Matrix alignJointsBounds(iKinChain *chain, PolyDriver *drvTorso, PolyDriver *drvHead, const double eyeTiltMin, const double eyeTiltMax) { IEncoders *encs; IControlLimits *lims; double min, max; int nJointsTorso=1; if (drvTorso!=NULL) { drvTorso->view(encs); drvTorso->view(lims); encs->getAxes(&nJointsTorso); for (int i=0; i<nJointsTorso; i++) { lims->getLimits(i,&min,&max); (*chain)[nJointsTorso-1-i].setMin(CTRL_DEG2RAD*min); // reversed order (*chain)[nJointsTorso-1-i].setMax(CTRL_DEG2RAD*max); } } drvHead->view(encs); drvHead->view(lims); int nJointsHead; encs->getAxes(&nJointsHead); Matrix lim(nJointsHead,2); for (int i=0; i<nJointsHead; i++) { lims->getLimits(i,&min,&max); // limit eye's tilt due to eyelids if (i==2) { min=std::max(min,eyeTiltMin); max=std::min(max,eyeTiltMax); } lim(i,0)=CTRL_DEG2RAD*min; lim(i,1)=CTRL_DEG2RAD*max; // just one eye's got only 5 dofs if (i<nJointsHead-1) { (*chain)[nJointsTorso+i].setMin(lim(i,0)); (*chain)[nJointsTorso+i].setMax(lim(i,1)); } } return lim; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // just list the devices if no argument given if (argc <= 2) { printf("You can call %s like this:\n", argv[0]); printf(" %s --robot ROBOTNAME --OPTION VALUE ...\n", argv[0]); printf("For example:\n"); printf(" %s --robot icub --local /talkto/james --remote /controlboard/rpc\n", argv[0]); printf("Here are devices listed for your system:\n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); return 0; } // get command line options Property options; options.fromCommand(argc, argv); if (!options.check("robot") || !options.check("part")) { printf("Missing either --robot or --part options\n"); return 0; } Network::init(); Time::turboBoost(); std::string name; Value& v = options.find("robot"); Value& part = options.find("part"); Value *val; if (!options.check("device", val)) { options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); } if (!options.check("local", val)) { name="/"+std::string(v.asString().c_str())+"/"+std::string(part.asString().c_str())+"/simpleclient"; //sprintf(&name[0], "/%s/%s/client", v.asString().c_str(), part.asString().c_str()); options.put("local", name.c_str()); } if (!options.check("remote", val)) { name="/"+std::string(v.asString().c_str())+"/"+std::string(part.asString().c_str()); //sprintf(&name[0], "/%s/%s", v.asString().c_str(), part.asString().c_str()); options.put("remote", name.c_str()); } fprintf(stderr, "%s", options.toString().c_str()); // create a device PolyDriver dd(options); if (!dd.isValid()) { printf("Device not available. Here are the known devices:\n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); Network::fini(); return 1; } IPositionControl *pos; IPositionDirect *posDir; IVelocityControl *vel; IEncoders *enc; IPidControl *pid; IAmplifierControl *amp; IControlLimits *lim; // IControlMode *icm; IControlMode2 *iMode2; ITorqueControl *itorque; IOpenLoopControl *iopenloop; IImpedanceControl *iimp; IInteractionMode *iInteract; bool ok; ok = dd.view(pos); ok &= dd.view(vel); ok &= dd.view(enc); ok &= dd.view(pid); ok &= dd.view(amp); ok &= dd.view(lim); // ok &= dd.view(icm); ok &= dd.view(itorque); ok &= dd.view(iopenloop); ok &= dd.view(iimp); ok &= dd.view(posDir); ok &= dd.view(iMode2); ok &= dd.view(iInteract); if (!ok) { printf("Problems acquiring interfaces\n"); return 1; } pos->getAxes(&jnts); printf("Working with %d axes\n", jnts); double *tmp = new double[jnts]; printf("Device active...\n"); while (dd.isValid()) { std::string s; s.resize(1024); printf("-> "); char c = 0; int i = 0; while (c != '\n') { c = (char)fgetc(stdin); s[i++] = c; } s[i-1] = s[i] = 0; Bottle p; Bottle response; bool ok=false; bool rec=false; p.fromString(s.c_str()); printf("Bottle: %s\n", p.toString().c_str()); switch(p.get(0).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_HELP: printf("\n\n"); printf("Available commands:\n"); printf("-------------------\n\n"); printf("IOpenLoop:\ntype [%s] and one of the following:\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IOPENLOOP).c_str()); printf(" [set] [%s] <int> <float>\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUT).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] <int>\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUT).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s]\n\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUTS).c_str()); printf("IControlMode:\ntype [%s] and one of the following:\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ICONTROLMODE).c_str()); printf(" [set] [%s]|[%s]|[%s]|[%s]|[%s]|[%s]|[%s]|[%s][%s]|[%s]\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_POSITION).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_POSITION_DIRECT).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_VELOCITY).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_MIXED).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_TORQUE).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_OPENLOOP).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_IDLE).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_FORCE_IDLE).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_IMPEDANCE_POS).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_IMPEDANCE_VEL).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] <int>\n\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_CM_CONTROL_MODE).c_str()); printf("ITorqueControl:\ntype [%s] and one of the following:\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_TORQUE).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] <int> to read the measured torque for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_TRQ).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] to read the measured torque for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_TRQS).c_str()); printf(" [set] [%s] <int> <float> to set the reference torque for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF).c_str()); printf(" [set] [%s] <float list> to set the reference torque for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFS).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] <int> to read the reference torque for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] to read the reference torque for all axes\n\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFS).c_str()); printf("IImpedanceControl:\ntype [%s] and one of the following:\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IMPEDANCE).c_str()); printf(" [set] [%s] <int> <float> <float> \n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IMP_PARAM).c_str()); printf(" [set] [%s] <int> <float>\n\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IMP_OFFSET).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] <int>\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IMP_PARAM).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] <int>\n\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IMP_OFFSET).c_str()); printf("IInteractionMode:\ntype [%s] and one of the following:\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_INTERFACE_INTERACTION_MODE).c_str()); printf(" [set] [%s]|[%s] <int>\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IM_STIFF).c_str(), Vocab::decode(VOCAB_IM_COMPLIANT).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] <int>\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_INTERACTION_MODE).c_str()); printf(" [get] [%s] \n\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_INTERACTION_MODES).c_str()); printf("Standard Interfaces:\n"); printf("type [get] and one of the following:\n"); printf(" [%s] to read the number of controlled axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AXES).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the encoder value for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the PID values for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PIDS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to read the PID values for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to read the limit values for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the PID error for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ERRS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the PID output for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUTS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the reference position for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFERENCES).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to read the reference position for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFERENCE).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the reference speed for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to read the reference speed for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEED).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the reference acceleration for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to read the reference acceleration for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION).c_str()); printf(" [%s] to read the current consumption for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AMP_CURRENTS).c_str()); printf("\n"); printf("type [set] and one of the following:\n"); printf(" [%s] <int> <double> to move a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> <double> to accelerate a single axis to a given speed\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> <double> to set the reference speed for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEED).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> <double> to set the reference acceleration for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <list> to move multiple axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <list> to accelerate multiple axes to a given speed\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <list> to set the reference speed for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <list> to set the reference acceleration for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to stop a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOP).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to stop all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOPS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> <list> to set the PID values for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> <list> to set the limits for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to disable the PID control for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_DISABLE).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> to enable the PID control for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENABLE).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <int> <double> to set the encoder value for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODER).c_str()); printf(" [%s] <list> to set the encoder value for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); printf("\n"); printf("NOTES: - A list is a sequence of numbers in parenthesis, e.g. (10 2 1 10)\n"); printf(" - Pids are expressed as a list of 7 numbers, type get pid <int> to see an example\n"); printf("\n"); break; case VOCAB_QUIT: goto ApplicationCleanQuit; break; case VOCAB_ICONTROLMODE: { handleControlModeMsg(iMode2, p, response, &rec, &ok); printf("%s\n", response.toString().c_str()); break; } case VOCAB_IMPEDANCE: { handleImpedanceMsg(iimp, p, response, &rec, &ok); printf("%s\n", response.toString().c_str()); break; } case VOCAB_TORQUE: { handleTorqueMsg(itorque, p, response, &rec, &ok); printf("%s\n", response.toString().c_str()); break; } case VOCAB_INTERFACE_INTERACTION_MODE: { handleInteractionModeMsg(iInteract, p, response, &rec, &ok); printf("%s\n", response.toString().c_str()); break; } case VOCAB_GET: switch(p.get(1).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_AXES: { int nj = 0; enc->getAxes(&nj); printf ("%s: %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AXES).c_str(), nj); } break; case VOCAB_ENCODERS: { enc->getEncoders(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_PID: { Pid pd; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); pid->getPid(j, &pd); printf("%s: ", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str()); printf("kp %.2f ",; printf("kd %.2f ", pd.kd); printf("ki %.2f ",; printf("maxi %.2f ", pd.max_int); printf("maxo %.2f ", pd.max_output); printf("off %.2f ", pd.offset); printf("scale %.2f ", pd.scale); printf("\n"); } break; case VOCAB_PIDS: { Pid *p = new Pid[jnts]; ok = pid->getPids(p); Bottle& b = response.addList(); int i; for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { Bottle& c = b.addList(); c.addDouble(p[i].kp); c.addDouble(p[i].kd); c.addDouble(p[i].ki); c.addDouble(p[i].max_int); c.addDouble(p[i].max_output); c.addDouble(p[i].offset); c.addDouble(p[i].scale); } printf("%s\n", b.toString().c_str()); delete[] p; } break; case VOCAB_LIMITS: { double min, max; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); lim->getLimits(j, &min, &max); printf("%s: ", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str()); printf("limits: (%.2f %.2f)\n", min, max); } break; case VOCAB_ERRS: { pid->getErrors(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ERRS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_OUTPUTS: { iopenloop->getOutputs(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUTS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_OUTPUT: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double v; iopenloop->getOutput(j, &v); printf("%s: ", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUT).c_str()); printf("%.2f ", v); printf("\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REFERENCE: { double ref_pos; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); pid->getReference(j,&ref_pos); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFERENCE).c_str()); printf ("%.2f ", ref_pos); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REFERENCES: { pid->getReferences(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFERENCES).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS: { pos->getRefSpeeds(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REF_SPEED: { double ref_speed; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); pos->getRefSpeed(j,&ref_speed); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEED).c_str()); printf ("%.2f ", ref_speed); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION: { double ref_acc; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); pos->getRefAcceleration(j,&ref_acc); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION).c_str()); printf ("%.2f ", ref_acc); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS: { pos->getRefAccelerations(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_AMP_CURRENTS: { amp->getCurrents(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AMP_CURRENTS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; } break; case VOCAB_SET: switch(p.get(1).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: moving %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE).c_str(), j, ref); pos->positionMove(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: accelerating %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE).c_str(), j, ref); vel->velocityMove(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_REF_SPEED: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: setting speed for %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEED).c_str(), j, ref); pos->setRefSpeed(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: setting acceleration for %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION).c_str(), j, ref); pos->setRefAcceleration(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: moving all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES).c_str()); pos->positionMove(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: moving all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES).c_str()); vel->velocityMove(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: setting speed for all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); pos->setRefSpeeds(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: setting acceleration for all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); pos->setRefAccelerations(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_STOP: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: stopping axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOP).c_str(), j); pos->stop(j); } break; case VOCAB_STOPS: { printf("%s: stopping all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOPS).c_str()); pos->stop(); } break; case VOCAB_ENCODER: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: setting the encoder value for %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODER).c_str(), j, ref); enc->setEncoder(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_ENCODERS: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: setting the encoder value for all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); enc->setEncoders(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_PID: { Pid pd; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); Bottle *l = p.get(3).asList(); if (l==0) { printf("Check you specify a 7 elements list, e.g. set pid 0 (2000 20 1 300 300 0 0)\n"); } else { int elems=l->size(); if (elems>=3) { = l->get(0).asDouble(); pd.kd = l->get(1).asDouble(); = l->get(2).asDouble(); if (elems>=7) { pd.max_int = l->get(3).asDouble(); pd.max_output = l->get(4).asDouble(); pd.offset = l->get(5).asDouble(); pd.scale = l->get(6).asDouble(); } printf("%s: setting PID values for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str(), j); pid->setPid(j, pd); } else { printf("Error, check you specify at least 7 elements, e.g. set pid 0 (2000 20 1 300 300 0 0)\n"); } } } break; case VOCAB_DISABLE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: disabling control for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_DISABLE).c_str(), j); pid->disablePid(j); amp->disableAmp(j); } break; case VOCAB_ENABLE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: enabling control for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENABLE).c_str(), j); amp->enableAmp(j); pid->enablePid(j); } break; case VOCAB_LIMITS: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: setting limits for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str(), j); Bottle *l = p.get(3).asList(); lim->setLimits(j, l->get(0).asDouble(), l->get(1).asDouble()); } break; case VOCAB_OUTPUT: { int j=p.get(2).asInt(); double v=p.get(3).asDouble(); iopenloop->setRefOutput(j,v); printf("%s: setting output for axis %d to %f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUT).c_str(), j, v); } break; } break; } /* switch get(0) */ } /* while () */ ApplicationCleanQuit: dd.close(); delete[] tmp; Network::fini(); return 0; }
int main() { Network::init(); srand(time(NULL)); Property options; options.put("robot", "icub"); // typically from the command line. options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); Value& robotname = options.find("robot"); string s("/"); s += robotname.asString(); s += "/right_arm/babbling"; options.put("local", s.c_str()); s.clear(); s += "/"; s += robotname.asString(); s += "/right_arm"; options.put("remote", s.c_str()); PolyDriver dd(options); if (!dd.isValid()) { cout << "Device not available. Here are the known devices:\n"<< endl; cout << Drivers::factory().toString().c_str() << endl;; Network::fini(); return 0; } IPositionControl *pos; IVelocityControl *vel; IEncoders *enc; IPidControl *pid; IAmplifierControl *amp; IControlLimits *lim; bool ok; ok = dd.view(pos); ok &= dd.view(vel); ok &= dd.view(enc); ok &= dd.view(pid); ok &= dd.view(amp); ok &= dd.view(lim); if (!ok) { cout << "Device not able to acquire views" << endl; Network::fini(); dd.close(); return 0; } int jnts = 0; pos->getAxes(&jnts); printf("Working with %d axes\n", jnts); // limits vector<pair<int, int> > vLimitJoints; for (int i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { double min, max; lim->getLimits(i, &min, &max); vLimitJoints.push_back(pair<int, int> ((int)min, (int)max)); } // get value of the arm // we move : 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 // we don't move: 0 1 2 3 vector<bool> mask; mask.resize(jnts); mask[0] = false; mask[1] = false; mask[2] = false; mask[3] = false; mask[4] = false; mask[5] = false; mask[6] = false; mask[7] = false; mask[8] = false; mask[9] = false; mask[10] = false; mask[11] = true; mask[12] = true; mask[13] = true; mask[14] = true; mask[15] = true; Vector tmp; tmp.resize(jnts,0.0); for (int i = 4; i < jnts; i++) { pos->positionMove(i, 0.0); } bool initDone = false; while (!initDone) { initDone = true; for (int i = 4; i < jnts; i++) { bool jntMotionDone = false; pos->checkMotionDone(i, &jntMotionDone); initDone &= jntMotionDone; } } while(true) { cout << "Moving to new posture..." << endl; for (int i = 4; i < jnts; i++) { if (mask[i]) { double newValue = yarp::os::Random::uniform(vLimitJoints[i].first, vLimitJoints[i].second); tmp[i] = newValue; pos->positionMove(i, tmp[i]); } } cout << "Waiting for posture to be reached... ("<<tmp.toString(3,3)<<" ) ..." ; bool motionDone = false; while (!motionDone) { motionDone = true; for (int i = 4; i < jnts; i++) { if (mask[i]) { bool jntMotionDone = false; pos->checkMotionDone(i, &jntMotionDone); motionDone &= jntMotionDone; } } } Time::delay(15.0); cout << "ok" << endl; } dd.close(); return 0; }
bool SpringyFingersModel::calibrate(const Property &options) { if (configured) { IControlMode2 *imod; driver.view(imod); IControlLimits *ilim; driver.view(ilim); IEncoders *ienc; driver.view(ienc); IPositionControl *ipos; driver.view(ipos); int nAxes; ienc->getAxes(&nAxes); Vector qmin(nAxes),qmax(nAxes),vel(nAxes),acc(nAxes); printMessage(1,"steering the hand to a suitable starting configuration\n"); for (int j=7; j<nAxes; j++) { imod->setControlMode(j,VOCAB_CM_POSITION); ilim->getLimits(j,&qmin[j],&qmax[j]); ipos->getRefAcceleration(j,&acc[j]); ipos->getRefSpeed(j,&vel[j]); ipos->setRefAcceleration(j,1e9); ipos->setRefSpeed(j,60.0); ipos->positionMove(j,(j==8)?qmax[j]:qmin[j]); // thumb in opposition } printMessage(1,"proceeding with the calibration\n"); Property &opt=const_cast<Property&>(options); string tag=opt.check("finger",Value("all")).asString().c_str(); if (tag=="thumb") { calibrateFinger(fingers[0],10,qmin[10],qmax[10]); } else if (tag=="index") { calibrateFinger(fingers[1],12,qmin[12],qmax[12]); } else if (tag=="middle") { calibrateFinger(fingers[2],14,qmin[14],qmax[14]); } else if (tag=="ring") { calibrateFinger(fingers[3],15,qmin[15],qmax[15]); } else if (tag=="little") { calibrateFinger(fingers[4],15,qmin[15],qmax[15]); } else if ((tag=="all") || (tag=="all_serial")) { calibrateFinger(fingers[0],10,qmin[10],qmax[10]); calibrateFinger(fingers[1],12,qmin[12],qmax[12]); calibrateFinger(fingers[2],14,qmin[14],qmax[14]); calibrateFinger(fingers[3],15,qmin[15],qmax[15]); calibrateFinger(fingers[4],15,qmin[15],qmax[15]); } else if (tag=="all_parallel") { CalibThread thr[5]; thr[0].setInfo(this,fingers[0],10,qmin[10],qmax[10]); thr[1].setInfo(this,fingers[1],12,qmin[12],qmax[12]); thr[2].setInfo(this,fingers[2],14,qmin[14],qmax[14]); thr[3].setInfo(this,fingers[3],15,qmin[15],qmax[15]); thr[4].setInfo(this,fingers[4],15,qmin[15],qmax[15]); thr[0].start(); thr[1].start(); thr[2].start(); thr[3].start(); thr[4].start(); bool done=false; while (!done) { done=true; for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { done&=thr[i].isDone(); if (thr[i].isDone() && thr[i].isRunning()) thr[i].stop(); } Time::delay(0.1); } } else { printMessage(1,"unknown finger request %s\n",tag.c_str()); return false; } for (int j=7; j<nAxes; j++) { ipos->setRefAcceleration(j,acc[j]); ipos->setRefSpeed(j,vel[j]); } return true; } else return false; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // just list the devices if no argument given if (argc <= 2) { printf("You can call %s like this:\n", argv[0]); printf(" %s --robot ROBOTNAME --OPTION VALUE ...\n", argv[0]); printf("For example:\n"); printf(" %s --robot icub --part any --remote /controlboard\n", argv[0]); printf("Here are devices listed for your system:\n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); return 0; } // get command line options Property options; options.fromCommand(argc, argv); if (!options.check("robot") || !options.check("part")) { printf("Missing either --robot or --part options\n"); return 0; } Network yarp; Time::turboBoost(); char name[1024]; Value& v = options.find("robot"); Value& part = options.find("part"); Value *val; if (!options.check("device", val)) { options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); } if (!options.check("local", val)) { sprintf(name, "/%s/%s/client", v.asString().c_str(), part.asString().c_str()); options.put("local", name); } if (!options.check("remote", val)) { sprintf(name, "/%s/%s", v.asString().c_str(), part.asString().c_str()); options.put("remote", name); } fprintf(stderr, "%s", options.toString().c_str()); // create a device PolyDriver dd(options); if (!dd.isValid()) { printf("Device not available. Here are the known devices:\n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); return 1; } IPositionControl *pos; IVelocityControl *vel; IEncoders *enc; IPidControl *pid; IAmplifierControl *amp; IControlLimits *lim; bool ok; ok = dd.view(pos); ok &= dd.view(vel); ok &= dd.view(enc); ok &= dd.view(pid); ok &= dd.view(amp); ok &= dd.view(lim); if (!ok) { printf("Problems acquiring interfaces\n"); return 1; } int jnts = 0; pos->getAxes(&jnts); printf("Working with %d axes\n", jnts); double *tmp = new double[jnts]; assert (tmp != NULL); printf("Device active...\n"); while (dd.isValid()) { char s[1024]; printf("-> "); char c = 0; int i = 0; while (c != '\n') { c = (char)fgetc(stdin); s[i++] = c; } s[i-1] = s[i] = 0; Bottle p; p.fromString(s); printf("Bottle: %s\n", p.toString().c_str()); switch(p.get(0).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_HELP: printf("\n\n"); printf("Available commands:\n\n"); printf("type [get] and one of the following:\n"); printf("[%s] to read the number of controlled axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AXES).c_str()); printf("[%s] to read the encoder value for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> to read the PID values for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> to read the limit values for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str()); printf("[%s] to read the PID error for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ERRS).c_str()); printf("[%s] to read the PID output for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUTS).c_str()); printf("[%s] to read the reference position for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFERENCES).c_str()); printf("[%s] to read the reference speed for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); printf("[%s] to read the reference acceleration for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); printf("[%s] to read the current consumption for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AMP_CURRENTS).c_str()); printf("\n"); printf("type [set] and one of the following:\n"); printf("[%s] <int> <double> to move a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> <double> to accelerate a single axis to a given speed\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> <double> to set the reference speed for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEED).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> <double> to set the reference acceleration for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION).c_str()); printf("[%s] <list> to move multiple axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES).c_str()); printf("[%s] <list> to accelerate multiple axes to a given speed\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES).c_str()); printf("[%s] <list> to set the reference speed for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); printf("[%s] <list> to set the reference acceleration for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> to stop a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOP).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> to stop all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOPS).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> <list> to set the PID values for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> <list> to set the limits for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> to disable the PID control for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_DISABLE).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> to enable the PID control for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENABLE).c_str()); printf("[%s] <int> <double> to set the encoder value for a single axis\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODER).c_str()); printf("[%s] <list> to set the encoder value for all axes\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); printf("\n"); break; case VOCAB_QUIT: goto ApplicationCleanQuit; break; case VOCAB_GET: switch(p.get(1).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_AXES: { int nj = 0; enc->getAxes(&nj); printf ("%s: %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AXES).c_str(), nj); } break; case VOCAB_ENCODERS: { enc->getEncoders(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_PID: { Pid pd; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); pid->getPid(j, &pd); printf("%s: ", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str()); printf("kp %.2f ",; printf("kd %.2f ", pd.kd); printf("ki %.2f ",; printf("maxi %.2f ", pd.max_int); printf("maxo %.2f ", pd.max_output); printf("off %.2f ", pd.offset); printf("scale %.2f ", pd.scale); printf("\n"); } break; case VOCAB_LIMITS: { double min, max; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); lim->getLimits(j, &min, &max); printf("%s: ", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str()); printf("limits: (%.2f %.2f)\n", min, max); } break; case VOCAB_ERRS: { pid->getErrorLimits(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ERRS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_OUTPUTS: { pid->getErrors(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_OUTPUTS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REFERENCES: { pid->getReferences(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REFERENCES).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS: { pos->getRefSpeeds(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS: { pos->getRefAccelerations(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; case VOCAB_AMP_CURRENTS: { amp->getCurrents(tmp); printf ("%s: (", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_AMP_CURRENTS).c_str()); for(i = 0; i < jnts; i++) printf ("%.2f ", tmp[i]); printf (")\n"); } break; } break; case VOCAB_SET: switch(p.get(1).asVocab()) { case VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: moving %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVE).c_str(), j, ref); pos->positionMove(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: accelerating %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVE).c_str(), j, ref); vel->velocityMove(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_REF_SPEED: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: setting speed for %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEED).c_str(), j, ref); pos->setRefSpeed(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: setting acceleration for %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATION).c_str(), j, ref); pos->setRefAcceleration(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: moving all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_POSITION_MOVES).c_str()); pos->positionMove(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: moving all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_VELOCITY_MOVES).c_str()); vel->velocityMove(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: setting speed for all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_SPEEDS).c_str()); pos->setRefSpeeds(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: setting acceleration for all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_REF_ACCELERATIONS).c_str()); pos->setRefAccelerations(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_STOP: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: stopping axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOP).c_str()); pos->stop(j); } break; case VOCAB_STOPS: { printf("%s: stopping all axes %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_STOPS).c_str()); pos->stop(); } break; case VOCAB_ENCODER: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); double ref = p.get(3).asDouble(); printf("%s: setting the encoder value for %d to %.2f\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODER).c_str(), j, ref); enc->setEncoder(j, ref); } break; case VOCAB_ENCODERS: { Bottle *l = p.get(2).asList(); for (i = 0; i < jnts; i++) { tmp[i] = l->get(i).asDouble(); } printf("%s: setting the encoder value for all joints\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENCODERS).c_str()); enc->setEncoders(tmp); } break; case VOCAB_PID: { Pid pd; int j = p.get(2).asInt(); Bottle *l = p.get(3).asList(); = l->get(0).asDouble(); pd.kd = l->get(1).asDouble(); = l->get(2).asDouble(); pd.max_int = l->get(3).asDouble(); pd.max_output = l->get(4).asDouble(); pd.offset = l->get(5).asDouble(); pd.scale = l->get(6).asDouble(); printf("%s: setting PID values for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_PID).c_str(), j); pid->setPid(j, pd); } break; case VOCAB_DISABLE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: disabling control for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_DISABLE).c_str(), j); pid->disablePid(j); amp->disableAmp(j); } break; case VOCAB_ENABLE: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: enabling control for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_ENABLE).c_str(), j); amp->enableAmp(j); pid->enablePid(j); } break; case VOCAB_LIMITS: { int j = p.get(2).asInt(); printf("%s: setting limits for axis %d\n", Vocab::decode(VOCAB_LIMITS).c_str(), j); Bottle *l = p.get(3).asList(); lim->setLimits(j, l->get(0).asDouble(), l->get(1).asDouble()); } break; } break; } /* switch get(0) */ } /* while () */ ApplicationCleanQuit: dd.close(); delete[] tmp; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Network yarp; Property params; params.fromCommand(argc, argv); if (!params.check("robot")) { fprintf(stderr, "Please specify the name of the robot\n"); fprintf(stderr, "--robot name (e.g. icub)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "--part name (right_arm or left_arm)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "--durationInS duration (in seconds)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "--sampleInMS sample time (in milliseconds)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "--refTimeInMS Reference time of minimum jerk trajectory generator (in milliseconds)\n"); return 1; } if( !params.check("sampleInMS") || !params.check("durationInS") || !params.check("refTimeInMS") ) { fprintf(stderr, "Necessary params not passed\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::string robotName=params.find("robot").asString().c_str(); std::string partName=params.find("part").asString().c_str(); double durationInS = params.find("durationInS").asDouble(); double samplesInMS = params.find("sampleInMS").asDouble(); double refTimeInMS = params.find("refTimeInMS").asDouble(); std::cout << "robotName : " << robotName << std::endl; std::cout << "partName : " << partName << std::endl; std::cout << "durationInS : " << durationInS << std::endl; std::cout << "samplesInMS : " << samplesInMS << std::endl; std::cout << "refTimeInMS : " << refTimeInMS << std::endl; std::string remotePorts="/"; remotePorts+=robotName; remotePorts+="/"+partName; std::string localPorts="/randomShoulderMovements/client"; Property options; options.put("device", "remote_controlboard"); options.put("local", localPorts.c_str()); //local port names options.put("remote", remotePorts.c_str()); //where we connect to // create a device PolyDriver robotDevice(options); if (!robotDevice.isValid()) { printf("Device not available. Here are the known devices:\n"); printf("%s", Drivers::factory().toString().c_str()); return 0; } IPositionDirect *pos; IEncoders *encs; IControlLimits * lims; IControlMode2 * ictrl; bool ok; ok = robotDevice.view(pos); ok = ok && robotDevice.view(encs); ok = ok && robotDevice.view(lims); ok = ok && robotDevice.view(ictrl); if (!ok) { printf("Problems acquiring interfaces\n"); return 0; } int nj=0; pos->getAxes(&nj); Vector encodersInDeg(nj); Vector desPosInDeg(3); Vector commandInDeg(3); Vector minShoulderInDeg(3); Vector maxShoulderInDeg(3); Vector lowerBoundConstraint; Vector upperBoundConstraint; Matrix constraintMatrix; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { lims->getLimits(i,&(minShoulderInDeg[i]),&(maxShoulderInDeg[i])); } bool encodersRead = encs->getEncoders(; while( !encodersRead ) { encodersRead = encs->getEncoders(; } getShoulderConstraint(lowerBoundConstraint,upperBoundConstraint,constraintMatrix); // Create the minimum jerk filter iCub::ctrl::minJerkTrajGen filter(3,samplesInMS,refTimeInMS); filter.init(encodersInDeg.subVector(0,2)); std::cout << "Filter initial value " << encodersInDeg.subVector(0,2).toString() << std::endl; std::vector<int> indexToControl; indexToControl.push_back(0); indexToControl.push_back(1); indexToControl.push_back(2); // Set control modes ictrl->setControlMode(0,VOCAB_CM_POSITION_DIRECT); ictrl->setControlMode(1,VOCAB_CM_POSITION_DIRECT); ictrl->setControlMode(2,VOCAB_CM_POSITION_DIRECT); double samplesInS = samplesInMS/1000.0; int samples = (int)(durationInS/samplesInS); int samplesForNewPosition = (int)(refTimeInMS/samplesInMS); for(int i=0; i < samples; i++ ) { if( i % samplesForNewPosition == 0 ) { // Generate a new desired shoulder position generateRandomShoulderPosition(desPosInDeg,minShoulderInDeg,maxShoulderInDeg, lowerBoundConstraint,upperBoundConstraint,constraintMatrix); std::cout << "New position generated" << std::endl; std::cout << "Position generated " << desPosInDeg.toString() << std::endl; std::cout << "Remaining time " << (samples-i)*(samplesInS) << std::endl; } filter.computeNextValues(desPosInDeg); commandInDeg = filter.getPos(); std::cout << "Position set " << commandInDeg.toString() << std::endl; pos->setPositions(3,,; yarp::os::Time::delay(samplesInS); } robotDevice.close(); return 0; }
bool configure(ResourceFinder &rf) { Time::turboBoost(); string name=rf.check("name",Value("yarpMinJerk")).asString().c_str(); string robot=rf.check("robot",Value("icubSim")).asString().c_str(); string part=rf.check("part",Value("left_arm")).asString().c_str(); joint=rf.check("joint",Value(3)).asInt(); compliant=rf.check("compliant"); Property option; option.put("device","remote_controlboard"); option.put("remote",("/"+robot+"/"+part).c_str()); option.put("local",("/"+name+"/"+part).c_str()); if (! return false; drv.view(imod); drv.view(iint); drv.view(ienc); drv.view(ivel); imod->setControlMode(joint,VOCAB_CM_VELOCITY); if (compliant) iint->setInteractionMode(joint,VOCAB_IM_COMPLIANT); IControlLimits *ilim; drv.view(ilim); double min_joint,max_joint; ilim->getLimits(joint,&min_joint,&max_joint); double enc; while (!ienc->getEncoder(joint,&enc)) Time::delay(0.1); Controller_P.Plant_IC=enc; Controller_P.Plant_Max=max_joint; Controller_P.Plant_Min=min_joint; Controller_P.AutoCompensator_ThresHystMax=0.5; Controller_P.AutoCompensator_ThresHystMin=0.1; yInfo("enc=%g in [%g, %g] deg",enc,min_joint,max_joint); // Pack model data into RTM Controller_M->ModelData.defaultParam = &Controller_P; Controller_M->ModelData.blockIO = &Controller_B; Controller_M->ModelData.dwork = &Controller_DW; // Initialize model Controller_initialize(Controller_M, &Controller_U_reference, &Controller_U_compensator_state, &Controller_U_plant_output, &Controller_Y_controller_output, &Controller_Y_controller_reference, &Controller_Y_plant_reference, &Controller_Y_error_statistics, &Controller_Y_enable_compensation); Controller_U_reference=enc; Controller_U_compensator_state=CompensatorState::Off; Controller_U_plant_output=enc;"/"+name+"/data:i").c_str());"/"+name+"/data:o").c_str());"/"+name+"/rpc").c_str()); attach(rpc); return true; }
bool configure(ResourceFinder &rf) { string name=rf.find("name").asString().c_str(); string robot=rf.find("robot").asString().c_str(); string hand=rf.find("hand").asString().c_str(); string modelType=rf.find("modelType").asString().c_str(); fingerName=rf.find("finger").asString().c_str(); if (fingerName=="thumb") joint=10; else if (fingerName=="index") joint=12; else if (fingerName=="middle") joint=14; else if (fingerName=="ring") joint=15; else if (fingerName=="little") joint=15; else { fprintf(stdout,"unknown finger!\n"); return false; } Property driverOpt("(device remote_controlboard)"); driverOpt.put("remote",("/"+robot+"/"+hand+"_arm").c_str()); driverOpt.put("local",("/"+name).c_str()); if (! return false; driver.view(ipos); driver.view(ienc); IControlLimits *ilim; driver.view(ilim); ilim->getLimits(joint,&min,&max); double margin=0.1*(max-min); min=min+margin; max=max-margin; val=&min; Property genOpt; genOpt.put("name",(name+"/"+modelType).c_str()); genOpt.put("robot",robot.c_str()); genOpt.put("type",hand.c_str()); genOpt.put("verbose",1); string general(genOpt.toString().c_str()); string thumb( "(thumb (name thumb))"); string index( "(index (name index))"); string middle("(middle (name middle))"); string ring( "(ring (name ring))"); string little("(little (name little))"); Property options((general+" "+thumb+" "+index+" "+middle+" "+ring+" "+little).c_str()); fprintf(stdout,"configuring options: %s\n",options.toString().c_str()); if (modelType=="springy") model=new SpringyFingersModel; else if (modelType=="tactile") model=new TactileFingersModel; else { fprintf(stdout,"unknown model type!\n"); return false; } if (model->fromProperty(options)) return true; else { delete model; return false; } }