コード例 #1
void RasterizingShadowsComputeShader::setParameters(
    ID3D11DeviceContext& deviceContext,
    const float3& cameraPos,
    const Light& light,
    const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, float4 >& rayOriginTexture,
    const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, float4 >& surfaceNormalTexture,
    const int outputTextureWidth, const int outputTextureHeight )
    if ( !m_compiled ) 
        throw std::exception( "RasterizingShadowsComputeShader::setParameters - Shader hasn't been compiled yet." );

    std::shared_ptr< Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, float > > shadowMap;

    if ( light.getType() == Light::Type::SpotLight )
        shadowMap = static_cast<const SpotLight&>( light ).getShadowMap();

    { // Set input buffers and textures.
        const unsigned int resourceCount = 3;
        ID3D11ShaderResourceView* resources[ resourceCount ] = {
            shadowMap ? shadowMap->getShaderResourceView() : nullptr,

        deviceContext.CSSetShaderResources( 0, resourceCount, resources );

    { // Set constant buffer.
        D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mappedResource;
        ConstantBuffer* dataPtr;

        HRESULT result = deviceContext.Map( m_constantInputBuffer.Get(), 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mappedResource );
        if ( result < 0 ) 
            throw std::exception( "RasterizingShadowsComputeShader::setParameters - mapping constant buffer to CPU memory failed." );

        dataPtr = (ConstantBuffer*)mappedResource.pData;

        dataPtr->outputTextureSize  = float2( (float)outputTextureWidth, (float)outputTextureHeight );
        dataPtr->lightPosition      = light.getPosition();
        dataPtr->lightEmitterRadius = light.getEmitterRadius();

        const SpotLight& spotLight = static_cast<const SpotLight&>( light );

        dataPtr->shadowMapViewMatrix       = spotLight.getShadowMapViewMatrix().getTranspose();
        dataPtr->shadowMapProjectionMatrix = spotLight.getShadowMapProjectionMatrix().getTranspose();
        dataPtr->lightConeMinDot           = cos( spotLight.getConeAngle() );
        dataPtr->lightDirection            = spotLight.getDirection();
        dataPtr->cameraPosition            = cameraPos;

        deviceContext.Unmap( m_constantInputBuffer.Get(), 0 );

        deviceContext.CSSetConstantBuffers( 0, 1, m_constantInputBuffer.GetAddressOf() );

    { // Set texture samplers.
        ID3D11SamplerState* samplerStates[] = { m_pointSamplerState.Get(), m_linearSamplerState.Get() };
        deviceContext.CSSetSamplers( 0, 2, samplerStates );
コード例 #2
void GenerateMipmapMinValueComputeShader::setParameters( ID3D11DeviceContext& deviceContext,
                                                         Texture2D< TexUsage::Default, TexBind::RenderTarget_UnorderedAccess_ShaderResource, float >& texture,
                                                         const int srcMipLevel )
    if ( !m_compiled ) 
        throw std::exception( "GenerateMipmapMinValueComputeShader::setParameters - Shader hasn't been compiled yet." );

    const int mipmapCount = texture.getMipMapCountOnGpu();

    if ( srcMipLevel + 1 >= mipmapCount )
        throw std::exception( "GenerateMipmapMinValueComputeShader::setParameters - Source mipmap level is too high (source or destination mipmap is not exisiting)." );

    { // Set input buffers and textures.
        const unsigned int resourceCount = 1;
        ID3D11ShaderResourceView* resources[ resourceCount ] = {
            texture.getShaderResourceView( srcMipLevel )

        deviceContext.CSSetShaderResources( 0, resourceCount, resources );

    { // Set texture sampler.
        deviceContext.CSSetSamplers( 0, 1, m_samplerState.GetAddressOf() );
void GenerateFirstRefractedRaysComputeShader::setParameters( ID3D11DeviceContext& deviceContext, const float3 cameraPos, const float3 viewportCenter, 
                                                             const float3 viewportUp, const float3 viewportRight, const float2 viewportSize,
                                                             const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, float4 >& positionTexture,
                                                             const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, float4 >& normalTexture,
                                                             const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, unsigned char >& roughnessTexture,
                                                             const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, unsigned char >& refractiveIndexTexture,
                                                             const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, uchar4 >& contributionTermTexture,
                                                             const int outputTextureWidth, const int outputTextureHeight )
    if ( !m_compiled ) throw std::exception( "GenerateFirstRefractedRaysComputeShader::setParameters - Shader hasn't been compiled yet." );

    { // Set input buffers and textures.
        m_resourceCount = 5 /*+ (int)refractiveIndexTextures.size()*/;
        std::vector< ID3D11ShaderResourceView* > resources;
        resources.reserve( m_resourceCount );

        resources.push_back( positionTexture.getShaderResourceView() );
        resources.push_back( normalTexture.getShaderResourceView() );
        resources.push_back( roughnessTexture.getShaderResourceView() );
        resources.push_back( refractiveIndexTexture.getShaderResourceView() );
        resources.push_back( contributionTermTexture.getShaderResourceView() );

        /*for ( int i = 0; i < refractiveIndexTextures .size(); ++i )
            resources.push_back( refractiveIndexTextures[ i ]->getShaderResourceView() );*/

        deviceContext.CSSetShaderResources( 0, m_resourceCount, resources.data() );

    D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mappedResource;
    ConstantBuffer* dataPtr;

    HRESULT result = deviceContext.Map( m_constantInputBuffer.Get(), 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mappedResource );
    if ( result < 0 ) throw std::exception( "GenerateFirstRefractedRaysComputeShader::setParameters - mapping constant buffer to CPU memory failed." );

    dataPtr = (ConstantBuffer*)mappedResource.pData;

    dataPtr->cameraPos          = cameraPos;
    dataPtr->viewportCenter     = viewportCenter;
    dataPtr->viewportUp         = viewportUp;
    dataPtr->viewportRight      = viewportRight;
    dataPtr->viewportSizeHalf   = viewportSize / 2.0f;
    dataPtr->outputTextureSize  = float2( (float)outputTextureWidth, (float)outputTextureHeight );

    // Padding.
    dataPtr->pad1 = 0.0f;
    dataPtr->pad2 = 0.0f;
    dataPtr->pad3 = 0.0f;
    dataPtr->pad4 = 0.0f;
    dataPtr->pad5 = float2( 0.0f, 0.0f );

    deviceContext.Unmap( m_constantInputBuffer.Get(), 0 );

    deviceContext.CSSetConstantBuffers( 0, 1, m_constantInputBuffer.GetAddressOf() );

    ID3D11SamplerState* samplerStates[] = { m_samplerStateLinearFilter.Get() };
    deviceContext.CSSetSamplers( 0, 1, samplerStates );
コード例 #4
void GenerateMipmapMinValueComputeShader::unsetParameters( ID3D11DeviceContext& deviceContext )
    if ( !m_compiled ) throw std::exception( "GenerateMipmapMinValueComputeShader::unsetParameters - Shader hasn't been compiled yet." );

    // Unset buffers and textures.
    ID3D11ShaderResourceView* nullResources[ 1 ] = { nullptr };
    deviceContext.CSSetShaderResources( 0, 1, nullResources );

    // Unset samplers.
    ID3D11SamplerState* nullSamplers[ 1 ] = { nullptr };
    deviceContext.CSSetSamplers( 0, 1, nullSamplers );
コード例 #5
void RaytracingSecondaryRaysComputeShader::unsetParameters( ID3D11DeviceContext& deviceContext )
    if ( !m_compiled ) throw std::exception( "RaytracingSecondaryRaysComputeShader::unsetParameters - Shader hasn't been compiled yet." );

    // Unset buffers and textures.
    ID3D11ShaderResourceView* nullResources[ 16 ] = { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr };
    deviceContext.CSSetShaderResources( 0, 16, nullResources );
    // Unset samplers.
    ID3D11SamplerState* nullSamplers[ 1 ] = { nullptr };
    deviceContext.CSSetSamplers( 0, 1, nullSamplers );
コード例 #6
void ShadingComputeShader::setParameters( ID3D11DeviceContext& deviceContext, const float3& cameraPos,
                                          const std::shared_ptr< Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, float4 > > positionTexture,
                                          const std::shared_ptr< Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, uchar4 > > albedoTexture, 
                                          const std::shared_ptr< Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, unsigned char > > metalnessTexture, 
                                          const std::shared_ptr< Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, unsigned char > > roughnessTexture, 
                                          const std::shared_ptr< Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, float4 > > normalTexture,
										  const std::shared_ptr< Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, unsigned char > > illuminationTexture,
									      const Light& light )
    if ( !m_compiled ) 
        throw std::exception( "ShadingComputeShader::setParameters - Shader hasn't been compiled yet." );

    { // Set input buffers and textures.
        const unsigned int resourceCount = 6;
        ID3D11ShaderResourceView* resources[ resourceCount ] = { 

        deviceContext.CSSetShaderResources( 0, resourceCount, resources );

    { // Set constant buffer.
        D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mappedResource;
        ConstantBuffer* dataPtr;

        HRESULT result = deviceContext.Map( m_constantInputBuffer.Get(), 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mappedResource );
        if ( result < 0 ) 
            throw std::exception( "ShadingComputeShader::setParameters - mapping constant buffer to CPU memory failed." );

        dataPtr = (ConstantBuffer*)mappedResource.pData;

        dataPtr->cameraPos         = cameraPos;
        dataPtr->pad1		       = 0.0f;
        dataPtr->lightPosition     = float4( light.getPosition(), 0.0f );
        dataPtr->lightColor        = float4( light.getColor(), 0.0f );
        dataPtr->outputTextureSize = float2( (float)positionTexture->getWidth(), (float)positionTexture->getHeight() ); // #TODO: Size should be taken from real output texture, not one of inputs (right now, we are assuming they have the same size).

        deviceContext.Unmap( m_constantInputBuffer.Get(), 0 );

        deviceContext.CSSetConstantBuffers( 0, 1, m_constantInputBuffer.GetAddressOf() );

    { // Set texture sampler.
        ID3D11SamplerState* samplers[] = { m_linearSamplerState.Get(), m_pointSamplerState.Get() };
        deviceContext.CSSetSamplers( 0, 2, samplers );
コード例 #7
void RasterizingShadowsComputeShader::unsetParameters( ID3D11DeviceContext& deviceContext )
    if ( !m_compiled ) 
        throw std::exception( "RasterizingShadowsComputeShader::unsetParameters - Shader hasn't been compiled yet." );

    // Unset buffers and textures.
    ID3D11ShaderResourceView* nullResources[ 3 ] = {};
    deviceContext.CSSetShaderResources( 0, 3, nullResources );

    // Unset samplers.
    ID3D11SamplerState* nullSamplers[ 2 ] = {};
    deviceContext.CSSetSamplers( 0, 2, nullSamplers );
コード例 #8
void GenerateRefractedRaysComputeShader::setParameters( ID3D11DeviceContext& deviceContext, const unsigned int refractionLevel,
                                                        const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, float4 >& rayDirectionTexture,
                                                        const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, float4 >& rayHitPositionTexture,
                                                        const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, float4 >& rayHitNormalTexture,
                                                        const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, unsigned char >& rayHitRoughnessTexture,
                                                        const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, unsigned char >& rayHitRefractiveIndexTexture,
                                                        const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, uchar4 >& contributionTermTexture,
                                                        const std::shared_ptr< Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, unsigned char > > prevRefractiveIndexTexture, // Only makes sense for refraction level >= 2.
                                                        const std::shared_ptr< const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, unsigned char > > currentRefractiveIndexTexture,
                                                        const int outputTextureWidth, const int outputTextureHeight )
    if ( !m_compiled ) throw std::exception( "GenerateRefractedRaysComputeShader::setParameters - Shader hasn't been compiled yet." );

    { // Set input buffers and textures.
        m_resourceCount = 8;
        std::vector< ID3D11ShaderResourceView* > resources;
        resources.reserve( m_resourceCount );

        resources.push_back( rayDirectionTexture.getShaderResourceView() );
        resources.push_back( rayHitPositionTexture.getShaderResourceView() );
        resources.push_back( rayHitNormalTexture.getShaderResourceView() );
        resources.push_back( rayHitRoughnessTexture.getShaderResourceView() );
        resources.push_back( rayHitRefractiveIndexTexture.getShaderResourceView() );
        resources.push_back( contributionTermTexture.getShaderResourceView() );

        resources.push_back( prevRefractiveIndexTexture ? prevRefractiveIndexTexture->getShaderResourceView() : nullptr );
        resources.push_back( currentRefractiveIndexTexture ? currentRefractiveIndexTexture->getShaderResourceView() : nullptr );

        deviceContext.CSSetShaderResources( 0, m_resourceCount, resources.data() );

    D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mappedResource;
    ConstantBuffer* dataPtr;

    HRESULT result = deviceContext.Map( m_constantInputBuffer.Get(), 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mappedResource );
    if ( result < 0 ) throw std::exception( "GenerateRefractedRaysComputeShader::setParameters - mapping constant buffer to CPU memory failed." );

    dataPtr = (ConstantBuffer*)mappedResource.pData;

    dataPtr->refractionLevel   = refractionLevel;
    dataPtr->outputTextureSize = float2( (float)outputTextureWidth, (float)outputTextureHeight );

    deviceContext.Unmap( m_constantInputBuffer.Get(), 0 );

    deviceContext.CSSetConstantBuffers( 0, 1, m_constantInputBuffer.GetAddressOf() );

    ID3D11SamplerState* samplerStates[] = { m_samplerStateLinearFilter.Get() };
    deviceContext.CSSetSamplers( 0, 1, samplerStates );
コード例 #9
void GenerateRefractedRaysComputeShader::unsetParameters( ID3D11DeviceContext& deviceContext )
    if ( !m_compiled ) throw std::exception( "GenerateRefractedRaysComputeShader::unsetParameters - Shader hasn't been compiled yet." );

    // Unset buffers and textures.
    std::vector< ID3D11ShaderResourceView* > nullResources;
    nullResources.resize( m_resourceCount );
    for ( int i = 0; i < m_resourceCount; ++i )
        nullResources[ i ] = nullptr;

    deviceContext.CSSetShaderResources( 0, (int)nullResources.size(), nullResources.data() );

    ID3D11SamplerState* nullSampler[ 1 ] = { nullptr };
    deviceContext.CSSetSamplers( 0, 1, nullSampler );
コード例 #10
void RaytracingSecondaryRaysComputeShader::setParameters( ID3D11DeviceContext& deviceContext,
                                                          const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::UnorderedAccess_ShaderResource, float4 >& rayOriginsTexture,
                                                          const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::UnorderedAccess_ShaderResource, float4 >& rayDirectionsTexture, 
                                                          const BlockMesh& mesh, 
                                                          const float43& worldMatrix, 
                                                          const float3 boundingBoxMin, 
                                                          const float3 boundingBoxMax,
                                                          const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, unsigned char >& alphaTexture,
                                                          const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, uchar4 >& emissiveTexture,
                                                          const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, uchar4 >& albedoTexture,
                                                          const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, uchar4 >& normalTexture,
                                                          const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, unsigned char >& metalnessTexture,
                                                          const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, unsigned char >& roughnessTexture,
                                                          const Texture2DSpecBind< TexBind::ShaderResource, unsigned char >& indexOfRefractionTexture,
                                                          const int outputTextureWidth, const int outputTextureHeight )
    if ( !m_compiled ) throw std::exception( "RaytracingSecondaryRaysComputeShader::setParameters - Shader hasn't been compiled yet." );

    { // Set input buffers and textures.
        const unsigned int resourceCount = 16;
        ID3D11ShaderResourceView* resources[ resourceCount ] = { 
            !mesh.getTexcoordBufferResources().empty() ? mesh.getTexcoordBufferResources().front() : nullptr,

        deviceContext.CSSetShaderResources( 0, resourceCount, resources );

    { // Set constant buffer.
        D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mappedResource;
        ConstantBuffer* dataPtr;

        HRESULT result = deviceContext.Map( m_constantInputBuffer.Get(), 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mappedResource );
        if ( result < 0 ) throw std::exception( "RaytracingSecondaryRaysComputeShader::setParameters - mapping constant buffer to CPU memory failed." );

        dataPtr = (ConstantBuffer*)mappedResource.pData;

        dataPtr->localToWorldMatrix = float44( worldMatrix ).getTranspose(); // Transpose from row-major to column-major to fit each column in one register.
        dataPtr->worldToLocalMatrix = float44( worldMatrix.getScaleOrientationTranslationInverse() ).getTranspose(); // Transpose from row-major to column-major to fit each column in one register.
        dataPtr->boundingBoxMin     = boundingBoxMin;
        dataPtr->boundingBoxMax     = boundingBoxMax;
        dataPtr->outputTextureSize  = float2( (float)outputTextureWidth, (float)outputTextureHeight );

        // Padding.
        dataPtr->pad1 = 0.0f;
        dataPtr->pad2 = 0.0f;

        deviceContext.Unmap( m_constantInputBuffer.Get(), 0 );

        deviceContext.CSSetConstantBuffers( 0, 1, m_constantInputBuffer.GetAddressOf() );

    { // Set texture sampler.
        deviceContext.CSSetSamplers( 0, 1, m_samplerState.GetAddressOf() );