コード例 #1
QString Ilwis3Connector::writeCsy(IlwisObject *obj, const ICoordinateSystem & csy) const
    QString csyName;
    if ( csy->code() != "unknown"){
        if ( csy->code() != "epsg:4326"){
            csyName = Resource::toLocalFile(csy->resource().url(true),true, "csy");
            if ( csy->isInternalObject()){
                QString csyFile = Resource::toLocalFile(sourceRef().url(),false, "csy");
                QString name = csy->name().trimmed();
                if (name.size() > 3 && !csy->isAnonymous()) { // threshold of min 4 chars for a credible csy name
                    name = name.replace(QRegExp("[/ .'\"]"),"_");
                    csyName =  QFileInfo(csyFile).absolutePath() + "/" + name + ".csy";
                } else
                    csyName = csyFile;
            else if ( csyName == sUNDEF || csyName == "") {
                QString path = context()->workingCatalog()->filesystemLocation().toLocalFile() + "/";
                QString name = csy->name();
                if ( !csy->isAnonymous()) {
                    name = name.replace(QRegExp("[/ .'\"]"),"_");
                csyName = path + name;
                if ( !csyName.endsWith(".csy"))
                    csyName += ".csy";
                //return ERROR2(ERR_NO_INITIALIZED_2, "CoordinateSystem", coverage->name());
            int index = _odf->url().lastIndexOf("/");
            QString csyurl = _odf->url().left(index) + "/" + csyName;
            QFileInfo csyinf(QUrl(csyurl).toLocalFile());
            if ( !csyinf.exists()) { // if filepath doesnt exist we create if from scratch

                bool mustWriteCsyFile = csy.isValid();

                if (mustWriteCsyFile) {
                    QUrl url = csyurl; // new attempt to create a suitable path;
                    csy->connectTo(url,"coordsystem","ilwis3", IlwisObject::cmOUTPUT);
                    if(!csy->store({"storemode",Ilwis::IlwisObject::smMETADATA})){ // fail, we default to unknown
                        csyName = "Unknown.csy";
                    } else {
                        csyName = url.toLocalFile();
                    csyName = "Unknown.csy";
            csyName = "LatLonWGS84.csy";
        csyName = "unknown.csy";
    return QFileInfo(csyName).fileName();
コード例 #2
bool CoverageConnector::storeMetaData(IlwisObject *obj, IlwisTypes type, const DataDefinition& datadef)
    bool ok = Ilwis3Connector::storeMetaData(obj, type);
    if ( !ok)
        return false;

    Coverage *coverage = static_cast<Coverage *>(obj);

    const ICoordinateSystem csy = coverage->coordinateSystem();
    if (!csy.isValid())
        return ERROR2(ERR_NO_INITIALIZED_2, "CoordinateSystem", coverage->name());

    QString localName = Resource::toLocalFile(csy->source().url(),true);
    if ( localName == sUNDEF) {
        localName = CoordinateSystemConnector::createCsyFromCode(csy->code());
    if ( localName == sUNDEF) {
        return ERROR2(ERR_NO_INITIALIZED_2, "CoordinateSystem", coverage->name());
    _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","CoordSystem", localName);
    Box2D<double> bounds = coverage->envelope();
        return ERROR2(ERR_NO_INITIALIZED_2, "Bounds", coverage->name());

    _odf->setKeyValue("BaseMap","CoordBounds",QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").

    const IDomain dom = datadef.domain();
    if (!dom.isValid())
        return ERROR2(ERR_NO_INITIALIZED_2, "Domain", coverage->name());

    if ( dom->ilwisType() == itNUMERICDOMAIN) {

        quint16 digits = coverage->statistics().significantDigits();
        qint32 delta = coverage->statistics()[NumericStatistics::pDELTA];
        if ( delta >= 0 && delta < 256 && digits == 0){
            if ( delta >= 0 && delta < 256 && digits == 0){
                if ( datadef.domain()->code() == "boolean"){
                    QString domInfo = QString("bool.dom;Byte;bool;0;;");
                    QString domInfo = QString("Image.dom;Byte;image;0;;");
        else {
            const NumericStatistics& stats = coverage->statistics();
            int digits = stats.significantDigits();
            RawConverter conv(stats[NumericStatistics::pMIN], stats[NumericStatistics::pMAX],pow(10, - digits));
            QString rangeString = QString("%1:%2:%3:offset=%4").arg(stats[NumericStatistics::pMIN]).arg(stats[NumericStatistics::pMAX]).arg(conv.scale()).arg(conv.offset());

            QString domInfo = QString("value.dom;Long;value;0;-9999999.9:9999999.9:0.1:offset=0");
    } if ( dom->ilwisType() == itITEMDOMAIN) {
        QString source = Resource::toLocalFile(dom->source().url(), true);
        if ( dom->valueType() == itTHEMATICITEM && coverage->ilwisType() == itRASTER) {
            IThematicDomain themdom = dom.get<ThematicDomain>();
            if ( themdom.isValid()) {
                QString domInfo = QString("%1;Byte;class;%2;;").arg(source).arg(themdom->count());
        } else if(dom->valueType() == itINDEXEDITEM) {
            QString domName = _odf->fileinfo().fileName();
            QString domInfo = QString("%1;Long;UniqueID;0;;").arg(domName);
        } else if ( dom->valueType() == itNAMEDITEM) {
            INamedIdDomain iddom = dom.get<NamedIdDomain>();
            QString domName = _odf->fileinfo().fileName();
            int index;
            if ( (index=domName.lastIndexOf("."))!= -1)             {
                domName = domName.left(index);
            QString domInfo = QString("%1;;Int;id;%2;;").arg(domName).arg(iddom->count());
            iddom->connectTo(QUrl(),"domain","ilwis3", IlwisObject::cmOUTPUT);
            iddom->store(Ilwis::IlwisObject::smMETADATA | Ilwis::IlwisObject::smBINARYDATA);

    ITable attTable = coverage->attributeTable();
    if ( attTable.isValid()) {
        QScopedPointer<TableConnector> conn(createTableConnector(attTable, coverage, type));
    return true;