コード例 #1
void CSmokeTrailPainter::Paint (CG16bitImage &Dest, int x, int y, SViewportPaintCtx &Ctx)

//	Paint
//	Paint

	int iParticleLifetime = m_pCreator->GetParticleLifetimeMax();

	//	Particles move the opposite direction from the shot

	int iTrailDirection = (Ctx.iRotation + m_pCreator->GetRotation()) % 360;

	//	If we haven't created any particles yet, do it now

	if (m_iLastDirection == -1)
		CreateNewParticles(m_pCreator->GetNewParticleCount(), iTrailDirection);

	//	Paint with the painter

	if (m_pParticlePainter)
		//	If we can get a paint descriptor, use that because it is faster

		SParticlePaintDesc Desc;
		if (m_pParticlePainter->GetParticlePaintDesc(&Desc))
			Desc.iMaxLifetime = iParticleLifetime;
			m_Particles.Paint(Dest, x, y, Ctx, Desc);

		//	Otherwise, we use the painter for each particle

			m_Particles.Paint(Dest, x, y, Ctx, m_pParticlePainter);

	//	Update

	m_iLastDirection = iTrailDirection;
コード例 #2
ファイル: SFXParticleJet.cpp プロジェクト: bmer/Mammoth
void CParticleJetEffectPainter::Paint (CG32bitImage &Dest, int x, int y, SViewportPaintCtx &Ctx)

//	Paint
//	Paint the effect

	int iParticleLifetime = m_ParticleLifetime.GetMaxValue();

	//	Particles move the opposite direction from the shot

	int iTrailDirection = Ctx.iRotation;

	//	If we're using the object center then we paint at the object center.
	//	Otherwise we paint at the given position.

	int xPaint;
	int yPaint;
	if (m_bUseObjectCenter)
		if (Ctx.pObj)
			Ctx.XForm.Transform(Ctx.pObj->GetPos(), &xPaint, &yPaint);
			//	If we don't have an object then we use the viewport center. This
			//	handles the case where we paint in TransData (where there is
			//	no object).

			xPaint = Ctx.xCenter;
			yPaint = Ctx.yCenter;
		xPaint = x;
		yPaint = y;

	//	If we haven't created any particles yet, do it now

	if (m_iCurDirection == -1
			&& !Ctx.bFade)
		m_iLastDirection = iTrailDirection;
		m_iCurDirection = iTrailDirection;

		//	Figure out the position where we create particles

		CVector vPos;

		//	If we're using the object center then it means that x,y is where
		//	we emit particles from. We need to convert from screen coordinates
		//	to object-relative coordinates.

		if (m_bUseObjectCenter)
			vPos = CVector((x - xPaint) * g_KlicksPerPixel, (yPaint - y) * g_KlicksPerPixel);

		//	Initialize last emit position

		m_vLastEmitPos = (m_bUseObjectMotion && Ctx.pObj ? Ctx.pObj->GetPos() + vPos : vPos);

		//	Create particles

		CreateNewParticles(Ctx.pObj, m_EmitRate.Roll(), vPos, CalcInitialVel(Ctx.pObj));

	//	Paint with the painter

	if (m_pParticlePainter)
		//	If we can get a paint descriptor, use that because it is faster

		SParticlePaintDesc Desc;
		if (m_pParticlePainter->GetParticlePaintDesc(&Desc))
			Desc.iMaxLifetime = iParticleLifetime;
			m_Particles.Paint(Dest, xPaint, yPaint, Ctx, Desc);

		//	Otherwise, we use the painter for each particle

			m_Particles.Paint(Dest, xPaint, yPaint, Ctx, m_pParticlePainter);

	//	Update

	m_iCurDirection = iTrailDirection;