return E_FAIL; } } // Add the assembly containing the app domain manager to the trusted list errno = wcscat_s(pwszTrustedPlatformAssemblies, cchTrustedPlatformAssemblies, szCurrentDirectory); CHECK_RETURN_VALUE_FAIL_EXIT_VIA_FINISHED(errno); errno = wcscat_s(pwszTrustedPlatformAssemblies, cchTrustedPlatformAssemblies, L"kre.coreclr.managed.dll"); CHECK_RETURN_VALUE_FAIL_EXIT_VIA_FINISHED(errno); //wstring appPaths(szCurrentDirectory); WCHAR wszAppPaths[MAX_PATH]; wszAppPaths[0] = L'\0'; errno = wcscat_s(wszAppPaths, _countof(wszAppPaths), szCurrentDirectory); CHECK_RETURN_VALUE_FAIL_EXIT_VIA_FINISHED(errno); errno = wcscat_s(wszAppPaths, _countof(wszAppPaths), L";"); CHECK_RETURN_VALUE_FAIL_EXIT_VIA_FINISHED(errno); errno = wcscat_s(wszAppPaths, _countof(wszAppPaths), szCoreClrDirectory); CHECK_RETURN_VALUE_FAIL_EXIT_VIA_FINISHED(errno); errno = wcscat_s(wszAppPaths, _countof(wszAppPaths), L";"); CHECK_RETURN_VALUE_FAIL_EXIT_VIA_FINISHED(errno); const wchar_t* property_values[] = { // APPBASE data->applicationBase, // TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES pwszTrustedPlatformAssemblies, // APP_PATHS wszAppPaths, }; DWORD domainId; DWORD dwFlagsAppDomain = APPDOMAIN_ENABLE_PLATFORM_SPECIFIC_APPS | APPDOMAIN_ENABLE_PINVOKE_AND_CLASSIC_COMINTEROP; LPCWSTR szAssemblyName = L"kre.coreclr.managed, Version="; LPCWSTR szEntryPointTypeName = L"DomainManager"; LPCWSTR szMainMethodName = L"Execute"; int nprops = sizeof(property_keys) / sizeof(wchar_t*); hr = pCLRRuntimeHost->CreateAppDomainWithManager( L"kre.coreclr.managed", dwFlagsAppDomain, NULL, NULL, nprops, property_keys, property_values, &domainId); if (FAILED(hr)) { wprintf_s(L"TPA %d %S\n", wcslen(pwszTrustedPlatformAssemblies), pwszTrustedPlatformAssemblies); wprintf_s(L"AppPaths %S\n", wszAppPaths); printf_s("Failed to create app domain (%x).\n", hr); return hr; } HostMain pHostMain; hr = pCLRRuntimeHost->CreateDelegate( domainId, szAssemblyName, szEntryPointTypeName, szMainMethodName, (INT_PTR*)&pHostMain); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf_s("Failed to create main delegate (%x).\n", hr); return hr; } SetEnvironmentVariable(L"KRE_FRAMEWORK", L"aspnetcore50"); // Call main data->exitcode = pHostMain(data->argc, data->argv); pCLRRuntimeHost->UnloadAppDomain(domainId, true); pCLRRuntimeHost->Stop(); Finished: if (pwszTrustedPlatformAssemblies != NULL) { free(pwszTrustedPlatformAssemblies); pwszTrustedPlatformAssemblies = NULL; } if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } else { return S_OK; } }
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) bool __stdcall CallApplicationMain(PCALL_APPLICATION_MAIN_DATA data) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; FnGetCLRRuntimeHost pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost = nullptr; ICLRRuntimeHost2* pCLRRuntimeHost = nullptr; TCHAR szCurrentDirectory[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szCoreClrDirectory[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR lpCoreClrModulePath[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleDirectory(NULL, szCurrentDirectory); HMODULE hCoreCLRModule = LoadCoreClr(); if (!hCoreCLRModule) { printf_s("Failed to locate coreclr.dll.\n"); return false; } // Get the path to the module DWORD dwCoreClrModulePathSize = GetModuleFileName(hCoreCLRModule, lpCoreClrModulePath, MAX_PATH); lpCoreClrModulePath[dwCoreClrModulePathSize] = '\0'; GetModuleDirectory(hCoreCLRModule, szCoreClrDirectory); HMODULE ignoreModule; // Pin the module - CoreCLR.dll does not support being unloaded. if (!::GetModuleHandleExW(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_PIN, lpCoreClrModulePath, &ignoreModule)) { printf_s("Failed to pin coreclr.dll.\n"); return false; } pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost = (FnGetCLRRuntimeHost)::GetProcAddress(hCoreCLRModule, "GetCLRRuntimeHost"); if (!pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost) { printf_s("Failed to find export GetCLRRuntimeHost.\n"); return false; } hr = pfnGetCLRRuntimeHost(IID_ICLRRuntimeHost2, (IUnknown**)&pCLRRuntimeHost); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf_s("Failed to get IID_ICLRRuntimeHost2.\n"); return false; } STARTUP_FLAGS dwStartupFlags = (STARTUP_FLAGS)( STARTUP_FLAGS::STARTUP_LOADER_OPTIMIZATION_SINGLE_DOMAIN | STARTUP_FLAGS::STARTUP_SINGLE_APPDOMAIN ); pCLRRuntimeHost->SetStartupFlags(dwStartupFlags); // Authenticate with either CORECLR_HOST_AUTHENTICATION_KEY or CORECLR_HOST_AUTHENTICATION_KEY_NONGEN hr = pCLRRuntimeHost->Authenticate(CORECLR_HOST_AUTHENTICATION_KEY); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf_s("Failed to Authenticate().\n"); return false; } hr = pCLRRuntimeHost->Start(); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf_s("Failed to Start().\n"); return false; } const wchar_t* property_keys[] = { // Allowed property names: // APPBASE // - The base path of the application from which the exe and other assemblies will be loaded L"APPBASE", // // TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES // - The list of complete paths to each of the fully trusted assemblies L"TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES", // // APP_PATHS // - The list of paths which will be probed by the assembly loader L"APP_PATHS", // // APP_NI_PATHS // - The list of additional paths that the assembly loader will probe for ngen images // // NATIVE_DLL_SEARCH_DIRECTORIES // - The list of paths that will be probed for native DLLs called by PInvoke // }; wstring trustedPlatformAssemblies(L""); // Enumerate the core clr directory and add each .dll or .ni.dll to the list of trusted assemblies wstring pattern(szCoreClrDirectory); pattern += L"*.dll"; WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd; HANDLE findHandle = FindFirstFile(pattern.c_str(), &ffd); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == findHandle) { printf_s("Failed to find files in the coreclr directory\n"); return -1; } do { if (ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // Skip directories } else { trustedPlatformAssemblies += szCoreClrDirectory; trustedPlatformAssemblies += ffd.cFileName; trustedPlatformAssemblies += L";"; } } while (FindNextFile(findHandle, &ffd) != 0); // Add the assembly containing the app domain manager to the trusted list trustedPlatformAssemblies += szCurrentDirectory; trustedPlatformAssemblies += L"klr.core45.managed.dll"; wstring appPaths(szCurrentDirectory); appPaths += L";"; appPaths += szCoreClrDirectory; const wchar_t* property_values[] = { // APPBASE szCurrentDirectory, // TODO: Allow overriding this // TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES trustedPlatformAssemblies.c_str(), // APP_PATHS appPaths.c_str(), }; DWORD domainId; DWORD dwFlagsAppDomain = APPDOMAIN_ENABLE_PLATFORM_SPECIFIC_APPS | APPDOMAIN_ENABLE_PINVOKE_AND_CLASSIC_COMINTEROP | APPDOMAIN_ENABLE_ASSEMBLY_LOADFILE; LPCWSTR szAssemblyName = L"klr.core45.managed, Version="; LPCWSTR szDomainManagerTypeName = L"DomainManager"; LPCWSTR szMainMethodName = L"Main"; int nprops = sizeof(property_keys) / sizeof(wchar_t*); hr = pCLRRuntimeHost->CreateAppDomainWithManager( L"klr.core45.managed", dwFlagsAppDomain, szAssemblyName, szDomainManagerTypeName, nprops, property_keys, property_values, &domainId); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf_s("Failed to create app domain (%d).\n", hr); return false; } HostMain pHostMain; hr = pCLRRuntimeHost->CreateDelegate( domainId, szAssemblyName, szDomainManagerTypeName, szMainMethodName, (INT_PTR*)&pHostMain); if (FAILED(hr)) { printf_s("Failed to create main delegate (%d).\n", hr); return false; } // Call main data->exitcode = pHostMain(szCurrentDirectory, data->argc, data->argv); pCLRRuntimeHost->UnloadAppDomain(domainId, true); pCLRRuntimeHost->Stop(); return hr; }